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':818 INDENTURE, Wade' this_.___...l~th._.____.!a~ of-_.- .J'8bruar7..__..______.__^- D. 191..fi..... BETWF.&,:N
____.L.!._.~..~_.1J..Q.HJ.n&b.J.tILfRl~_.l1_'_!h.J!.ot t In&.tJM.....D.!tf..b\l..!t'b.m4_____....____________
of the ~ty of___~.h....I!~O.!.!.__:._...----&IId State of._______.~.!9!'t~ ______.__.__.__.___pan1e~_ of the lirat part. and
-____ . ________....._.__.._..L\\03...L.L.>>1o.\Ul!_ ._____...__..__.__._.'-_________._________
of the COl!lIt,. of._.~.~..,.....lA.Qj,.Q.______and Slate of__.:.....__ll~.r.1..1lo . part~__ of the: .uolld part,
WITNESSETH, tbatthe >>iJ l'artl~~_ of Ihe first parI., for and ill consideralion of the .um of. __.____ __....____
_~n8 Dollar. and ~th~!.Jfall1ablo cons Id_erat iraRI, to_..~.n.~.gLiu bauJ paid, tl,e rectipt ~"ercof is he:eb)' acknowledl:eJ.
ba..Yt.. gran led, bargained, sold and tnnsferrcd. and b,. tben pre:sellt. do_ _Irant, bar..aill, ull alld tr~lI.l~r unto tbe said part-,J....... l>f the Kcond
part and...l.1..Q!"_.hein and assigns lorner,.1I tbat certain parcel of land lying and beillg in the: Coullty oi.._~h_L1"l~le..____
and State ol._J.l.o.X'lda .__..more partic;;!arl~ de.cribed u follow.: ....._______ .._..._.__....
.._._......_..........._ Lot . .l'o.~!'. 1... L,BJ9.9.~._~.~~..J.~ LQ:!._.Q!!.!tJ..~~L~~~I.._a..~~b- d J..!J.~.9..~_.9.~_. ~h.~ .~~u.t.~.~~~~ .___..
._._ Q.uar~~~.. (:?nLc>.~_ S~~~JC)n_.~e.I.1..J~91.'--.~oW!lB~~P__?:A~.tl~t."Y~..J3~L ~Q~tb,l_~llg~. '~.~Y... _. ....._.
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__.___.of...sal dbu.1l.d11lg._ to..be.. placed_no...ne.arel:-..tb.an_twent..LL20J_f.ee.t__ .fr.om...~ot ..UI1f1....__._..._._.
...-....----..----...--.--...-.---..-.-..---...-.--..---.--. -.-.....-.....--.----------.--
.________.________.._____._.__n.____. .____.______.. ____-:...-..._________.____
TOGETHER will. all Ih~ tenemenls. hereditaments and appurt<nanc~s, wilh e:nry priyileg.., right, lill.., intere:st alld tstale, dow..r aud right of do".."
rncrsiOll, nmainder and easemcnt Ihcreto bel.."!;:n,, or in anywise apperlaininK: TO HAVE AXlJ TO JlOI.D lhe same: ill f..e simple for~\'er.
AlId Ihe said parL...iaBof the. 61St parI do.__ cO..lIant with lb., ,aid p>rt--3._ ollhe second paulh:u..th.e,}l_ ar.8.__bwfull, seized of t"~
said p..mis..., lhat thcy ar~ rr~" from all incumbrances and Ibal.t.I1'.Y-..Jla.Y.food righl and la\\lul authorit). tv sell the same: and the said part 1..~~. 01
.he: fint part 010__ h<reLy flllly warrant Ihe title to said land, and will dd..nd the same: against th~ Ia..iul claims 01 all persons whomsocycr.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said parl.1.~~ of .be first part ba...Y~_ bereunlo stl_tl1~J..!:.h.n~ and suI ~the clay and ,ur abo~e ..rill....
Siglled, sealed ;LOd delinrc:d io o:tr pruellce: l
.._,... __'.. i'rances...Hallo1los..__.._ ____.__..__.__.
...____. C.. S... .Mll.e.v___________
__LL..l!~__l!.Qt tj.ngP_Q!!!
_~_l'...!._IiQt t Ingl!.~
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..____ u _'__ _____ ____ ________ _
~T. T,UCT~
I HEREBY CERTIFY, ThaI on tbu_.l.::t.th
day of-~.8bruar.v:
0\. D. 192..5.... before me
~rsollally appeand
L. R. 110 t:U.nghML1A.1N~...!....R!...ll.Q!.t~_jl~:L@J!b!IDd
to me knowlI to be the persoll.B._ d~scribed ill and who eucuted Ih~ foregoillg cOlln,ancc: to_.Luay....L--ll1o.unt
~ .
aod styerall, ackuowledged the uecutioll tbereof to be_t..he tr___lree acl
alld deed ro~ Ihe uses and purposes lher~ill mtlltiolled: and the: said__.L. R. Not tl n~h~
the: wife of the sai<t. II. R. nottlngnam Oll a separale alld printe examiouion
takell and mad~ by and before me, and scparatcly alld ..part from her said busband. did acknowledge lhat she made herKIf a party to th~ said Deed of
COllYe)'allce, for tbe purpose or renouncing, relinqui.hioll and cOR7eying all htr right. litle alld illl..r~.1. ..huher 01 dower or of separate proper." S1atulory
or equilable. in and to Ihe bntls lhereill described, aud thai she excculed said deed Ireel, and ..olunrarily and .. ithout all' conslrainl. feu, apprehellsit>n
c.r compulsion of or from her said husb;LOd.
..._...uHo ar pu State \,/,1, 0 ._
~..._'-'--~-'.._.. l& Jomm ss~onexpire8- i- 8th.1925
.. i
.. or t Pi E!!'.5!!...
ill the COUlllJ of
st. Lucl.
Oil lhi...
.19.___~_clay oL_~.-J.8h.
"- D. 192.6...,. al_o'dock.-IO., lbu inatrumenl was
. \:.'~
filed for recotd. and Millg dul,. ad<llow!edged alld prOYCD, I ban recQr<l~d 0 um., oa pasc 244 -of Boo~_. in the public: r<<ords of said
COUfily. \U -
IN WITl\ESS WHEREOF, I bne hereunto Kt my hand and affixed \Ie val of the Circuit Coon of the FiFteelllh }ddicial Circuit of ..id Stale, ill aDd
lor uid Coull'. __ o1J
(ct.C .Seal) -') , ~" _ .:;1':..EUr~ _ ""'.
3. By ~- fL-~_D. C.
:...... ......:..:;.~...::;,:~;;ifi~it