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f~" . ~::.-':'ii.unii: VDl_. - --- :,~~~-=~ l'C;1't'p(ii~Tm:-ir.lwi;~lti~rviv..}~.~:-=:-=::::':=:F"::_~
I 'rHIS INDENTURE, ).bde thi$.___..__.... .~l~L..n_....._.q....._t1.y 01__._..J'~9rWJ.r.y._._.._.....__..........___._A. D.I922., BEtWEF.N
I ~--.--_...._- GO.Q ..B ..Bu.b ort._A114.._C.arr.l''--~.,.Jl~12~J'.~_.bt'''.....~~J.JL_. ----.-......-...-.........-----..------y......---.-.
I of the Count,. ol_~__.._.~1;.!...:L\lQ.~.~.___....._.__and Slate oi___._._.._._.__~~..~.~_~~......... .........._.__... ...._.part.:.J. e80f the 6rat part, alld
__ _.____.._ .__l)\lp\ll ~.':.Bl"~.~_.Q~~R@.f.t_ ... Rh_~_~ _I 8 ~l!~...~_~~.P.?.!a t!.?~-.:_...._.....__........_ __._._._...__....__________...._..____
of the COllDty of.._.__.fr..Q.y.1~.'nQ.~q_..___.___and Stal~ of.___.__!!hod..! ISland _._..___._____put .lee. 01 the SCroll.! part,
WITNf.SSETlf,thalthe Solid pal\.lll1: of the first p:ut, for and In consil!el1tioa: of the slim 01...___.__..__.._.___...._...._........__..__..........._.._..._._
._~.~.!.1...~._.Q.9J..Q~L~~.~~er_ valU8bl_e_.baneia'fl\.i.aiilm,to_~~.!~.._in banJ paid, the leceipt "horeol il bmh,. acknowled.:eJ.
~ ~ .: ;--
ba~6._ .:rallted, bargained, .01.. anJ translerred. ud b)' theu presents 00_ _graul, .bargain, sell and trallsfer lIulO the said part 188.. 01 the second
st. Lucie
I>;ort alld.._t.belr_heirs and aui,ns forenr, all thai certain f.arcri of land lying and beillg in the Count, of __.__._____.__
alld Slate of_..._..,~()_!"}.~!__.._.___..:...more particul:ul)' dmribed .. fo\lowa=-..oQ~~n9!.~K_~!!_ tl!~_..~_~st _~!ft_~.!_!.~.
"..oountyroad t .. a~. a. p~!~.~...!~~!'.~ ._t'~~""~~~~H !.~_~l!__~~...~~~.~. J~~~....~~~.~!.!...~..~.~_.._.~~~~!.o.~'.~!.._.~~!~~Jp
._ 31 Sou.tb.. Range ~9. J;Q$t. ..:lnhr~~~.t$_.wJ1;u.j;.M .ee.1d.QQ\IDtY"HrO~(li .t~.OQe. gQ.. Wellt. Ju..~ feet...
more or .les8, to...~he _~.~~_~~.:-_~e~~_...~_<?~E.~~..~!..E_~.l.<!..:L~..~_.~.i. ._~.~~!1.2~._.!3~._J~().:r.~~m!t:~~!~ ..~.~.~. .l!~~:!'...~J~.e
'._ ot. 8aid. Lot. 3, 1015.6 .f~l!.~ L.lt1~I1Cl!..~~fl~_l?..!~.fe.~.~.tQ_.~.~e.._~.~_8.~._J-.ir.le. _o..Lt.~.~_.county...road; ....
thenco South-easterly 810118 tae Baid \teat 11ne of the oounty road to ~ !)olnt of begina-
. ____...._._.___.__.._u.._..__. ".__. ......_.._._...__. u....____ _..___.....h__..______.._________._._~._____.____..__.. .__.._____._.... ....0__..____.._..... ..________
_...lng. .. oontaining ..7.1 aores. ..mo.rQQr_l.~~.t._._ _.__.__.__....___.......______.._._....._..__ ....._.._...._........_._._........_...._......
_.. .............._.._..............._..... ..............................._.. .. ..~._._._........ ..3_.0.0....do..c.f.... ~.t.a lII)...O.Wl..t...._____..__..___........ .._._....._......__...... .......... ._._...
TOGETHER with all Ihe It''tmenls. heredil"menlS :and :appUrlcnances, with nu, Ilrivilege. ril".t. t;t1r, illlereat acd eSlalt, dower and righr 01 .lo\Yer,
renrsion, remainder and usem<nt lherelo belOIlKing or on anywise arperlaining: TU HA VE A~IJ TU "01.0 the same: in Ice simple forner.
AlId the said patties._ 01 Ibe fiul put do__ conn:anl wilh the said pUlies. of the second p>rtlhat_thei'_..___.bwflllly seizcd 01 the
said pren.ises, Ibar the, ur free from all incumLrances and Ih:;lt.he.v:....!l1A.Y!lood right ar.d lawful aUlhority 10 stll the sar..e; amI Ih. uid ~utl.'l;I hi
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said put.laB of Ihe first ~'an ba_V8. f.ereunto se\.t.n.elr..-.hand...sand .r;oIS the da,. and year abmr \Vrill<1I
Ihe fiul patt do___ hcrchy fully wall ant lhe tille to said bnd, 3nd ..ill deitnd Ibe same ag:ainst Ihe: lawful claims of aU periODS whomsocvtr.
........ .~i~~t~o:a:ed~:d ~~~~:~t~..~:..~~~:~:~-~._--...--.-..._.l
__. """_' H~~QlnG. ..~Jfa.r~~ou1;._______.___..___...._.._\
. +. +_____'.Hu+ .__._~._ __ ____. Oh__ .___ _...:._ ______.h ______.______.._____1
_~~~_.!..J!... Hl!.~.l!!:~_.._.._ __.........___.._(SEAL)
_~rrie R. H:tbert ___....__.._(SEAL)
STATE OF--'_12tlk
St. Lucie
1 HEREBY CERTIFY, Tbatl'lI this--2.th.._____._day of--1!'.eb.rUBrJ:
A. D. 192..5.._, before me
personally :appeared lL~Ji~b er.u_~.J!.~.!'J.fLB.L.a!!.ll~r..~_~!"'.._ ~!~~__________...__.....
to me hown 10 be tlte person.~.._ 'described in :and .bo ~xecuted tbe foregoing conny;once to.._:D!-lpl~J.~:-,>>.!_(l.!.~_9.~......._~...Rh..~_c!Et....!.SJ:~.~.....
and senrally :acknowledged the: cxecutioll Ihcrtof to be._t.b.eJ.r._.free :acr
alld deed for the uau and purposes lhertin menliolltd: and the ~id
the wile 01 tbe: said. Geo. H. Hubert on a sepuate :and printe examination
taken and m"de t., an. I before me. ..nd upuattly and :apa,t Irom her hid husband, did :acknowledge Ihat ahe made heudl a puty to) the: said Deed 01
LOlln)'anee, for tbe: purpose of renoulIcing, relinquishing :and conveyilllr :all Iltr righl. title and interest. whelher of .sown or of sepuatt property. Slatutl'ry
or equltablt, in :and nJs thereill described, an.1 lh:al silt euculcd said dced fr.eely and volunl:arily and witbout :an)' cor-slr..;nl, fur, apprthensioll
Cor compulJion of rom he id h...band.
ollici'll &caI at__ Vero.,
and Slate of..
in the County of . .
St. Lucie
A____tlte clay and year last afor~f.id.
~Hl. B"artif&1,.t
If at sry . 'hh~'t'~fe'-o:f- -'I.fori.d a,-a1:'''Ler.uiEALl
-, III eOflllD sa "Il expires ie~ruary 28. .~~"!'1 .
On thia._-.!L_.______..__clay o,__..1'.~h_. #0 A. D. 192.6...., ;ot._o'c!~k_DL, lhis ill,trument was
filed ror record, and wille dul, acknowledged :and prO"~lI, I hue rec.orded tho! /:oe on p:aae...:....2.22..._uf Book 60 In the public records of s:aid
COUOly. O. .
~ .
I,creunlo $Cl my h:and :and .!IiJ<ed tlAtal ollhe Circuil Court of the Fifteel\th Judic;,,1 Circuit of s:aid Slate. in and
f. C. Eldred __Clerk.
~n~ J4.,~/,
. D.C.
, j