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THIS INJ)F-"TUKE, Ua~ this.....n... .__ .. ._6tb.....,.. ...........CSa,. of--....-.... Februar7.....
..._A. D. 19l..5.~ BKTW!':~N
_._. __..__....__.\1.. . a.._Loud6rmlll.._...W1lDar.rled.__..__._..___.. __......... .................. ........._._..___.. _..... .._........................___..__......____._..._..._.. '''_'''''''_''
of the: COlllll)' of..-----:-__.__r.Qlt.__...... ......-................nd State of_...... f),.Qr~4.. _..._.' .._...._........__..._.__........_.........pau_-Z- of tbe first parI, alld
J. W. Anderson
of the County of .___.._~ ~ .....J.~.~.tEL...._._. .__..........__.and St~l~ 01-_........_.,...., !~!:.~.~__.._.._...._.._...._..__..._parl .. y._ of the SecOlltl put.
WIT~ SSSf.TII,II'at Ihe uid parl_ Y_ Ollhc f"n l'3rt, lor anJ ill con.ideralion of th~ sum <>L..._______. .___.._._... ...__......._......._._..___.......... ....._. _____
.__..'!.~~.~....!1~~.!..~.~J_~.~_<?2.~..<?2L___.._.._____.....:.._._..._.__1>ollau, 10h1m_.._in hand p:.id. Ihe h'ceipl .-hereof is lICIt}.)' ~d:ro"l.d!:.,I.
ha-A._ granted, bargained, sot.: and transferrtd. nod b)' thcse prtienlS d0-88~.l:ranl, ~rga'n, sell and trallsfu unto Ihe hid p~r!I~:: _ (,f tile s~col!d
I>art and.._ hia __heirs anJ &!.Signs forner, all that cutaiu ,~rctl of land I)'ing and bting ;n the COl!nlY ol_____St.LuQle.________
.n.) State: of_....._-.JJ.orl da_.________lUore 1'3rticularl, d~scribed as fo\lo..=-=-..tll~.J{ 0 .r1i.b holt .O.t.. t;A.9..JiEt.. of... the.._....
S. w. . i. qf ~eot1..o~ 32. .~()w.l1~b~p. Ms. . R8ng~... ~9... E..T.811ab~s8e.f:l J~~e.r.ld ~.~I.b~1118_2().. !l.O.!~.~.._.._..
more or 1SS8. ~.--.. ...
u...... .
TOGETHER .ilh all Ihe Icn~ntents. hc:re.lilam.ulS 3::01 al'purt.nan<<s. wilh t.-ery Ilri~ilt;;t. righi, titl.. inl<nSl and e\lal~, do".tr and rij(hl 01 do..-.,.
rt<~nioll, reOlaindtr and eascllltllt Iherelo bdon..:,,,!: or III any"ist app."aillin;:: TO '1.-\\' E AXil TO IIUJ.D lb. 5:lme in ft. simple fort.-er.
And Ih.. s.aid part~_ ollh.. fiul part do_G.3._ connanl "ilh Ihe: said parL..Y _... of the second putlh3tfle.. 15.....__.. .._....13"rull, sc:-ind or t....
.ai.1 pre'mises, Ihat tilt). are: rite from ,,1\ incumbrallces and that.he. n.a!;l':".good rigbt and lawful aUlhoril)' 10 sell I"e sam.; and Iht uid ('arr Y ... 01
tI;~ first part dO_..88_ hue!;y fully warrant Ihe lill. 10 said lanll, au.1 ,,:II dei.ud tb~ sam.. _,;:ainsr the b..ful claims <>1 alll>crsons ",hontSOt.-er.
I~ \\Tr:\ESS \VtlEREOF, Ihe said p,.,t"___._ 01 lite: firsl ..art ha.~ _.... lIertllnlO set.. h.1..~.__.band._ and snl._ Ihe day and ynr abo~.. ,,,illtn.
...... ~i:~~,. se~~de::~~;e.re~..~ :~: prcsen~~;___... _.. ___....... .......l
...H$~_.~;;~'C:-'~~-::: __:m:_~: __~=]
"'.o_ \i..R.. Loudermilk
---..-----______..._..__.._......... . . ..____~_(SEAL)
STATE OF_.l.lonJla.
.. }
1 HEREBY CERTIF...., Tba~ llll Ihis_.~th.____...__da)' or_~.O~J'~~n;:y .....______.____.._.A. 1>. 19Z_{>., belore me
~nODall, appeare4
ll..... H.....Lowlerm.UlLJunmarI:1.fSdj.._______,--_..____... ______............_ _.. __...._...___.. __...._.._ .
to 10" known to be tbe pcrson__ ducribed ill and ..ho executcd Ihe foregoing con~')'ance 1O..____..nJ.~ ...~~._.A~~.!l..r.l;JQ.~.___.________.._..
I' -
_..____________.and sn.ra1\y acknowl~dge:d lh. e:.<tcution Ihtrec! to b~__ ~__....free acl
and deed for tbe uStS alld pnrpo.u tltertin mention~d; and lbt said..____
Ihe wife of the said . .on a separate and prinle "xaminalion
Iak~lI and madt b,. and before rr.e, and stp.ualll, and apart from IItr said husband. did acknowledge Ih31 she made htrsdr a pari, 10 th~ sai.) Dced of
Conn,,,nce, for the purpos~ of rtnouncing. relinQui.hinlo! and con.-e)'illg "II 11< r ri!Chl. litl.. alld inter..sl. ...ll<lhcr or dower or of s~paralt properly, sralutor)'
or equitable. in and h> Ihe: bnds th~rein described, and Ihal sb~ txrculcd said drtd Ir.t1y and volunlarll,. and w.lhoul an, conslraint, lur, apprehcnsion
Cor coml'ulsion of 0 htr uid b.uband.
'S m, signat t and official seal at____ Plerce...._._____.._in Ihe County 01 Polk
and Statt
No~r~o~n~t~!~i~fJ:Iij!Jotf7~li~!%a..at "Lb~te)
00 this_..____ _.~ 7._ ___ _h_._da, OL-~..j'eb...---il-=---^- D. 1926..~ at___o"dock__m., Ibis instrumenl ..as
r.~d ror rtcord. and being duly ackr.o..l.dg~d and pro,.:a, ) hu.. rtcorded t"" sa. on f.':lge___~2l~_of Book... 60 in the: PlILlic ltcords of ...id
t Runl)'. l.;--
. . ~
ue h~rt..nto sel m,. hand and affilt.,,, the .p of thlt Cinuit ('ourt or Ihe- Fifletnlh Judicial Circuit of said Stale, in and.
~ J.! 81
;. .
P. C. Eldred