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_=....".. ..lo"~-::.:::_.: - .. -= ~:::::: ~:: :~:-.. ..:J.o. tdJ~ u..,... ...-"':""'--....... -:. :::: .:-::-~
THIS INDENTURE, Wade thls.._..__..211J.t.._._............._......._.d.y of___......l'ebruar~...._..._.........._...._...__....._..._^_ D. 1926...... BET\VEI!~ .
__._..__.........0.. ...10. _X11~er ...and._.Ann~_E.....X1Uer .._hi S... Ue._ ...._.. ...__..._..._-._...............-..........._-.....-. --..---.-.--...-..---..
of Ihe CoulIty of..__.Sl.L.~Q_1e.....___.._.____....._._.and Slate of_...... .....:.._...__, lO1:'~_4tA....___._. ..._......._...__.._.._.part_1.Q.~f Ibe finl p.rt, and
.____.._..._..____. e..... J .1._Ya t.&.Q.._______ _.__.__ .__.._......___m____.___._.___.__...._....~_.._..... -...............__.._.._._..____..._
...1 the COlin I)' of _..__..._.J?l".mI,.llQi.~._ ..._.___.___a"d Stale oL___rJ,Q~J~~.____ _......._._..___.._..._parl ....Y. . 01 Ihe .uond pari,
W\TN ESS !-:TtI, tb~1 the said I':..t.. 1. Q~ of the first part, for and In cOlUideralion of Ihe .um of ..____ ___.._................ ....-...._........._.......__........._ .-__.__
__"O'J)~LllQ.;U..~ .&..9.t4e~_.".~l,Y...~9..1.!L~.().JJ~J~J~~.a.,:t;.1.cm~.x1fiJQb, to__..them.in han,1 paid,tbe nceipl wl..:nol is hereb, 3cknowletlgtd,
ha V~L granted, bargained, soh: and transferred. 311d by these prelents 010.-. _..granl, bargain, sell and tnnsle. unto Ibe sai,J p3rl....1.... 01 Ihe second
"art and_....his ...__.heirs and assigns lorn'er, all that certaill parctl of bnd lying .Id beillg in the Count, of.__St.. ..Luaie._. .._..____
and Slue c.I.._.__.... I'lorida .______more p.uticu1arly ducribcd as follo...:__.__. _"_"_ .____.._._. ...... ............ __ ........_....__.._
. . ..... ..... Lot . ~~~~.. ( 3) . .. ~.!~~ !-~.O~!!... ( !J. .. ?!_r..~~1_~.r..l.~....~.~~~.!!~.~~~Jl...~~.)'!.!f3....~C.:r.98...~~u~.~.!......... ......'
Southweat corner_of ..the. S,* .of .the.~.o:f..SeQt1on9. . T0JfIl9h1p35..S0u.th...Range 40n
~ast. .a.oQorM ng _. tc) plat _ fll~.d.r.()~._ :Blt()()r.~.. 011 :l.()y ~...~~s .J~~;3...a.,ll~.~eCor(\fl.d In".Plat ......._..._....
. .
Boo lc. 4..1>ag~ .45. .. reCords. of . St. Lu()~ e_~Q!l!l:t!:l... ~:tQ.l:'_!~a t .....m..............._ non_....._.._.__.._.n__._n,"___. ......_..
_~_. .....n............._..................._..__ ._..:.t1..o.o... ~.o.o...._.13 tamp.~_~ .._____. .._______.__.____.._..__.__..... ....._ _' _.._......._......._______...._...__
_"~h__ _....._.____...._...._...... .._..~_. ______.. _._.. ._._...._.. ."... _ __.__n._."n____._.__-I-..-___...d._~_.___._____._._._._. ____._
TOGETH ER ...jlb all the tentments, hereditamer:1S and 3ppurtellances, with enry "riyileg~, righi, Iille, iDter~st and tStale, do\ur alld right of dower,
r~\"ersion, remainder anti ~ascmenltbcrclo I><:longil1l: or in a")'w;s~ appertainin\:: TO HAVE AS\) TO HO!.\) the ."n;e in fee simple forenr.
. And Ibe said p1rl...18S 01 tbe fiut put 010..____ CO\tnant wilb cbe said 1'",1-.3..__ of tbe secon,l p3rt Ih3L:l;lley.naT().~_.._...b\du\ly seized 01 .h"
~id pre mists, thatlbe)" ve free Irom all incumbrances and Ihat1;ll.el_..~!ltood rit:ht and la..lul authority to sell the same; and Ibe: said partles. 01
Ihe 6rst part 010__ herd,)' lull,. \yuranl the rille ". said b.lId, and will def"nd Ihe same aj:ainSl Ihe bwiul claims ..I all p~uons ",bomsoc\er.
I~ WITNESS WHEREOF, Iht said P1ni es. of Ihe firsl part ha__YO. hereunto seL-_tn.QJ~and.J~and suI ~ the day alld y~ar abon ..-rillen
_._.. W~~n.e~B:;ea;~ dt_liur~~..i~.~:~_P:~~~::.____.. ...-. ..--.. -----l
_~P~~~C~~V~lo"._=_~~:== -__-_~~_~~~_:J
c. i4. i:l11er
___________________ ___.._~_.__ __h__ ____..__
... .... ......._(SEAL)
_ Anna.X.Killer ....._____......__._(SEAL)
STATE of_.zL.QRlJ.)A
St. Lucie
I HEREBY CERTIFY, That olltbis___.2la.t.__d:ay 01.
..F.ab.ru..ar.:r.__ _______^_ D. 19~~ btfore me
I'ersollally :!!ppeared
C L 4L_XllkLand......Jmn.a...~.-'-__I:1llD.r.. ...h.i.J3....w1~ 0___ ___.__________...... ......._____mu..____ _
to me known to bc Ihe: person__!3. described in a~d ..1.0 utcultd the foregoillg COnyt,.1llce 10______._.Cu..._J...u_y.a.t.e.~..._-_____.._____....
and sncr111y ackllo..ledged the ueculion Ibcreol to be._..1heJ.~._free acc
and dccd for the lIses alld purposes th.,till mentioned; and the: said
the: wife of the ..iot ..Q..!...A!....!;1.1le~..... Oll 1 separate and printe uamination
taken and made by and beforc me, and s.:paralll,. and ap3r1 from her said h"shand, did acknowltdge ch31 sbe: made: herself a pari, to tbe said Deed of
CODye)'-ancc, for Ihe purpose 01 r~nooncing. relinquishin~ and cOI,,'~yin!l: all h., ri~ht. title and inler<st, whclbcr of dower or oi separate property. statutory
..r equilable. in and to Ihet lands Ihcrein dcscrib~d. a.,,! cbat she e:"~cuted $aid dee" fr~e1y and yoluntar.ly and wilboul any cooirraint, fur, apprehension
(or compub:on 01 or fronYher uid husb:ond_
official suI at__-IOr..t..P1Qr.ce
.......in the Coullty CL_..s..t.L_lill!;; k..___._.._
and Slale: oL..__.
'___ _the: cia, .1Id year last afOfeaaid.
llota publi"-'~ol &t~&--~K+at.}r-:-1!'lorla8'~'at"'L9<rgAI.)
.-- "Uplommlssfon txpt1res"Xpn'i30. 19&6 .'
On Ihia____~__--dal flf .__1'_~~.!__ ___ .... D. 19Z~~ at_o'dock._nL, this inslrument was
('led lor record, and bein;: dnl, ackuowl.dgcd and proyen. I ban rc:corck.~ same 00 pal. 26L......ol Book~~_in the public records of Slid
~ounly. ~...
. - n .
IX WITNESS WHEREOF, I ba.., Muarno se! m, han" and*~d the seal of the Circait Court 01 the Fifteenth Judicial Ciro:uit 01 said State, in and
lor aaid Coullty. . ~ . .
, .
g~ f. C. ~la:Ucl Oerk.
~~ n-f~t.~~~?::J.L .D.C.
-- ---
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