HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0823 v~~o ;:::::.- .:~:::. . :.:::::: ::.:~~,__~ :::: :::~:-.:::::~.:.:::..:;~.::.::: ~::~:.::: :..:.:.:.::::...... :.::..:~:.:.::..~~v.A.~"$. ~~;JA'~~~~""L~ii::::::':':: -:-.::.._ ( nus UlDJiNTURE, Made thi~ ...........16th ...... ............ ..........claJ' or-....... n' Po bru&rl............. .. ...... .......... ....._A. 1>. 1911L.. BETWi.EN ,_,,_._.-..__._. \1..1." .R1Qbar~!LWlll..'lQ~rlo..~.~. .1UQ.n.o.r~.~..Jl1 Q. .~"f!.'_ ...~ml!..{{~~9n~h.:;l~.ll,~~.Qr~f...~Jt:1g~.~... of the COllhty oL.._.__...__.St. ...Lucie ......... h._alld State 01-......... ._.. fl<r1.dfl.._...... .._..._.._ ......_. "mh', .....part.ias. of the firat part, and _..................._._..},I;~!'l..V ~....~.!_~!~l....~~..~1:l~~_.~.~._<!.!!f..:....... ...._............ ._..._..........._..._..................._.._.. ....._......... ....h....._..._..........._ Clf :bt' Counlr "L....__.__S.t;.~ .. tuo i e.. ...... ..-......._.and State of_...._......F..!~ri.~.a__.__._._._.__......_..._...t>art..1...e~ of t"e second par., . W IT~ F.SSliTlI, that tbt' said NU i.e.~ of the fil'l ~H, f", and in cO'llideratioll of tht' sum 01._...____..____ ..............._..... .............._... _._ ..... .......... ........... ._...Q~h..~.Q~~._~_.QT.~ll_.YAm.~~._9Q~!.~Jp..~..~~.!!g~__'mlf"r. to..t hQlD....i.. band p:aiJ, tb~ recfi"t "ht'rt'of is h~rrl'r ackno"lcd&ed. ha.Y!L cranted. b,ugailled, sold and nansfeued, alld by these plesents do......._ifram, bargain, scll and transfer Wlto tbe &aid part 18B. of lhe .<<ond l'art and...-.tbe1.r._._heirs alld assigns fOfuer, aU that ceriain parcel of la..,,) I,ing and king in the Coullty of__S-t... -Lu.c.1e "'_''''''''_.' ...........h... and Slate oL_....._...,~O' r1.dil......_...__..__.more particularly doscribec! as f"i1ow.:-._._.....__..._..__._.._ ...._............. ......__............. .. . A part Qt.Loton~. (1), .B~.o.Q~. ..:'l:.lIt.all.~Qrdi.llg. to.~he. plat.. of.,\~r.~~. Leo. ...()n .f.ile. in the . office.of.tile Clerk \)! . the Cirouit COllrt of .~a1nt. Lu.cieCou.nty. '1oxid~.. mora particular... 11' deBcribed as follo.we: . Beginning .ata. poJn.t on the llQrth bOll.nd,:rl ofsoid Lot One, .155... feet from. tae NW corner. of. sa~d.I.()J.~~; ._..!l!~!1.~~ ..~_~~~.~~~~~.13rlY.ELt. r1gh~.. ~ngl~ns..~().. ~id .NortA .boundary to a 11ue. tuat .oonstibteB...tAa..lIorth .bp'lndar1'. oj' ..Lots .4. 5 and 61nns&1d._... .Block t~" L.thenQ e. So~t4"ef:\tIH'1.V'alO.:)g. saJll...l.in~. .39..;t:eet. i..tnonc'e .north~'e3~el"11.. at l'igh,t..._'h' .8I1gleB.to said line to a.. point .on sa.1d llor..thboundarJ.. Qf.LoLOne,.125. feet from.the mI....... .oorl\er o:Laaicl Lot .1i thenoe ~lortnl)a:3teI:'ll_along.8aid..nort~~ound!!iry .~.fe~t_to..place ()f. . b~gll1J1.ing .~. _...._ ..... .........._:_... ..' ___..__ ..._ ..______________. ___..........._.._........_......... ...._. . ..... ......... .... .... ........_......__....._......._._.. ...........-.....-. -........... .......... .............. .... ''''''-'''-.....--.....- _.._....__.$1.8,0.0. do 0.... ...9t..~t:!ll.~.. 9a.Il.~ ............._..... ......... ..... .................. ._....... h......__ 0...... _. "___'n__.", ......__...._._.._.... ..._..._. "___'_'._.n_.__._.__._.._.._ ---.--..______.~..._.______._.___..n___..__.__..._...____ ....__..__ _. n.n -...-....------..---..-.- ..--.- ._. '_'._ _ -_....___.. .---.----..-...._._._.__~_______.____.______n.__._..____... ....._ .. _..._~ "'n.. _ _._ .... ......------.-.-----.---.----.----...-. _.....~__.h_._._....___...._.____._ _______. ._____.__.______._._ _. ___..__n___.._.~....._h_.._.__._ __._ ...__.___.___._____._.___. _._..n_..._._._..h..nn___._~_. .."'." ...._.._...___.._.____._._.__._ __._._________... _... ( TOGETHER ,..ito all the ttnoments, heredita",onls and aprurtonar.ces, ..ilh c't..y priviloge, r:"hl. tille, i,:tercst and tilale, ,10'''01 and riKht of 010..-... ro>enion. remaioder and usemcDtthtrtlO btlongill>: Of in anywise appertaining: 'ro 1I.-\\"E AXil -'-0 !lULU Ihe sam" iD fee silhplo lorn... And IDe said parttQ~.. of the first part 00...___ cuvenant with the said PJltJ.ll.!3. 01 the second "..t thal:tl!. e:T. ar.~ . ...Ia.dully stiled olll'e sa;,) premise.. that tbey ato fr<< from all incumbrances aud thuth ey. hB..Ylloo.1 .ight and lawiul authorit, to ~tll the same; and Iho'sa:d rarti e13 01 the first l'art 010_._ herehy full)' warrant tbe litle to sai.ll'.IId. aDd will'dciend Iht' same: asain" the: la"fut claims 01 all por.uns ..ltomsoc:vcr. 1:\ WfTXESS WHEREOF, thc said p""t.i.8.S 01 the 6rst patt ha.Ve._ hereunto set._..th. ~ll'.bancB. :u:d sealS. tho da, aud yoar above ...rillen Signed, staled and dtli.e.cd in our presence: . . . .. ... '.' ;: ..~: .~:;:: .:~':': .......:n~~.~~=~:=~.:.~:.:~.~::~~.:~..:...~J ... .~:~.:~::.~.....~..::==..:=~:........~=~..~~.~.~.~=-~~~:=:==.=~=~=-~ w. F. R~Ch'll'd8 ...--..................._lSEAL) .- - -- .. - . 5TATE OF '.J,o$.- } . COUNTY OF. SAIH~_.!!lJ.CIE ____.l;1,Q~X't~ _~.! ...~ i.<?h.8~~.13._._.._ (SEAL) . , R81'mond Saundere (SEAL) I HEREBY CERTIFY, That ell thiS--.. 16.th___uy ol._l'e.bruar..v ____..__~___A D. 191..0.... bdore lilt rersonaJl,. appeare:d_Jl......l..L_l!1o h Rrd.::l And Y 1 ortle....j .....Riohard:Lh1.s....1fe ..a.nd .~nd ..~aundara. .. S lngle. tu mr known 10 be the person ~.._ ducri~J i6 alld wbo ueccted the foregoillg c.>n"eyan~ 10._.__.J1..e..r.Y_Y.. ._~...._~;r.';l.Y_~~..J:IIl.l~ll:._..r.!.....llr..8.1. ............--...~..-._----._.__.~____and se..erally ad:no,,'ledged the ~eculion thertof to ~.... ti:1e ir._ ...froo act aDd deed for tho uses and purposes thcrcin mentiolled; alld the .aid-----1'..l9-t'..:rl.-'- f_'!....B!.Ch!l:;rd~.__._.___...............__.____~ h 'f f h .~ it. 1. iiichards - .. .. l e VI e 0 I e satu--__ ..____~_.h. ____OD a wp~rat~ an... pnnle r.anlmat:on taken and made hy and bdore mt', anJ scparaltly and aparl from t,er said husband. did acknowl~dge th.1 she made herself a put, to Ihe said Deed 01 Conn)"allce. lor Ihe purpose of rt'Do"Dcing, relinqu.s!ting an.l con"oJ'in; all h., right. litlr and intorcsl, . 'h..lh..r of do...er or of separate properly, Slalutory Clr equitabl~, in and to Ihe lands tben-ilI described. an.1 .bal she executed said dot'd trod)' aDd 'tOlunia '.r and ..ithocl any constrain.. feu, apprehension <.r compulsion of or irom ber said busband. ial sui a. .____...'-Q..~ _tJJ.~!~.!'..:__--in the Coullt, oL_~h.....WC i e __.___....._...._... and Slat.. 01_..._.._1'10 ____.he da, alld 'ycar lasl aforuaid. Nai'l~!~ig'U%~ !iL8iJ;il~~r.~3!'i928~""- ..(SEA!.) 'r 5TATE OF FLORfDA COUNTY OF ST.LUCII:: On thiL..____lfl_.._...___da, oL.___l.~b_t.. --A. D. J92 ~..., at..__.._o'dock_m., this iastrument ....as 6~ed fC1r rec6nJ. and btinlt d,s1y ackno..lodlted and pronll.Jrhan tccordod the ume on P3Ie-':..2..?:3__.of Boolt.!.L_....ill tbe [oolitic: tccord$ of ui.1 l QUill).. ~ . I~ WITNESS \VII' EOF, I ~> I,orcunlo set mdn,l and affiud the sui C1f.I!te- Circuil Courl oltht' fihconth Judicial Ciret:it of said Slate, in ~lId lor said Coullt,. .~ G> '7 ~ ... :) ~ ~ ~ .___~_P. C_!.. lUdre!..._.__ ._. .__.__.__..._Oerlr. /1...... ~A' J'~ J~~ -..--_.____.D. C. .. . '.: ....~.. ..~:::j:.);~;~tfl~~t:~} ... ... .~,. . .~ ~1o"~,.~~...1i..yil:#..-1~.f-t~>..-~,-~~ . .' " ~: :,<.;. ~~~:-![,;;,~~!~~;~:l~i;l~~'f.i: