HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0868 I 268 ~ ..--.--...... THIS INDENTURE, Made thiJ ___...__.g()'~lL_...._..___ ......_clay of__,___.pebruar7....__:.....__.. _......__"- O. 192._.5.. BETW ERN p~J~._4~.3.._~~_...'PM~.~...4.n;.~~L..n.t~....!!..!, of tbe COUllt)' of__~~~.~~~~_._......._......_____.__..nd State of__...~.~~!!.da _' ..._..._...... ......._._____. .... ..___,put.1Jut of tbe lir.t pall, anel -..----:---.~_.._--_._._--_._._...._..._....__._. .-----.----.-...--- llEtL.P......B.'lf1mS...and ..R...B... ET'lRRS.__..______ ____-,-~~...__--.------__-_----.---- . V .... lea 01 the CoulIt)' 0(._' ._...___.___._and Stale of_.-~________._____part......._ _ of the .ecolld parI, WiTNF.SSKTII,lbal the laid part._J!l%f lhe lirst part, for alld in cOllslderstioll of the Junlof..__.mB..DOLLARS...1IDLOTHER...YAL:IABLK.._ C..9J~~J~lm.AT.J..Q~~___.__________~ to..t_h'-II!._ill ballJ paid, lhe r.:ceipt whereol i, hereb)' ackn{\wleelged. o baY~ Granted, barJ,:aincd, sol<: and transferred. a:lel by these prescllU do....... _grant, bJlrgam, ull and transler unto the nid pUL.1.e.P of Ihe second part and-.the1r._beirs and usigns forner, .1\ lbt certain parcel of land lYIng and being in Ihe Counl)' of_~!..__~uol~_ alld Stale oi_._..~J.~:r..~d~ .-.---____more particularly dc:acribec! u follows: ________________.....___..._..____.... _'__no.._ _._...._,__u___.._. ....-............... --'. -.<.". ......... ...._-._.____... .._._._______._._..._....__ ___. _______.._...__._.___..__....__.___._._______._._... .n. ._.__". .....____.._____._. . ..d_, ._..______._.mm LQ1;8. Fl 'Ie. OB. andElg~~.:Hn_9t..1$.b~n_~rq~..~ .~~~.~.Y~8.~O~. ._:_ .___.m..____........_._.... "...__.. -...... .. .. .... .. .........--..... of.. the Soutaw.osi ..QUar.hl'd' {SW*' L9f..tA.Q..S.Qq1;;b~.t.~t..-'lqOJ'hr.._....__..._.d ...............___.._.....__. .._..._.. .-...-......-. __'''_um_ (swtl..Qf seQ:Uon..Twent.Y=QJm.1;._.(.~.~) ...fo;m~_h.l1L._Tb.h.t.v:'"onQ.____...._._..____.._.___._..._..._.._.... . ....-..----....-...------ J~~ ).. ~.()\l.t!l. .l!~g... ~P:~_~yl~~ln~.t~~L.E.a8~.L_ a ~~~_!.!.~.~! ~e.~... ~8 _ .____. _______. -T"--""- _._.._.___...._..___...._~!l~ __S01,,\ ~!1.~~.~....Q\l.~t~_~_u(.~~*L_9.L~ l1~_~~~..u!..9.!~1._J !Ol_ ao~~____ .._.______________...._. -..------..... .-....-,..-. tX'~o~ I.. 0()g..t.~"'~:l.!liLWI1.~9.~~ES... l ;l_Q.t ~l.'~_..Q;L! ~~..!n ___..___.____..__._......___.._.._____..__._.. _._.__....... h ___.._..___._. _.__..___.._~. _______.._ ._.._..._~.______ '__._._ ________..___._____ ___._._________._______.__.________.....____..__. ..______.__..____ ____.__..___ .---..-.--.--..-.------- .----.-----.--------- ----.!..-_-------------.------ -------------._---~---_.__._------_._------_.~_._-- ----------------------------.--..---------.----- -----------------_._.~---~-_._--------- ----------.-~--- --_..--- .-..---.--.-.---.---.------- --------.----..-.-.-,.- -..~..______. -0 ___~__.____n__..___.Uh__._.._______ no___o..__.._._.__._~_._._ TOGETHER ...ilh all the. lenemenls, hercditamenu and appurlenances. with enr)' llriyi!eg~. ri!l:hl, till~, inlerest and eslat~, dower and right 01 dower. re,.trsion, rtlJlainder and eascmcnt thercto belongll.J; or in an)'wist al>perlaining: TO HAVE A~\J TO HUJ.I> the: samt In In simple lorever. A:>d the ~d put.J..~~ 01 tbe liul part 010_ connant will. the said parL.t~_~of Ihe second l>artlhar.t;h.ey ..a,I'~. :........._hwlnlly seizeel 01 tht , have said premiscs, that they are: free Irom all incllmbrantu and Ih.l .t.neY_.goo.! ri"ht an.1 lawful authorily to .ell Iht same; and the 53id l>ari. ~.e.s 01 lhe f.rst part do.__ here:by lully warrant the title to .said lalld., alld wil! ~"'cnd the: same ar;ainst tht Ia...lul claims of all persons ..homsoevtr. IN WITNESS WHEkEO.', the said putl!lll.. of Ihe: first pari ba_YO._ hereunto sct_tM.lr.....hand_e and seal~. the day and )'ur abon "rillen J Signee!. scaled and delinred ill our prescnce: I An 8 'umner . E~~~..u;~~~~~~:~~~=...-:==..==~====~=~___.~= ._.__._~_._-------------:--------_.-\ -...-----..--....-.-...-...-.. -~........_--_...._._--------~_-..__' _.f.~@~._AY!J.~~._~__________..._._ _.....'.__....(SEAl.) -Pall~!....!l~~__..________(SEAL) STATE of_.lLORlDA. COUNTY OF _.s~I.IIC.lB.-,--_ l j I HER&,:BY CERTIFY, That on this-.?9th cla,. of. Pebruar,y r>ersollaJly appeared 'RA1I~IJ.A.!L.A~_b.~.~__~tfjL A.. D. 19L_Q., before: me to me knOWlI 10 be: the person..~.. described in ;rod who executed th'!O lore~oing conveyance lo_...B.OIl_~_.!....E:t.t.e.;rjJ.._8Ilit..R.L.1l.!...E.llil:~._ i, . and ",nrally acknowledged tbe ueClllioo thereol to be_tb.e.lr.._/ree act alld deed lor the uses and ;>urposes Iherein mentione:d; and the said_ D~lla8 Ayers .._ the wile of Ihe: said . Prank Ayers_ on a scparate and prinle examillation laken and m~de by and before me:. and sc{'arattly ":ld "put from her said husband. did acknowledge Ihal s!le: m..de: herself a part)" to the said Deed of Connyance, lor Ibe: purpose: of rcnoullcinK, relinquishin;r and conH)"inK all her righI, Jitle and interest. ..helher of do....e:r or 01 separate property, S1~tutory or equit~ble, in and to the lan:ls Ihereill descriJ.ed.- and lhat sbeeuculcel said deed freely and volunlaril, and without an)" cODslrainl. fear, apprehension or compulsioll of or Irom her &aid husband. in the County 01 st. Lucie I: an _the day arod ,ear lasl aforeuid. .' Seal) ...Ang~..~__:i~~!"_ -----_~_..____._{SEAL) } .- Il. -'\5 On this 26 . __-day oL_JH_.._~.._. "- D. 19LD... at~Q.l.2.~c1oc!<-_A-m.. this instrument was . .... Ii"'.! lor rewrd. and beiag dul, acknowledged "'Del pronn. I hut' record~ the sarne Oll pag~~of 8oo~_in the public record. of said Count,. I !'> t- IN WITNESS WIIEREOF, I hue-hereunto sel m, h:lnel and .~ the seal of the Circuit Court of the Fift<<ntb Judicial Circuit of saiel Slale, in and lor said CoaDt,.. <. ~ . o Cl ci: f}, lJ ct. P. C. EldrOd.., .~--V/V /...,- !(i-i::tX----- Clerk. D.C. , f. :1 ~j~t~~~t1iif~~lr'~ ~ ~~~..~"'~ .'5;- ~",;...~~~~..:.;:~,,~. ~...;.-~~.;~5.'t;> ~.~;~~ .~~ 1&t~:~~ r~~:}~~~~~!j!y~~ ~.~ ~~f1~~:1 J~i~J:ji~~: "" \ , .:;'.;~:::.}:~~~I~~I~~