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THIS INDENTURE, Maoie th!s._.s.9..90M._.___..__._.....__.._l%ay Of-_.-~.,8bruar7''''',-,,,_,,:,,,- .._.......__.. .__A.D. 191.~--. BETWlmN
1l<!....9.~.~.!!_!.~._9!U.Q:r.~....~.!l~....~!.@l.Y....M!....'!!.!9!.~_..h!_~_.~.~_t'-____._._....____._ ___......:____..__...___..__..______
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of Ihe CoulIt,. of..Jlt......L~.QJ..t_..._..__ _____..._............__and Slate of_.._...l'.lOl'l;da...._...._.._._._...._.._.__._.._....___part..1n of the fint par~ and
'!~.._.B ~..J.>.~9..~!!._.__.~. ..___.... ___ __.____ .________.____..__. ________..._......__..________._______...:-__ .___
of the CoulIty of....._SJ.LL~_Q.lo.._....__.......___.....nd State oL__.F.l.or1.da. ___part.1...._ of the lecond part,
WITNESSF.TlI, that the uid palt..J.~.~ of the lint part, for and h. cOl'sideralioll of the: sum oL._Ten.._do1.1ar.8.and...o.thar_.va1uah1e...__
_______Dollar.. to...~.b.~._iu halld paid, the receipt "hereol is here!>y acknowled~eJ,
ba.Y.t._ granted, ba'lCained, soM an.1 transferred, and l;y tbese presenls do__ _grant, bargain, sell and transfCt unto the said put 7._ _ of the sccolld
part :and__.g,!.~__.heirl and assiglls forner, all Ihat (ertain parcel of 1.1Id lying and bei~g ill the Connt). of..
.S t_.t._L.UQ1e___.__
an;J Slate c;f__1'.lQ.rl!l..e..,..".,..",.,~___more particularl,. ducribed .. follo"s=-_____:._____.._....__.__ ..._....._._._ .._....____.._
_..._..........__.~~~._~.!~~~_e.~..J!~ L_!~_~!l_~..!~~~.!_! ~~_.~C?.._ y~!!?~. .!'.!_~!.._~_~!.~.~.._~!!~~1.h ~o,.
h........ 1921. . .1nPlat BOOi, 4. .Page.h6....Stt..:LueJe.Co.untyuRec.ords.L_.....:. ...................
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_.._..h_n..n......L~..~O. :oO~'.. .stf,UllP . .~.~llc~.U.~.d.. )______...._.._. _.__..___...____..___..__.___.._____.______...._........_u_....
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..-...--.-.- ._____......_...._._.._....n._..._....__ .___._.. .-._._ .. .. .._. .___......._.__..____._._____.__._._.____.___._._..__._.__._._..._...____.._n__.._...__.__. ._. .__.______.__..._.__.._._....
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TOGETHER ,,'ith aU Ihe tenCm(nlS, hereditam~nlS and appurltnances. with e:'<Cry priyil~~~, riJ1ht, titl~, inle<esl and eslate. do\ytr and right e>f dower,
rneuion. remainder and easemcut Ihercto btlongmg or in anywis~ appertaining: TO 11,\ VE .-\SIJ TO 1101.1> Ih~ same in lee simple forenr.
And 'the said part..!.~~ 01 the liul part .10__ co\Cnanl with the said parL.3._ of the second part Ihatthe3..are...__.__lawlully seized oi t"e
'. have
.aid premi.cs, that the)' are Iree from all inCtlmbr:1nces and Ihal J;Q.Qy._._good ri"ht and lawlul authority to sell the same; and the said part t~.~ 01
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said partlfilJ. of Ih~ lirst p"rt bYe. _ hereunto sct_thtllr-1tand.3 and sealS. the d.y and yur abo.e wriuclJ
Ihe first part do_ hereby fully warr.nl the tille to said land, 3nd will deieed the: sallie again!! tl:e 1....lul claims 01 all persons whomsoncr.
H~~. e.~i.g~e:.._.;;;;;:~;e~e~~~~:..:~e:::::__._......__...-----l
!J~rglll:t;rJ 1;eu_IA !'!t.~.;r .____.._._.__..___....___....____
.-..-----..--.--.-. .
___.__...h..__.__.__ .__.._._..___..___...._.____._..._..______.._________.____.._
_.Farm.v.. .M.~....YJtfQI'~..._._..__ _'_ ....n.___....:....(SEAL)
F. Char1c~ Gif!().!~..____(SEAL)
STATE of_.Flgrida
COUNTY OF_S.t. Luc 1 e
I HEREBY CERTIFY, That (>1I this--8ll!l.lUld..__da, ol_.RAbruar~.._..
personally appemd-~Cha r1~~~HJQJ"L~nd E_f.lEI\.i...1l.LB1!t.o.r..d._.h.1.s...I1f.e_
A. D. I~_, before me
10 me known to be the persoll._~_ described in and ",!io executed the foreliloing conny:ance to_...Vl..~...B..!.....D.Yn~_8.Il
and suerally .cknowl~dgcd the uecu;ion thereof 10 bc__tp.J~lr.__Iree act
and deed for t!le wu and purposcs thutin mentiollod; and thc said.....:-...F~J...1I..!....!!.!ff()I'~.
the wife of the 5:tid~~~~ll.!"..l,es Gifford. on a separate: and printe examination
lahn and made h, and belore me, and sepanldy and apart from her said busband, did acknowledge Ihal she made herself a part,. tt' t~e said Deed of
ConYer.nce, for the purpose of renouncing, relinquishing anll con.eying al\ Iou right, title and interest. whether of dower or of se?arate J>rop~rty, statutory
or equitable, in and 10 th~ lands Ihcrein described. an.1 th.t she neculed said dccd freely and .-oluntanl, and without any con5lnint, f~ar, apprehension
..r compulsion of or from her said husb1nt\.
- S m, signature and official seal at.
ilt the CoulIt,. of~..' Luci ~
1Ql'l~.~_._______tbe day alld ,ear last aforesaid.
.H.a.u~.G....__.sw.ar.t.'II.Qut.._ ,"q._ .u...._..(SEAL)
Uot~r3_pu~11c. state of Florida at Large
Uy commisuion expires February 28. 1927
Oll thia--_.2~__._______day oL__.lIl~__
__IL D. 19.z.E.... &1.3:.16 o'clcx:k.hm.. this instrumeut was
61ed for record. and being duly ackDOWJxalld proY~, I hue reoorded tho! ..me 011 paeeJ7b.. _of Bootc..--6o._i!l t!.e publie records of said
I~ WITN ESS \VII EREOF, I b.n . ualo set "', har.d an.J affixed the se.1 of th~ Cirfuii' Court of the Fifleenlb Judicial Circni; of said St.te, in and
lor N-id Coullty. .~
n. C.
P. C. Eli red
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