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THIS INDJi;HTURE. Wade tbi........_.._._... 20th_......___......_da,. <)f.- ...._....... .... P bbruar1' ...._... ..........._.........._A.. D. 192.6....., BliTWEEN
_._..._ ____..i1 AUELl...KELLEMS ....AlUL JBNlU.B_B.~.....KE.l!~~.3. ...h!..~...1r~ !!..L.... __........_...._... '"_''' ...__...:.___....._....._____._
of the COUllt,. cL___~1.!...~~.~~.~___ __.___......._.......nd State: 01-................_ . ~orJ4.a..---..................--- __." .....___pllt...1.8S of lhe: fint pan, and
.---......-..-.1.I0I1.-N. ...LISOlUCo:I'...-..--------.. -.--.-..--..........---.......-..-:-.--...--.............-... ..............-..... ..--.---...-...-=-.-.-..-........
..I the Couaty of .___.D.a4t. .__._.... .__..__._____....alld Stale of.__.....__.rlQ.~~. ~.____._....__..._......_.__p.ut7_._. 01 the sccolld pari,
WITN J:SSI~TII, that the said l'ut10 0.. 01 tb;: fi,,, P1rt, for and in consideuliOll <>f th~ SUUl of... _..___..__.___.__...._.. ...__......... ........ ...____.._.._. "__"'_'__
~EN....DOLLlRS_.AnD...O.tUE1LY.ALU~_..C'O~.S.1.>>~.^~I.QI~.. lotbem._in ball.! pai.!. the '~(eil'l \ybmuf is berc)' aclmowle.!l;ed,
ba....y.G. a:unteJ, bargained, S6ld and translerred. and by lhue presents 011).._ _grant, bargai... sell and "'lIslu unlo the: said pa,t. y.e _ 01 the second
part and__h18._--heirs alld assigns forner, all lhat certaill par<<1 of land lying and bcing in Ihe Coual, of._.~~..!-.t.u,QJ.~.__.. ._...._....__.......__
alld Slate of_..'!9..!.!.~.~.___._.._____more particularly described .. 10110..:____.__._..___..____.. ._.....___... .._._..._:.__.. _.. ..' ...._._......
. ............. L~~_~...~~JX~l. (~~) . .~.!.~~y._:.~~.~_.~~...!'.~e.:~~!~ J.~_~tL.~.!!1....~.~..~y.::_!_~:!~_.!~__~~~.':'~~~.. m ..._.. .... ._._..
......._... ( 66t)..O.f..-Wh1 te C1. 't7....~lor1.<l8._a~.Q bQ~. on .!iQQ.~l1.'.lJ..:Pl~ t9f...!'h~ te.. ~ 1.t,y I ...._...._...... .... ..._.._...
. .i'1orlda. . and . recorded . 1n Plat. ~QQ~.l.....on p.age. 231 .of ..~.t.~..r.u~l ~ ..~OU.l1tl, .... ..___ ....n.........
~.~~~_l'Cl..~..~..._ ........ n' ........._. ..... _.........__...........___...__... ___._........_____............_.. .........._........_............. .._.. ..... ._..._._._..... .._ _....._ ..
. .._.....m..._....'fh-"!l... .!l:~.~c:l. ~ t!....ma.cl(t.a_1!~ j~~.1n.!.~.~!~~_~_~!~_8!l.~....~.~~n~. _...._ ..._............n._. ...... ......_..__. .......__........_.. ......._....
-" .-. .....--- -_._...-..-...-._....... ...-- ... .-.._-- ..n..__...______ ___._......___...___ _ .__..______.____.____...__._.______.__.___..._..._........ _______d ....."o__.____O_____..__n
.. _....._...-!/7.. S~(L~w.._ ..G1!~....,.._ C~.,.._.__.._._ _.... _._.._.,-._ ......_.._.___...h .... ......_____:..
--.------------."--...-.--.-. ...----. _h...._. .-.. ___..________ ___0__.______.._..____________.__._________._._._____._ _.u._ .__u____.______o_._.____
--.------------.-----..------.----------____ ----------------...-.---------0---_-_--- .....____._.. .._..______._____
TOGETHER ...ith all the lenemellts., he;".li,amcnts and al'parteaanc..s. ...ith nery Ilriyilege, ,ighl. titl.., int..,eu and ulat... duwer an.! righl of do....."
nnrs;on. rcmainder and easemenltbercto bdQl1fll.>: or In anywise apperrainint;: TO IIA\'E AXil TU I!OI.U th.. sam(oo.;n fee siml'le lorner.
An~ .he said part..!_~~ 01 the 6111 part do __ co\cn..r.t ..ilb the: said p3rL3.__ of 11... snond part Ihat.. ~~l 9Y.. fl. ~.tt ____._Ia...-Iully Stind of ,he
said prunises, thai Ih~)' ar.. rr..e lrom all incumhr;ances and th"tAlilY_.OO:~:~ood right and lawlul au,horily to sell Ihe s.l~"; ;and Ib~ S:\i,) parr _!~..f! 01
,he 6rsll'art do.__.. h~rcl'llull)' ..arrant.the Iide to said ball. i/-rW ..ill dd.(,lj,llhc:.sam".i!.Pi~.llle !a\YI.YLd:M' s of~..f"ffnMhfili~u. ExceDte
a ~ortga6e fro~ James 1. Kel~emB and wlr9 to ~nar~es w. n..nenar~ r'~aUtd-!3gu~6n gran~6
J:" W\T:-;ESS WHERi-:OF, th~ ~id parli.Q~. of l!se firsl part ba_.v.. hereulllo seL.thair. _handS an sulS Ih.. day and year aooYe "'ri\l~1I
Signed, scal..d and ddinred in our presence: \
.A.ngUB Sumne r. (
..~~:~:.=:~:=~-==--~-=-=~---~:~ :=~::]
.__James.1 LK.e11ems. _'.'
. ...(SEAL)
_._1~.~n~.e_..~.!_r..Et:t..!_e.!!!.~._.._.___.. ...._._(SEAL)
) HEREBY CERTIFY. Th;st on .hil_.2.Q.tlL_ __._._....0)' 01 i'ebruar.1. .._._._A. D. 192.Q~ bel;>r.. III..
!'<rsollaU,. appemd_.JjllE~L1. l(EJ.T,~J~ .ancL.JEHHIlLE.... KF.T.T.~S. _.hll;!_\ltft~_._._....____._ ..__...___..____.
to me known to be tbe person_I!. d..scribed.in and who executed tbe: for..going conYe.uace h)..__._ I.$QlL JI.. ...ht~.9.J:lbQl1.._..______
and sueully acknowledg..d Ih~ execution thllcof IQ be._th.e.i.r.._I,.... act
and deed lor the uses alld purposes th..r..ill mClltioned; and lac uid-..I~tm!..Q._I..._~~l1..~~~.
Ihe: wife of the saicl--...ta..!!l~JJ_J_.~_~e~.!_eml:l. .... ._on a separate and priule eumiution
laken alld made by and befor.. me, and set'aral'" and apart from I..., said husband. did acknowl~dge d"1I sh.. made h..urll a parly to ,h.. said Deed of
Connyancc:, f... Ihe purpose of r"DouncinK. r~linqui.hin., and conn:ying an I.., righi, lide and inl~'cst. ..hetls..r of do....., or of sepa,al.. proper I,., slatutor,
or ..qaitable, in and to Ibe lands ti,er..' scribed. an.1 ,hat she ..uClII..d said de..d fr..e1y and yoluntaul, and withoat an, cons'raint, f~ar, apprehensiou
Cor compulsioll ot Or from her said and.
_J'..or.t... F1.e1"Of:l.
ill the Corrnly 01
~1.!...J.uc !~_____.._m.._
e cla,. .1Id ,-"ar last afGruaid.
ta P b}ifc-.l..r-IJg;4~I!&t.e_.Of111CJr1d8.-at..ftll~gh
lfiJ ~mm'tS9 on %y.p\ree- :December 7 . -191:7 .. .
o. this 20..____.Aa, oL__._.l.~~.~.__ A. D.191~~ at__o'dock._ID., this inslruraent..as
6kd for record. and briug duly acknowledged and P'OYClI, I bue recookd I"; same 011 page 249 _of BooL~<!.___in tbc public ltcords of said
COllaly. .411
htreunto 1<1 ml balld a~" alfu.ef:-e sui 0: Ihe Ci,cuit l"oalt of the ~ifle..nllr Judicial Circoit of sai>:\ SI1te, ill and
)? c. Eldr64
By ~~-L'd.-
d~___.D. C.
; ....~?~;i.~~~?~