HomeMy WebLinkAboutREVISIONi OFFICE USE ONLY ) DATE FILED: l�l�l1� REVISION FEE: HN - V0 LOCATION/SITE ADDRESS: _ 1 SCANNED [By PERMIT # 1 b 0 (�Gf Lude crurO RECEIPT # 1NING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES iDING & CODE REGULATION DIVISION I 2300 VIRGINIA AVENUE FORT PIERCE, FL 34982-5652 (772) 462-1553 APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT REVISIONS PROJECT INFORMATION DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT REVISIONS: _ 19 e n CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: STATE of FL REG./CERT. BUSINESS NAME: QUALIFIERS NAME: ADDRESS: Z7D -e— CITY: ,-eC(,e- STATE: PHON (D YTIME): I OWNER/BUILDER INFORMATION: NAME: 'AI C�rvvr\ ADDRX((DYeT--l-ME: CITY:�� STATE: PHON — Iz- ARCHITECT/ENGINEER INFORMATION: NAME: ADDRESS: CITY: STATE: _ PHONE (DAYTIME): Z4 6(5-6 T. LUCIE CO CERT. #: FAX: FAX: ZIP: SLCCC: 9123109 IS Kilth m 0 Revised 06/30/17 UN ZIP: ZIP: DEPARTMENT -OF REGULATORY AND ECONUNHC RESOURCES (RER) BOARD AND CODEADMINISTRATION DIVISION )F ACCEPTANCE (NOA Manufacturing, 4020 SW 449mStreet Horseshoe Beach, FL. 32648 SCOPE: MIAMI-DARE COUNTY RODUCT CONTROL SECTION 11805 SW 26 Street, Room 208 Miami, Florida 33175-2474 T (786) 315-2590 F (786) 315-2599 www:miamidade.gov/economy CONCEALED FASTENERS OR ATTACHMENTS ARE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR OF RECORD This NOA is being issued under the applicable rules and regulations governing the use of construction materials. The documentation submitted has been reviewed and accepted by Miami -;Dade -'County RER -.Product Control Section to be used in Miami Dade County and other areas where allowed by the Authority Having jurisdiction (AHJ). This NOA shall not -be valid after the expiration date stated below. The Miami -Dade County Product Control Section (In Miami Dade County) and/or. the AHJ (in areas:other than Miami'Dade County) reserve the right to=have this product or material tested for .quality assurance purposes. If this product or material fails to perform in the accepted- manner, the manufacturer will incur the expense of such testing and the AHJ may immediately revoke, modify; or suspend the use of such -.product or material within their jurisdiction. RER reserves the right to revoke this acceptance, if it is determined. by Miami -Dade County Product Control Section that t"this product or material. fails to meet the requirements ofthe applicAfe building code. This produet-is ;approved.as described herein, and has been designed -to complywith the Florida Building Code includirig-the-High Velocity Hurricane Zone of the Florida Building Code. DESCRIPTION: 26 ga. Coastal 5V Roof Panel REVISKiN LABELING' unit shall"bear a permanent label with the mahufacturer's.name or logo; city, state and following statement: "Miami -Dade County Product Control Approved", unless otherwise noted'herein. i RENEWAL of this NOA shall'be considered after a renewal application has been filed and•there has been no change in the applicable,building code negatively:affecting the performance of this product. TERAnNATION of this NOA will occur after the expiration date or if there has been- a revision or change in the materials, use,: and/or manufacture of the product, or process. Misuseof this NOA as an endorsement of any product, for sales, advertising -or -any other purposes sliall automatically terminate this NOA. Failure to comply with any section of this NOA shall be cause for termination and'removal of NOA. ADVERTISEMENT: The NOA number preceded by the words Miami=Dade County, Florida, and followed by the expiration date may be displayed in- advertising literature. If any portion of the'NOA is displayed, then it shall be done in its entirety. INSP..ECTION:' A,copy of this entire NOA shalfbe provided ta: the user by the manufacturer: or its distributors and shall be available for`ih9pection at job site at the request ofth&Building Offlcial. This 'NOA consists :of pages 1 through 5. The submitted documentation was reviewed by Alex. Tigera. . APPROVED F ST. LUCIE COUNTY BUILDING DIVISION REVIEWED FOR COMP .IANCE REVIEWED BY DATE PLANS AND PE MIT MUST BE KEPT ON JOB. OR NO INSPECTION WILL BE MADE NOA No.: 14-0520.02 ,xpiration Date: 08/21/19 Approval Date: 08/21/14 Page 1 of 5 I ROOFING SYSTEM APPROVAL: Category: Roofing Sub-Catej or : Metal; Panels (Non -Structural) Material: Steel De& T. yP6: Wood Maiamum Design -Pressure 456.5 psf TRADE NAMES; OF PRODUCTS Product 26 ga. Coastal 5V Crimp Roof Panel Trim Pieces Dimensions l = varies w=26" (24" coverage h = 3/8" Min. Thickness 0, (26ga.) Min. Yield Strength I = varies w = varies Min. Thickness 0: (26ga.) ACTURED OR LABELED BY APPLICANT: Test Product Specifications Descrhltion . TAS 1,10 Corrosion,resistant, galvanized, preformed, Valspar coated, prefinishe'd, metal: -panels. 18" 67ksi MANUFACTURING: LOCATION: 1. Horseshoe Beach, FL. 2. Sebring, FL. 3. Stuart, FL. EVIDENCE SUBMITTED: Test Agency- Test Identifier PRI Construction Materials VLS-004-02-01 Technologies VLS-005-02-01 TAS 110 Standard flashing and trim -pieces. Manufactured for each panel width. Force Engineering &Testing Inc. 11.7-0065T-07A-C Farabaugh Engineering and T215-08A Testing, Inc. APPROVED Test Name/Report ASTM. G 155. ASTM G 23 TAS 125 TAS 100 Date 02/22/13 02/22/13 08/02/13 08/13/14 NOA No:: 14-.0520.02 Expiration 'Date: 08/21/19 Approval Date: O8/21/14 Page, 2 of 5 APPROVED ASSEMBLIES: System A: 26 ga. Coastal SV-Crimp Roof Panel Deck Type: Wood, Non -insulated Deck Description: New Construction 19/32" or greater plywood or wood plank, or for. re-roofmg 15/321 or greater plywood. I Maximum Uplift -See Table A below. Pressure: Deck Attachment: In accordance with applicable Building Code, but in no case shall it be less than 8d ring shank nails spaced 6" o.c. In reroofing; where the. deck is less 'than -1942" thick (Minimum 15/32") the abo ie attachment method must be in addition to existing attachment Underlayment: Minimum underlayment shall be an ASTM D 226 Type II installed with a minimum 4" side - lap and 6" end -laps. Underlayment stiall twmastenw% corrosion -resistant tin -caps and 12 gauge 1 1/4" annular ring -shank nails, spaced 6" o.c. at all laps and two staggered rows 12" o.c. in the fiend of the roll. Or, any approved underlayinent having a current NOA. Fire Barrier: Any approved fire barrier having a current NOA. Refer to a current fire directory listing for fire ratings -of this roofing system assembly as well as the location of the fire barrier within the assembly See .Limitation # 1. Valleys: Valley construction shall be in compliance with Roofing Application Standard RAS 133 and with Gulf Coast Supply & Manufacturing LLC's current published installation instructions. I Metal Panels and Install the "26 ga. Coastal 5V-Crimp Roof Panel" and accessories in compliance with Gulf Accessories: Coast Supply & Manufacturing LLC's current, published installation instructions and details. Flashing, penetrations, valley construction and other details shall be constructed in compliance with the minimum requirements provided in Roofing Application Standards RAS 133. I Panel fast9ners shall be #9-15 x 1-Y2" self drilling, self tapping, hex head screws with sealing washer of sufficient length to penetrate through the sheathing a minimum of 3/16 inch. Fasteners shall be installed at a maximum spacing as listed in Table A below parallel to the slope. Fasteners shall be installed at a maximum of 12" o.c. at panel edge.. See detail herein. TABLE A MAXIMUM DESIGN PRESSURES Roof Areas Field Perimeter. and Corner' Maximum Desi n Piessures -108.5 psf -156.5 p sf Maximum Fastener. Spacing 12" o.c. 6" O.C. 1. Extrapolation shall not be allowed NOA No.: 14-0520.02 MoartF°°`flE covntTY Expiration Date: '08/21/19 ,...O D Approval Date: 08/21/14 Page 3 of 5 LIMITATIONS 1. Vif&chissiII6ation-is not part of this acceptance; refer to a current Approved Roofing Materials Directory for fire ratings of this.product. 2. The maximum;designed pressure'listed -herein shall be applicable to all roof pressure zones (i.e. field, perimeters, -and comers). Neither rational analysis, nor�'extrapolation shall' be periniqed-for -enhanedd fastening atenhanced . pressure zones (i.e. perimeters, extended comers and comers). 3. Panel shall be roll formed in continuous lefigths from eave to ridge: . Maximum lengths shall be -described in the r Roofn Application Standard RAS 133. 9 on 4- labeled with the manufacttirer's name 'aiid/or-logo; '-'and the following statement: "Miami-Dade,C6unty Product Control Approved7 or with the Mianii-Dade County Product Control Seal as seen below. AlLelips-shall -be permanently labeled4W,ith the manufacturer's nameand/or logo, and/or model.' .COUNTY 5. All products ,listed -terein'-shall have . a quality Rule'61GM-3,6fthe Florida Administrative:( Ilk APPROVED audit in accordance with -the Florida'Building -Code and 'N OA.No.: 14-0510.02 Expiration Date: 08/21/19, Approval Date: -0.8/2.1/14 Page 4 of 5 1 � • PROFILIE DRAWINGS DETAIL A 26 GA. COASTAL 5V-CRIMP ROOF PANEL I 24" Coverage #9-15 x 1 1/2" Woodgrip Screw `#9-15 x 1 1/2" Woodgrip Screw 5V-Crimp Panel Plywood Decking (By :others) Moisture. Barrier (By others) SeeTable A 44orcin fnr Umvimnm END OF THIS ACCEPTANCE APPROVED NOA No.: 14-0520.02 Expiration Date: 08/21/19 Approval Date: 08/21/14 Page 5 of 5