Spectra is the perfect choice for property owners who need the
strength and protection of a chain -link fence system plus an St � rip Y' ,�'�
appearance that blends inteautifully with the environment.
Spectra defines property lines, encloses animals, as well as
protects and adds value to any property. For added privacy,
choose from different types of decorative polyethylene slats Sierra Brown Midnight Black Forest Green
tinted to match the shades of Spectra color chain -link systems. Note: Ne to manufacturing variances and limitations in the production
process, colors may nary from this Invciture. Contact Master Hatco for
actual color samples.
Chain -Link Fabric
Spectra polyvinyl chloride extruded over zinc -coated steel
wire per ASTM F 668 Class 1 or Spectra polyvinyl chloride
extruded and adhered to zinc -coated steel wire per ASTM
F 668 Class 2a
6, 8, and 9 gauge finish
1-3/4" and 2"
31, 42", 4', 51, 61, 7% 81, 10' and 12'
Knuckled top and bottom up to 5' high, twisted and
knuckled 6 to 12 high
Tension and Brace
Polymer coating, 6 mils minimum, over hot -dipped
galvanized pressed steel
Caps, Eye Tops,
Polymer coating, 6 mils minimum, over hot -dipped
Rail Ends
galvanized pressed steel
Polymer coating, 6 mils minimum, over hot -dipped
galvanized steel
Polymer coating, 6 mils minimum, over zinc -coated
re Wires
steel wire
Since 1961, Master Halco has grown to become the
largest manufacturer and distributor of fencing materials
in the world, servicing thousands of the best installers
and retailers across the United States and Canada.
- Master Halco
operates from
locations across
North America, v✓tth
a vast network of
distribution centers
supported by our
delivery fleet
Spectra polyester resin, 3 mils minimum, over galvanized
steel ASTM F 1043, Group 1C, with a minimum yield
Type 2
strength of 50,000 PSI. Protective coating per ASTM F
1043, external coating Type B, zinc with organic overcoat,
0.9 ounces per square foot minimum zinc coating with
chromate conversion coating and verifiable polymer film
Top Rail
1-5/8" O.D. Spectra DQ 40 or Schedule 40 pipe
Line Posts
1-7/8" or 2-3/8" O.D. Spectra DQ 40 or Schedule 40 pipe
2-3/8", 2-7/8" or 4" O.D. Spectra DQ 40 or
Schedule 40 pipe
Swing Gates
Fabric Same mesh and gauge as chain -link selected
1-5/8" O.U. for gates up to 6' high or less
Framework 1-7/8" O.D. for gates over 6 high
MAR 2 2 2018
ST. Lucie county, Permitting
Master Halco distributes a broad range of fencing solutions for
commercial and residential applications, including:
• Chain -link
• Ornamental fence (steel and aluminum)
* Welded wire
* Wood
0 Composite
For more information about Master Halco products and
services, call 1.888.MH.FENCE toll -free or visit us online at
4000 W. Metropolitan Dr., Suite 400
Orange, CA 92868
1.888.MH.FENCE (toll -free)
e-mail: info9FenceOnlinecom
www FenceOnlinecom
Master Halm reserves the right to amend, uithdrary or make changes to products and specificarums tn0mut natice.
MH 046003 3108. copyright W= Rimer Halco, ina Al rights reserved.
..... .. RECEIVED'
ALUMINUM 7e Superior Alternative
MAR 1.2 2018
ST 1 F -e County Permitting
ucl . .
II CI C i� i
Series A Series C Series B Series H Series V Series N1
Series A Double -Picket Series C Double -Picket Series B Double -Picket Series H Double -Picket Series V Double -Picket Series-N2`
!!. 1
Series A Puppy -Picket Series C Puppy -Picket Series-B Puppy -Picket Series H Puppy -Picket Series V Puppy -Picket Series F'
'Series N1, NZ and Series'F ate available in Residential Grade only.
r' � tw'� Iti. 115•
" ■ Lam' 1, —" 1.' iv. i Light Bronre Dark Bronze. White Black Green Beige
h-1•h'--� ,
2'x2'x.052' 2'x2'x.093' 2'x2'025' 2.5x2.5'x,075' Residential Commercial. Concealed Fastener Industrial
;' s/�; oso" 3/4' oso• ( a/a ; ,oso - F u E N C E S U P P .L Y
*/; The Superior Alternative"
2.5' x 2.5' x .125' 3' x 3' x .125' 4' x 4' x .125^ 6' x 6' x .12F Residential Commercial Concealed Fastener Industrial
ADORNMENTS Your local Authorlaed Aluminum Fence Supply Deater. I
1 h
Standard Post Cap Ball Post Cap Pressed, Spear Td-Ad Finial Quad Finial Rings Butterfly Scroll Estate Scroll