HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0863 ,~ti(S . . L:.....:.. :~= ~_. -- ~u.ft..~ I' ~- l - =-- ".- - [: 1'1U& lNDENTUR&. Wade thia.__......._.24 th _.__..._.. ._...__day of-.. ...-.-.r.e bruar~ -. -.............._..._............... __A. D. !92.6-, 8ETWEt;N ___.._____~_~...9~_~~_.~J~.QRJL~.mLMAR~AR_~t...r_~._xU~Q&~. ....1\1 ~ ..wJt.', '.'__ __..........._~._.._ __.______..___..___ of the CO'.ully oL._~.1!_ .1I~C !~.. __.____. _...__-&lId Slate of___._._flof.tA...___. ......____. ....__.._..__.._.part..1c.a. of the 6rst part. and ...______...._.._.________.._.JO_SnH_.H...,..O~.TUBR.. .._-=--_...__.___._ ....____..__....._........ __.._.....__..... _..._.. .._...__.__.___ of the COlInty "f .____..G.QQk.______..____and State of._____1.111.n.o.la..__.______..._.__p1rI.3..__ of the aecolld part, WITNI;SSF.TIf, :htlhe said part...! QS of the: 611t iUrl, for and In cOllsideratk>n 01 the sum 01._.___...__.____......._..__...............__.__._...._.. __......___.. -~~-.<<!.~ 118~l!...~n.!_C?th~!"_.!.f!!'!~!!!._9J?.1}i!~.!J.~~.!J OIl\)olbu, to..J~Q!!Liu Itanll paid, the rmiN ..bereof is he:rehy acbowledo;ed, ha.-.!'.!S lranted, barltilinecl. sold ud trausf~rred. ~nd by thue: pruents do- _!:fallt, bargain, Icll and tUMier unlo the bid part ~.._._ 01 the second part allcLJ?'!_~_bcir5 and UJiRnS rorner, aU tJ.at <<;!:rill parcel of land Iling and beinc 10 the COlllltl of__S.t L.L.\l.O_1.Q.....____...._.... and Slate of___.__.ll.Q.rJ4.a._._____more puticlllarly ducribed a. follow.:____._......_....._...____......_ .._....._.._...._.........__......... -.........:. fb'..No.rt4wG!3t.. Quarter.__o f.tlle.~O.1i.thlaQt...Quarter.. Q:!Seot1o"nl1. . township 33S.. R.. . .._.....___. . ...........~9.. B"'.~.t...e~CQptlng.._ bofiYGr .rlgh.t..o:Lwa,v. of.all.4ralnage..canalsand. pU\UO _____ ........._._ .. ........ . roaclo.......__uu_.u........ .-... ..............-....-- ......- ..-.......--..............----............ --..............._ ..-.._...... ......._._........... ..... _. ...u........._.._..._.... ......... .n_, _,'n.~ _.._.............._... _____._... ___..... ._..__._u_ ....________._ .__._.___.__ _____..___..._____._u. _-....___...__........_____....._....__ ._..._ ._........_..__._..___.__..__..____.._.____._.. ..... .. ...--...-...- ---- .---.---'-..-.--.-.--- -_..---_.._._._..-_..__.._--_._.._-_.-_._------_.~.__..----..-.--.-----..-..---.....,-...........-.... .'. -_.. ..~...-... --.:.-. ------.. -- --.-. ---..--..-..-------*.-- .--.----......-... ---.----------.-..".-------.-. ..-....------.. ------.-----.----------....-----.----.--.--.----..---..-- ..-.--..---.---..------- _.n ._.~.____._ ._._u__.~..__.__u____~.~. '__"___ _.____.u~__~_._.__ ____._._______ _____.__.._~_______._~~.__.__.__....._...___... .._.~.____u.._ __.____....___. ~'_'_ "'~"'__' ___ ~. .-....--..--- ---.-..~.--_.-- .-.--..-.. ---"--.---..-..-...~______... __ ._.~_....____..__.n_...___ _____.___.__...._...._____....._____._ ______ __.._..._____ _._..... ~._._._.__..________.___..____. _h' --_._----_._-----~-~-._-_._.__.~----.----------------------.-------.----.-.-..----. ...__.._.~._-_.-._. -_...-..-....._- --.-.----~---.----.-.--. ..._____._.___. ______....._____._._____u._____ ---------.---------------.------.-------.---.---.--..---~--_..__._~_._~...~.- ----- -_.._._---_._~--------- r. TOGETHER wilh all the tenemenls, heredilamenu and appurtenances, ....ith ner,. prhilege, ri,:"I, tille, internt and eSlatc, do",.r and right 01 do..er, .eauion, remainder and us.n,eet th.reto belonging ur ill an)'wisr appcnainu.g: TU H'" VI:: "XU TO 1101.1) Ihe same III lee simple forner. And tr.e said parLlaa 01 the 6111 part do _ co":nut witb t~e said parl~___ of the secc.nd p:rrt 1I.aL.th sy..ars .. _: b,.lull,. stiltJ of th. .aid pr.mises, that the, :are free rrom all incarnbnlncu aod tJa.al..thl7__ba~ right and la..rul authc.rit)' to ..11 the same; and tbe said pari Y.... 01 l. Ibe 6111 parLdo_ hereby' full,. ....rr..nt the lit!e to said bnd, alld will deiend the saDie against Ihe Ia...ful claims of all (..,.ons "homsotwtr. IN \VITNESS WHEREOF, the said paul.I1S. 01 the 6ut part ha.1'I1._ hereunlo set.their__.It..nd.8 and sealB Ihe day' and yur al.o,'. ..rillell _.____s;:ed~:~I~d=:::C~~~..: ~=::___.........___u. -. '--l _hU.. llargaret_A...hoger.a _ .... _ _ ___.._........ ___ --- ------------------ =-=~~~-.:-:=-.:--=.:-_~=_=~-.~u.:=~-~~~~c_:~~_:;; 1'1 ~~90 ='IO();-'-S t BmPJ -C en . . ____G~.9TgQ._W.~..._?::llborn.._._...m_ ......u_...(SE.-\L) _.._.__~r.g~_r.!t..~.....~.......r.;lll!Ql'n.....__.._ _(SEAL) STATE OF-1'.LORlD.A ST. LUelL .. l J COUNTY OF I HEREBY CERTIFY, Thai 00 tbis--2.4th __rlay 01. -9.abrUa1'-J-_'.: .A. D. 1925._, belore me reuollally appeared Ge.o.rgEl W.. iCi 1 born I\lliL 1htrg9rat__1'__..Olhorn__.... .___---;-__.__....._.___.__ 10 me knuwn to be the person.J!_ described in and who execuled the foregoillg conweyance to..___J.03.e.ph...H.. ..Op.tne.r.________ "- and sneraU, acknowledeed ,he execution thereof 10 be._!!!_~k....lree act J .. and deed for the nse. and pwposcs therein mentiolled; and the sai<L-._~.K2r&ar.Q.j;-L,_.Kllb.9.rn.. _._ the wife of the said--.--..:...Geo.~Jt~...A!llQJ'n __on a separate and printe uaminalioll taken and made by and berore me. alld s.evarallly and apart from her uid hbsband, dill ad:r.ow1cdge that she: made herself a party 10 the said Deed of Con1'Cy-ance, ror the pnrpose of rellouncing, relinquid.ing ..nd conve,ing 0.\1 I.., right. title and inleresl, wbether of dower or of s.eparatc properly, slatutory or equit.hle. in and 10 the "'nds t1.erein described. aud thai she executed said deed freel)' and \'oluntaril)' and ..ithout an, conslrainl, lcar, apprehension c.r compulsion of or from her laid h...ban1. ~ } . io the Coullt, oL~" L1!~lt__...__..__u_ alld Slate of.. d official $tal .t lort Pierce HO.t . y Publ1(~-sVFpr't..'..-1l8ier8. ___._-:-..(SEAI.) -.IlYoocmeubn ~~Irg~ ~Y.i. 'M. ..1926 --- -.-- :{;_~~_ t -JIt" ._ r" \,) On this.. .~ 010.' Of..~___.l.e.Q.~..___ . A. D. 192..6.., at___o'c1oclo:--m., this iDstnoment was fi~ed for record. ~ ,~ beiDa dol, a~ltno...ledged and pro.-al, I hue .e:~td tl-~ same on ('a&e.._J~.6~.__of Book_60_--in the public records of said L~~~ . ~I . IN WITNESS WIfEK hcrenato HI ml hand an" ~ed the Hal or the Circuil COllrt of tbe Fi(teenth Judicial Cireuit of said Slate, in and lor said Coallt,. ~ a al P. c. Eldre4 .....D.r- C.fr'H~~~ :/ful::f.-- Oerk. .D. C. , , <:'~~:~?I.~I;