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THIS INDEKTUJtE, Made thi... ...___.._. '~4... ._...._._ ....-..-_day of-.....--.... lebruar,-...............__...._.u ._..... ..... .._^-. 1>, 1926..... BIiTWEEN
.__.....___:...~__..I~IJMLR~ .~~T(m.~ ..-.~!I....~~.~l~ .,.~.~g~~. . t:l.la. ~U~. ........ u' . _......_......................._.._._._......____ _....
", tile County ol..__..3t......J.uQie..._.... .....__.__........_and State 01_. ...._._._..I10r148 ......__...._...... ..____. ..._......_.pard...88. of the fillt part. aud
.._........._._.....__ JJ.M.~Bli . T..... ...JNG.$.~. _9t:. ..Va ;-f.9s. ..~_1,9.r.~.cl.~..._...._...._...._......_..__.._...___._...___.._.........._..._.......... ....__..... ..._..._..._...__.__..
,.1 tile County ol.._:'_.S.:t....wo 18......_.___..,-_.a:1d SIS!t' oL_._.___..Jll.or1.4.a..._.__...._-:._......_._.._.put .:to..... 61 the srcond parI.
W1T"'''SSI-:Tll. IllS! the S.lid r..rl .141801 Ihe 6101 p;art. lor ~nd in consideralion 01 the ~unl 01........___.__....-:-......_.._...... ...... ___..___._._...._......_._._
_..~.!.~,.~...~~.cl.r~~ -....---......_.___.___. l?ollars, to. t.l~QIILin haaJ paid. the '('(tipt whereof i< btleby adno..-It.lt:td.
h,_yellr:allted. b:!.rgaintd. sold and lr:ansft'ucd, an.! by thtsc preSt'nts do.._. __Ilranl. bargain. srll aud lIanslu unlO the ui.t part ...7-..- 01 t!lt s~cund
l'alt a:1d..._....hl...__hcirs and assigns lorner. all that ccrlaio par<<1 of Ianollyine and btillg in the Counly ol.._._.3.\..._.tuo.l.tL._....._._.__........_
and State oL_..._......._._ -......---.---..___.._more puticularly ducribel! as lollow.:--_...._........_ _..__. _. ..._...___.... ._......._.... __._.. ..._............ ......
,.All of . the. Horth half of.L.oLOna (ll..Seotion :11. . Tomshlp 32..S. a. 39 l$aat. ....___.
(exo~pt. tbe .80utb 14 aOl'ell.prOY10uel.Y. QQJfYt,ye"- . '\).1 .lllbWll,,~,,'htol1er .$nd . w1 ra .to ? ~ J ~
Blantoll.. b,y .deed re.oorded .on..page. ..41& .of Dead. Book 43. h l3t.. __ :Lucio ..~o\.U1t.1reoorde). ...__ . _... .....___..
.... .__.!oaet.her w1 tl1rlpar Ian __right a..__...__._.__..___....___.... ___._. __.__ _....__.._.. '.'" .._..____________.___.._.._..___..__...._._..
. -. .-.-.-.-...._~_.__.__._.___._-_..__.u.n.__.n._....__.__....---.__..________. __..____..__.no_..._.__.______... ___ _.._.___. ___"___.. .. _____ _. ._... .... . _.._.____n__._.__...._...__..
-........-_....-0-_.,- ____ -_.._.._.._ "'_""0 ._. .. . "'.h".._.._.._._ ._.__..._.... __.n_.__.______.._____... _~__u__.._____..__ __'_._O"______n... .___._......,. .._...... .__ __...____._._____.___.... '_"""_"
- h --__..__.__.. ____..._. _._n.on.___.._. "._" . .._._._u_..... .-..,-- --..-. .....-._______._......___.._..._.__.._..._.___..__._._.._......._.._...____-..... .... _ ._ _.__......_...___h...._.
. ....... .-..'-.'.. n._...____ .--. _..._..._...._... _..__.._....._...__._..u._n___._.__.___.___..__......_..____. .._.n ...
.. ......-.-.. -......._--~._-- --.-.-.-.-----___._..____....._.._._.._._n.._..........._...._. ..
.-.. -.------..--.------...__._._._._ ._..._.._.._ ...__n......._.._... _.h.._.....__...__n.........____
.-- . .--...-- --.-..-. .-.--.-.... ....~...-. .....-..-...-.--.....-...-...------ ..-___.___~_____.._h._..__...__..___._._....___. _'__.'.__.__u _..._...._. ...__"
_.._......--_... .....-...---._-.. .---...-.. "'-...-,-..-.,-,. ____..n._h.._____.__ ._____..._.___.. _..__.n_.__.__u.__._........ ... ..._......__... _.._.....__ h. _._........ . ....._._......._.._....____.__
------.---.....---.-......----.-....--.-..-------.---.--.-----. .-.--....--.--. --....-----.-- -....--..- .'-..--... -.-....--------. -_.-
_._.........n...._..______._.._.._.._....._.._..__..._..._.__.__...__..._._.____.____._._____.__._. ............. u.._.~._ __..__ ...... .. ._.....___........ . ...._....~ ~.. ..... _...___...__.....___..___.._.
TOGETHER ..-ilh all Ibt tenemrcls. hrrt'.lil:lmtnts an.! appUrltnautes. ..ith enr)' prh.-ilrl:t, righl. tillt'. tn!rreSl :and ulale, do.-" and righl 01 do"".
't',.trsion, Itm~ind" and canDlelit thertlo bclont::;llg or .n any..isr apl'Cnainiog: TO Il.-\VE ,-\XU TO 1I0i.U thr samt' .n ler simplc lort\'er.
And the said parL1.e.a 01 the 6rsI part do __ """n,"t ..ilh tbe said parL.Y-.._ of the secon.] p:>rl Ib:aI.._:theY...81'Q._ ..hw(uli)" stired ollhr
,:!.id prrmi<u. that thty are (rro: from ~:\ inculnl,rancu aud IhaLth~_.haUod rigllt and la,,(ul :aulborily to sdl Ihr Unit'; and lht' said put lea "I
lilt' lir~~ pari do__ herd.y lully .anaot Iht lidc to said lane.!, ane.! will ddtnd Illr samc ~g.inst Ihe la",lul c1:!.ims 01 all pcrv.ons ",hom.ocnr.
!:, WIT~ESS WHEREOF. tbe uul pan ..1.IUIoI Ihr 6,,1 part ha.._Y8. htrtunlo srt_tha.1r_I.and..8 and StOll B Ihe .lay and year abon ,ui:r<n.
Sio:nrd. suled and ddinred in our prescncr: .
...... ~;~:; ~a=o~_~ -.: :_=~~~~'=~..:.':~:.~ =:~~~~~~...~::'~.=:J
. .:--~.~-::.~..~--.~=--=~~~=~~~~~=~~:.~.:==~==~~=~__m~~~~_~==)
___n_.______._.leb.amR. 'lttoher__'h""'_'''_ _ISE.\L)
___.....l~EJ~!.~_i'l et..()l:1 e.l!'____.___.. ___.__ ._.(SEAI.)
ST .._ImU.L-
--- }
I HEREBY CERTIF'y. That C>D IhiL.-___4!tb____day 01. __bJ!rn~.r.Y.___:_----. A.. D. J9z..~~ bdorr mt'
,>c:rsonall,. appeared .l.t!~~!.~letoh~!'_tU..!L.,z._lU'_l. ..!.l~.t.O'Aa_.__~...__._..._...____.. ".__ ..___._____...
to me known to be thr persoo....!.. desuibcd in and who cxt'culed Ihe loregoing con~elancc lU_._._w..~!~~.I'._~_~_~~~_!!___._...____._._____.
and ~nrally acknowledged Ihe ueculioD Ihcreollo be._.~.h!!t!.'_hlrte act
and det'd lor thr uses and purpo.es Ihuein mentioned; and the said
.J.e.a81&.~~d.oh.er___________ ____.__._______.
lhe wile III Ihe 52id Iaham R. Iletoher on a scparale and prirale f.uminalion
taken and made by and belore mt', and scpar:aI~Jy and apart Irom hu wd husband, did acknow!t'dgr Ihal sht' nude h~rsclf a party 10 tht said Dtt'd of
Con.eyance. for tht' purl'OSC 01 rrnounciog. reJinquishinll and con.eying all Iou right. title :anol inlrrut, whtthC'r 01 down or 01 scpsr:att propul)'. 51alulory
. "r equilaJ.le. in and to the land, thutin dr.cribed. and Ih21 she eucultd said dted Ircdy and .0JunuIIly ..r.d wilhOllt any ronslrainl. ft'n. apprehtns'.on
(,r compulsion "lor from htr said husband. .
in the Couaty 01_.-St.-1ucia.-______..
and Stalt' oL_J.
...__tbt' day and yur last aloruaid.
B 0 taR PubTIe.8!tUe.c-8f-J'l'O'r14a..---....--..--------- ___(SF..-\L)
n Bija~yjfDrri:'ii:~f:~Mtri;...i9~Ad8 at Large
On thiL._..1.6.______ __day oL_.'ab.. __.__
^- D. J9L..6.. al_.....o.doclr_-.m.. lhis instrumC'lIt ..as
6kd for record. :a.nd beiog claly ;aclrn(\w!tdgcd and proycn. I lone recorded the .ame on pagc-.?Q!.__ol Boo~_in the public rrcord. of !laid
County. . _ .
lor ...id Counly.
YC Iotnunlo set maand and ;ffixcd the StOll 01 thf Circl'!t ("oarl of the Fihet'nth Judicial Circuit 01 said Slate. in and
P. C. E14red .--_.__C1c'k.
C~~ ~
.D. C.
','-" ;-,,?1l',..<....~.~'1'i\':.,..~l.,i.;..:f. .;.:.,..~;,p ~~~..-
~~~~ :1~5~~~:4~~i~f!tf ~!l~~~1~~~~:~~~-:%S:
. ~ .. a.t.i" ..-..~,...;:"'~~;;;J~"I....--..-~5~~~f~1
".' h" .' ..~!. ~..:.~::;r~~~.,.~~~~.~{~~;:~-..-;..i