HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0874 274 :.:_ ~: ~"DUfDl.~~=L ~..... ~ :: -~= '~ll~:;;I~~<<~~~l~~ 1G.61 1\,~~: ri$~;.. ~--:;~ ~~r~~- i ~ - .. _J I THIS lNDENTUR&" Made this. 23rd.. ':"'~_..:......__....____clay of---.Nabrus1'7-.-...--- _'___.. .... __._...__1\. D. 19A_ BETW'EEN L!.~.~.!.!__~-.!-..~9.~.!!:.~I. ,.._.!.~ dO_1!l._~._._.__ _____..____._._.. ~.____._._._h_......______._ .~_ ___':-'h______ of the County o,__~",~ol !___.......:_...-&lld State of_..l'.lo.rl!\.B. .__.____~._-..._....--:..,..--..-part-L of tbe fir.t put, and 1{~:r9._.~_~Q\J.il~.!jii"_~hB~~'l~1_.Q.Q.~P!l.J!l:L_~...~_~_~!.~.~.J?~!.P.!?!..!!~_~_I!...__________..________.______... _ __ .__. of the County of._._S.h...LY9..t.Jn_.______:a~d St;ate ol.____JJorida ____p"art.y__ oflhe ae~olld parI, WlTNF.SSETll, th;atlhe uid part..l._ of II.;; finl part, ~or an.1 ill cOllsid~ralion of the sum of_.T1UL.lnQ_!Q.9~. _~th.~.~....!.~!.~~~~.._._ Q9~_~tc!..~~~~JJ~1J.~ .. 001130,., to_her.._.,,, band paid, lhc receipl "hereol is bereby acknowl.dged, b:L..Il.. I>r:lntec!, bargained, sol': and tr:lnsferred, :and by Ihe~ preseols doJt~_gr:lQt, bargaill,' sell an.t transfer lIl110 lhe aai.t parl_Y.. _ of the second suocessors st Lucie vart aQd_J!;.~___1ttt" and ':ssillllS ferner, alllbat certain parcel of Iud lying and being in ,l,e Count)' of__~___._____ and SI:lte oi_____ ~1..QX .1.~_~.____more partio:ularl,. d~lCribed as follo....:_.____.._. "_'n___', _......._.._.._..._._....____..._ ~ _..._. ._. ._._ n_" _...__ ..... .....n....' ,....._..... .-.._______..__.___....._.~.______u._._.._.__.._.__._..__...____________.' ..___. .__..__._ ...___.._.. _ _._ ..... ..__.__..._......_._..__.. .______._.. . 'h'_" m.. _m.._ ......__........_._ ....._.._ An . unU VU.O.4.tlf(LPJn.t~l:L.in~~1"~Bt_J.~ ~lort.l1e.astq usrter...n_..._ _.._.. ._....... ............_ ... ........n....... . . ..._...........0 t. .tA' .. S9~tA~e.~~_.q U~~!.!.!._ ()~ J>eg..l!oIl _~.!!!r.~f.__!!!e.L. ~o...l.l~.~~P_ _.. _......._..._._.. ..... .... ..n...... "'_m_'_ ...... ..._ .._thir.~.Y.._1;"9.._.$.Q.\!!!!..J~~g~_~!llr~1.. niE"~. ~~f!..~....__..__...__.__..___...____....__..._.............____.. .j . , .. ....--.........-..-....----..-....-....---..-. -------..---.------- -------.------------- ....m..__ ..m_.._m......._ '_"_"____" _m.._ _... . ..___._______...____..._____. _.1. 5.9_J;>.Q.~...!!.~.~P_~f1.Il~~;t1.e. ~J. _____......_.....__......_..___... __.. ......_....__.__ ._.__ .-. -.--0--_--..--..-.-.-.......--..-. ____0_.__ __.___.________________._______.__.____. ___..._______.._._..__._ ....._--. .-..._.-... ....-...-.-..--... ............_-_.. -.....- -- -.-.---. ----..----..---.--..--.--..---..-.-.-----..---..-- -..---.----..--.....-. ---..-....-. ----.--------.--...------ .-. -------_._-.--_._---~._.- .-.---.-----..- ..-------------.------------------.-----....-.------.---.---.---..------ .--------.--...--.---- -- ._----..-_..--- --.-...---..-------.-..- TOGETIIER ",ith all Ibe tentments, her.dital1enlS and al'Purtenance:s, ..ilb cver, t>rivilege. ri!:hl, tille. intcrcsl and e>l3te. dower and right'of do",'.r. re\Crsion. r<maindcr and .:uenlcnl Ihento l>e1oDl'inl: or in an,,,,'ise apputlining: TO H.'\ VE. AX!) TO 1I0l.D Ihc ume ill Ice simplc for~ver. . And the uid pa~~-7_ of tbe first parl do._.~fl covenant ...ith the said parl.3'.__ oi the s.cond part t1laLe.b.e._J~__h...__bwfully seized 01 the said premises. that lb.)' are free from all ir.eumbrallccs alld thu!;J_b,~Jl-'!.!!-.good right and lawful authorily to sell tI,e urn.:; and Ihc said ('alt_Y..._ 01 lbe first part do..8Jl_ bereby fully warraut the litle to uid bnd, and will defend lh~ same 3gainH the lawlul claims of' all ~rsolls wbom~nr. J~ \VITSESS WHEREOF, Ihe said (oart.Y_. of Iht fiut part h&......S_ bero:unto set_..~l!!:.~_band__ and s..al._ Ih. da, and )'ear above ,..illen. J ... .___~i.g;~~se;.l;.~d .:~.Ii:.~~~:..~:_our_.preac:ce ~-----.....---..--- "-~-l' .._____.__ ~t.h~!.Jl.!...~a,y.!O~___.__________....:_......___ --'.'---.'-'- .__._----------:----~- .-._-.-.-------_._-.--.- .-------..-...-.-.--.------ .---------.-- --- -- " L.!_~1;J~Jh_ ~C.f::.~!'~.Y__ .._._.__....____(SEAL) (SEAL) fTATE OF--1tlo.rida COUNTY of--B.t..--.Lucie } I HEREBV CERTIFY, That Oll this_23.r.d.__-,--cla, of_ bbr.u&rY. "- D. 19l.-f>, bdore me ('.:r$Onally appeared Lizzie B. Mc~~X~x. 10 me known to be the person_ described in and who eucuted lh. foregoillg conn)'ance to_1Q.rQ_...s..@~~r.t~1~_~_~~_~~1.!..r._G ~~pan3_ and .enrally acknowledged tbe uecutio" tbereof to be...J:!..er .._._free acl D. C. t j l I I I , I J I i 'j ./ I I ~nd deed for tbe uses and purpou. therein ment;on~d; ~~. I , Conveyance, f(>r the: purpose of r. ;01/. rclinquishinll: and conn,iDg all hu ri!lht. li:l~ and' er or of separate properly, statulory or eqnitable. in and 10 Ihe lands ther~in ib.d. an" Ihal she e1 y an yoluouril)' and ..ithout allY constraint, fear, apprehensiOll . -or-from-hel ~..;d h....t.....d.: ~a. a ......,. _All Ff;Y".l" -_..._;.....~;g.. I I ! I i i I I I WITNESS , signature and oflicial seal at Fort .~.!':~rce_ Dd State of_ - l.Q.:l:i...a..~.___.the da, alld y~ar last aforesaid. I . Uo te.:r 3~it~%-h~'~-i-t~~r o?cl OTld-8-;~Yi.:.--=-(SEAl.. . comm1ss on expires Oct. 1~1927' . - \ ;'1 the: ConOl, 01. st. Luoie } ., On tbis_--2IL-_...____d&y oL__--F..e.b..t ...... D. 19z-L .t.1.Q1-~~'dcd,_A_.DL, this in.trumcllt was filed for record. and beinC duly aclmo..:edged and proyto, I'~ recorded the tame oa pa&<~74--_of BooIt...-.6Q...._io tbe pnblic recor.t. of said COIInty. .' . IN WIT:-;F.5S WHEREOF, I hut hcre~lIto set my'b' and .fIi..ed the sui of th~ Circuit Co<..tn of tbe Fil1eelllb JudiC'ial Circuit of said State, ill and tor said Couoly. . . '. ft. ~ C). . '< \ t _p. C. Bldred 'J1 -. . . r7/,t ~ /..~./ , I . k:Lr.. '- CIerI<. '..'::::~:':._l~