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TIIIS INDE~ITURE, Made thi....._...__.14..__.............._...___cla,. or_..-.Febru9r7......_-._......_-...._..................__A. 1>. ~91._Ji, BETWEEN
_....____..__l.t..lI....._ Wat.eJ' 1l..___...:.(.e1 nalel-.-__.._.___..__........__.......... ...._..__._..._... ........... .................____....__..................._.....
of the COllnty of____.St.....Luo1...._....__........._...._....aIld State of......... .~l.o.rlaa......._.._._ ...._._..._...___........ ......__part_~ of the firal part, ar:d
._.._.______...I.,._.A.!...Lf.lT. !3.~P.._..__ .____________.__....._"_.____...._...__..._........._ _...._.........._._..........____..._..._._....._..._....____
c.f the Coullt)' of _____._~t.~....L'l.Qht..._..........__._..a:..t Stat~ "f......._...__.l.l.Ol'lda...___...._._...__..........__.part...Y._.. of the ~rond parI,
WITNF.SSETU, that Ihe ~id pall......__ of the firH parI, for and in cmuideration 01 the .\Om or......______.....__........._.... ......_......._.........._. .... .............__..
- _.~~_~_~.().!l~r_s._~.l)_I!....9.t~~.r_Q.Q_p.!'I!..d._'!r.~t 1.!?!!~ _~"Jtr. to. l::hlm. _in hand paid, IlIe r~c~ipl \<h~reor is hmb)' acknowl~,It:ed.
ha...-q:e.. granted, bargained, sot.: and transferred. ~nd by these preoclllS d"JUt_cralll, bargain, sel! Ind transl., lI:lto the s,u,t part'y__ of lite second
part alld_..h!I!__--beirs and as,igns forner. all Ibl c~rlaiu ..arc~1 of land lying and king in the Ccunt, of. _.S~ . ...Lg.Ql~t.___.._____._.._
and State of__.~!9.~l~.~._
_mote particularly dueribed u follo..:--__._...._.___......
.._... LO.t ..tbroe (31_.ot. B.1QC,LK.on.8. UL Q.~..C ~_~.~..C@Q".'.~...~~~~dJ ,,18JOn .Qf..D~k8tt!J...~.8_:.......... .... _..____
. .............. 6ubdiY1s ion as .per...pla t.. reoorded...ln. Plat.. }took nUlllb.er ..!9ur...(4).. t>~g~. t"enty.~.._..._......
. .~_~!~.!ln ( ~.~ 1.. ~.~ .... Luo_ie....~O':lntl_ r.~nC? ~.~s..!...__.... ....__....._............n ........~....... _..._..._...... "n . _. .. "OO" .. ..........
.........-........ .-..'______...__n.._o ___ _..._n__...._._. -..... ..._.__a__...n__._._~..__._.___~_._______h_._.__._._..___.. __On'_..____________.. ..._ _.__h... ._n_ ._._. __.h.._....__._.__....
. . ..-.. ._......________..oh........__n...._____.... -.____.___...___.__._________.________..______.____....._._.._.____.__.nn...____.__ __. .___. __'___ .._'_._____... __.___ _ ...___._____
------:----------.--------------.---..-----.-.-----------.----- .-----. ----------.._______._._____.__..._._._._..._.___ .___._n__.._.__.___________..__.._..
__.__.u...._______ -.---_.___." .__ .___.___.._~~..~___ ____...__h.___._.____ ._h.._____.____.______._~_..~_~____._.___b_ '__'_'___ _.._.._ _._ ____.._.._.___~_~__.__u.___~___u
.. _...._h_._.__..~____~ ~.~._.._.~_~_...h~ ."_~____.n .._.__.__...__._~'..~_n. -...-.-.--~.-.--____..______~_.._..__.._____..._n _n_..._.__ nn._..__..._..._...._,...... ....~~._
--_.-...._-~_._---- .--.-.--. -_. --...--.---... ------..-- ----------_...-.-._-----------_._-~------_._----_.-. - ~-~ .-.-------.- ~----
._._-_....--~---_._--_.~.---_._.- .-..-.------.----- -----~-_._-~. ------~------_._--_._------_._-------._-._--------------
---_._~--_._-------_.._---~-_._---------_..~------------.._-------------_._-_._--_.__.__._._-_._~ ~.._.~..__.-._- --~-_._-- -.----
..-----.-----.---.----. ...--------------.--...--------------------.---.----..--.---.-.-.-....-- --.---.--...--..-----.---.-..-----
TOGETHER ..ith all Ihe t~n~m~lIls, b~redilamenu and apl'urlcnance~. \\'ilh nery l>ri.ile~e. rig!'I. lille. inter~sl and ulate, do..er and right 01 do,.-.,.
rc\ersion. rcr:laiodcr and u$em~ntlb.,~to ..clon!'in\: 0: ill anywise apperulIIi"l:: TO If.-\\'E AXil TO HOLl> thc ..me in lee simple fo~enr.
And Ille said part...i._ oi the lirsl part do_.iUL C<>Hnanl ..ilh the said p,ul ..y_ of Ih~ secolld P:Ut Ibl...... he._.._____. .....Ia...fully seiud of the
said pr~nliscs, that they are rrte from all incllmbrances and Ihat.._Jle...._.__.good right and lawful aUlhorilJ' to sell the S3m~; and Ibe Slid part. y ... 01
the firsl part do.ea_ hertby rully warrant the lille to said land, ~nJ "ill dei~nd the Sanle against the lawrul claims of all persons ..hoOlsQCver.
fN WIT~ESS WHEREOF, Ihe $lid parl_ -3. of Ihe lirsl part ha.!J._ _. hcr~unto seL-f!! I?_.hand_ and scal._ th~ da)' Ind y~ar above wrillell.
Signed, ~aled and delivered in our pre.ence:
_ .......4n~~. .Sll.nm~:r.__. .._...__..oo__.._....__ __.__....._._oo._...._.
..__..u..~._P.!_. 9~'-~.;!~.!>.Y...__ ____.c._______.._._____..._____ ._......_
__.__I._M ..11at ers____.... -.._.._......_..._......(SEI.L)
STATE OF - Florida.
COUNTY OF S~_. Lucie
---- }
I HEREBY CERTIFY, Thai Oll this-'--_..~4._..__day of __..lebruBr'y__
-----'_A. D. 192.5._, before me
r<:rsonally appeared..
10 me 1<00..11 to be Ibe person__ described in and who exeCllled Ihe roregoing conveyance 10..-....--.--...~W......J.._.Larsenu___._.____.._..
__._and severally acknowledged the execution th~reol 10 be_--.hj._~___rre~ acl
and deed for the bSfS alld purposes therein mentioned;...t-at..eeid...___
the ..ife ~lie said.. . _.--:Ja[YT-....--- ---.XXX.. a separate and prinle examination
taken and m_~all" bdore me, and scparat.t, and apart Ir~.t;~id hl>sban". did acknowledge Ihat she madi:!l.n.ci a parly 10 Ihe said D~"d of
Conveyance, for urp<>se .,! renouncing. relinqui\lting and con\'CYlllt'.k~~ii' litle and iUl<r~\t. whelhcr of <10...",01' rat~ property, stalutor)'
or equitable, ill all jh..s lands ulereill described, an.t Ihal she euculcd 5.11 Ir~ely and volulltzr:ly and w,lhout an,. cons . . fur, appreh~ndon
<or compulsion of or fro~said bosband.
WITNESS my sigualure
and Stale oL..__j'1..0.!"_~.
al at ___....l_t.....P.18I.C.8_
ill the Count, of_St......Luci.a._____.___.__
Ihe da, and ,ear 1,,1 aforesaid.
---~g~n~lI!q!~.,.'--- ...._...____.._.oo..(SEAI.)
St. UlC1 e l.iouJi'tyo. lori da . .... u I
I ,
Oll IhiA.-__23______clay oL_ _.Ysb...____________A. D. 19Z....5... al-__o.dod:._2L/lhi, instrument was
filed for record.alld beia. dul, acknowledgrd alld proven, I hne recor.Jcd lhe ~e 011 page....2.61___0,- Book......!iQ___in the pnolie rrcords of uid
l'ount)'.' ;::::: .
IS WJTNf:.SS WI EOF, I Ii e hereunto sel m)' han.J and .ffixed tbClJeal or the Cirwit Court of the Fifteenlh Judicial CirCllit of Aid Stal.., ill 2nd
~~~~ ~
P. c. Eldred ____Clerk.
By ~~x:..& ~ ':;~_D. C.
-:'-.~::< ::<i1~~1fl~li