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,:~:-.....~",~D~~'': : :~: ::-:,~-"~'-~=-=-r:: :-::.::..::.;::..::::-~::.:..:= .lW~."ua.~~.J;:~~~~f<~~:"::~~:":' ';;' ~____.
TillS INDENTURE, lbdt thi&.._....._........._.4.th... .._.......d.y of--..--.... Maron -.._.._..__................ .._. ._......_._A. D. 19l..5..~ BETWEF.N
___...Ul1am....c.....garwen.and._.hls...trlf cLAmtml1.~_.li~Hl~O_n. .__. ....._.__... ..._..._. ._...._.._ ....._....._ ... __. ________..._.._._ ___
of the COllnl, oL.__._;3.~~..L.~9..~.~.__..._.__..._._and State: 01_...._...___,~.C?~.1..~.f;l.._._......._............._._.. ...._._part_ifU'Jof the lirat part, aud
.--.-.--..-..--G ..Jt... .Y6nterS.. alld..hla\!l:fa_.QClt'.a7t~nt.Ql'~._.___.......___.........._..... .. ....____.__... ........._..____._m_......._..._.__
of the Counly oL...._~_a...~.~.._:L\1~.!.~.._.____.and Slate Of...__...._____'lOrida____._.__.__.._._part1es. of the secoluJ pari,
WITN ESSF.Tlf, tl.al the saiJ parties.. 01 Ih~ fiut PUI, for an<1 in ronsitkralion of the SUIII of..________..__.._....__......._.._.__..__.. ._.. _"__"_ ......_
__.Ten..Dollars ..and.._oth~ valuable...Qonslder.a\1.0MllE:I&. to_them...i~ hand p)id,tbe receipl "bneof is herel,,. acknc,,'led.:ed,
hL-Y.. granle:d, bar.:ained, sold and tr)nsferred, .nd b,. tbese presenls do_. __irant, b3rpin, nil and tunsler unto the: said para1..!l~ _ of the second
".,t and__tb&.lt'_heiu and assigns forner, all tht certain parcel of land lying and ~inlr in Ihe t'ount, 01_..S.~..~_..~u.~A9..______.___
al!d Slate 01..-_:r1or~da.._..____.__.more: particularly deocribed as follo..s:..:--~.llo.rth.half .of_Lot_.'tfto....HuoQr.!;t.~.
.. S1xty-fo\U".. (~.Q~) L1;h~ J{Q.~n hal,t: . ()~._ :tot .'i1.~~. .Hup~~_!.~..h~.~..!~l:'.~!:!!._ (2.06.) ...~.~...t~~_.llO_~~.~. ~.a.!_!....
,of .lot. Tw.o H:md.r~d3hty~l;lix,.o f.. S.\l~t!! Y.!.~.i.~.~..~o.f .~e.()~.!_~~_ T8~.. (lQ) ,. __T()!"~.~iJ>.~hi!~y:-lJi~...._.._
.J 36).. 8Quth.d Ra.Il6Q 'orty.. (4Ql~8~t. ..C.O~1;tt~_!1gnfteEtn. (II?) .a.ore't.f!1ore ..or... ~ess, ._El~()<>'~'':"''h'"
.1D4J to .tile.plat made by.i'ranklln Sheen. dE...C._reoorhl1_.a.l1d. nledin.l'l..!lt...poO~N~....l..8,t..
..page ..23'd .SeptnIQor19th. dl'Qodnln. tl1.~ _Qfn(t~ ..Qf.~!l~. _q!.~~~n...o.f.__1;ilEl...:ll."cll~.~ _~.().~..~__.!.~...!!J.!d.. ~~!"__.
..J?f;l ~.t.. Ll!<?..tEt.n~Q~Il~lL !!Q.~~~!-_._.__..h....h......__._...__._. ..._. _..__..__..__. _....______.. ____ '''n ....._.__.:_.......__..._____.....:._....__.
Tn is . dead is .IDllcl e . sul.?Ject. ~o__t!1a.~_.()~~~~_~.~..!'_~~~~~ _'~.!?!'h~ ~.~. .l! ~:lI:?.~.~_.!~.". ~~g.._()_()....!~.O!ll_...__....
. W.. C.lianaen and wife .to.:K~,!,Qrc1 s~;1.I1la.~"_tl!!.f;.Etd.Mf;l1...20th,).~?~.!l.ln.reco~ed ~n_J~~!_~g8ge....._._..
...Boo.kh 19 ,n.page-29J. ..of-the.P.ubll.c.. Reco rdfLo.:f...l;?alnt... Luol.e.. .County 'n",bj,nQb.;:Q,QT.t~a.6e_tl1~.V.~n4Q.G.~
" assume. as. a. part . 0 f .tho no.onel~tJr at.:tQ~n..J~!H'.~~.f..! .-.....--.-.______._...._._.._hh...... .h...._.....___.....__.___
.... .......n.....__....__....._..... ..n....." ..._.___..___.n..._.__._.___.. ._. ...__._...__..___.__...._.. __..._..__..__.........n_._.___h__....._.........._........__.____ _._____
- ...._...~---.--.-.__._._._.__....._.__....-.__._---..-._---~--_.__._-_._--------------------_.._-_.__.._.--:---- ....--..----.-.-.-......-----..-----
--.--.-.----.----------.----.---..---------.-----------.--.-------------.--- ---.-.-----.-----.----
___.__._____.___.._..___~u_____..___. ..--"_"_-____'_. ._..____________ __._._.__.__.______... ......_.h..._.______.__._ _ _..___ ._._.._ ._~ _.._......._. __.'_.'_'__.__n__.~ _____._.... ..____
TOG~THF.R will. all r'le t~n<ments. hen,Jitam<nlS and :apl'urt<nantu. with ever>' privilege, righl. till~, inl<resl alld est31~, dowu and right 01 dO'H',
r<HUlon, rcmalllder aQd eas<m<nt there',. belonl!::11: or in anywise appertaining; TO IIAVE ASU TO 1I0l.D Ihe s.me in fee: siml'le lorner.
All'.! the -said part..ieS of the first part 016._ cOHnant wilh the said pUL.:l.~~ oi Ihe SCCOllJ pour !hu-_l~.!'I.Y._..____.......Iawlully seized of the
said premisu, that they )r~ Ir.c Crom all illcumbunccs 3nd Ib;;t.n~';/.___(i..ax.~ooti right and law CuI authorily 10 nil Ihe same; and th. uid f>arl.l.e~ ul
Ihe first pari do__ hneLy lully Warrallt Ih~ title 10 said land, and will ddend the SaD.e against Ihe: lawful claims oC all l'ersons ,,'homsoner.
IX WnNESS WHEREOF, Ih. ui,J rarlies.. of Ihe 6r',1 part ba...Yfi!. bereunlo sct.."j;h~~..~1:_hand..l:? and seal!! Ihe day and. year abo,c ...rill.n
Signed. scaled and delivered in our presence: \
... --... .... walter I.: . Rogers .________..______....._.___.__..___..1
._n__.E1;b.,Qlu~a" 1 t Q!'L._._.....__....._______._...__
_._lfU.U.8lI\.Q~ ._Hf;lt)89P,.____ -.-..-__lSE.\L)
Sa 1n.LI,ycle_
I HEREBY CERTIfY, Thai (>n this_._4.t.b__.._clay of_Ua.r.2h.__ -A. D. 192~~ before me
l'<rsonally app<ared-_.w11ll.am-~..llll1UUUl...J:lDd....h.1.lLlllftLAIllAIllla---Ba-~m. --:-_______.._..___.
to me known 10 be thc p<rson_.~.. dcscrib.d in and who eucuted the foregoing convcyallct tu Gt ZY.e,ptfJ:!.f!... BJlL1!~~_i!!J.9 Cora. L. _.___..
and 5nerally acknowledged the exe:cution thereof 10 bch_!;l;l atJ:' ._.Iree acl
311d deed for the: lISU and purWS<s lherein menti,)ned; and the said__~!lJ\1LH!l.@~~_
th~ wife of the said_____WJ..l}.!M..Jt._...Ba~.en._ -on a SQarate alld pri....le examination
taken and lIlade b, and before m.. aDd scpar:attly and apart from her said b"sband, did ackno..ledge Ihat she made ".rSfU a puty 10 the said Deed of
Conn,ance, for Ihe 1"I<(>Ostol r.nOllncing, rtlinqu;,hing and con\'eying all h, r righi, lide alld interul. whelher of dower or oC separale property, stalutor)'
ur .quit.ble. in and to t!l rein dtscribed. an.1 that she executed t;oid d.ed lreely and \'oluntarily and without any cOhslrainl. fear, apprehension
. "r compulsion of or fr her said h alld.
Ral at._--"O~~..fi..r..!!~___.in tbe County of
Saint Lucie
alld SUte of__.
..__tbe <la, alld year last af~resaid.
~otarY Pubu...uA0.4S~At~e'PfiJl()ri~a"aceEtatg9
-- .-.'W, UOlDlDlaefou....hprre8 tl8ron 1"2., il2D .. _
Oll Ihis________t_____clay oL_--._..llQI'..!--.li. _--^- D. 1921~ aL_o'clock_m.. this inslrumellt...as
filed lor recold. and wing duly arkllowledged aDd pro...n, I han reeordefi.e same: on P.g~34_of 8oo~_in lbe: public r<eords of said
l'ounl,.. 1 t)
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hne h. n, halld "lid affiliS the (tal of Ihe Circuit C~rt of Ibe Filteenlh Judicial Circuil of said Slat", in and
lor said Celani,.. 'E!
----.--~... Eldred ___..____ ClcB_
By ~AA" Jl ~--:}~__D. C.
...~ .~~":}"~:!~~{.