HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0825 I I l ~:~~ .-. . Ii 1I ~' I I I ~:2Q.~.:'".; . .' -'U.. . ~ ;-; :'::: ::..:..~~~ !.I'~:~ .::~~:: : :~=.: =: : :::.::.-:~~:: .:. ~~....-;::::.: :';.:,:.:J..un:~~~~.lt.J.~~\i'~~~J1t!.lIlt1!t~ ..:"'_ . e., THIS INDENTURE, )lade thi~...._...._.. .JUh...... ... ......_d~)' of-.....: ....... ... Januar7...... .. ...... ....... .. ........ ...__A. V. 19ZJL, BIiTWI-:t:N __._._..__, ....L. ..BDJI. . . Bl~l'._ancl. ..VlDA.._illWl.J 81n81Q L......._.._ ..._......_. .. ........._.... .... ..__.._................_.................... of th.. Cowu,. of_...:....__..St. . Luole._.._...,. .n......._ahd State .,f_.....l'l.or1 tla .__. .. .....n......... .._...............-...........l'u.1..G.iL of the firll pari, and ..._..........mn.__.__...._ ... J ".W. ..WIW.Q1L .~~.....~~m.ql$... a.!LDlmRIJ~KS....__......................_. . ........ .._.._.. ........ ...._................................... of Ihe Coullty of_.____~t.', ~u()l.~. ............._n_and Slate of.....__.._____~.~_~.!. ~____....._,.........'_..h__ I,ulies. of the second PS;I, \\'IT~ESSI-:TlI, Ih~t Ihc s;lhl FarlleB.. 01 Ihe fir<t "an, ror and in considl'falion 01 ti,e sum or....._......._................_........ ........h ......... .....n._n.......... ......_.....__.. _Oil" ~oll&l".ar)~_n2.~b~.J.'.~Y.Q1-\Mi]tlEL~Q.@1!!.~r"1;J~n...!!t8lft", 10.. thelll.in hand paid. Ihe rcce:,,1 "hereul is hereby acknowlcdgcd. :.. . --. ( 4_",'.. granted. bargained, sol': alld Iransferred, and b,. these' PIt>. .IS do._._.gra!lt, b:ugaio, ad' anll lransCer lInto the said pall .1o.Q or Ihe second 01 their h' 01 . f II I. '. I f I 011' db" h C f ...St, Lucie Ilart.an -. _ --.- ____ _ e:i:rs an U5tlllS or~1'tr. a t at c~rta'n ;..::arCle 0 an )"mg au ~Ing In t.: ount)~ 0 _____.___ ..-----..,r--.---....--~-_..__-.m-- ud Slate of__. ._..._.._.~~~ ri~~..._.._.__more partiClllarly dcscribe~ u rollows:-.._.....___.... ......_..... .. ............._....... '''_ .......... _..........__.... ..._..... Lot ~lxte8n (16) of Bl()()k ~8.n f.19) ....of.!.ortnPierce.J~eigl1tl:l,..afJ p~r.. P:Lat recor.:d_~.d_...._._. In Plat~oolc 1. page 39..~aint Luci~..CO'lJ:lty. j'lflo..~.~.t'..I~~.td.... .............n_... ......._. . .1.00. doc. stamp qsn.._...__. ...... ............ ._.n... -.--..-.-.-----.-.--..-.-....__.. ........_....-. _._.__. .'_ .___... .___._....____..___...._. .._____..__.___.____.__.... ....... '_nu_. .-.-.----..----~ .-.. _.--....~--. - . ----..-....-- -..-.---..---- -. ___.___.___._._..__nnn_._.._._...___._....._ __.......__.._...._.'...h n ..._. _....... ,_._nh.nn.'_n____.___..._._..._.._.__ - .----.- -.-------.-.--- ......- -... . .---.... '_'n_.. .._ _....__.___........__n __._.._...__.._h_____.._.. _nn._____'.__..._..h__... _. _. .._ __ 'h'... _._.... ... .._. ..._._._ _... ....._.......___. ._ . _._.u_.._.._ -..-------..--.--. "'--..-_.'--.., -- --.-.---.--.------ .----______. ._____.___...._._.u._.. _..__..._._..._ .__. ......_ ..... ...__ . TOGETHER .illt all the l~lIements, h~redilarr.~nt. and appbrl~nancu, "ith ever)' rrivil~lI;~, righi, title, int~rcsl and Ul.te, dO\T~r and right 01 dowcr. re.-ers,on, rem,a,od., an" ~U~Dltnt th~relo belong;,,!; or ill an)'wjs~ appertaming: ro H.\ \'E A:'I:l) TO HOJ.U 11Ie same i" Cee simrle lorn'er. Aad Ihe $aid pu!iaa of the first part do._ c,,'enant wi,h the: $:lid parl..1.eS of the second p~r1 Ih:lLtiley . are ._. ___.1>\\,(,,11)' seizcd olth" ':lid p:ttnises,. tht Ih~y are {reo: from all inc..tnbranc~s and 'haL1;.h~.Y...h""Y~,od right and la" ful authority 10 sdl Ihe samc; and th~ sa;'] rarr .1 es o! ,he 6,,1 parI 010__ bu~b)' Cully "~rr"lJt the title to ':lid bnd, and will dd"nd tl:e same againsl Ih~ la~Cul claims or all p~rsons ..hon.soe.tr. 1:'1: WlT1'tESS WHEREOF, the said partle..!J. of Ihe: fiul parI ha....'YO.. h~reumo seLht;h.~J;r._hand.~ and seal~. the day an.1 )'eu above wrill." Sjgn~ sealed and dclinrcd iD our pru"lIcc, ..-: ..... ~ .. ...~s":m~..~..:-~.:. .=:-~=:..~ .J . EM th Jackson.. I. L. . Bean ..._(SEAL) Vida Bean ..__.. nn.~ .__(SEAL) COUSTY OF STATE OF-I'LROTD.l. st. wet. ..l j I HEREBY CERTIFY, That on this .!:ltA.__da, orn__.-tTllP.\l.f1,~.r."___'_______'h__^- u. 19z11_. befOle me r<rsonally appeare" ,. .._L..~M. 8 in&le.._f;l..!!<!_'lJPA..a~.~; 1.._f3i~).Et. __._.____~..n______..... mn_._.________m..___. 10 me kno..n 10 be the perSOll~_ described in aad ...1.0 cx~Cttted the foregoillg cOll1'cyance to_.J.....W~._)tU'~Q~l_~__r:t'ihQ~Q.~G.;:..Jt..._...____.___.. _IWIDRICCi__. _and scnrally acknowledged Ihe execulion Ihe;eoi 10 be.__:!;.~.~._._.free act ond deed for the uses iDd ptttpos<:S th~rcin meutiGned; and Ihe s:rid_ the wife oi Ihe $aid . __. Oll a separate and private examination la""R alld made b, and before m~, and ",parM.I, and ap;lrl from her said hllsband. did ad:no..I~dge Ihal she: mad" herself a pUly 10 Ihe said D~ed of Conn)"nce, (or ,he plltpose oi renouncing, relir:quishing and con..e,ing all htt right. litle and inler~sl, ..helher of do,nr or of s~pa12le properly. statutory or equitabl", in aad 10 th" bods thercin described, and tbal silt" executed said deed freely and "olunlariI1 and withOt!t any cr.nstrainl, (ur, apprehension Cor compulsion of or from he:r $aid hllSba..d. WITNESS. m, sicnaturc aad official suJ at_~.l_1i.._..P1...r.CBn_. ill the COUnI, oL__._8.t......Lucie the cla, aud year IUI aCor~said. llota?y pub~i~.!4si:%~.~gl} '11or1da.' .___....(SEAL) ~111 COmmiSSion eXpires .tug 16. 1928 . STATE OF FL COUNTY OF I I- I i . I I I 0. ,bis- 9 _______cla)' ..,_.._X~ !__ _._______^- D. 19~~ at___.o'dock_DL, Ihis iilstrument ..as fi~ed for rtcurd. ami bei.. cia:, ackno.!edll;N and pronn, I h...." record~~ same Oll pagL..?..2~_of Book._JiQ __ in the public ncord. of said l~~ ~ IS WIT:O;~S WflEFEOF, liJ....r I m, Iland and affix.CP the 5ul of the Circuit Courl or I'.e Fifleenlh Judicial Crcl!it .of said St;o.te, iti and lor saicl Coullt,. :> D.C- "j i..e .:) :J ~ ~, C, Eldred BJ-~-d~~' aerie. , ,