HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0840 240"f i ;';;~uai.>>D1C:--=:=:~':= ~=:':"-.-:-.::::~~:~::: =:: ~-; -- : ~.::: :;;"~l~~~ l(~~~oitli<n.: br.;~J.i.~~~::':-=-;':":=~__-.-"",; , TillS INOl>NTURE, Made this.__._':"..._._._._.1'1.t.1L.._. ._da)' of-.... __'."'_ ..,I'.ebruar~..._.. ._._..___..__A. D. 19l6.._., BETWEEN ___._.___.HOY.B.,,(,ILJ..~...~ln41)ll._aD.!1..1rt.f.Q .-..1inlxIL4L~jn!.Q1.1..:._...._ .__........:...__..._.._...........:___._ _._._.__.____ of the CountJ of...._._.~t .!L.L.I!9.l!t ..... .._.....__......._.alld Slateof_.....__._...r lQJ.'.t.4.& ...--.-........-..-..-.----....---.-part..1.ea of Ihe firat part, and ----.---_.H.QDr3...~.... Bl.n.e.r_.of ..Hew_York ..Q1.:tT..___.___.._____.___...__.._._._..__,_......_...__....__.__.. _..._____..___ of Ihe County oL_..__._.._..HQW...YOrk..._.__._..___..and Slate of__lht'II":YOl:k .__._..._part .y._ of Ihe accond pari, . WI'fN&;SSETII, Ihatlbe $aid panlQJ.._ of the fiut pari, for and ill considtruion of lhe sum of._____._......_.._...__......._...__. .._.........__.__ ~ ..~.!!L.t..l,9L.@.~....(t~b9.:t....Y.~-lJl~~),.~.._Q.Qn!!!!_lt:r~_~.!.Q.~_~!tJtI: to..tha.._in hand paid, the rtetipt "bercof is hue:')' atknowled!;td. ha..y'L gun led. bargained, sol": and transferred. &:td by these pruellts do_. _grant, bareain, Idl and transfer unto ""e hid l'ar1l.._-- of Ihe second I>arl all,J._..l!t!'.__heirs .lId auiens forner, all Ihal certain l>arcel of land lying and beine in t:.e Count, 'of___~.j; !._iM.Q.!JL.._..________ alld State ol.-..'.lo'l'..i4a..-..--.- _._more parti~ularl,. ':elcrit.ed as fOl!o...=-_......_.--::-.._____.. _.__._.._ .__..._______..___._ _....h.. Lot. One .. ( 1). Block ..~Crt.. of..k .'...~iQhu..lB..S n4 JUles.. AndrewB . .Subdi visl on .oiLo t8...~hree..(3) 1'0ur (4). l'ive. (6) and..Bix( 6). ..Eaat.of..the "1. arids.. East CQaat.l(a11.a~. of.Tllel"taSUb.. cUyll!on d ot Lo~ i'ou~ (~) h" ~~.Qtl~m...T'n...n..QL.T.QtII'l.l,Ii.~~P. J~hl:r...t7__tlYQ .( 3IL.6Qqtb...R8..JJ8~.orJy .. .... (40) .E~B. t..~.~1.!18 ..~.~~~~~.. ~n.:~._.~!.o..~r~.! Ad C!..~~ l..~E .~_~.~~~_._! ~.~x.:~.~...~.~?_~d !E~.~.~._~.:L..~~. :r.~..:.._.._ . .....--00 rdad-iu.~lst>>ook Oue. (1}...I'8ge. 191..._S.t.....I.ucle. .~Qant7 . _.~ec.orda.L_ __ _....._........ .___.. __.__... ._._.__ -...._...-...-...It...ia.llereb7_agreed. b7...and.between._th.e -parties..herato._that.. this. conveyance. Is__...... ..-.. given sub J eo t _to l(or.tgagB...da.ted ..F.9bruar..1._1~.._1225..g1wn..by..HowBrd nJ. Tindall.. and l;yelJrn A. ......Tindell. ..h1s.. wife. ..to..lmmaro.!). H__~..1;Q.I}f.ol'.(\... .QQ....Qri,.ng._t.htLa~Q~Q_clQ8QrJ OO.a prQP~J'j;y .JH!.~.... ._.__..~.,!!,!I1g..:t.~~..PflYll1~Il:t...()~... au. 33~!_67 J_.:!!!l.!..oA....~!!~._p..~r!l. of ~~_~.ecoll~....P~~_~~~~i.~m~g.!:ee_f!_ to_ ____~~.~.~m?_!l_~.~ .. P.~f~. _...~~!~_ U~..!~.8_~~~.~....!..ec ~!~.~.~ E e ~!U8 r.1 16L..! 926 .t.________..__....____..._..____ ~. ---------.-_._--_._-------_._-~--.-----._---_...__.._----- ------.-..--------.--..--. ....__._..~..._---_._---------------_...__._---._.- .-.-----..--...--.-.--------.--- ___._.n..u.__._.__.______..~..___._.___.._____.__u____--.___...._._..__...____.___._.___.._..d._.._._ ..___.___._._...._._. ____..._.__.. ____.._._h_.....___.______ TOGETHER ..-ilh all tbe: tCll.menls. heredilam.nlJ :and appurt.n:ancu. with nu)' pririlegr, rtllhl, tItle, in teres I and eslate. dowu and right of dow.r, .e..rsion, remainder and easem<nttherelo bdollRing or ill allY""'" appertaining: TO HAVE AXu TO HOl.D the same in fee simple rorenr. And tht said pUL1.ea of Ihe firsl put do___ co..n~nt with Ihe said parl...7.__.. of lhe: secor.,j part that.. .thQ1...are..__lawfully .eiied of tl.. said premisu, thai lire)' are free fro.., "':: incum!.rancu and lha~_~.~l..u~~!\oc.d right an.) Ia"ful author;l,. 10 sell Ihe same; and the said paniQ.8.. 01 IN WITXESS WHEREOF, lire s:aid parlie.B. of the first part haYe _ hereunto sel_thei.r...bar.d.B and seal a Ihe day alld ,car abo.. wr~n ) Ihe first part 00__ herd.)' full, \\arr~nl lhe lide to uid land, and will deiend Ihe sam" againSl Ihe lawful claims of all persons ....honuoerer. Siencd, sealed an" delinred in our pre..nce: I .. ..... U" .... '....L. HBlIIDlngS _...___...._.._._ ....____...___ n_.._._.... ...Uargaret .lh Rogert._.___.._.__......_____.___ . .:~~~~~~~~.:.:~~~~=~~~~=~~~~.~-:._.:...lI;-50 ...di)O.;-~8.tem~ can. -...,...--.--Bo.ar.d._4..._.~lnls1L_.._.......n._{SEAL) .EY.fll.Yn..~.21ndall._...__(SEAL) STATE of_Hor1.d.a- . st. Lucie .} COUNTY OF I HEREBY CERTIFY, That on this 2.fith___day oL.-l'.e.br.uar-1 ^- D. 191~~ before me 1'~~'sonaIlY appemL-ll2Iad_J..,~~al1.. ..BJld....E.y.Q.un...A.t_~n.4.w..l._.h1.s__1Ii.fe._-..-__ .__.:.....____. to me kllown 10 be Ihe person....iJ.. described in and ..-ho execuled thc foregoillg conreyance 10..._____~.Hen.ry..A......_~1.8nel'.... --.--..--.---. and .nerall)' ackno",'ledeed lhe: execution Ihereof to k._t.o..eJ.1'._free acl and dud for Ihe uses alld purposes li..rein mentioned; and the said._lSn.lYll_....!. ~~nd.~l.l.____._____ Howard J. ~lnda11 the wife 01 the said -" . ___.__. Oll a leparate and priyate eTamination taken and mar!e b)' and before me, .nd sepautdy and apart ftom her said hnsban.1. did acknowledge that she made herself lo part, to the hId Deed of Conrc:yance, for the purpose of r.nOUllcinlC. relinquishing aM conveying all hu right, title alld interest. whether 01 dower or of separate proptrlJ, stalator, or eqll,lable, ill and to the lalld. therein described. and thai she exeClllcd said deed frtel)' and YOlnnlanlJ alld ..ilboot an, conslrainl, f.ar, apprehensioll c.r compulsion of or from her said husballd. and Slate of_ d official leal al l'_or..t-E1.ero 8 in the County of. S t .....LlJ..lU.a.. i j f ----___the daJ and ,.ear laS! doruaid. 1) not ary ?tt~r,~...gi~fe-:~,.rgri dlh'-- ____.._(SEAI.) My oommlsston.xp1ree sept. 10, 19&6 STATE OF FLQ COUNTY OF ST. LU. ~ On this__._~_....___da, Of----.aJ!!r---~_A. D. 19l~ at_----o'dock_m.. this Instru!Mnl ...as fi~ed for record, alld being duly acknowledl1.d and pronn, I b1;l: recorded tbe .ame on page......?~__of Book. 60 in tbe public records 01 Sllid Lou~ . ~ . IN WITNESS '.. EREOF, I be h.reunto lei my ha$nd 3l!ill.d tbe .ul d the Circn;1 t'o"rt of the l"i.flernlh Judicial Ciralil of said Stale, ill alld lor said Count,.. a. ~ 11 . \ .. ~ ~ ....._._~. c. Eldred BY~.~ -__Ckrk. ...~,~~. --- ...D. C. . ., ; . " j ; \ .. ,~,.'::':/?,'~i~illl~~