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:~~~~ b..A- ~ ~ -~ ~ ~ ~._~ ~ ~VT n... ~ -=- ~~ ~~~~ - 1~~.w~.I,.WI'~fl ~n:u;:OJ11-'~\:~.I\
THIS INDIl:NTURE, ),fad,. this --.-.__. 8.7.th..__.___.__cla,. of--~..-- ...r.ebruar7 .---..--....._.__-A. D. 19&....., BETWEEN
---~--------.--.MAY..ZRlJ.ARS~ ._.~uoke.r_&...alng.1..._.oman._._._...._._ ._..._......_._____....:..-____..__
of th CoUlIt,. o'r_____lIolntQ&lL__.__...._._......_-and State of-._......Oklallom.._.___.__..___.__._____puL- of the first...,.. and
-:--.-_.._.._.____PAllL BJL..1tQc.OlfllLLB._MllLILARK_Jt.._..AlmOU..!._..______._______________
"f Ihe: COIIlIt, o>f___.at.. .L1l01<<L_____..and State: of..----.l.1Q.r1Aa_______partlU.. of th~ second part,
WITN ESSF.1'II, th~1 the said paIl1.....-- of the first p;ut, for and in consideration of th" sum 01._____._..._.. ..._____....._
---.fEILnOLLARS__Alm...O.~IL'{ALUABLE..J~Ql@lP.ERATLQli~ to..~~!'._.ill balld paid. Ih" receipt "hereof is bmh)' ackflowledred,
ha.~.__ eranled. bargained, solei all" tr,lI.sfer;ed. all" by the$e pr"sents dO--_grant, bargain, sell alld transler IIIlto tbe Aid pan.1.as of tIle secolld
(>all an.....th.o1r.--heirs alld auillls forner, all th3.t certain parcel of lalld lying and t>einS in tlte Count, of__S~.._!o\\ot~__:.__.....:__
alld State ,.I__~1or1.da .--.--__more particularl,. dtscribed .. follo...=--____....._.._____.____ __..___.__._____._
.. ......._..... l!'J;:Q.01; lQna.l_S9.uth~9~j;.._q~!~.!!._~~_.~!~~~.~~..J!!.~~,u_ Town~.h..!J>..~_~?:.~Y::.~.~~!.~._ _..__._..____..__... ____.
. ..-_........ 3outhof . Bange ~ort.Y. B.o.a~. .......__________..._......._.._..___._~...____._..._._..__.... ..._.._ ._..... _.______._ .....___
.. . . h.... .... ......._...._...u__._.. ...-.. ""'__"_"___'__"""'___'._ ..._.....__._.____.___.._ ._____._._____.__............_ __.n.._. _ .._.__ __.____...._._____
_. .'-'-.._ "_. ... ._n_ __ ___.__....... ...._ .._ ._... u. ._..____..._..______..__._._..... _________.._......._____._______.___._.___._._________..___________.___...__._._______
. _._n_......_... - "___'_ ...._._....._....._....___.___..n...__......__ ------___._.___._n___ ._____________________..____.___. _"_.____ ___.____________
_.__.--_..._._-.----_.._--..~_...._....-._---_.__..._'.-._...- "". ._-_._..._..._-----------~ ---~_.._-,.~_.._-------------._.._------------._---
_.. ..~. ._.__....__ .____.__.__..._.._._ .___u._ ._._~ .._.......___. ___.~._~_..__. __.__~__.____~__.___..__~_.__....____._~_.___.___ _ ______.______._.__~
----~ ~._.. --.-..-.---~-.---..-.~.-~-. .-----~--...----.... .-._~~____________....~n..____ _.._~ _~_ _. ..__._.n______ _ .__._______.__._..__________ _____.__..n_.._____... ____
~--.-----.-_..----._------.-...-.--....--.~.---..__.~__ __'_____n__
-------..-..--------...----..-.-----.--.-----.------ -.----
-----.-----------.---....-.......--.----.....---.----.- ---.--..
----.------.-------.-. ._~..__.__.__...._--_._-------------_._----~----_..._-_.._._---~--------
------.----------..----. ----
------------.--~-- -----------.--.-..--- -------.--.------.-- .---.,....________.______._n..~,. _._...._ ___..______.__ ____..____________._____
TOGETHER ...ilh all the ttncmenls. hereditamenu and a(>tUrlCllancts. ,,'ilh e:\'tr). privlleg", right. litl", interest and .,stat", dower a:ld right of do\\'er,
re.e:sion. rcm:t.indc:r alld casement rh<.elo bclonj:;"r; Or .n anyaise: ap""rrainin~: TO U.~ VE AX\J TO HOI.l> th" same in fee simple forner.
And th" said part.8""":" of tbe: first part do _..8.8 Connant with the said part..1.es of Ihe second ~art th;t__..j:lCL_~la\dull, s"ized of Ihe
.aid premises. that thc, are free f.om ;01\ incumbrances and Ibateb.e_naS...good, right and Ia"ful authority to sell Ih" same; and tbe saId ('art Y-__ of
Ibe 6rst part do..JlL btreL)' ful\y warrant the \ltle to said land, and ..ill ddend th" sam" against lite b..-ful claims "f al\ p"rsolls "hom_ur.
Ir-: WITNESS \VIIEREOF, the said pu\...Y - of .:l., f.c part ha_.~. _ htreunlO Kt__!1.~_~and.- and lul... the da,. and ,tar aLo\~ wrilleo.
Sign"d, sealed and delivered in our presence:
-------...-h----Agll9s... Schnaider..._____________
_. -----...-.Ila-yme .i1iAJc1eman ..-___._...___.__.._._
. ..__.._---_._-------_..._---------_.~_. "-- --------------
"I HEREBY CERTIFY, That on thi.
_clay of.._-l.e b!'u'!LL
A. D. 19LQ., before m"
I"'r.o:>~Il,. apP"areL-lla1_Z811er.s...!ru.c.k.er
to me kllown to be the p"rson_ d"scribed in and who "xeCllted th" foregoillg connyanc" to
Paul B. UoConville & Clar~ H. Abbott
and sne;..ily acknowledge:d tbe ueClltion ther"of to be..Jutr__.free act
'lid deed for the: use. and purposes therein mtlltioned:..rr+lllt"~
~d....___ . . -_-'lJLa~'-_"......ae__..._je._
taken and miile"tJ~~~tIY all~:t.rt from b"r said hnsband, did acknowledge that she mad" h"rself a part, to the said DCI'd of
Collyeyance, for th" purpo . ",~y ~lia.Lall her riJrht. title alld intcrest, ,,'hether of dower or of separate pr~rt" statutory
or "quitaMt. in and 10 the bllds ther"in described. an,I tbat shc~~"d YOIUnlarily and without any constraint, fur, appr"her.sion
_",,_puN... .~"I'QIDoM. ~1IouMa" - -AoXXXXXXXX
WITNESS m,. sigllature and official seal ar..--Xufau.la..
.ill the CoulIty of
-_the day and Jiar lut ;L(or.,.ait!..
Uotary publtH'~5~~~~'~l8h-qtB---
~_C~ My cDl!l!ftifJsion eiPlresl...lf&lflt.V --_~..~_
cla, of ~ !..-___A. D. 19L. at_-O'dock-m., this mstruIDClIl .as
filed for r"cord, and beillJl: duly :lckno.ledged ud pronll, I hue recorJlfJf the same on pacc-~~of Hoole 60 in Il.e public: rc:cor"s of said
~~ ~
I han hereunto set mT haa" alld~ud tbe seal of tht CUClIit COlIn of the Fiftetnlb Judicial CIrcair of said State, in and
r.-.c.... Eldred
~'{~...4( ~
_D. C.
.~ . ~ .. -:" ~. ..;::-::1:-~~}:~~~~::~~:r~.~::-;:~~ti
. -!., ~ ....~" ~.....-... .liIJC.:l~Ilc~' a~'" -