HomeMy WebLinkAboutBARRIER CERTIFICATION♦ I 7AW84Ys4'rodern M'AY 2 9 2018 47914W BWMftW Department OC�AMI. °,e°a`°r'ra�oa St Luce County, FL 1 �4-g¢T BbiR+4itd, 1934) 979400 �95a) Q79e24p 6aa Ma�wihtp Olk4 irr 2 M MESH SALTY 9MRIgn CERTIFCATION (M) M5020 Fax I Pool fences cwt In low (4) no live (a) tool helbbb by "Up.fIWW-pfWGG tdv-OW P'rnfect'"hMUM Poo1jPana Sy*wft, Inn. We hereby mditd Igo emax: �epnoad cbn+ meet or exceed i undue Ow DEFINETiom of Mesh softly Bent" as sef fbft by medan R418t .1.17.15 of the soft cam ati I sho of Radft. This incwde9 the Twr1 T O pool fame fabric used in the .. PmhmA-ArCMd Pool Pence numbly ftls! Complies with the fb)towing ASTM Ste: . ASTtII DSi�-96.I . D3787.108. 00 This mesh hu bABrt eadiled as mee" ow above r+efewmil Florida sl8nds Ws"by Uw en�trteeAn8firm cf Cemy and.hW. If you have 91ny�griestions or need addittgrtat infomnefion. Pkme contw us. PWtsek_"hW Peal Fence Sysiarns. Inc.- i F a rr' 8. KOROWN i'tatssMWgTx*"ff FE+3"32 Ij'cntStleR34957r321$ I ' FILL` COPY 01 ;•d 6580 -aLS-isSB Sea^Pa-'d T - toad wn roust t tW kUOS --i I GOUZ QC Meta?�;6su ica i, Inc. ., -Testing & 1.ing GP Protect -A -Child Pool Fence Company I June I3, 2012 Purchase Order No. Verbal I QCM Job No. 12FM-611 INSPECTION RESULTS This report documents testing on 48" and 60" heights of fencing and self closing gates manufactured by Protect A -Child Pool Fence Company. The samples inspected included fence sections in 48" and 60" heights with support posts attached to the mesh on 30" and 36" centers and self closing gates of sample beights. The fence and gates submitted were tested pec the standards listed below including ASTM F 2286. - • The mesh was tested per ASTM F2286-05. • Vertical load test per ASTM F2286 Paragraph S.I. A vertical load test was conducted. A Il8" steel wire was looped through the mesh 36" above ground. Upward force of 20 pounds wasapplied. No tearing of the mesh was noted. • Impact Test per ASTM F 2286-05 Paragraph 5.2. A weight of 52 pounds was swung into the fence 36' aboveground level. No deformation or tearing was noted. • The self closing gates tested were greater than 48" tall and included self closing hinges and a key lockable self Ibtching mechanism: The release mechanism an the gate was above 54" minimum height requirement. • The mesh properties were certified by PFIIFER incorporated. CONCLUSIONi: The fence and gates submitted for testing meet or exceed the requirements of ASTM F 2286 and ASTM F 1908 for tests performed. No testing on the mesh other than the impact and vertical tests. • ANSI 1AF-8 Model Barrier Code for tests performed. • BOCA National Building Code Section 42I.10.1 for tests performed. • . *ICC - APSP International Swimming Pool and Spa Code (ISPSC) Public Version 1.0 (*see note below) for tests performed. *Meets ICC-APSP ISPSC code when installed in such a manner that it is not removable %ithout the aid of tools. Frank Grate 2870 Stirling Road . Holiyvrood, FL 33020- 2199 t 1954) 5t39-0089 = Pau (954) 241-5890 Email: fgrate@a gcrnet.corr: PROTECT Iti•CHILD® MBQ3ySafd Peal For= 1791-9Q7 Siount Road . Pampa no Beach, Florida 33%9 Manufacturing Ontce 1791-W7 BlotmtRd. ' • PRODUCT AND INSTALLAIION GUIDELINES FOR FLORIDA Pompano Beach. FL 33M tom) 9794089 Prztect-A-Child Pool Fence Systems Inc. co ftes that it's product meets the definition and (954) 970-5240 fax vWalr+emert9 of a mesh ia6 barrio as deimed in 4101.17.1.15 arfthe 2004 FBC Residential SWIding Code. llRatkaNng OtliCe : � sheets ere an file sbov tg that ouriaeoe mesh and supportpostsmeet dWWA I -SO -992-2 20 and UV degto"an gµldeitnes as s ze mi the2004 FBC R4101.17.13S ti,800-8��20& (772) 288L.S= Fax Fence hei i' post aw]% screw spacW& and fence assembly: Post extends 3" below gm& and are attached to the nwh no more dw 36' apart Fence height is 480 hStp:fNr+liu+e-prr>Zectachild.Qom Smail: pacpisftaLcom Screws and Assanbly: Screws atlechingtht molding strip to the posts an according to gaideimes at ftxllr and spacing'of the screws is lessthan six (6) inches apart on the post. Pado decksleeves: When :insWled in a sound dock 3wfsce (camar, brkk, or -),deck sleeves are ofa nancotklaCtiveraattrial (plastic) Lawhh g devioe: A settee lawbin'g devltx attaches each section of ferteing at the height above the required 45" grade. Barrier level:'Whest installed, die bottom of'the mesh barrier is less than one (1 ") above Ow deck suaface. I INSTALLATION' ALL FENCING iS REQU[REDTO BE SPACED A MINIMUM OF 20" FROM THE EDGE DF-THE POOL WATER, LATCHING DEVICE: Each section mtot be affixed m the otherat the top of the fence at least 45" above gm&. One (1) of the latching derives ber*wn settlers trt" have the jrn nut tightened egalt'tst the togoe wing such that it requires tools to loosen. 'This meets the requitement of the code specifying the ast of tools to mmovo one past oftho fence. IN SOUND.SURFACES SUCH AS CONCRET , 2" THINK R f MLOCKING BRICK, AND BIUCK.MORTARED TOCt7NCRETE: Holesaadrilled in the detk surface to a depth nemssmy to accaemmdat a the fence poste_ These holes are sleeved with plash sleeves. HARWv L tKOQii w i PmkWNW Ss+nerFWW1 72M Ehw Cadre Port St Lude, Fl. 34959-321-2 FaX 177T eX9-3035 . R-d 6SsG-0L6-*SG s%onpoJd food wntuuej j iW wu0s=11 Loo2 al ^oN IN"MSCMI RSURFACESSUCHAS ift"SANDSEI"BRiCKPAVMSHoksare dn"11� feet► t� pava�sm ata�pt � �!g" i?D a Pobieg ors�b]Ftf� n>etai�l a�l"oarl Y.P'VCpi�cfrtuwd+�dirdorviepanar+arg�r m Pnsti� ade4�ot� t�%baoa.Pipe 1�SY� �p� wDl+upoaa�sla�oiile�gc�dors®dbd b�rg�aeie:7�rpical�!►>� isd"'�' - wbea �S1dP'G i'orsetad�x Z"'�t�ixid�po�p�iee�e9aossaad baibas _ bswr � coaipeaeed mmd �E' =?A" ter �8� �dsaR mops. ORASSABIO StilL:1 IiSQDtul�g arafmiTas' p�aemimamcatalsr�da oar !" ari'/fi PV+Cpi�ea�slpg�taaaoeorli�ela�tsbo�o�rla�s�eadepthnoohsazY to pwide awe sit �o ffid ftnoa P� iY � !� _ d a�ara9ae bard�aF�epacaa>a aod>en�tbe ffi tl�e fi�.'!`�r►lhis 1a !l'•Z'• de@eadb<g upon Vwmd amd mil u w& _ 11VWD DESKS: Wmddert uft2 C imbw ma ba dnW owmft and tl iOlted • ig�aorormalmeoa�a�aag�o aroodisingnodcoadidaa. Any�uodTn le�ihmtgood _ .. iltb>oe tl�a?X , oar aotn�ad a�Hy v� regoka ee i�poa sna�i'!a< w ffia Sand set `iced= m red above wbag robin to mma icon a mold ss &we bdmr_ • tt� wood deaa�ltl ba aoei�9otoed aaoaesoaead4 � aA �oiaaood sewed or a�bd to ths� eur�oe. HARM.L lCOMM M - Prdfel 'pE 3x831 Pert St L=W, FL 34952 3212 Fag OMMS g •af 6S60—OL8—irSG T E LE]:3Z ZT saonpoad food MnTUUOTI;U r'� '-- Permanent mount diagram for Pool Safety Fence m Compliance with building code.#424.2.17 and R-4101.17.1.15-04 ■ DECK LEV& 1 i . 1 DWH ROUND POST L- BRAC T ATTACiMD TO POLE AND DECK I i Hex Screw to tm fastw L- / bracket to pole and deck