HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0858 258 ."~;~ ,1 __.......U' h~Il' ~ ~-. ..~.LiM - ~1l...<<4d'!ftl...'!Itt...t!'.~!~f.J!Wr~JK"1I'1i"-~~ -~-~ .....~.- __-4-_~ ~ - V THIS INDI>NTU RG. Wade 'his.___.___...___._ - --..-._._._cla,. of-.....- ,~ bruar7..._..____.._....._........_ .-_...._.1\. D. 19l...~..... BKTW EEN -.-.-------.._.._.3.....0.. . Sh8~fi81d. ..811d..~h1rl8fJ.b.eftl~ 14....b.lILWtt.Qh_....._....._....__.._..._.._____.___.___ .__ of Ihe C\)ur.ty of.____..__...Camd.en ...-...--.........-........._.lId Slate 01_ -..-.....___ G~ Qrg !~................... .....-..-..-....--__p.ar.1e.IL of lbe: lint part, and --.-. .....-.-......- .-...-.__...LQ.~.~.e__.N.....;o..~~.l!!XlllB !L!1_~._ ~!.!.~ De.! ll!~L ~J~_.w1 fe__.... _.._____~__..___.____ .___._____ (>f the County of.._.... ___~t~._W~J.e -.-..h..__.____and Slatt oL._.___ll' lor 1 !~__.__. --------.--_put!.!tJt of the &tcond parI, WIT~t-:SSF.TH, that th $.aid l.anie13.. of the "1St parI. for all"~ consi.!er;atioD of d.e sum 0'-________._...__.._..._ ..._..._.._...__ ........_..____ .. _.!!!!.J>.Ol!~!'.~...~~_':>.ti'~.!-_..!al u~~le oooel dar ati OBJIlm, Io...th.enl .in l,a,,,J paid, lhe rmipt wl.erec.f is hertb)' acknowledged, ; ~ ~ : -~: .:: h.1_Y~ K,anttd, bar,pi."ed,. sol': and Iransltrr~d. :and b,. thtse presenls do__._granl. barllain, sdl an,l tUlIsier lIll10 Ibt Slid p:UI..1.es of the sccolld St. Luoi a "art and....tlHli.I'..._._heirs and assigns forner, .111 Ihat cCrlai... parcel of lall<ll,i"g ane! bein~ in the COUllly cf ._.______..__.__._ and Stue of_.~,;I,9. t1.~ 11..--.-______filo~e parlicularl,. described as follow.:-______.....__...___._ _.._______._...___..____. ...._.___.... ". .....0........ r.~~. .i'.~.!~. ._ill .B.~o~~_~~$.l1_~~._.O~~.!ola .~!l.!_~_~.~~.~~.~_~.~.. A~~1..!.1..~~._!.~.._~b~....~.~_~.y.._.~.~...._......__.... .V~J'Q.. S.t ~ Luo 1e. County ~.i'lor1aa._.a~Lt~. SIlI:l8_ appears .ofh record.in .theoffloe.of ...._._... tb fLClerk. of_ theCil'C;u t ..Coutt. .o.t..:3.t..__L.uc1e ..9ount,y .,llorlda. ......__......___.__.... ___m........ '" ..... .. ..... ...---....... fhe. grantees hor.in. by.tlle.aa..ceptanoe._and__del1 vary.-of...tnis__con.wY811ca '" . .......0...._. hl;l ~ .by_.~gr.~e..t.9 .. ~SSt1me_._~ld...p.{l..Y .~~wt_c;~_t.t~~I1.~.Qr.:tg~g!l.n.Q"'. _Qut~tall(Ung .. on.t ho..._...... ___.__.pr9pe.rty ..h~r.eJn.~eS9I'i..b.e4 fa ;r.$l!?'.Q ~()Q.-~.04.J~Ql!;l..l;>.7._G_!..~.~_ B.~;r..1;l..Qt t~_ ..___......____......._...__...__ .... n. 0'-., hn'_,__,. . -. _n________.__.______. .____ __ .----~-------._____n____....:=____::::'.n ___________._. .. ____._____ ..____.____... "___'-"_'_ -. ".-.--" .._-.. ___no. .---_.~.._._.__h_________._____.___.._______.__...__.__.._n_____._. __..._____...._._____ '"0 _ ...-..----------...__-,-.h____________ --._..______..n___+~.n_._._.._. u__ >___._.., _...___.._...._..__. .__ _...__._._.____. --.------- ...---...-.------....- .-.---..-..---.---.-.- ..-....---.....---...-...-.-...-- -..-.----..-.-....- ..-----.-..--- ---------.---------.-.-------.---.-----------...-----.-..--..--..--.--.-.-- ..____......n___.._.___.__._.__........._._.. ..-. ..-..-.---.-.. ----------..---------.--------.----.-__.____n__.__.____.--.--.-.....-.--.-.n_...___..__...__.___._.n.______ -----...--..--....--.---.-.....---.- ----.--.-....-....-.- -.--------------.--------.-----.-.-.-----------.-..--.-...--.- ...---.--.------.-.--.---- --...-..--.---.-.--.--------.-.-..----- -----------------.-...-----.-.-----.------.------- TOGETflER ...ith all Ih.. Un"~II!~, "tr~"i!"::;c"li and al>vurtenances,. ",ilb tnr, pri\'ilc;:e, righi, till.., inlertsl and estale. dower and righl 01 dower, revers;...... remainder ar>d eastmcr.tlherelo Lelonl'lllg or in an)'wise apperl~inin;;: TO f1.-\ \'1-: AXLJ TU 1101.0 Ibe same in It( simple forner. --.---- --.-...-_.__________n_ _._nh_____._......__... ..---.. -.----. .--._____________.._....._..._........... ... ___ ..__._ __ _'n. '.'_____h . _._ .___._.. '" .____...._ .... . .._n_._h....___...___.______ And tht said part..i.8.e. of Ihe 6rsl put 00__ connant with Ihe uid "ut_ies of lite: stcond ,.art Ibat_ th a:J- ar.e -.--..._Ia.o;rully s..izcd 0111<.. u,oI premises, Ihat Ihe,. ar.. frcc from all incumbr:Ulce:s and Iba~_Q..!3y_..~!.agood rii:hl a~ lawlul autilorit, to sdl Ihe s.mt; an.1 Ihe sa;oI part i as 01 tbe 6rst parI do..____ hcr..b)" full)" warrant tht title to said I.".:. alld will ddcnd the samt ai:ainst Ihe lawful claims of all (ocrsons whomsouer. IN WiT:-;ESS WHEREOF, Ih~ s;ai:J parll.e~l;I ollJ:e lirst part ha._-..Vehtrcunto 5rL:tl1.eil'....h3nd.S and sealS. Ihe day andyur abo,'" wrillen 1 Sigllecl, sealcJ and ddi,..red ill oUr pru..nce: I .. J.{~ L. Hill.. ._.._ _..__.-.___.._...~~~___ ._n.... C. A. perry...__oo.----..-~.._-.oo ________..\_ ..--..... J. ..n. - .Brown _ J ~ P ~ _------; .. ....__.... ~ -.1__ , .P. Saa..LJ /. . -- - ...---. .-. - . ...-.. - -- ---.. . ----.. - -. . -. ~._--:~. '~/'.t-- ~EO~GIA l COUNTY OF C~_en /' J I HEREBY CERTIFY. That on Ihis__"'/ --......__da)" 01_1_ob.::Uar3..___ ___Sf _.C. t.~be :!.f.bl <1._.._.. -.----oo.-..--__._(SEAL) _2h i..!'J!l..1....~1!.l1.!.n~l~.___._.._.___(SEAL) STATE OF I\. D. 192_..12.., bdore me personally apl'ured -~~_...Phafft.14__~nq_~.lll'lQ..7..-~bQ~!hld.. hiB....Il1fQ~---..- .__.._______. 10 me knowlI to be Ihe personna.. described io and who execul..J Ihe forcgoillg conyc)'ance to_L9g1~n.ll!.--P.-Q.ll!!.rn.an....Sm.._.s.ll.a.__P.~11_el'man. his w tie ..-.---oo----______an<l 5tnrally ackno..lcdgtd Iht execution Ihertof t<> be-thei.r_._.frtt act .nd de~d for the usea and purp05rS Ihertill mentioned; and the uid_.__.:ihlrl e..7.-~h8~.f1.Q.l.~_ the ~;Ie of the said___.S_. C. ~h9f:!,i'!~ -all a acparate and pri"ate examination taken and made b, and t.eTor~ me, and s..parattly and apart from btf uid husbanol, di,l ;;e1ma.-ledge thai she made I:trselC a part,. to Ibt said Deed of Conl't)"ance, far tbc purpo~t of renouncing, rtlinqui.hiliK an,1 conve,.ing all h..r.righl. ti:k aDd inttf<st, ,,'helher of 01<>..-... or of stparat.. property, S1atutor,. or tquitablc. in and to the lands t1lueill ducri!.td. and Ih>l she tllecultd said dted Irul)" aDd volunlarlly and wilhout any constraint, fear, apprebension c.r compul5iOll of or Irom hu said busband_ WITNESS m, sig"alurt alld ol\i' ~~al a'..:.'\1:1Di8.la.nd..____ alld SlUt ol---.G.florg1a._.___.~__the: d. and ,ear last aforesaid. \ (J.P. Seal), ill Ihe Cocnl, of_ ----.C.amd An STATE OF FLORIDA I COUNTY OF ST. LUCIE f J'-'P;-itm~'~'iiBeg~.g.ti.G-- orgr'" ---_._(SEAI.) Yy ~omm19Bion'~ires:.B9C_ ~l~t. 1928 O h. 23 ..- I P"'b ~ 'v I\. D 192 ti 'I 1L- h" . o I IS .- .-----.... .-..., 0 _..Y~'-"'----cv--'--" .~ at___o c oc 01., t IS tnslrumenl was ~!ed (ar record. and beillg dul,. ac""owltdged alld prOttR, I ban rtcordcd 1i ume on pa&.._~f?~___ol Book 60 _in 'the public ftcorJs 01 said l'~m~ ~ . JS WITNESS WIIEREOP;TJl:t-o-c htrtunlo S"I m, baud ar.J alli"t~he sui of Ihe Circuil Court of Ihe Fifleenlh Judicial Circuit of :laid Stale, in and lar said Coulll,. ." . "'. '0. -. a.... I .' 0 (ct.ct...a~; .~ '--/" . i~1 .~ , By P. fA Eldred auk. e r: . :l.~ AvlAA" .. td...~ -- . --______0. c. :~~~~lli:~~~t