HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0891 291 ""~~-~:-""-:::'~."'-"''''J~ ..W~.II* 1~"':~"-':'~' :-- ..~~~~"":'''.'':~~~~J1fll.::g.~.~.....__'"M,,"'":Io~~ .) THIS INDENTURE, lhde this ....._. ..20th__._.......... ....... _._da,. 01--..-........ ;'e'b-ruaJ"Y'--,u..--_. .........__.........__A. D. 19LP.... 8F-TWEEN _.1&.\1.l ~L Re.rrl~L.and. Rmma ..Harr.ia.._hia. .1I1t.e..._._..__....._....._:.............._.__...... ..... _...... .............. ..._....._....__._...___._..._._.._.....____._ of the CoulIty of_.__.S.t.....LUo.l &..___....................._.<1110.1 Slale 01.........._.1'lor1 da .........-_..........__.......__......_..._part.1e.s. of tbe lirst part, alld [ ... J'. ~...5..,. .w.o.QA__._._..._ .._d............._..____...._______.._.. _' .._._____.. ._._..__..___._.____.._...._.............._._.._...... ....._...__....____....._.___ ,.f tl>r Count). of....._st.~....LY,QJ.fol._....._.. _._...... ....___..and Slale 01..._._. F l.o.rl.d.8..____.__....._....._.._........partl__ of the Hcond parI. WITNESSETH, Ihat thc uid I';ul. iea of the firU part, for and in consideration of ,.,C SUIR of......'r.~.!!...P_~.!}_~E.I;l. _~!!~ ___(\~~~.!'._......_... ..__.. _oo.__ in ~9o.~..i~.~.r.ll.tJ9.M.....-......-..._...--.-~-----__.-..._._____DoII~rS,lo._.....theli. "~n.1 paid, tbe rcccipt wh~reof is hereby acl.no..J<dl(ed, b;t_'[~ granted, bueainfd. sold :and transferred. ud b)' thue pruelllS do_._.gr.nl, bargain, s.1l alld transfer unlo the said part.J:_.. of the seCOR.! put and_.....~.!..li!...._.JIeirs alld assicns forever, aU that certain ~rcel of land l)"il1ll and ~ing in the C~Ullt)' ol..._S!_L.L~.!t1"Q _.._...___....___.. .... ar.d Srate: ol.._..J'!.Q.~!..d.~_._._._ ..___...__more puticularl,. des<ribed as follow.:__......_.._. ......._.._._.. .... .__....... ........._........___..............._.....u. .'U __... ._..............,._.._...........h "'__'..~___.' .._.__. __'___.. ... ........_._._.....h ..__.......___... _ _ _._.._......_.._ _.... ....h_.___...._.,.._..__.. ..._._..._. ~ Beginning at '_~hPoint. 624..~. :fQ'~~h8.()U~n. of J;hE).C enter .of ..S~ctiop _h .__.....__ .h. Twelve (1,2) . th,ence ,.eEl~. 130.5.2 ..~.l!o.t.1;henc~.s.9.U1;h 62~.6. fee.t. ." ..~~~~ce East. 8Q!?!.~.~.(J~d~_......~he_~~!)i~.I'~~ .~.~~.~~_ _~_e..e.~_~~. p~~[l ~h"~!_ __......... .......h...... .... . ...beginning. ..con~:lin~n~T..~.nn t1.0)_.^~!,~.~_.~~~__p.!....le!3 .s_n_~n 3.l}otion ........ .__.....__... . ~wel,ve J 1,2} . . T01fnahi P.. Thi:rty-. t.l~~~~. h '-3.3. L~~~_~h..o~nRflng~..Thi:r_~l~.u.. ....____....._~.... .. : nine (39) East. . .. ...- . - n ___. n_ - .__.~_.._,____ no. ..._ _.u___._.. _._______..__.___.____.___.___._u.. __...__..._....... .... .'_". ..... _....._.. _., "__'.._'_' ___...._.....__.... . __'h _.- ..._.....h__. '._._._ ._.._ _'.___n._'" ._..._._..____..n....__.___ _.._.___._.__... ...n _'.'n.._._.. .'__.._._....__......___.u.. __.. _ ....___._....__..__. .__._ _.__.n.._ ---.-..-.---..--. .--- "-'. ._. .. -......_ _....._ .._......_..__...___... _____.. ..__ .__u.._.__.____...__.._._____.._._._____.._.___ ___.._..._ _. ...___...___. ____.___.______._._.. ....___._.___... ____ .__ ._...._....h. _._ . __......____..._h_.____._ ..______.___.__.______ __._._._____._..______.. ________.__._.._.._____._._._.__._._._____. ...-.-----.-.-.----... ......-..-.-.-..-... - ....n..._.__._._..___._..__..___._..______.._.._.._____.___..______.._._ .___ ...._..._...._.____ _ ."_ .._ hU_____ '_.'. _.______...n..._._..___ .......__._._____._n_____..___. _ ---.---~._...___.._.____._._..._____.___._n...n___.___ _._.... __._.._._.__..._.._.__..._.___..__.... ..... ._._ _.....___._.._u_._.._____.__.____ ....---..-..-.------.----.----.-..-.-.......-.--------..--- ----.-.-.---. .-------.------..-------.-- -.- .'.__. ----.-.-.------.-- __._____._...___.,U_.____h___._u..._..__..._._.__._. ._._._._u.... ._.__.._u__._____________.____....._.___._ .__.._.___ ___. _.__.___ .n. . ._.._ ... .._.. ..._ . ....__..._. '~__"__ __._u.__.._n.__________.. TOGETHER witb all the tenements, hcrcditamems an.j avpurt<nancu. ..ith ev<<, I>rivil~Se. riglll, tille, inl<<tst and t51ate, dower and right 01 dower, reversioll, remainder and ~:UC:tW:l1tlb<rclo !.cloe!:",.; or i:l any,,'ise al'~rt~ning: TO 11.\ \'1:: AXil TO lIu\.D tloe .ame in fee simpl< forncr. ( .\lId the said vart.J.~.R of the liul part 0.10____ connant \\it}, the said p:>.rl--3.. ollhe ",conti putlhat_.tn.133...Ur.e.__...._lawfull)' ~ized 0111.. have said premisc$, tbal thcy are fr<< from all incumbrances alld lloal. they __.good ri;;ht and Ja"ful aUlhorit)'.I!) sell tl>" same; and Ihe said pari le.8 of' \- Iloe Iinl part .10..__ hcrtb)' fully ..arranl the: lide: 10 S3i,J tall". and will ddend Ihe same ag:>.insl l'le \awful c1ainls t.1 all persons ..bomsoncr. .... IX WITXESS WHEREOF, the said put ..1.e.aol lite firS! pul ha_V.e.. berennlo seL.t118.1r._.hand~ arid sealS. Ihe day alld rear abon" ...rillen Sign<tI. sul<d and ddivcr<d in our pre"'Dce: \ S awe 1 .:_~!i:=...~..-:~; ~. ~:=~. ..=..:=....=~=....=~~-.~.....:-...~.......-::~_..=_ ~ ~.~~.~.l_.:~..'....~~~.~~.~~~.~..-..__~__-~=-~~=....~_._=:..._~_~~~~_~) _Louis.. ;{ar.rls._.......____. . ._......__._ ''''__d.'''' ._(SEAL) _fJ.P.m.a.....~.f!l'J.:t~...__.__.._......_._..._.._ ._(SEAL) STATE of--1'.lorUa l COUNTY OF....-2~~I!~~e __ J I HEREBY CERTIFY, Thai OD this__~.1.l;l.__.___.day oL_....F.~bJ.':JA.ar.Y.___. A. D. 192..J2_ before: me l'e:rsOllall)' appeared--.L..OUl!L~rr 18 and E!Il1!Ill_!1~;r.1'_i5 ._b1.~.1.!.o.._.____.~..__..._.__.._ _ .___..____.. ___.'_ . h "'d -'-d' d h d h "f . P. B. \'Iood to me kllown 10 ~ t e persoll.."'- escn"", III an .. 0 e:ucllte I e: orelloln.1l cOIIve,.ance 10 ____ ..u....__ '.__,,_,__,_..___._. and se:..rall, acltno..ledged the execution Ihe:reol 10 bt--..!.n~JJ'..._free act aDd d~ed lor Ihe lIses and purposu Ihenin mcntior.cd; and lhc said_..En:Ina-Harr.ifl..-____-:-___.__._____ _..____..___ the wife of the said_ L.Ou1.s Harris ..--OlI a separal~ and Vri.-a!~ examinalion lak<D alld made b)' and befmc DIC', and scpanl.t)" aDd apart from hu s~d husband. did ackno..ledj<e Ihat she made h<rself a party 10 Ihl! laid D~ed 01 Cony<)"al1ce, for the PDrl'O't 01 nnoullcing, rdinqui,hlllll anJ cODye,.illJl all hu righi, title alld inr~resl. "".elher of do..<< or of SCl'3rate properly, .lalntOlJ or ~qnitahle:, in and to the: laDds ther~ill descri~d. an" Ihal sbt cucat~oJ sai.1 deed frl'CI, aDd YOIUnlarjly and wilhool an}' constraint, fur, .pprehen.ion c,r compDlsioll 01 or Irom her aaid husband. r \'''lJ~r si"na:u.e alld 01liei31 sui al._ 'lQ.I'Q _______io the Count, of_S.t.a.Lu.c.1.e ,/ .L__'F. ' antare 017-- \1..Q.;r.i,,9~L___ _.___tbe day and ,.ear lut aforeDid. J~~'l~ ..~. Seal)) . ~;~:~~i::i~!~:~f~:~~::t!~~!!a ~.:.~-:~;~;e...-....~(SEM.) STA E OF FLORIDA } COUN ~~'P;LUCIE I l_ On lbis__ 28 _______ _-da, DL-.#'eh...._....---ar--~ D. 19zJ.L, a~. .it!o'c1ock~ tbis io.trnrPtlll ..u filed for record. aad ~ing Jill,. ackno..l~dc~ and provCll, I hue rcrorck~ 13_ lIP page_.?~.L-of Book_9_0__in I~ pnblic: records of >aid CoulIl)'. 0 . ~ - - IS WITNESS WHEREOF, I ha,'e hcrenn.o sel my ball,1 aa,l a~.1 the sutollbe Circuit Co",t or Ihe Fifteenlb JddicRI vrclIit of uid Stale, iD aDd lor said Coutol..r. ~ ./ .~ fl)" rct(t. SOall) Jf~ \: ,/ ,,---=,,;/ - P. c. Eldred aerlc. 7!,pA./ //i a/L.7i.=~~_D, c. . . . i I i- f: ~:.'.>-.}::j~~