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TlUS INDENl'URE, Made lI,is........__ 6th___.._._. --.....-"a)' <>f.-..._........_... .... Januar,v.....____.....____ __.A. D. 192...15... BETWEEN
---.....---_.Rarrh t ..1. _U.Qtt...._Q.1.~Q..Jm.Qrm_@_.a!.. ...~JJQ.H.._ up~..tr.t~.c!... .... ......._ ...._....._._._..____.__..._._
of the Count)" oi__._.fQ lk.__.._.____.__._._...... _ud State 01.._....__..1 Q.~_~. ..___......_._.__..___...__.__...... ._._._parl~_ of Ih" 6rst part, and
-.--........-....---.-. ....~.~....p..!_..JlQ~.~.r.!g~~..____.___..__._.__..._..._..__._._...._____..:._.....__._...._._...__... ...___.__.__._________
(.f the CO<lllt)' of.._-.:.......__.S:t....Lu C1e..._.___._.___.alld Slale of.---._.__.'.lQ..tld.a____.. -----.._.parq.___ of the .ecod ~rl,
WITNESSETllrlb3.llhc >>id l'art..Y...__ of Ibe fiut pan,lor an.1 in consideulion of tbe: sum of___.__.____..........._...._.._____....._....__..
--_.--Ou....J)OI.UR.and- otJ1er...Va.luMlO-QOns.ld.arutDI) lo..har.__in hanJ paid, Ihe receipl wbereof is here!>)' 3cknowlcdged,
ha.e._ granled, bugained, soM anJ transfcrred, and by Ihese presenls dO.U_SRlIl, bargain, sell ~nd trallsfer unto the uiJ part__~.__ of the s.conJ
part and_.hlS....._.heirs :u.d assigns fore.er, all lhat certain parcel of land I,ing and being in Ihe Counl)' of._~_~.!.. .I,uc 18______
allJ Slate of--.JfJQ.~_t!~...._....._.__~.:...mote particularl, describec! as foUo..s=---___________....____ ...... _.._____....___......
The ..~out~ .20 ! 34 Acre~...()_:t:...~.~~...n () rt~...~_~~~...^o.:r.~~._o.:t.__!!~~....~...ln_~~~_!.i_~~....!_8t...!l?~sh.! ~.__.__...
.86 South. o.f .. Range. 41. Ea~t. _ 0"- f~~.th~r.._~ ~6_~!"J..~~ _ll.~L....'l..~!lt . p~p.f:l:r.~.Y._~_~g1.nu.ll.l8J~_~. .l~~.._.,__._._..
chdns_llor:tll Qt.the..~outhwe~t.com.3r of Lot 3 Seotion 18. Township 36 South of Range .
. . '" ........-.-.. "---' t.._ ............ ........._.._............_.. __.__..... _"''''00__''__'00.. _.. ..__........___ .._........_...
.41 East ..at..thenorthwe~t. .cQ~n"-:r_Qf_1>r.:op ~rt.Y._.~.!?J~~~ Gr~C?~. ~..!<~~~e~~... ..!.~n_..~_~~~~~.~__~~s.~. ....._.__..
.39..30.. cAains. al oug. tue l:orth.nl1ne. a.Cpr. C>l)er.tY...!)Q U..tQj~T.Q.Q~.. .~ .....~~!'!_~ ~l..l:.. !~..!!!.~..-!!.~t.~~.EJ.__.._...
.of.nth9 -lnd1au ..River. .th enc.e.runUortllwestarly _..along ...t.n.c..ita.t.fUfl...Qf...lJ14~!A ~n_~~~~J;' __~9..__~.___._..__
. pol11t..on..t1le Indian 1\lver.. .~a~t .o.f ..a..rQJIIL'?'Q~ ..f.~~.~_..~1!~.._~.~~l~ll...~~__~~I:_~rt~. .!.~_~~.~f L~.~.__.
3.SGctlon18..~0.llsAlp 35 ..South of Range..41. E!l8t...beiug...tbe..~Quth09,IJ_t...c9.roel' _Q.L!l.r...oo:..._....
. p.erty sold.. t o.P. - D... Ankeny_ de.~~r 1. QfJ.4...1g...l>.!!_~.~_.:B.C>..0.Ll...ll.~..t!.!.~.P!l.6.~.:!_?__~~~rev~.!! _~~u ~~y._._____
Re (tor dlJ.. _...t hE!.llQ.~ d.UE).J.i.~.S.~_!!!.~l.1cL ~nflEln_i:)O'!..~~~~_~__P..!O ~ r ~y'_~.~_l d _ P ._.E.~_. A~~.!~.!..._~~.~~.!...____..__..
.Weat 00.1 ine...of...?aJ on_tot_ ~. ...Q.llcL:t.b.-..eJ~9u_t.!l!'.l!~t__<?~!"..~1~_<x.!.__~~._ An~!l,y~_~_I>!~.P.!.~~l; .._~~~_~_~_.....___
.SQU tb...1;.Q ..1;~ 1;). p.QJn~_ oJ.. J>.e.g!.!lJ~lng...._..~i>I~~.~......!!~ th all rlp'~!.!~_~!~_ht ~_....__ _........_.__.______.....____
----.-----------.-----.-....-----...--------------- --
.- -.------------------- ....--------------
TOGETHER ~ilh ,,11 Ihe tcn<mtnls, hcrtJilamtnt. and "ppllrtcn""ccs, with ntr,. p,hil.ge, ri.,ht. lille, inttrtSl and estate, dow.r and ri>:ht of dQ\Yer.
.netSlon, remaInder and e>selUent therelo \'''00\;11'1( or in an)'wist app<rtaining: TO H.-\VE Al\h TO JIIJI.() Iht same ill fee simplt forner. .
--__.________u__._. -- ------------...--...--.----__..._______.h.____._____________ ....__u ._._._......____. ..___.___... __h_ Oh . .___ ____... .....__... __ _..n. ..-.---------..---.-._____u_______._ ____
And th. said par~.__ of th. 6rsl P;ilt .Ju~!!._ co..nanl will. th. ~id parr7__.. of Ihe s.cood part Ihal_h.She ..ia......._.__.Iawfully s<i~~J of Ita.
...i,j premis.s. .hal Ihe)' art fr.e from al\ incllmbrancu and tha.~.!l8._~~.S....."OOd ,i"ht an.) lawful authorily to sc\l .he: same; and Ihe sait! part3. ..__ of
.he /iut pa't do..~I:J.._ Iotre!>)' filII)' "'arrallt th. tid. h. s.aid land, aDd will d.icnt! tbe ume again.. the lawiul claims of all persons ",bomso<ur.
fl\ \\'IT~ESS \VHEREOF, Ihe sait! par\.~.__ of Ihe 6rsll'a't h....S.__ htreu~to seIJl.e._~_._l.and.._ and sul._ the d,,)' and year abO\'e ..-,ill'''.
Signed, sealed and delivered in our prt5ellce:
.u-.........._..Gragery_ Dru.cb. ____...______...._.___
". . "'...-. .. .- u. . H.e1en Dlxon_.__ _._ _..__......__.......__.....__..____
~--.__._-_..._--._-----------_._._-------_. -------
--_.H~r._:rl!i!t_..1'-. .M9H..__ ..__.........__ -.....(SEAL)
I HEREBY CERTfFY, That on Ihis 6th ---day oL.___.<I..~.~.!...Y___ A. (). 191..JL. before me:
pmonally app<are:d_lI!lrrle..~~M~~'!;..I. also ~!1~~~~. u~tt.!_ unmarrie..!..._____.______.___.._.
tu me "nown to be Ihe ~rson~ described ill alld who uecuted the foregoing conveyance to._ _..~. D. Boa tr 1 gh t
"nd seyuall)' acknowledged tht utcution Ihutof to b<_her___.free acl
"nd d.ed for the os.. "nd purpQSU l!Jer.in mcntion.d; and Ihe said
the wife of tho uid_ .._ Oll " separate and printe ex"mination
tal<cn "nd made b)' and before me, and scparaltl,. and apart from bu said husband. .;iJ acknowledge Ihat she mad. huself a part, 10 the said Deed of
Conveyance, for th. pnrpose of renouncing. rtlin.,uishi"K and co.u..,iog all h.. riJ:hl, till. an.1 ill teresI, wh'lher 01 do..er or of .eparate prop<rt)'. slalutory
f,r equilahle. in and to Ihe lands Ih.rein describtd. and Ihat shc eucuted said d.ed fr.e1)' and voluntaril)' and ..ilboul any conslraml. fear, "ppr.btnsion
"r complllsion of or from hcr uid husband. .
D~__K9..ill~_ill the COUlIt, of_~C?lk
da,. and year bst aforuaid.
and Slate or.
On Ihi. 2!_.._--,-.:.__cla,. ol___-!.eb~_~_A. D. 192 .~~ al---o'cloclc_m.,lhi. instrlllMnt was
t) .
1i.I.d for record, and l~ing doly adU!ow,..llIed and proven, I ha1'C recordtd the u~ patle~!?..~_oi Boole ~.__ill Ihe public records of Sotid
l~~~ q
.IN WITNl-;SS WflEREOF, I ban ~ " hant! an'] allixed Ihe ~ of Ihe Circuit Court of the fifttcnlh Judicial Circuil of said Slale, in and
lor sa:" Counly. \ / ~ _
t.Ct. "'8a1) i. P. C. E1dred___C1u\c.
.<~~~,,-==-..__.___.D. C.
"1fo..t'e~~..l!.tl t~~~--_.__...- -.-----......._(SEAI.)
.lIy OOllmlf~8rOn -8xpires July 4... 1927
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