HomeMy WebLinkAboutCERTIFICATE OF TERMITE TREATMENT. RECEIVED 05/29/2018 12:59PM ?B59558 1-k'Y_29.2018 01:06 PM POOLS PAGE. 1/ 1 k. SCANNED BY Planning & Development services Building ik/Code Regulation Division 2200 viirginia Ave Fort Plarem, FL 34982 772.46Z.2172 Fax 772-402-6443 CERTIFICATE' OF TERMITE TREATMENT CONSTOCTION SOIL, TREATMENT PERMIT ; 980 sgs JOB ADDRESS: 519 E Saminde Rd 11ILDER/CONTRACTOR: Faml Potnc a _ ., g s PEST CONTROL CONTRACTOR: I Hannan Environmerttai 8eMcea&j, PEST CONTROL. LICENSE #; 1 TB99415 RECEIVED MAY 3 0 me Permitting Department St. Lucie count, - We, the undersigned, hereby certify th,it we have pretreated tho above described construction for s0terranean tarmites In accordance ith the standards of the National Pest Control Association, 5quere feet If area treated: Lft Chemicals used: eifenthan Percentage of solution:.12 ' . Total gallons used: 24 y4lions Date of Treatment: W29118 Time of Treatment: 9.213 sm Footing Slab — V Treatment 1" Treatment Re -Treat Re -Treat —Driveway Driveway 2 nspcols 1" Treatment 1s, Treatment - - . Re -Treat =Re -Treat ._,.,Other 5/28/18 Final Inspection l" Treatment �Re-Treat sna/1e signe er Date Natq; 7h01v musUW a completed ftm esd) repulred treatment or re-&w1ment and Qb i9 form most be on trhe job -; to fee ��cked up by the /nsp'ectorot time of each insMdW or the sieheefWed Inspeellon w111fall and a t e-Inspection 178004.Ze artf9cate of Pro&ctAfe 7W77ent for prevrenM;n of tennlles A weather resistant jobsA& paWnq board shall be cmOobd to mime duplicate 7}w&ent QvV8cvW as each reguped protective bL9aftent /s comp/etw, pmvld/ng a copy lbr the person the pem* /5 Issued to and another appy for the bulld/ng pelmlt Ala Tite rtWtment Cerffcate shall provide the product taad, identity of the sppllMW,, dine and date Of the h W&nen4 Atsw /ocatlaq, area treated, chemlcal wvd, percent conaentrat/on and noMber of gallons t/SEtd, to establlsh a verYAable ►scold of praft /v19 t1mutment, !W tft ,ill chemleal barrier Metsbod for termite preventlon /s used, final awwyor treatment shall be ampleted prior 0 final bi llding approval, St Lueld County requires for the final Inspection for CO, a lZ erm;anent Sticker to be placed on the eleetrledl POW box' Colter, listing all the traeitments and dates of applications. Revised 60/60 30dd S100d 899698LZLL Wd£9:1,0 81,0Z/6Z/90 P420m-if-,k SLC, f ANNA Environmental Services a; IB99418 ?6 3 4�0 3 751 NW Enterprise Dr ,Suite 102 Port Si Lucie,FI 34986 www.doHannan.com PROPERTY INFORMATION [ S Treatment Date: v - .7 f-f Time: Lot: Block: cR Section: Subdivision Name: Street Address (if known):���-'�z'!n� City/State/Zip: Owner Name (if applicable): '7 r0/'7 : � B is the responsibility of the contractor to notify HANNAN ENVIRONMENTAI� SERVICES for all required abutting sprays. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE HANNAN ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES guarantees the building he received a complete pre-treatment for prevention of subterranean termites. Treatmentisinaccordancewiththerulesandiawsestablished by Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. Mif this box is checked, the final perimeter treatment t been completed and the following certificate of compliar s available. Appllcaws Name (please print) : J '�"'i f Ck-fC C I Pre -Construction Termite Treatment For Subterranean Termites CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Contractor: 777 --- - - - Slab Type ❑ Monolithic ❑ Floating/Stem Wall Abutments ,-Patio ❑ Entry ❑ Driveway (check box here for appropriate method) PRODUCT TREATMENT INFORMATION Treatment Type (must check one) fl Initial Under -Slab ❑ Supplemental ❑ Final ❑ Addition ❑ Bora Care (wood treatment) JKPool Deck ❑ Retreat Product Applied Bifenthrin ❑ Dominion ❑ Bora Care ❑ Termidor ❑ Other: Mixed Product Applied : ` Gallons Concentration: ' 12t) % Square Feet Treated: t,r # Linear Feet Treated (oaf. Please Call (772) 344-2847 or visit www.GoHannan.com For information about additional pest control services. RECEIVED MAY 3 6-2018 Permitting Department St. Lucie County zz—