HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0815 [,. r. 215 - . ~ .,-~:r,:.""""""""",-_~ ", \_- ..._~.a..,. .__~ ~ ~ &~ - - _.e..... I[ "&'Hrii mOimTl'R8, Ua... tit;.. ...... ..-...-.9th.-.....-.._......_-da' of--.. ..........."bJ'lltir-y..... ,.... ...... --........-..... .-.-^- D. 192...5.. BKTWElc:N --..-...-..Uora oe ..Be1 i1oL1 a,. .uiLlr~~...~.~nOldB...h1 a.wtfl.._ ......__.._.........__....._ ..-........____._...._.~__._..___..__........ of'the Count,. oL_..____3t.....Luol......__...... _.___.and State ..r_..__....______.Ilorl ~@........ ... _'_~' _... .__._p&lt..Ult of tbe Ilraa' pan. and ........_............._..._Dup.ulB~Bl.a 1a...QQ ....B...RhQde.._lolan d...9.9T>>v.i'. Qtt~~.._...;._._ .________.__...___._.._......_...._......._.__.......___.._......_ ~ 'he County ol..._.__Pr.QYldeno.e........_.__..__and Stale of.__.....__..l\b.Q4.'._.I.~.lQg.4.___________t>art..1ea of the .<<enti part, W1TN ESSETt!, that the said (>arl.1e~ of the fint p;ut. fo>r'and in consideralion of th.. SURl 01.._.._____..._... _....... ..._......___._............._.__. __.~.n .&. no/lOQ_.and. ..QthQr._y.alUQ..bl!!...~PJ~1!l.~.!:~t1JmIl;1rs. to.tbt!!L..in band t...id. the r..ceipt whereof is btreby 3tknowledged, ba..V8._ granted. b:argaincd, sold and transferred, alld by 'hue prelents do._. _gUlIt, bargain. scll anJ transfer unto the sai.) put i-JUt of the second part :lnd.....the 1r.._.htir. and auigns forner, :all th3.t ccruill parcel of land lying and beiDg ill tlte Counly of~~.!... ~'!~~.!~.___........__.._... alld State of----.:..__....'lo.r1.d.a___more patlicubrly c!ueribel! as follow.:..-...-_.___.._ .._....__.. .__........._. ._... ..._...._.. .._.........____..... ... ..aeginn1 08 8 t. the SQu1:h":':1re.BtQorne:r. of...1iM. 9f.. ~.1ri _C)'...~t! ~.?~...~_o.~fl~~p...3~.. ~?~.~ ..~.ll~~_. .39. Rast..theoae .16 East .466 fe8t....tb8no8.Horth. Z30. feet;. thence West 465 :fut ;..thena.e._ South 300 feet to po1ntof.. b861 DDiD8. ......_...... .... ....... .....n ..... ..... n. ................._... .... n... ..n......._.. n""_' .... . ...-. ...... .-....-..... .. .....n........ . ...... n',,,,'''_ $1.00.. doc. .. stamp .080. .......__....... .. ..... ...................... 'n_'" .... _.._........... ....._... ........._........... r: . -..----.------ --_. - _...____o_.._.____.__n.. ._.__."n.__._ "..__.. _..__._._... _no ________________.. __. .___.___.__________ _____....____._......__...________. __ ___ __._n_.__.h__._._...__..._____._n._____ TOGETHER ..ilh all the tenements, hueditamtnU and appurl.nancu. ..ilh c~.ry pri~iJc!;., righl. till.. inttreSI and eslate. do.....r and right of do..tr, rn.rsion, rcm:>inder and ea..n,wtlhertto bel~nglllg or in anywist appertaining: TO HAVE AXil TU 1101.1> the same in fee simpl.. hre,'u.. r And the said parli.~ of the 6rsl part 0.10..._ connant wilh tll.. said p11l.ie.B of Ihe s..cor..lputlhaLth.y._.._..................bwflllly seiud of th.. said prCmikS. Ihatthey arc rr..c from all ;IlCUmhf1DCU uII that.thel....hay.tood right and lawful autborit,. to sell the S3m"e; and Ibe said parl1.!iUJ. of .he Ii"t pan 010__ htreby fully \Tarr..nt tbc title to> ~id talld, OInd will dciel1d the same again'l tht la"ful claims of all peuons whomson-tr. IX WITXESS \\'HEREOF, tbe ~iti part.iea of Ihe fi,st ran ha.V8... ".reunla set_...tleir..hand_ :and sui _ the day and )"..ar aoo_e wrille" Sik~ed, scaled and deliY~red in our pruen,..: I Ceo..H. Hubel't- ...--....... .. -........ -. .... David j,J..~ h.__._. .._._:_____.... _.._.... ......... ... .._.__. __.h. .__ _ -- . - .-- - --- ---- ---... - ---- ---- --- -._----------- __Bor.a nlL. R81IlOlds ..._. "__h""_'''__'''_ ($ EAL) _IrIDBa~eynQUQ__'__"h'''''___ _..(SEAL) STATE OF COUNTY OF_._~J!J!_E:U01e r10rida l J I HEREBY CERTIFY, That Oll 'his__-9tb._____day or....~_j'.l;JUal'y-.. .-^- D. 19Z..1i.~ before me / rer"",all, appeared-..~-1leyDO-l418--9nd-1-Un'...4y.DOld8T- hla...i fo-.---....-...-- .......- -.__....._..._....... to me known to be the person. 8_ d..scribed in and wbo executed Ibe foregoing con....).ance to._..._.1>up1l1.8..J~l..18....Q.QJIIP-.~_7'._.__......_. " ...; ......_.____.......:.__...____._._--.:....._____llIld .",.rally acknowledged the uccntion thercof 10 be..he.._.th.elnree act and decd for the asu alld purpose. thertin mtntiolled; and thc said___.IrilJlIL.RqnoldB tbe wift of Ihe uid_..___.__H9.rjl_o.t....R~lnold8 .___._____.Oll a separate and privale examillalion takcn and made by .1Id before me, and separatdy alld apan from her said hnsband. did ackno..l..dge Ihat she made h....1f a part,. to the said Deed of Con....)-ane~. for Ihe purpose ()f renouncinll. ,.Iinquishinx anll cunyeyillg all her ri!'l:ht. litl. and inlerest. whether of dOK.r or of separate :>roperty, Slallllory ()r equitabJ... in and 10 th.. bDds therein d.-scribed. aDd Ihat she execuled said detd heel)' and ..olunlaril)' and ..ilhoul allY eonslrainl. fear, apprehtnsion (,r compulsion of or from her said h....hand. and State 01.. ___ ...nO t..._...I.1o._1>>18 rOo.. in the Coullty of_~t........LuC i e da, and ,.ear loon afere..,,!. n l! STATE OF FLORIDA } COUNTY OF ST. LUCIE Uy OODlDio81oo Dav1d Ple1 ' I~ ~~!'!~~~.~~..~!..=~!' .~~~rt~8:.----.-:-(SE.\L) expires Uarch 12th.. 192'1 . . On Ihl..__.l'1__...__.__..._.__day ol..______ljt.b_______.._____^_ D. 19L!?..~ at__o'docl'__m.,lhis instrument..as filed for r..cord. and being duly aclmo..le4ged and proyea. I baYe ncorded the JIL OD page_.215__of ~1c_-60_ _in the public records of said l"ounty_ f: - . - I~ WITNESS WHEREOF. ~e ~nto <<I m, band alt.) a!lixed thJ..4lal of ttoe Circu;t Coart or Ibc Fiftc:enlh Judicial Circuit of said Sial'" ill and tor said Counl,. "' ~ . "e .0 (J <<; tK B3 p. Co. Kldrea ~LA ._auk. ~ _.___ ...____0. c. . - . " ,:'~<,':;~~~i_