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THIS INDENTURE, Wade tbi$._...8.o.Yen:th._..._._......_._.._da,. 01-.-..... Febru.nr7 '_"'_..__.._.._..._....__' _.. __A. 1>. 1924..., BETWEEN
---..---. ....i..~ . Ramp ton.and.llel.l1.e..L...lI8lllp.to.n.. _ h 18._ "if e....____... .___.._ .:__._._............_..._.._...:_______._:.._.__.__..
of the CouDty of__8.t... .Lu.lll.e.____......_.-&nd State of__.___._.', __.Jl1orida._.__...._.____.___part.i.e8. of the firat part, alld
--------.------..w .... H. ...Har.t...and-Ru.th.-Har.t .________._____-'-______._.____..._.__.__._____._..._......______..._._..__
of tlte Coullty of....__.St....Luole._.._..___._...an.. Slal~ of.--.-.B.lori.dO'.__..___.__.______P3rt..7.._ of th~ lecond part,
WITNESSF.TtI, Ihallhe said palt. le.80f the fint ~rt, for and In consideratioll 01 the su'" 01.._._____._.._._.._.._.._..._._.____..___...._........._....:.._
t.eU...do11ar.a ..an.d....ot.hftr _..Yal.uab1Q_QQllB.1.d1tratlOllllihdll>>. to...them...in ban,) paid, the: r~c~ipl wl.ereof i. htrtby acl.nowle,)gcd.
ha.Y.8_ granted, barllain~d, sold and transferred. alld by tbue pr~unts do.-.. ._grallt, bargaill, sell and lransler aolO the uid part ._~... of tht second
part and._.hls...___be:irs an,) a"iln. fortver, all that certain pucel of lalldlyillg and beiag ill the COUDI: ol_S.t~_..LUQ 18...._..____._...._.___
and St3.le of..___l.Q nel ..l..C.... . ....____tnore particularly described.. follo.....:-- .__.__.__.._.....__... _. ..._...._. ........._._.__.___....._.._.._..._...
.. .-...... LotB ..T,,~... (2}..8110 .~g.~.'..J.~l.().f.~:lOlJ~ .!fm D.QL.ot ...~~rlt()nB.Mditt()n_.1;()..POJ:"t ~!.~C~t__.
..1.1Qt~.d~...._~()Q~ing _1;.Q.?.l,.."!~_()t...13..~1.4.~~~.BJ9I1. UJ~.4..hl...~1l.e ..()~n.C.~.. () f til9. .~l~:r.~.J~f _ ~M.._
.Circuit. Oourt.o:f St... Luo1e ..County. ..f.lorJda.._am\..rQQo:rcie<lJllrlat . ~!)Qlt .l. ..at,pagQ .._.....
... ...... ..... .16.~ ... ._.___......._... .....~.. ..._...... ..._........_......._._........___.._.__..__.. ...__............__._...................._......... .......__... "_ .._....._.._..___._. .......... ..__._
. .~.....-.. ....-....-....-..-...--. -..........---..........-.-.-.__....83.. OO....d.oc. ,..J3.tBlU11Q ... o..en.~.._...._____....._.._...._...._........ . __.. _ _....___.__..._.._.._.....__._...
--_._-_._.__._-_.._-~--~-----....__.__._..------_.._._--_. --...--...---. .---.--------'-----.---...--..--- --.--..-...---- ----..-------
-...---.------. '-'- .. ..-.-.-...-.--.-----......-.- --..--..---..--.--------------------..-....----..--.-----....-.-.-....-. --- ----.---.-------------
. . ..__..n. _..._....._..... ..____._............_..______......__._.._. ._._....__. __..... _______________________._________________..__. ___._ ........____..__...
----.--------------------.-...--.-.-..-..-..- .-- .---------------.---..---------.---.----..--.-..---.---..----..--.-----..--....-.-------.
------.--.--.------..----..------.----.----.---------..---.-.----.---...---..----...-..----.--. -...-..---.----.-.- --.---
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TOGETHER ...ilh all Ihe lellcmenls, hereditamrnlS and appurteaallc~s, wilb ~nr)' priwile.:r. rit:hl. tille, intuut an" C<latr, du,,'er and right of dower,
rCHuion, remaindu and eaum~ntthereto belon~i"l: or in anywise: apptfl..ining: TO HAVE AX\) TO 1101.1) tbe same III fee simple forenr.
And the said partidS.. of the fint part do..____ eonnanl ..ith the ..aid pau.,1._ of the .ecund putlhaLthey _are..._.~_lawfnlly &tiud ollt.r
. said premises, Il.at they ar~ free from ..1\ incumbrances and Ihat~'f' l[l.._Kood right and lawful authority 10 sdl Ib~ .ame; and the said partl.B.S <>1
Ih~ firsl part 010___ berehy ~u\l1 warrant the lit!e: to said land. and will dtlcnd Ihe sanl~ against Ih~ lawful claims 01 all pen"n. ,...hoDlSoner.
fN WITNESS WHEREOF, Ihc said parl.:l,~.~ o! the 6rst part ba.. '!.~._ hueunlO ~t..1l:!~J~_han~_ ..nd seal~lbe day and yur abov~ ..-rill.n
__S~'~'4':';:d~~::::~_==_~___ !
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.__.lY,'.u!....Hnpt.on ...._ .__ _'h.___.._(SEAL)
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COUNT\' OF st. Luc.1e )
I HEREBY CERTIFY, That Oll thiS--JtflYiUlt.ll.--,-_.day oi-~G.bi1ar3
pcrsollallyappeuecL W L i. HalIlPton and..J1Q.lll~!.JIaJlll_t..Qn..AJ,_~_~Lf~...
A. D. 192J;i_, before me
and senrall, ackno..l~dlcd the execution Ihueof to be_.t.lH1.tJ'._lree act
N~llie R. Hampton
to me 'known to be the puson.&.... dtScrib~d ill aad ,..ho e"~cuted the foregoing eonnyalltt to__
alld deed for the uses and purpostS thuein mention~d; and the ~id
the wife of the said__--'-1.!..1..!....~Jto~.. _Oll' separate and print~ examinalion
laIc~n alld made by and belore me, and separallly and aparl Irom h~r said hnsband. did aelmnwlrdgc: that she made: herself a part, to the said Deed 01.
ConYC1ance:, for the purpose of r~DODncing. relillquishing anot con~eTiog all h<r right. litl.. and illtercst. whether 01 dower or of JCparate Jttoperly. Slalutol}'
or equitable. in and to the lands thtr~ill dtSe~. and Ilrat .he ~"<<Uled said d~~d Ir~e1y and yolunl.ril, and ...ithout any constraillt, fear, a(opreben.ion
c.r compulsion of or from her nid hashand.
nJ official seal at _J.or.t_.Ple.rc.e..
in the County of_s.t......Lw:1.e
the day and year last aforuaid.
. -
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h.---..~..Jl!._~~m:~-.-.7--...h.--t.-.iSF.AL l
...HO~l;'~o~~l~fofrO:ix~~s~l1~~ ;Qf9".-1~i~3a a. argo
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Oa tltia..
......,. of~_..l~_,
A. D. 192~..... at_--O'dock-m., tbis iJutruIDClIt ..as
'ltd for record. and t.ei.. duly ad:r.owledged ud proYen. I h.ue recorded tbe l&me 011 ~P-- 245 _of p.ofJJ ill tile public r~COI'ds of said
IS WITNfSS WH~ e hereunto set rn, band and afi.lhe sui of tbe Circuit Court 01 the Fifteenlb Judicial Circuit of Aid State, in alld
'vr said Cow.,y. .S .
~ P. C.E~~
'E! By C ~~ () j7~ '4... 1~
~ 3~' .-:.,.~...~ fee:""'"