HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRODUCT APPROVAL PANEL WALLSFlorida Building Code Online RECEI1VED APR 10 20i8 BCtSHoine i'LdD> I.userRegistratign Hottopics ! Subin)t b a _ ^mot fi Product Approval P rl wd. U52Rt, Rubttt:User - Prndu ' A' nroVal Menu p (�ratlurt'or Ayolicatlon Saarrh >.Qpglir�tl41 FL 1k Application Type Code Version Application StatuS �94AWED Page 1 of 2 lit --Mno - -.. .: Stats & FaPublications I ;Far- Staff I B6s ste Map l LInkS ,i ISearch cts Applicatlon Detail by DBPR..Approvals by-DBPR;shall be, reviewed -and ratifled and/or the Commission if necessary. Comments ogc?b Archived ST. LITC?E COUNTY BUILpTyG TSIO\' i Product Manufacturer Nichilia=USA, Inc: REVLV�'� D FOR CO�IPL I3150 Avondale Mill Road REWEAVE"IBYiMacon,GA-31216 Address/Phone/Small DATE (770) 805-9466 :Ext 1021PLANS hohenstern@nlchlha.com A>\DKEPTONJ0B rORNOINSPIA J£. Authorized Signature David Hohenstern dhohenstem @nichiha icom Technical Representative David Hohenstern THESE PLANS AND ALL PROPOSED WORK Address/Phone/Email 6455 East.3ohns Crossing ARE SUBJECT TO ANY CORRECTIONS Suite.250 Johns Creeks GA'30097 REQUIRED BY FIELD INSPECTORS THAT (770) 805-9466 dhohenstern@nlehlha.com MAY BE NECESSARY IN ORDIR TO C9MFI3Y i�ITI� APPiAARA 00018# Quality Assurance Representative David Hohenstern Address/Phone/Email 6465 �East')ohns Crossing Suite 250 CON CCi'eALED FASTENERS OR ATTACHMEM JOHNS. CREEK, GA 30097 dh oenstOr a@ Eha.com . ARE THE RESPONSIBIM OF THE dhohenstern@nichiha.com CONTRACTOR OF CORD Category Panel Walls Subcategory Slding Compliance Method Evaluation Report from a Product Evaluation Entity Evaluation Entity Intertek.Testing-Services.NA, Inc. Quality Assurance Entity Quality Assurance.Contract Expiration Date Intertek Testing Servlces NA;.Inc. - QA:Entity Sim 12/31/2020 validated By Intertek Testing Services NA, Inc. F1 Certificate of.Independence. Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) Standard year ASCE 7 2010 ASTM C1186 2008 ASTM'Et36 2012, ASTM E330 2062 ASTM E84 2013 Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By http-//www.floridaUuilding.org/pr/pi app_dtl.aspx?param=wGBVXQwtDgUJEQf'8P6a6FB... 3/13/2018 Florida Building Code Online Page 2 of 2 Sections from the. Code Product Approval Method Date Submitted Date Validated Date Pending FBC'Approval Date Approved 1 Option C 1/2017 7/2017 FL # I Model; Number or Name I Description j Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved foruse in HVHZ: No F; VO0 116 QI CCRR=0258rodf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: Intertek Testing'Services NA, Inc. Impact Resistant: N/A Created by Independent Third Party: .DesignPressured N/A Evaluation Reports Other: FL12048 R6_AE_GCRR-0258_ndP 12098.2 N1chiPanel Panels are: avallableln 4-foot widths and 3' lengths: 8 10', and 1;'. All panels are 5/16" thick. Limits of Use .Installation Instructions Approved for,use in HVHZt No FL12098: MIT CCRR-0258:odf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Vadfied•By; IntertekTesting'Services NA, Inc. Impact Resistant: N/A Created by Independent Third Party: Design Pressure, N/A Evaluation Reports Other, FL120981R6,AE CCRR'-0258 ndF 12098.3 NichiShake Primed cedar Shake panels available in widths from 6j/14" up to 12"; all boards are-1 811in height: Limits of Use installation Instructions Approved for use: in HVHZ: No FL-12698 R6, It CCRR-025%ndf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: Intertek Testing .Services NA, Inc. Impact Resistant: N/A. Created by Independent Third Party: Design Pressure, N/A Evaluation Reports Other: FL120 & R6 AE'CCRR=0258.Pijr 12098.4 NlchlStaggered / NichiStra4ght 16" wide by 4'.16ng panels designed to look like Individual II cedar shake. The panels are 5/16" thick. Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ- No FI-12.098' RG iI CCRR=0258'.gar Approved for use outside HVHZ, Yes Verified By:.IntertekTesting Services NA, Inc. Impact Resistant. N/A Created.by Independent Third Party: Design pressures N/A Evaluation Reports. ___1 Next contact fig :: 2601 elalr Steps Road, TallahaRsee FL U399 Phonfl• 850.487-] 874 The state or Florida is an•AA/@CO empidyer. cosvrldht 20d7-2013 Statabr 17160d+.:i Privocv Statement :1 Aacecc1bliltz 9tatementt: A r nd� Statamant Under Plar,da law; small addresses are public records. If you do not want your e-mail addrass released In response Lo,a publi(kocbrds request,'do not send efedtonie rail to this and Instead; contact the office by phone or by traditional mail. If you have any questions, please contact 890.487.1399. -Pu uant to $sedan 451219(1), Piondaltstutes, 61'radive od66oc1;2012, Ilcensees licensed under Chapter 455, F.S. must provide the oapartment with an small address If they hbve and, The smalls provIded may be used forptnclal commry1unication with the licensee: However emall addressas:are public record. if you do notk' wish to supp[9 a personal address, ploeta pro lda the 6epartmentwith an i hail address which can be made available to the public. To determina.lf you are a Ilcehsee under Chapter 455; F.5., please'dlck hgM, I roduct Approval -Accepts: ®G�+'-1 EE '" Credit. Card Safe littp://xvww.floiidabuilding.org/pr/pj_app_dtl.aspx ... 3/13/2018 intertek Total Quality. Assured. DIVISION: 07 00 00-THERMAL AND MOISTURE`PROTECTION Section: 07 45 00 - Fiber-reinforced.Cenoentitibus Panels REPORT HOLDER: Nichiha USA Inc. 6465 E. Johns Crossing, Suite 250 Johns Creek, Georgia 30097 www.nichiha.com REPORT SUBJECT: NichiProducts"" Fiber -Cement Siding Products 1.0 SCOPE OF EVALUATION 1.1 This Research Report addresses -compliance with the following Codes: • 2018, 2015, and 2012 international Building Code@ (IBC) • 2018, 2015, and.2012 International.Residential Code® (IRC) • 2017 and 2014 Florida Building.Code - Building {FBC) and Residential (FRC) (see Section 9) • 2016 and 2013 Californla.Building Code- Building (CBC) and Residential (CRC) (see Section9) NOTE: This report references 2018 Code "sections with [2015] Code sections shown in brackets where they differ. 1.2.The NichiProduc&s ' siding. products described in this report have been. evaluated for the foliowing -properties (see Table 1): • Physical properties • Wind resistance o Surface burning characteristics • Noncombustibility a Weather protection • Fire -resistance -rated construction 1.3 The Nichiproducts- siding products have been evaluated for the following uses (see Table• 1): • Use as an exterior wall covering in accordance with IBC Section 1405.16 and IRC SectionR703,10. • Use on exterior walls In Types I, II, Ill, and IV construction (a 1 Y 130' Derry Court - 1 inter Iriterte{e Vt�(,�on 6 Apo] 201? e Compliance .Research Report CCRR-0258 issued,101,;2016 Renewal Due:10-31-2018 Revised: 11-21-2017 • Use on exterior walls permitted to be of; Type V construction. ® Use on walls. required to be of fire -resistance -rated construction. 2.0 STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCE The NichiProducts'", siding, products recognized in this report comply with the Codes listed -in Section 1.1, for"the p,*erties stated in Section 1.2, and.uses staffed in Section 11.3, when installed as described in this report, Including the Cpndltions of Use stated in Section 6. 3.0 DESCRIPTION 3.1 NichiProducte* Fiber Cement Siding Products: The siding products" are used for° lap and panel Isiding. A description of the siding products, their dimensions and their intended application is in Table•2. 4.0 PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS 4.1 Physical Properties: The siding products comply with ASTM C1186, Type ,A, Grade" -II, ,in accordance lwith IBC Section 1403.10 [1404.10] andl OSection R703.10. 4.2 Wind Resistance: The maximum allowable, wind pressure for each of the siding products is described in Tables 3, 4,5 and G. 4.3 Surface Burning Characteristics: The siding (products have a flame spread index of 0 and a smoke -developed index of 0, when tested1n accordance with ASTM E84. 4.4 Noncombustibility: The siding produbts are noncombustible building construction materials complying with IBCSection 703.5 as determined by testing in accordance with ASTM1136. 4.5 Weather Protection: Siding products are installed in accordance with Section 5.2 of this report. • Pennsylvania • 17406 utararrrr )m/building PCA-i01 Qtn) Code Compliance Research 4.6 Fire -resistance -rated Construction: Fire -resistance - rated construction is outside the scope'of'this report. 5.0 INSTALLATION 5.1 General: The siding must be installed In accordance:with-the Nichiha USA Inc., published installation instructions, the applicable Code, and this Research Report. A copy of the manufacturer's instructions must be 'available on the. jobsite during installation. 5.2 Application: Under the IBC, the siding products must be installed over a water -resistive barrier complying with Sections 1403.2 [1404.21 and 1402.5 [1403.5], and must be attached as described for the specific assembly In Tables 3, 4, 5, and 6. Underthe.lRC, the siding: products must'be installed over a water -resistive barrier complying with Section R703.2. Lap siding and panel siding may be installed, as described. in Table R703 3(1) [R703.4], for areas in which the design pressure does not exceed 30 psf-and the mean roof height does not exceed the limits in Table R703.3.1, or as described in Tables 3 through 6. Forconditions that exceed these limits, the panels must be installed as described in Table 7. 6.0 CONDITIONS OF USE 6:1 Installation must comply with this Research .Report, the manufacturer's published Installation instructions,. and the appiicable Code. In the event of a conflict, this report governs.. 6.2 When allowable wind speed is determined in accordance with Table;3, the allowable wind speed must be equal to or greater than the -design wind speed calculated in accordance.with the applicable Code. 643 When the wall construction includes a combustible water -resistive barrier and Is required°to be of Type.], II, Ili,, or IV construction, use of the siding_ products Is limited to a maximum 40 feet in height Above gradeplane except under the 2018 [2015) IBC where data has been presented to the building official demonstrating -compliance with the Exception to Section 1402.5 [1403.5]. Intertek V­fsaw 6Arl111201' Page, 2 of 22 6:4 The Nich(Productsf" siding products are produced under a quality control program. with inspections by IntertekTesting Services°NA, Inc. 7.0 SUPPORTING EVIDENCE 7.1 Reports of tests in accordance .with ASTM C1186, ASTM E84, ASTM E136, and'ASTM E330. 7.2. Data in accordance with the ICC ES.Acceptance Criteria for Fiber Cement Siding Used ' as Exterior Wall Siding (AC90), dated June 2012 (editorially revised September 2015). 7.3 Intertek Listing, Report "Nichiha NichiProducts"" Fiber Cement Siding Products" on the Inteirtek Direttory of Building'Products. 7.4 Documentation of an Intertek:approved quality control system for the manufacturing of products recognized in this.report. 8.0 IDENTIFICATION The NichiProducts"" siding products are identified (with the Nichiha USA Inc., name, and address, the.product Name, the Intertek. Mari. as shown below, -an'd. the: Code Co',mpliance Research Report number (CCRR-0259). CODE COMPLIANCE. (a. Intertek CCRR•02SU 10 OTHER -CODES 9.1 California Building Code 9.1.1 Scope of Evaluation: The NichiProducts'm siding products were. evaluated for compliance with the 2016 and 2013 California' Building Code, including, Chapter 7A. The siding products are noncombustible materials as defined in CBC Section 202 and as permitted for use on exterior walls in CBE Section 707A.3 130 Derry Court • Yor4k Pennsylvania •�17406 0 .atr PCA.101 on Code Compliance Research Report 9.1.2 Conclusion: The siding: products, described in Sections 2.0 through 7.0 of this report, comply with "the 2016 and 2013 California Building Code, subject to the conditions noted in Section 6.0.of this report.: Section numbers' for. the CBC — Building. and Residential correspond to the 2015 IBC and IRC section numbers. 9.2 Florida Building Code -. 9.2.1 Scope of Evaluation: The NichiProducts"' siding products were evaluated for compliance with the 2017 and 2014 Florida Building Coyle — Building, Florida Building: Code - Residential and Florida Building Code — Energy Conservation. 9:2.2 Conclusion: The siding products described in Sections 2.0 through 7.0 of this report, comply with the 2017 and 2014 Florida Building Code — Building, .Florida Building Code — Residential and Florida Building Code — Energy, subject to the following conditions: This Code Campliante Research Report ("Report') is for the exclusive use of i its Zlient. Intert0es responsibility and liabllity:are limited to.the terms and_ ci to the Client in accordance with the agreement, for any loss, expense or dan copying or distribution of this Report and then only in its entirety, and the C understands -that reliance upon the Report. is limited to the representations the subject and/or product described herein. This Repodis not the Intertek and this Report does not represent, authorization for the..use of any Intertekc advertisement of the tested material, product or:service must first be approvr a Intertek Page 13 of 22 • Use of thesiding product for compliance with the High - Velocity Hurricane Zone provisions•of the 2017 end 2014 Florida Building Code _ Building :and .the Florida] Building Code —Residential has -,not beers evaluated, and is outside the scope of this Research Report. • Section numbers for the FBC — Building and Residential correspond to fhe2015 IBC:and IRC section numbers. • Intertek is: a quality assurance entity approved by the Florida Building Commission. 10.0 CODE COMPLIANCE RESEARCH REPORT USE 10.1 Approval of building products and/or materials can only be granted bya building official having legal authority In the specific jurisdiction where approval is sought. 10.2 Code Compliance Research Reports shall not be used in any manner that implies an endorsement of the product by Intertek. 10.3 Reference -to the httos://bodire6tory.intertek.com Is recommended to ascertain -the current version artd status of this report. tek's Client and is provided pursuant tothe agreement between Intertek.and ions of the•agreement. Intertek assumes no liability to any patty, other than occasioned by the use of this Report. Only the Client Is authorized to permit shall not use.the Report in a -misleading manner. client further agrees and a therein, The Report is not an•endorsement or recommendation for use of ng Report covering the subject product and utilized for.lntertek Certification cation marks. Any use of the.lntertek name or`one of its marks for'the sale or writing by Intertek. t` 130 Derry Court • York • Pennsylvania • 17406 AMMAV7 intertek.com/building P..CA.101 vpr vun ri April 2017 ton Code Compliance Research Report TABLE 1 — PROPERTIES EVALUATED Page �4•of 22 2018 and 2018 and 2017 and 2017 and 2014 2016 and 2613 CBC PROPERTY 2015 IBC 2075 IRC 2014 FBC - FBC — Residential SECTION' SECTION' Building Physical properties Y 1403.10 1404.:10 R 03.10 1404.10 R703.10 1404i10 Surface burning characteristics 1403.10 1404.10 R t7 03.10 1404.10 R703.10 1404.10 Noncombustibility 703.5 INA 703.6 NA 202, 703.5 Wind resistance 1404.16 1405.16 R703.16 1405.16 703.1.2 1.4051.16 Weather resistance. 1403.2 1404.2 R703.2 1404.2 R703.2 1404.2 1 Section numbers may be different for earlier versions of the International and Florida Codes. TABLE 2 — NICHIHA SIDING DESCRIPTION _ Produc me Nominal 111icknes (in S di p me s n ended Use Description Width: 5,25.6.25 7.5, Nieh Soa d " pia ak 5t16 and 2 inehe Lap Sidi Smo tii or Cr elar finish en. [h. 2 feet Cedar, Smooth, l 4 feet by 8 feet NichiPanelTm sheets 5/16 4 feet; by 10 feet Panel siding Stucco and Grooved- 8-161tl oo- 4 fee by 12 feet Cedar finish NichiStraightTm and 16 inches wide by 4 foot Designed to look like NlchiStaggeredTm lap 5116 long Lap panel siding individual cedar panels shakes! Width: 6.26, 8.25 and'12 Designed to look -like NiehiShakew cladding 5/16 inches Lap shingle siding individual cedar Lengtli:18 inches shakes olV Code Compliance Research Report Page,5 of 22 TM 01.n411.4,7 Siding Type Siding Fastener° FacelBlind Effective Fastener Frame/ Horizontal (in) I , Field (in) Framing Type Allowa to Design Pressure (pst)° Building Height (ff) SCE 7-05 Basic Ind Sneed SCE7-10 Ultimate, Exp B Exp C Exp D Exp B Exp C , Exp D 5.25" 16.25" NichlBaard"' 6d Double HD MAZE Coil Nail Face 16 5.25/6.25 SPF 40.5 15 143 130' 118 1 185 168, 153 20 143 126.1 115 1 185 163, 149 26 143 124 1131 185 160 145 30 143 121 111 1 185 156 144 40 138 1 118 109 178 162 140 60 133 1 115 106 172 .148 137 60 130 1 113 105 168 146 135 DF .76.5 15 170 1 162 147 210 209 190 20 1701 167 144 210 203 165 25 170 164 141 210 199 182 30 170 151 139 210 196 179 40 170 146 135 210 189 174 50 166 143 132 210 184 171 60- 162 140 130 209 181 168 24 5.251.25 SPF -33.0 15 117 1 108- 97 161 137 126 20 117 1 103 94 161 133 122 25 117 101 93 161 130 119 30 117 99 91 151 128 117 40 112 96 1 89 145 924 114 60 109 94 1 87 .141. 121 112 60 106 92 .86 137 119 110 DF -51.0 15 .146 .132 120 188. 171 165 20 148 128 117 188 166 151 25 146 126 115 188 162 149 30' 146 123 113 188 159 146 40 140 119 '110 180 164 142 50 135 117 108 1 175 151 140' 60 132 116 108 171 148. 137 9.26" 10,25" NlohiBoardY"I 6d Double HD MAZE Coil Nail 911nd 16 25/6,25 SPF -35.1 15 121 110 100 156 142 129 20 121 107 97 156 138 126 25 121 104 96 156 135 123 30 121 102 94 156 132 1 121 40 116 99 92 -150 128 1 118. 50 112- 97 90 145 1251 116 60 110 95 88 142. 123 114 24 5.2516,25. PF -23.4 15 -99 9 — 127 116 20 09 87 — 127 112 — 26 99 85 127 110 — 30 99 — — 127 108 — 40. 95 — 122 — 50 92 — 118 — 60 90 -r rile - ton, Code Compliance Research Report 1,4,7 Page 6-of 22 Siding Type Siding Fastener° Face/Blind Effective Fastener & acin Allowable Design, Pressuro 5 ° Bullding Height.. (ft) % : ASCE 7-06 Basic Mllnd'S eed (MPH? ASCE T•10 Ultimate Wind S' eed MP HVI FrameiHorizontai (in) Field In l Framing Te YP Ex B Exp C I Exp D Exp B ExP C Exp D 5.26" 16-26" NichiBoardTO Double:HD MAZE Asphalt & Fiberglass Shingle Neil Blind 12 .2.5/625 7/16" OSB 41.0 16 " 130 1181 106 160 153 139 20 130 1151 105 168 ',.149 136 25 130 113 .103 168 1 145 133 .30 130 110 101 168 142 131 40 125 107 09 162 ' 138 128 50 121 105 97 157 135 125 60 1 118 103 05 153 ! 1331 123 16 5.25/6.25 7/16" OSB -30.7 15 113 103 93 140 :132 120 20 113' 100 91' 146' 1129 117 25 113- 98 89 ' 146 .120 115 30 113 "06 88 1d6 1123 113 40 108 03 OB 140 1120 111 50 105 91 — 136 '1`17 108 60 103 89 132 1115 107 SPF -66.1 15 153 139 128' 197 1'179 103 20 . ', 153 135-1 123 197 174,_ 159 25 163 132 1 121 197 1 170 : 156 30 153 129 119 197 167 153 40 147- 125A 116 189 } 162 149 60 142 122 1 113 183 1 158 146 60 139 120 112 179 i155 144 24 .25/6.25 7/16" OSB -20.5 16 9 119 1 108 20 _ 92 119 1105 — 25 92 — 119 — — 30 92 — — 110 — 40 89 114 I — 60 . 86 111 — 60 108 , PF -37.4 15 125 113' 103 1 161 1 146 133 20 126 110 100 161 1142- 130 26 125 108 99 _ 161 1 139 127 30 125' 105 97 161 1136 125 40 . 120 102 94 154 ' 1 132 122 50 116 100 93 •150 ''129 .119 60 113. 98 . 91 140 1 127 118 5.25"18.25" Nichftard'm erosmith Fastening Systems, ersaPin Fe 16 256.25 20 GA Steel 136.3 15 170 :-170 170' 210 1 210 210 20 170 170 170 210 1 210 210 25 170 170 170 _ 210 1: 210 210 30 170 170 170 210 1 210 210 40 .170 170 170 210 1.210 210 50 170 170 '.170 210 1 210 210 60 170 .170 170 210 ! 210. 210 24 5.25/6,25 0 GA Steel -90.9 15 170 170 160 210 ! 210 207 20 170 170 156 210 ! 210 202 ..25 170 168 164 210 210 198 30 170 164 161 210 210 195 40 170. 169' 147 210 206 190 60 170 156 144.' 210 201 186 60 170 `163. 142 210 197 183 Blind 16 .25/6.25 0 GA Steel -27.6 15 107, ':97'. 88 138 125 114 20 107 :94 80 138 122 111 25 107 92 138 119 109 30 107 90 — 138 117 107 40 . 103 88 — 132 113 50 99 86 128 111:. — 60 87 125 109 a Intertek 130 Derry Court - York - Pennsylvania -17406 ucsimrbra PCA-101 Varsron. Cr April 2017 on - Code Compliance Research Report 1;4.7 Page 7 of 22 Siding Typo Siding' Fasteners FacelBlind Effective Fastener S pacing ramin �Typoil Allowable Design Building Height_ . ASCE 7.05 Basic S Z ASCE.7-10 Ultimate Wi S FramelHorizontat Field (in) tint Exv C Ex `D Ex B Ex C Exv D 7.26" NlchiBoard''O 6d Double HD MAZE Coil Nall.. Face 16 7.26 SPF 42.7 15 -1331 121 110 1721156 �152 142 20 133 117 107 172 138 25 133 115 105 172 148 136 30 133 113 103 172 145 134 40 128 109 101 165 141 130 50 124 107 99 160 138 128 60 121 1t15 97 156 135 126 DF -60.0 5 166 1� 13G 10 19 6 20 166 146 133 210 188 172 25 160 143 131 210 184 169 30 166 40 129 210 181 166 40 169 136 125 205 175 162 60 154' 133 123 199 171 159 60 160 130 121 194 168, 156 24 7.25 SPF -28.4 15 109 .99 90 140 127 16 20. 109 96 .. '88 140 124 113 25 109 94 86 140 121 111 30 109 92 — 140 919 109 40 104 89 135 115 106 60 101 87 130 112 — 60 99 86- — 127. 110 — DF -44.0 15 135-: 123 111 175 158 1441 20 .135.' 119 109 175 164 140 25 135 117 107 175 161 138 30 135 114 105 175 147 136 40 130 111 102 167 143 132 50 126 108 100 162 140 130 fi0 923 1t)6 99 • 158 -137 128 Blind 16 7.26 SPF -26.1 15 104 95 •.86 135 122. 111 20 - `-104 92 • — 135 119 - 108 25. 104 90 -- 135 116 106 30. 104 88. — 135 114 — t40 «. 100 65 129 110 — 60 97 , — 125 108 — 60 95.. — 122 106 — on Code Compliance Research Report TIN alan1-11,4,7 Page 8 of 22 Siding Typo Siding Fastener6 FacelBlind Effective Fastener Spacing. Allowable 'Design Pressure° Bullding .Heiptit. R ASCE T06 Basic ° ASCE 7.10 Ultimate nineed PH Frame/Horizontal On) Field In . ) Framing I Ts'pe EX6 8 EkriCjEkp D Ex B Exp G Exp D chIS.Rd Double HD MAZE & Fiberglass Shingle 9 Nail Blind 12 .25 7'16" 3B -35.3 is 121 110 1 100 56 142 9 20 .121 ` 107. 1 .98' 156 138 126 25 121 105-.. 96 156 135 124 30 :.121 102 94 156 132 122 40 116 99 92 1 150 128 1 118 60 113 97 90 1 145 125 116 60 110 96 89 1 142' 123 114 16 725 PF -32.8 15 '117 108 96 1 15137 124 20 117 103 94 151 133 121 _ 25 117 101 92 151 130 ' 119Asphalt 30 -117 Gig 91 151 127 117 40 112 96 88 145 124 114 60 .109 94 87 140 121 112 60 106 92 85 137 119 110 24 7.25 SPF -25.2 1S • 102 93 1 — 132 120 1 109 20 102 90 132 117 106 25 102 88 132 114 — 30 102 87 132 112 40 98 127 108 60 96 - 123 108 -120 "CS d I 'i • M ' -G 11 arch irs9 a Na c 1ti 7-2 R�'s1•IMr1>t rr� mot. , �trni tl avC �_ Fgiv 141 '�wr�a lill' t k 30 An 151 145 127 124 117 114, 195 187 164 160 161 .147 50 • '140 121 .112 181 166 144 60 137 110 '110 177 153. 1q2 on, Code Compliance Research Report 1,4,7 Page 9 of 22 Siding Typo SidingFastenee FacelBlind Effective Fastener S ocin �raming o I Type Allo a ble Des Building Hbi ht ft ;. ASCE 7.06 Basic z ASCE 7.10 Ultimate FramelHorizonta in) Field 1n ( ) Ex 13 Ex60 Ex D- Ex B Ex C Ex In 7,26" NichiBoard74 Aemnft Fastening Bysten�s. VemnPin Face 16 7.26 20 GA Steel 117.6 1 -170 1 17 1 I 2 0 10 20 170 170 . 170 21D; 210 210 25 170 170- 170 2101 210 210 30 170 `170 170 210! 21D 21D 40 170 170 167 2101 210 210 60 170 170 164 210 � 21D 210 .60 170 170 162 2101 210 20.1 24 7.25 20 GA Steel 78.3 6 70 164 149 1 2101 210 192 .20 170 169 146 2101 205 188 26 170 _ Me 143 210, 201 184 -30- 170 162 140 210 i 107 181 40 170 148 137 __MO 191 176 50 168 145 134 2101 187 173 60 184 142 1 132 2101 183 170 8.29, NichiSeardw Bd Double HD MAZE Cog Nall Face 16 8.25 SPF 7.5 15 126 113 1, 103 161!, .146 133 20 125 110-1 1001 161 142 130 25 125 108 99 161. 139 127 30 125 105 97 161, 136 125 40 120 102 05 155 i 132 122 60 116 100 93 150 120 120 60 113 98 91 146 127 118 DF 58.0 6 15' 1 28 200. 182 165 20. 165 137 125 200 177 161 25 155 134 123 200 173 158 30 156 131 121 200 169 166 40 149 127 118 192 : 164 152 50 144 124 .115 86 161 140 60 141 122 113 182 168 146 24 $.25 PF -26.0 � 20 102 90 _� 132'; 116 106 26 102 Be 132 114 30 102 86 32 ! 111 q0 08 12aI 108 60 95 122' 105 60 92 — 119 DF -38.0 1 2.Z P107 104 64 8 .139 20 127 102 164 144 132 25 127 i00 164. 141 129 30 127 08 164 ' 138 127 40 -122 104 06 167 134 124 60 118 102 04 52 131 121 60 115 100' • 93 148' 129 120 Vol . I Code Compliance Research Report CCRR-0258 Page 10 of 22 Siding Type Siding Fastener' FacelBlind Effective Fast nor Snaclnq Allows ble Des Building Height ft ' ASCE 7,05 Basic : ASCE 7-10 Ultimate FramelHoriZOnta in Field On) Framing Type Eit 'B' Ex 6 C I HXD D Exv B f Exp C E.p D 8.25" NichiBoardTp° Double HD MAZE Asphalt & Fiberglass hingie Nall Blind 12 0.25 OSB .29.6 6 1 1 91 143 130 118 20 111 98 ' 89 143.1 126 115 25 111 96 d87 143 ' 123 113 30 111 94' 86 143 i 121. 111 4050 106 01 137 117 108 103 89. 133 114 106 60 1D0 87 13D i 112 — 16 8 25 I PF -23.7 5 1 06 20 87 1 128 . 113 25. ---Do 90. -Be 128 110 — 30 99 — 128 108 40 95 123 1 105 50 02 110 — 60 90 116 — 'Double HD MAZE Asphalt &Blind Fiberglass Shingle Nail 16 8.26 YP -43.0 5 1 110 173', 5' 4 18'' 108 173 152 139 115 908 173 149 136 113 104 173 148 134 =551 110 101 166' 142 131 107 99 160 138 128105 98 157, 138 126 to Code Compliance Research Report TM 1131.n411c4,7 Page 11 of 22 Siding Type Siding Fastonor6 Face/Blind Effective Fastener S acin Fr Typia g Allowable Design a Pressure s Building Holght M: ASCE 7-05 Basic Wind S eed MPH 2 ASGE 7-10 Ultimate Wind S oed MPH' FramelHorizonta (in) Field On) Exp B. Exp C1 Exp D Exp BI Exp C Exp D 835" NichiBoardT" Aerosmith Fastening Systems. VersaPin Face 16 8.26 211 GA Seel -1013 15 170• 170. •170 210 210 210 20 170' 170 167 210 210 210 25 170 170 164 210 .210 210 30 170 170 161 210 210 208 q0 170 170 157 210 210 203 50 170 166 164 210 210 199 60 170 •. 163 161 210 210 195 24 8.26 Ske A -68.8 • 16 169 153 139 210 198 180 20 169 1491 136 210 193 1 176 25 l69 148 134 210 188 173 30 169 143 131 210 185 170 40 102 139 128 210 179 165 50 167 138 126 203 176 162 60 153 133 124 198 172 160 9.26" NlchlBoardTm 6d Double HD MAZE Call Nail Face- le 9.25 SPF -33.4 16 118 107 97 162 138 126 20 118 104 05 162 134 122 25 118 '102 93 152 131 120 30 118 100 1 92 152 129 118 40 113 .97 1 89 146 125 115 50 110 04 88 141' 122 113 60 107 03 86 138 120 111 D -51.7 15 .147 133 121 189 172 1 166 20 147., 129 118 .189 1671 152 25 147 126 116 189 163 1 160 30 147 124 114 189 160 1 147 40 141 120 111 182 155 1 143 60 136 117 109 176 152 1 140 60 133 115 107 172 149 1 138 2b: 9.25 SPF -22.3 19 96 87 — 113 1 — 20 96 _124 124 1.10 25' 96 124 107 1— 30 06 — _ — 124 — 40* 92 119 5o 89 115 60 87 113 DF II4 -34.9 16 20' 109 99 54 140 127 20 120 106 96 154 136 124 25 120 103 96 164 . 133 122 30 120 101 03 164 131 120 40. 116 96 . 91 148 127 117 50 111 g6 • 89 144.. 124 118 60 100 •.94 87 140 122 113 9.2V' NichiBoardT" Double HD MAZE Asphalt & Fiberglass Shingle . Nail Blind 12 9.26 /16" SB •23.6 ib 99 00 127 116 105 20 99 87 127 112 25 90 . 86 — 127 110 30 99 — — 127 108 — 40 95 722 50 92 118 60 90 116 130 Derry Court • York � Pennsylvania • 1740.6 Intertek urcrmru PCA-101 VvrSion 6 April 201 n Code Compliance Research Report TM 10I.n1t11,4,7 Page 12- of 22 Siding Type Siding Fastener° Face/Blind Effective Fastener S acin F g Type �' Allowable Design Pressuro.(psf)® Building Height 9 (ft) ASCE 7-05 Basic Wind S eed MPH z ASCE 7-10 Ultimate Wiod Snead (MPH)' Frame/Horizontal() (in) Field in Expb Exp,Cj Expi Exp . Exp Expo 25" NlchiBoardTM emsmith Fastening Systems, ersaPin Face 16 9.25 t9el -92.1 16 . 170. 170 -161 210 210 1 208 20 170 = 157 210 210 203 25 169 165 210 210 200 30 165 162 210 210 190 40 160 148 210 207 191 60 157 145 210 202 . 188 60 154 143 .210 199 185 24 9.25 0 GA teal 61.4 16 1160 146 32 206 187. 170 20 141 129 200 182 166 25, 138 126 206 178 163 30 135 .124 206 174 160 40 131' 121 198 169 166 60 '128. '119 192 165 16360' 126 117 187 162 151 (n Code Compliance Research Report 1,4,7 Page 13.of 22 Siding Type Siding -Fastener' Face/Blind Effective Fastener S acin FType 0 Allowable .BuildingVCF,7�.5Basic Design Pressure s HelgFit 4111 --"� MPH ASCE 7.10 Ultimate Wind S ued MPH s(in) Frame/Horizontal Field (In). Ex D Exp B Ezp C Exp D 12" NiahiBoerilTM d Douhle H.D MAZE Coil Nall Face 12 SPF -25.8 15 85 134 121 110 20 — 134 118 108 134 115 106 30 — 134 113 — A0 99 128 110N13 '60 .96 124 107..60- 94 121 10516 DF -39.8 16 ..129 '117R914 168 151 .20 129 113 166 147 26 129' 111 166 143 30 129 109 166 140 40 123 106 169 136 126 .60. 120 103 154 133 123 60 •. 117 101 151 131 121 24 12 SPF -17.2 76 151 20 109 — 26 '109 — 30 — — 109 40 — 50 — 60" — — DF -26.6 16 12L 96 87 136' 123 112' 20 105 _ 93 "13 120 109 25 : 105 91 136w 117 107 30 105 89 136 116 105 40 101 66 130 111 50 "98 126 109 60 96' 123 .:107 1- 12" NiehiBoard*" Aerosmith Fastening Systems, VemnPin Face 16 12 20 GA Steen -71.0 15 170 . 186, 1 142 210 201•1 183 20 170 151 1 138 210 !196 179 26.. .170 148 1 136 210 191 175 30 -170 145 133 210 i187 172 40 165 141 130 210 182 168 50 160 138 128 206 '178 165 60 166' 135- 126 - 201 1175 162 24 12 20 teal GA -47.3 15 140 127 116 - 181 164 140 20 140 124 113 161 160 146 25 140 121 111 —181 '166 143 30 140 • 119 109 181 i 153 141 40. -135 1w 115 .106 174 149 137 60 130 1 112 104 168 145 134 60.. 127 110.. '103 164 '142 132 Notes. 1. N1chiRoardTM fiber cement lap siding may only be Installed on vertical walls. Fasts Installation. Where necessary, pra-drilled holes.may be used in combination with ham 2. ASCE 7.05 Basic Wind Speeds are based upon occupancy category 11, a wind dire equal, to 41.0.18, and an wdemal pressure coefficient (GCp) equal to 4A. The efech has boon Ilmlled to 170mph. 3. ASCE 7.10UI11male Wlnd'Speeds are based upon a wind diroctionantyfactor (I(d) and an external pressure coefficient (GCp) equal to AA. The effects ofaopogmphlc 11 to 210mDh. 4. The values In this table are based on testing per ASTM E330 and represent the all the corresponding wind speed. . 3. Faslaner specifications for those used in testing are outlined in Table 7 of this Intor to detemune the actfoplability, olailemall" fasteners. ' 6. Allowable design is assums in iughlighled caps bow been adlusted based on the IJ 7. Framing and bracing are beyond the scope of this evelua0on report. 8. Allowable design pressures for assemblies described in this table are applicable to Remset TE Socks power actuated fasteners (]CC -ES ESR-1799). Minimum fastener of the wall. a Intenek are must be Installed In a way that does not damage the board during nailed fasteners to avoid damage to the fiber cement product. Jonality factor (M) equal to 0.66, an Internal pressure- coefficient (GCpI) of topographic features have hot been considered and the wind speed just to 0.85, an Internal .pressure cooffielent .(GCpl) equal to 4/40.18, hares have not been consldered and tho wind speed has been limited able capacity of the siding to resist mo wind pressures associated with CCRR. These. spociffcallons may be used by the dosignei of record allowable withdrawal capacity of the tested fastener. NichlBoard Plank attached to ASTM C00 fully -grouted CMU block wall using ITW iedment is 1 inch; fasteners must be placed a minimum of 5.1 inches from the edge 130 Derry Court • York 9 Pennsylvania • 17406 Nf'.�ftiir[r PCA-101 vo von: 6 Aptil 2017 N C7 F+ W 0 O M f'S 0 C a x- aM. o Q. �, a a (n a, CL zo zo Zo Zo fD M a Ea ar a 6 _m � m m m CD a Zl N r a cb 3 A Q W N d rrn �U cch 3 -'n CW 3 T -� �.. O 'i Cr m N m 3 (O A ri .? G? to 'a m CM (M O MO V CJ O A o co V tyn ' a. �p m CD o ro v O 0. 3 Q CT Aca MM.N wr%3 OI CT A NN Qm -GW m A ca N-s Q CTAW NNs CT CT daWNNSix�.CW 0 0 0 o Ol 0 cT o 0 0 o CT o al o 0 0 o cT o ul o CC am o CT o 0 0 0 (n o cl o 0 0 0 (T o (si o 0 0 o tT o rnEO - rsi 3 O m A A CT C91 (T 07 CT V V 1 V .i V V 1 V V i N N i w i w 1 i w W i AAA i i i CT i m i 0l i 3 m O O O -* -� -� -* N N W W W W O �' 1 O 1 O 1 O 3 O 1 cc 1 :�... Aw W COOOO 0000000 co iCT OOOO O WM C6 ZA NmCIO NNNN A00AAAA im co O(D co NNW W W AAA OOOs-L i 1 3 3 -+ 1 i NNN i 1- w s CJWA 1 3 ONCOJ�v CODO i i O Oisii 1 i J 1 j 400 ?00 ) tOD V COji. CT VOAVOA m jtl10004 alOWVO NAVONQCJO-+AVOWQO .. NCT VOWCTQ s fV N NNW W A ,�s A ACT CT 0 CT m W 0 sW i 0 i 0 i �L 0 -s w0-4ONAV i -� i 3 1 NNN 1 i 3' N ' W C1t -4 VCO W m W OD i O s-0�QO O 1 O 1 O 3' i 0 ''' �j � m x D m H n Q.m OAQ(D1 CD OCO V CDNQ UlV Ci w 3 N N N N. N N N N N i 1 i S 1 1 3 3 1 3 i i i i i s 1 i 3 3 3 i i i i 1 1 1 1 m 3 X CA CD(D O000 si j s CT OI CA QQQQ �co (D(fl(7(D(0 W W W AAAA (T QQV V V V N'� j jAA1 (� O) -+ V CT m CT CA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N Q -+ CD CA W W CT -i CO w Co (Q N m CD M m Ol CT V O Q W W W W OD -' W m 3 1 1 i i i 1 1 N N N N' 1 i 1 3 1 1 i 3 1 i i i 1 1 i 1A�D Q N OIQ CT CAAV V V OyC Oo 67 N�Op-+-+ W 000 W NA W W Cp AAACT NCT�CON C2tQCS7Q�IVM V O W coNQ-i i ,A i:.a QCO NNNW wm W.w Q cm AAACT Q(DN-1 C71 -+s s W CT co C CT fJt m (T Q Q O) V a CAD �i M 1 0 1 ID N O N 1 N N 1 —W W 1 W 1 i� W A A CT i C.'1 i [T 3 Q 3 i Q 0 i 0 i O 1 W i CiI i V 1 i N N O Q i N Cb A CA (O N V CD -� W Q O N Q tO N CT tO w s m CD W M W N V O W CT CD Q co -+ CT V O A Q CA -+ (� V7 M n) OQ CD F-A Q rh N N Q co LD. CL m a 0% N tR N 6ND9ty 3 7 3 -� rD7m m D1 N Cs) fA Gn ro G O 7 O to to CD in .� fD 't[ m 00 mCD v tD N -Oi 3 In CD Co N CL v C C U) � c CD 'f1 a a C7 3. CD CD (D to c1 .p rn � rn 0 0 c 0 0 o a 8 A C) C1 A t) C) 3 7 -t-y-O- N tmJ tVo m 50 9) CJ io tD W m co p � d a to m mmAh,WNN 0 0 0 0 to men WNf- m h. WNN-i CD mtnAWNN1 O O O Ul CD mcnAW 0 0 NN->-m O tna W Nto O m 0 00 0 N O 0 CrO O O Ut O 0 0 Cn U7 CD O O O m . f0 wwa�acoa J i i>> J Ji>>> 1 1 W 00000 > 1» 1 3>> 1 1 3 m b C7m cotDOtDO m cI m CDOOOOO V V.JvV -+NNNNNN V OAID CU OCD A?tTw03, W V -�mmW OD W Ut Co,-�mm8tr V NNNN OA(D OID NNE' to �.1 V i>> >NNN�W CDNmco to 1}a�, W 1 la c)toAV-�C1 Ath J cnmm J> J d -�w(DQ3, 1» 000>-i J> -� i J NNN 4 A J O)tOcomcoW J J W J W J W.P I I OO mtD Co�00 W Ul > C _. 1 0o w J c) 0, J co-+?V 3 1 1 X 3 - y N tit 01> -a.NN W W W AAAUt O7ONAmtn 00001 J 1 J 1>>>> -aNNNW -CD I I I i I i V m�� W WONAm 3 J > J p'fl m Q co OWm tv OW wtn 00NAV0 W to VO CD Im O u 1 1> J 1 J 1 J J> N N N i> k x V ACo V 07 t�J NNNN0000000-+t370mmmm co co to -► (n G16)OlT G7T t7000OOONNW tow?A4�.A W m0mmmm, Ww W W Of -+tnOtnm cn0 WO O)O a) 0) VV�I ®d m » mtnUlmmmV » > 1 3> Oo mOto J 1 N 00-i N N— W 1 W 1 wA J d4% 1> C7 m -CA V V W0000>>WWW AA Acne_p j m W W tc W V O -+ W W -t V -+ O W V N m 0 U7 V O> UI V O w -• W m -i W V -� C d4*1-1- > J 1 J 1 1 1 J J 1 J 1 » > >> > 1>> m 0 m A O �l A m th m e� S m O A M W N N N (on Code Compliance Research Report LCRR-0258 Page 16 of 22 1 Panel Fastener' Fastener Spacing Framing Type Framing Spacing All Pressure Design a (psQ Building Height' ft ASCE 7-05 Basic Y S o Ezp B Exp C I ExpD ASCE 7-10 Uttlmate S Exp B Exp C Exp D Perimeter JIn) Field (in) 8d Masonite Siding Nails 4 4 SPF Lumber 16"o.c. -119.8 15 170: 170 170 210 210 210 20 17.0 170 170. 210 210 210 25 170 170 170 210 210 210 30 170 170 , 170 210 210 210 40 170 170 169 .210 210 210. 50 .. 170 170 166 210 1 210 210 60 170 .170 163 210 210 210 24"o.c. -79.9 15 170"• 165 150- 210 210 194 20 . 170 16_,L 147 210 207 189 25 170 157 144 210, 203 180 30 170 154 142 210 199 183 40 1 170 149 1 138 : 210 193 178 50 1-169.1 146 1 135 1 210 188 175 60 1 465 1 143 1 133 210 1 185 172 (ri Code Compliance Research Report Table 4 - Continued WanelTM Sheetl''4.7 Page 17 of 22 s Panel Fastener Fasteners Perimeter (in) ncin Field (in) Framing Typo Framing Spacing Ailo Pr ssure I able Desi n g (psf) Building Height, (ft) ; ASC M Basic irid Speed (MPH)' ASCE 7-10 Ultimate Wind Speed (MPH)' Exp`B Exp C Exp D Exp B Exp;C Exp D Grabber#8 Fiat Wafer Head Screws 6 12 SPF Lumber 16"o.c, -55.9 IS '1152 1 JZ 1071 162 20 162 134 123 197 171 158 26, 162 131 120 107 170•. 156 30 152 129 118 197 166 153 40. 146 126 116 180 161 149 60 142 122 113 183 158 146 60 138, 120 111 179 155 144 24"o.C. -37.3 M 42A. 110_ 100 1 161 142 129 25 . 1241 .107 . 98 1 161' 139 127 30 124 105 97 161 136 125 40 119 102 94 154 132 122 50 116 100 92 140 120 11fl 60 113 98 91 146 126 .117 20 GA Steel 16"O.C• -48 6 r 20 .142 125 114 183 102 148 25 142 123 112 183 158 145 30 142 120 110 183 155 142 40 36. 116 108 76 15D 1 139 50 132 114.. 105 170 147 1 130 60 120 . 112 104 166 .144 134 24"o.c. -32.4 Iola- IF 20._. 116 102 93 150 132 121 25 116. 100 02 150 129 118 30 116• 98 90 150 127 116 40 111 95 88 1 144 123 113 50 108 93 88 139 120 11 60 105'I 136 118 109 Grabber#8 Flat Wa(er Head screws 8 $ SPF Lumber 16"o.C, 83.8 20 176 150 210 210 194 25 170147 210 208 19D 30 170 145 210 204 187 40 .17D''141 210 108 182 SQ 170 13 210 193 179 60 169 447, .136 210 190 176 . 24'O.c. -55.9 20 162 1 134 123 1 197 173 1 168 25 162 1 131 120 1 107 170 166 30 152 1 129 118 1 197 166 153 40 148 1 125 115 1 189- 161 149 60 142 1 122 113 183 158 146 60 -138 1 120 111 179 165 144 20 GA Steel 16"O.C, -72.6 r 20 170 1 153 140 210 198 181 25 170 150 137 210 194 177 30 170 147 135 210 190 174 4D 1 4 132 10 84 D -50' 162 139' 129 209 180 167 60 -168 137'• 127 204 177 164 24"O.C, I �48.6 20 142 125 114 183- 162 148 26 142 . 123 112 183 158 45 30 142 120 110 183 155 142 D 130 11 1D6' 176 150 139 5D 132 114 105 170 1 147 . 136 60 1?9 112 104 166 144 134 a Intertek VPrtion, 6 Aorll 2017 130 Derry Court • York • Pennsylvania • 17406 KCLfU7iL gib.. PCA-101 On Code Compliance Research Report .4,7 Page 18 of 22 s Panel. Fastener Fas ener S cin Framing Spacing Allowable Dosign a or ssure (psf) Building H49'ht (g) .ASCE 7-05 Basic ,;. s Wind Speed (MPH) Exp;B Exp C Exp D ASCE 7-1 Itimate Wind Speed (MPHj Exp B Exp C Exp D Perimeter (in) Field. In ( ) Framing Type Grabber#8 Flat Water Head Screws 6 SPF Lumber 16"o.c. - 111:8 is 20- '170 . 170 • 170 210 210 210 26 •-170 1 0 170 ' 210 210 ?. 0 80 170 170 167 210 210 210 40 170 170 163 210 210 210 50 170 170 .160 210 210 1 207 60 . .170 170 158 210 210 1 203 24"o.c. -74.5 r 20-- •170 155; 142 210 :200 183 25 170 152 1391 210 19080 30 170 149 1371 210 192 176 40 -169 144 1331-210 186 172 50 164 .141 131 1 210 182 169 60 ; -160 '. al— 138 129.1 206 179 166 20 GA Steel 16"o.o. -97.0 15 170. 170 166 16 20 170 170 162 210 210 209 25 .170 170 159 210 210 1 205 30 170 170 156 210 210 201 40 .170 165 152 210 210 196 60 170 161 149 210 208 192 60 ..170 158' 147 .210. 204 189- 24"o.c. -64.6 15_AM 14q: 20 w164' 145 _132_ 210 187 170 25 164 141 130 210 83 6 30 164 138 127 210 179 164 .40 157 134 124 203 174 160 50 52 13 122. 97 70 5 •60 - 449 1 129 12 192 167 .155 Grabber#$ Flat16 Wafer Head Screws . 4 4 SPF21ngin Lumber 136.0 20 170 170 : 170. 210 10 2 0 25 170 170 .170 10 210 10 :30 170 170 170 210 210 210 0 170 170 -170' 10 210 10 '50 170 170 1 170 210• 210 210 60 J70' 170• • 170 210 210 210 24o.c. I -90.6 2' 0 170 170 - 166 210 210 202 25 170 167 1 163. 210 210 198 0 170. 1694 .15.1. 210 10 195 40 70 159 147• .210 206 190 50 170 156 •144 210 201 186 60 170 153 142 210 197 183 20 GA Steel 16"o.c. 1 6.0 20 1170 170 : 170 1 210 210 210 25 .170 70 170 1 210 210 210 30 170 1 170 ' 170 - 210 210 210 40 170 170 170 11 210 210 210 50 170 170" 170 210 210 210 60..; '170 170 . 170 • 210 210 210 24"o.c. I -90.6 15 20 70' 170 • 166 .210 210 202 25 -170' 167 :153 -210 210.1198 3d 170 164 151' '210 210 195 0 159 147 210 206 :190 51. 0 15 144 210 201 166 6170 153 142 210 197 183 a Intertek Very,on- 6 April 2017 130 Derry Court • York • Pennsylvania * 17406 ton Code Compliance Research Report .4.7 Page 19 of 22 Panel Fasteners Aerosmith Fastening Systems; VersaPin Fastener S acin Framing Type 20 GA. Steel Framing Spacing 16"o.c. AlloWable'Design I s Pressure (psf) -29.3 Building H@ighf' ft 15 ; •ASCE 7-05 Basic x i' P ASCE 7.10 Ultimato i o MPH Perimeter (in) 6 Field (in) 12 Ez ' B I '110 I Exp C 100" EXV D 91 Ex B 142 Exp C 129 Exp D 117 20 .. .110,1 97 89 142 126 115 25 -1:10 95 87 142 123 113 40 106 90 — 137 117 108 50 102, 88 132 114 106 60 _100 87 129 112 — Aerosmith Fastening Systems, VersaPin 8 8 20 GA Steel 16"o.c. -43.9 •15 ' '135 , '123 111 174 168 144 20 •. .135 11.9 109 174 154 140 25 -136 117'- 107 174 150 138 135 130 111 102 167 143 132 126 108 100. 162 140 129 f 123 106 99 158 137 127 Aerosmith Fastening Systems, VersaPin 6 6 steeA 16"o.c. -58.5 -156 141 '129 201 183 166 120, 156 137 126' 201 178 162 156 135 123 201 174 159 30,, 156 132 121 201 170 156 150 128 118 193165 152 . ,145 125 ' 116 1 187 161 149 60 141- 123 114 1 183 158 147 Aerosmith Fastening Systems, VersaPin 4 4 20 GA Steel 16"o.c. I �87,9 15 470 170 158 1 210 210 203 .20 170 169, 164 1 210 210 199 25 , 170 165 151 210 1 210 1 195 30 170. 1111 141 210 208 192 40 170� 157 . 145 210 202 187 50 170 153 142 210 198 183 60. ..170 r 150 . 140 .210 194 180 24"o.c. I -35.6 I 15 122' 110 1 100 167 143 129 20...:122 107 98 1 157 139 126 25 122. .105 96 157 136 124 30 122 103 95 167 133 122 40 117 100. 92 151 129 119 60 113 98 90 146 126 117 60 110 96 1 89 143 124 115 Notes: I 1: NichiPanel"' filler cement flat sheet siding may only be installed on vertical wall damage the board during Installation. Where necessary, pre -drilled holes may be Il damage to the fiber cement product. 2. ASCE 7-05 Basic Wind Speeds are based upon occupancy category II, a wind d equal to +h0A8, and an external pressure coofficlent (GCp) equal to -1.4. The effects of tol limited to Mtn 3..AS02 7.10 Ultimate Wind Speeds are based upon a wind, dlrecllonality factor (i and an external pressure coefficient (GOp) equal to -1.4. Tho effects of topogrephi to The values d, Thr ASTM E330 and resent the es in this table oro based on tasting per re p associated with the corresponding:wind speed. S. Fastener speciffcatlons for those. used in testing are outlined In Table 7 of this in designer of record to determine the acceptability of alternative fasteners. 6. Allowable design pressures In highlighted cells have been adjusted based on thi 7. Framing and bracing are beyond the scope of this evaluation report, 8. Allowable design pressures for assemblies described in this table are applicable using. ITW RemaetTE Series power actuated fasteners (IMES ESR-1799). Minin 6.1 Inches from the edge ofthe'wail. Fasteners must be Installed in a way that does not i in combination with hand -nailed fasteners to avoid factor (Kd) equal to 0.86, an Internal pressure coefficient (Gcpi) iatures have not been considered and the wind speed has been to 0.85, an internal pressure coefficient (Gcpi) equal to +1-0.18, i have not been considered and the wind speed has been limited capacity of the siding to resist the wind pressures CCRR These speciilcations may be used by the listed allowable withdrawal capacity of the tested fastener. the NichlPanel attached to ASTM C90 fully -grouted CMU block wall i fastener embedment is 1 inch; fasteners must be placed a minimum of 130 Derry Court • York • P Iannsylvania • 17406 a intertek.com/buildinf; )ntertdk I PCA-101 lipi vofv 6 April 2017 ton Code Compliance Research Report Page 20 of 22 A7 Siding Typo Siding Fastener' Face/Blind Effectivo Fasteners acin I Allowable Design Pressure s ° Building Height., ft ' SC 7.05 Bastc ind S sari MPH S E 7.10 Ultimate Ind S sod MPH 7 Frame/Horizontal (in) Field in ( ) T Framing Exp B JFxp C' Exp D Exp B, Exp C JExp D NichlStraightT°/ NichiStaggeredT" 6d Double HD MAZE Coil Nail Blind 12 8.625 7/16' OSB I -23.5 15 99 90 1281 116 105 20 99 87 _ 128 113 — 25 99 85 128 110 — 30 99 — — 128.- 108 — 40 95 1 50 92 _ _ 11919 — 60 90 116 — — 16 8.625 SPF -35.9 15 F 122 111 101 158' 143 130 20 122 108 98 158 139 127 25 122 1 105 96 158 136 125 30 122 1 103 95 158 133 122 40 117 1 100 92 151 129 119 50 113 98 91 146 120 117 60 111 "06 1 89 143' 124 116 24 8.623 SPF -23.9 1s 100 90 129 117 106 20 100 88- 120 "113 — 25 100 86 — 129 111 30 100 — 120 109 — 40 96 123 106 — 50 93 120 1 — 60 90. — - NichiStralght"11 NichiStaggeredT" 6d Mn Shank Double HD MAZE Coil �� Blind 12 3.625 7/16" OSB _24.9 15 102 92 119 108 20 102 90 110 106 25 102 88 — M26 113 30 102 86 111 40 98 106 50 95 105 — 60" 92 119 — Nieh!Stralghtr"/ NichiStaggeredT" 8-18 Waf r Head ROCK -ON Screws Blind 24 B.625 20 GA Steel I -49.6 15 144 130 118 185 1 168 153 •20 144 127 1.16 185 1 163 149 25 144 124 114 185 1 160 147 130:11 144 121 112 185 157 144 40 138 1,18 109 178 152 140 50 133 115 107. 172 149 138 60 130 113 1 105 168 146 136 1, NichiStralght'"!NichiStaggeredT" Lap Panel fiber cement siding may only be in; Ina way that does not damage the board during installation. Where necessary, pre-c nailed fasteners to avoid damage to the fiber cement product. I 2, ASCE 7-05 Basic Wind Speeds are based upon occupancy category II; a wind dire equal to +/-018, and an external pressure coefficient (GCp) equal to -1.4. The effect has been limited to 170mph, 3. ASCE 7.10 Ultimate Wind Sppends are based upon a wind directionality factor (Kd) and an external pressum.coefNcienl (GCp) equal to-1.4. The effects of topographic I to 210mph. 4, The values in this table are based on testing per ASTM E330 and represent the all associated with the corresponding wind speed, S. Fastener specifications for thoso usod in testing are outlined in Table 7 or this Inter designer of record to"determine the acceptability of oltomabvo fasteners, 6. Allowable design pressures In highlighted cells have been adjusted based on the 0 7. Framing and bracing am beyond the scope of this evaluation report, 8, Allowable design pressures for assomblies described in this table era applicable to grouted CMU block wall, using iTW f2amsetTE Series poworactuated fasteners (ICC- be placed a minimum of 8.1 Inches from the edge of the wall. a Inlidrtek Wrtiiori: 6 April 2017 I on vertical walls. Fasteners must be installed holes may be used in combination with hand- tionality factor (Kd) equal to 0.85, an internal pressure coefficient (Gcpi) of topographic features have not been considered and the wind speed qual to 0.85, an internal pressure coefficient (Gcpi) equal to +/-0.1 a, atures have not been considered and the wind speed has been limited vable capacity of the siding to resist the wind pressures ik CCRR. These specifications -may be used by the ed allowable withdrawal capacity of the tasted fastener, to NlchiStmIght/NlchiStaggered lap panels attached to ASTM C90 fully- S ESR-1799). Minimum fastener embedment Is 1 Inch; fasteners must 130 Derry Court • York • Pennsylvania • 17406 ursrauu PCA4a1 Otr� Code Compliance Research Report Page 21 of 22 1,4,7 Siding Fasteners Fasteners er 6.1/4" idth Shake 8-114" 12" Width idth sheathing typo Allowable Desi n Pressure g o Buildinfl Height (ft) ASCE -05 Basic pH12 A5CE 7-10 Itimato dEW! Ex B Ex C Ex D Exn B Ez C Ex D d Double HD MAZE Coil Nail 2 2 3 /16' OSB I -30.6 I 1. 60 102 1 891 132 1 115 106 1. NichiShakeTM fiber -cement shingle siding may only be installed on vertical walls. Fasteners must be Installed ins way that does not damage the board during installation. Where necessary, pre=drilled holes may be used In combination with hand-nailedfasteners to avoid damage to the fiber cement product. 2. ASCE 7-05 Basic Wind Speeds are based upon occupancy category 11, a wiJdirectionailty factor (Kd) equal to 0.85, an Internal pressure coefficient (GCpI) equal to +1- 0.18, and an external pressure coefficient (GCp) equal to -1.4. The effects of topographic features have not been considered and the wind speed has been limited to 170mph. 3. ASCE 7-10 Ultimate Wind Speeds are based upon a wind dlreclionaiity factor (Kd) equal to 0.85, an Internal pressure coefficient (GCpI) equal to +/-0.18, and an external pressure coefficient (GCp) equal to -1.4. The effects of topographic features have not been considered and the wind speed has been limited to 210mph. 4. The values in this toblo are based on tasting per ASTM E330 and represent thelallowsble capacity of the siding to resist the wind pressures associated with the corresponding wind speed. 5. Fastener specifications for those used in testing are ouuined.in Table 7 of Us lnl ertek CCRR. These specifications may be used by the designer of record to determine the acceptability of allemative fasteners. 6. Allowable design pressures in highlighted Cells have been adjusted based on th I'listed allowable withdrawal capacity of the tested fastener. 7. Framing and,bracing are beyond the scope of this evaluation report. a Intertek Vervun- 6 Auril 2017 130 Derry Co • 17406 El AGtId IIV PCA-1a1 on� Code Compliance Research Report Table-7 -Specifications of Tested Fasteners Page 22 of 22 Siding Fastener Length (in) Head Diameter (in) Shank Diameter (in) 2 3 Materi�r ' g Siding Type Minimum Fastener penetration into Material in Fastener Withdrawal value (ibs) Nigh] anel7m 1 NichiBoardTr" Face 13/8 34.4 NichiBoardTM(Blind)'171/ 42.2 SPF NichiSttalghtT'"/ NichiSta eredTm a/e 34.4 6d Double HD MAZE Coil Nail 2 0.237 0.099 DF NichiBoardTM (FaceL 53.1 NichiBoardTM Blind 11t! n 65.2 7/le" OSB NichiStraightT'"/ NichiSta Bred"" 7/1e 16.9 e OSB NichlShakeTM /16 16.9 2-5 0.236 0.097 SPF NichiBoardTM Face 1 r1 45.9 NichiBoardT'" Blind 2'/,0 53.6 SPF NichiFrontierT"" Face ill. 29,8 NichiFrontierTM Blind 19/ 41.4 7/18' OSB NichiStraightTm/ NichiStaggeredTM 7/10 17.9 6d Ring Shank Double HD MAZE Coil Nall 2 0.233 0.105 SYP NlchiFrontierT" Face 11/n, 46.1 NichiFrontierTM Blind 1 l;e 64.0 8d_ asonl a SidindNalls 1 2.5 0.313 0.118 . SPF I NlchiPanelTm 2'/ a 65,2- S i.NichiBoardT"A'(Face) 11/0 36.5 t3ou le 1ID AAA A5 Halt lbt�r lass >tsingte Mail 1 7� 0 ' 6 12 - �i`itNlciii8oardT' i3iind 1 i�tc i' liE3oarci F3lind iZl'!'� 00=07 t415 4 j [ 71-te'OSB NichlBoaMT'" Face 21.3 N1chiSoard7l" Blind '/,n 21.3 Double HD Grlp Rite 2.5 0.383 0.125 TSPF w/ / OSB NichiFrontierTM Face 1 / 51,3 NiehiFrantterTM Blind 2 /,n 66.1 1.75 0,362 0.125._ 7/lgu OSB Nich1Front1erTA° Face '/, 21.3 Roofing Nail NichiFrontierTM Blind 918 21.3 Grabber#8 Flat Wafer Uand 6 1.625 . 0,406 0.166 SPF NichiPanelTm 1 85 20 GA Steel I Nlch)PaneITTM 88.3' Aerosmith Fastening 1.5 0.301 0.106 20 GA Steel I Nic iPanelTm 04.7 I NichiBoardTM" Face 94.7 Systems, VersaPin7 I NichlBoardn" ffigaL - 94.7 1.376 0.251 0.107 20 GA Steel 1 NichiPanelul 94.7 #8-16 Wafer Head ROCK- ON 1M 8 Screws 1.625 0,396 0.162120NlchiStraf GA Steel I N(ch(Front(erT^' Face 95 I NichiFrontierTM' Blind I ghtTM / - 95.0 NtchiSta eredT"' - 95.0 erosmith Fastening Systems, SurePine 1.25 0.300 0.145 COBlockte I NichiBoardTM (Face) 3/4 233.1 2 0.300 0.145 Concrete Block NichiBoardTM Blind . 11./ 233.8 NichiStraightTm/ NichtSta eredTM' 1 % 233.8 I. SPF (Spruce-Plno-Fir) taming material Is assumed to have a Specific Gravity or 0A2 2, DF (Douglas Fir) framing material is assumed to have a Specific Gravity of 0.5 or gre, 3, OSS sheathing material is assumed to have a Specific Gravity of 0.5 or greater. Whe studs, a Specific Gravityof0.42 shall be assumed for the entho fastener penetration do; 4. GYP (Southern Yellow Pine) framing material is assumed to have a Specific Gravity of S. Altomative fasteners must moat the minimum head and shank diamolers listed In Tab determined by the design professional of record In accordance with the requirements of S. Fastener pull-out capacity based on manufacturer (Grabber construction Products, In 7. Fastener pull-out capacity based on PEI Product Report PER-06014 and a safety tech 8. Fastener pull-out capacity. based on 1TW Buildex and OGnois Tool Works, inc. Product 9, Fastener pullout capacity based on PEI Product Report PER-07021 and a safety fach a 130 Derry Court • York • Per_ intertek.com/h Intertek vPr•,,nrr 6 April 2017 fasteners are installed through 0S8sheathing into SPF ,5 or greater. 8. The required length and withdrawal capacity shall be ble 3.4. S. 0, and 7 of this Intertek CCRR. technical data sheet and a safety factor of 3. 02722 and a.safely factor of 3. -1° ania • 17406 IMIAg u�rurym PCA-101