HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0820 22U I'-.-..........~ -_.1f~1l..." -" ..-..'l-....-"l'~~~_ _ __ : I. i ......... . -.-...-...... ::" ~~~ - !..~~~ l<\t.'\..{M': ~!'It:ij~l\'. ...~_!.~!~~.n~U$,l~ :~=--=...:;= : :.:.=== , 'tHIS INDENTURE, Made t"~_..._.___ .~~li..._.._........_____..._d.y of....____ .. IBbrtl8. rl'..__.... .-...........-_....___A. D. 19l.6..... &F.TWEl-:N ____.____...._~.Jl.~Q.~.Jl... .H~l>.~_r.~_..~~ _.2.~r.~.l..~_..~~lI~~.~!'.~....~.~~..._w..!r!l....____.... _ .._u ......__.......___._.._.....~...... ____ of the COUlIt,. 0'-_.__.5 t....Luo 18......._._._...... ........nd State of-.-...-...-.--..._........:...'lor.1.dB....._.___.__._.._.._puLn _ of the finl part, and __.___.... ~.~p.~!.~_-l'-~.~!_8 ...C.~.~ t.... ~...~I;~~_~_l!!~~-9-~~:r.~~.!.onL...._..__._._._____ .__.._...._......__._..__. .....____.._ '__'_'_ of the CounlJ of_.~!,~vi~.e.n()~......_.._.._.__and Sl1le Of__.!!~~~.~...J"~'!'~~_'_______PUI~.~~_ of the second pm, WITNESSETH, tbat the said pall$,~.B... of the fi"t part, for alld in consideration ollhe sqnt 01.._.._._____..._.__...._.._...._......._.._..._._.__ --%~P...1LQQllO'O'...~m.._QlAQr._!.1l1\M!9.l!L.Q.9J!.f!.~.~~.r.a~.M.llm,to__.thelDill hand paid, the re(eipt whmof is hereh, :ockno\\lt.h;ed, l.a.-va Knnted, bargained, sold and uanslened, and b, lhese presents do_ _gran I, bargai:>, RII and trallsfer unto the "hi part _l_e~ of the second !':ur alld..._ ~b..'J;r.__hcirs alld ;luigils lorever, all that certaill l'3rcel of land I)'ing and being in the County of~~..~_ ~~ol!!..___..___ alI-. State of__._ _.,.~~~ i.~~ ....--____ _more partic\llul, described as follow.:_Q.IHllmtn!;llng _a t_to~..lI.Qr~~. Jl~~t... Cl.Q.1.'~_._. ner of. Land Lot ~J ve (61,..1.~~ ..~~<!~~~!l:_.~.l.!._~_?~~_~~.P__~_!t..~_~~..~.._.~~_~~~. ..~~~~.~~: ...!~~~_!...r.-.~~-::..__.. ning BQst..13?Ofa at; . thaJl~~ ~ou tho .?49...f9~ti...t.hen~~.F.~~~._.1.:3..~9._f.~et.:. ..~l1~!lo.~._li.lJ.!.~~~...~~!.~~,~. . containing 7.3 aoras. more or.. lea.a. -..........._____...._ ........_.._..._...._......._._.._...._............_....__.. 'm"_ ... _m......... . ....._.. ... .........._.. . ' .. ..... ........... .. ............-....... .. .... ...... -. m____......_ $2 .00 dOD ....s.t.amp...oan.. ..____.._.. .___...._......_...__.. "_"'m'_ ..___.__.........m......-:_.. . ................. J . _.... "...-.-.-,...-._'.--_..- .-..-.-....._.. .-.-'.- ...---..---.........-..................-..--...---.-...--...-. -------..----...------------ ..---. ..- --.-..-..-------.-. .. -.- _._- '.-..-.-..-. .-. ._..____.....u...._.___...__.____h__..... ._un.. .......-..-...---.---. .-.-----.--..-...-.-_____ __.~_.. ____.______________ _____.___.___.... ._. ____ ..h_...._..._ _'_U_"._Oh_. .-.-- ..-.---u.-.-.--.-.__.__.________.____._._____.___._h__-------_.--- .------.--- "--..--. --_. .-.-.- --. ..-..-.....-. ...-..--.- ...- - - . '.--.--. -..---. -.-.-.-.----..-.-.--..---....----..--..-- .-...----.--------.--..- '-'-."-.--. -.------.--. .-.-.----- .._._.___._.. 'h"___'."'. -------..---------.-------.....---...--..--..-.-------..-.-.-.-.n---.________._.__.h.______.__.____.___..____._.______._____ __ ._._______..___.._____.. .-.----..---_______.____._ '__""'_"__''''''__hn.. .___._______ -------..---..---.--.--.--.-.--.--.-.----------.- .. ....--- .....--.-....-.-..----.---.-.-.-------.----------.--.-----'--..- ..-----.--.--..-.-----.--....--..-.-.-.-..-..---------..-- -.-.--..-----..----_-_____._...____..____hU.h__________________..__.___________.______~----__ ..________.___._..__.. _....__ .________._______ _____ --..---.---.------.---.--...-------- ---.----.--------- .--.-..--.-.------- ----.-.-----..------------ .-.---.-----.----- -..---------.-.---..-...-....._..__._.._ h__._...._d _._._.._._._ __...____ ___'__'__ .____.._ TOGETHER with al\ tbe ttnen:en:5. hereditamtnts and appurtenancu,..-ilh evtry privilegt. righl. hlle, interest and ulate. dowtr and ri!;ht of dowtr. renrsioD, rem:linder and C:lsemtnt thercto bdong"'>: or in allY wise apperlalllin;;: TO HAVE A:<;O TO HU).U the same in lee simp" forner. .-\lId tbc said put.1al3. of the first part do.__ conn:lnl with the ~aid P"L!.~S. of the: second !'art thaL_~_I:!~l___._lawfull)' s.izcJ 01 the .aid premises, that Ihe}- are frce Irom all incumbralleC5 and that.._ th.eYl~al~ right anJ I~...IIII authority to sell Ihe ...me; and Ihe said part ies 01 ) the firsl part do_ herel,)' iully wananl the title to said laDd. aad will dci.nuthe ...nt. against lhe lawlul c1aina of all persons whomsoever. IN WITNESS WIII~REOF. the said part~.Q..~... of Ihe fir>1 pan ha_y.e... hereunto SCL-t.l!~.~_~._.haDda. and seaS. the day aDd year abon wriUcn Signed, sealed and de!inred ill our presence: .JQ~. pR.. aU~EI:r.t.__ __.___...._ _______.._______ aa~~l.G~S.w~r~.~..~'t;..______.___....__....__ _____Geo .!_.H.!_Ji~1:I~..1.'t.____.._m_.._ .._(SEAL) ___ . Qa~_ri e R. Hu~art __...__ __(SEAL) - --...--.-------.-.----..-.---.---- ----_.._-....--_._.~-----_.__.------------ STATE OF._.~lor1da St. Lucie COUNTY OF_ } I HEREBY CERTIFY. That on thu_Jto,..--':':"___day ol.._.l~.!lru~r.Y.. I'trSonallyappeareL Ge.(LH. Htl~~!J;~~ (;arr~ it.!_Ji..~!>>.~!!_h~.~_wlfe _ -A. o. 19L before me to me: kno..n to be the persoll_1L deso:ribed i., and who executed the foregoillg conveyance to .__..lrn..PY.t ~~.J}_lJ:!!.~_~.Q...~_~...BhO~~_!.13.!.~~__~ orp 'n. , __alld senrally ackno'O'ldged the execution Iher.,>f to be_t.hel.r._.frce act and deed for the uses and p'''poses therein meDtiono:d; and the said.. C.a;r.d.f....ll.LID1~_t!'~ the ..ife of Ihe u;d__~eO. !l_.!.-..Hubert . on a separate alld printe examinalion taken and made: b,. anol bdore me. alld scparaaly and apart from her said hnsbaad, did ack'lOwledge that she made hersclf a party to the said Deed of Conveyance, lor Ih. purpose of renouncillg. relinquishin!l an,1 conve,iDg all h.r right, litle aDo! interest, whether 01 dower or 01 separate propert,., statutory or equ:table, in and to tbe lands ther.in ducribed. and lbat she eJ<ecnled said deed Ireel)" and voluntariJ, and without allY conslrainl. fear, apprehen!iOll or compulsion 01 or from her uid husband. . WlT~ESS m, signature: and official seal al__~2. in the County of. St. Lucie &nd Slate of____.j'.!.~ __--'__ .__lh. clay and ,ear lut aforl:laid. H8~eLG. S~8rtw~t Ilo_tan Publi~'--S~6orref-- 1.g-F.l-da-1--La!f!' ._...._...._(SEAL) nnC _._C.. K7_~omm1Ua 6n exp eG. .~.ruerl. 8....7 ;, STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF ST. LUCI Oll thiL...-l'l___..__._..__daJ <>f_Z-ebruar.ra --^- 0.192...5-. at-_o.dock.-:--lD..this iostrument..as fi~d ior r<<ord. i"ld b~illg duly acknowl.dgcd alld p:oyen, I han record&the p. me: 011 page-22<L-.._ol Boot..60_ill the public records of said lounly. "C ,. . IS WIlNESS WHEREOF, I bue hereqnto Kt my halld and affi~the suI of the: Circuil Court of the Fiftunth Jndicial Circllil of said State, ill alld lor !:aid Coullly.. y" 'p "d ct.Ct.Sea ) 0 1 I I r; ~ P. C.Eldred ~.L.4 -__CIerlr. '~~__D. C. . ~ ' . :;"~:::m~.~