HomeMy WebLinkAboutVALIDATION OF PRODUCT COMPLIANCEliadke Sewden, P.E. 9�11'Uysbulry Mee -Mem- 4awery, AA 36117 `r'o' eerift Metal if of Vero peach 4315% 45'' Street Beach, FL 32966 �a2-492-U93 -0euCL's: FL 17796.1-FL 17796.6 for Validation of i sm-'!= Oren Aflandc AAetal 11 of Vero I I CONCEALED FASTENERS OR ATTACHMENTS ARE THE RESPONSI81LI1Y OF THE CONTRACTOR OF REM ��"� �' 2®1� le5E PLANS AND ALL PROPOSED NIO;�t� iE SUBJECT TO ANY CORRECT16iq 1Rfp�R �T�.�r MRLY Why, ALL APPI ICAF3LE CODES, Compliance T-'T9d+;9= AH r0cft--, Products listed under M 8646, FL 17796.1 three 17M.6 T�� roofing piraftem have tubing per code protocol to be ram 2- 00 S ' ed-, for a datlon as referenced under a Product paL- t with Florida 96-6ir Code ?P actUst. �; FL 1779�6.1 17796.6. ".S Nail Strip min. 24 GA .S Snap Lock rn:,r. 24GA j yc a�seai Lack 0.032 OF 0.040 Aluminum :_' Nail Str9P Min. 24GA -.0 Snap Lock min. 246A CnMp 26GA or 24GA ire comment under the FSC 2014 FOC S"' ed. piaanz e; ." huge #i61G20-3. All orodiect MaY be Pe m tted and Installed t-'* AM-8Evaluation Reports listed ue Pa:-6 Keystone Qua Auufancs r rHfii,% ®°°°�' 80/'�i,s.� ev � a 00 Lam- Sow, P.E. ' a STATE OF e w� s�Fts�+ c • ® C3 �� �8ra -0014A and FBC 2017 61' ed. with Florida Product Approval and testing is compliant with Code 'Pegg Requirements :h follow the spedficait M and within the parameters of FL 17796.1 thru FL 177+96.6. Product Evaluation reports e attadled herew th this prod= Compliance. ST. LUC1r, COU'PY BUU,D:�?G DI -,'IS lei REVIEWED FO E RE' nD B DATE PL ER. S B PT ON JOB OR NO ITNSPECTION WILL BE iOIADE. He Copy 4 Is Her Granted to: Atlantic Metal I I of Vero Beach, Inc. 14020 43rd Ave. VeIo Beach, FL 32960 1 To attest the manufacturer is a licensed participant in the Keystone Quality Assurance Program I Licensee No: 1032 I Scope of Cicensure: FPA Expires: 06/11/25 K,�YSTOl� Ongoing program licensure may be verified at www.keystonecerts.com Granted: June 11, 2015 Jon Hill, President Vero Beach, Fl. 32966 (772)257-5730 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. Zznnipftnt wkh Florida Building Code 2017 (6#1 ed.) - - - ^ H nz, a, nt +;0@u Florida Product Approval Rule # 6IG20-3 p '!,a, I .- nt 04-W60hEp Assurance Program: I 6ans.1SO4.3.2,15136 150743,1517 151L 1S23. UndedaymentA See Section 7, Table 7. .1 S Ct 9 15.0 w M I u' 24Z' Z someg,ASTM A792 unpainted or painted wjvalsparl`­ roponor;gM—A 696�@ng to FIX 2017 1, ..Z.1 — ed. Min. Wks! - r;d Female Rib: I K' tall Male Rib: Y4" tall rib wl slotted strip Panel Seam: Snap Lock neFastener: Corrosion Resistant Compliant; ALL to penetrate min. Wthrough plywood `::rough PaneP Slot: (2) 912-21 x 1" tall Pancake Type A I In Pan of Panel: (2) #10-11 x r Eclipse Head Type A HY-HIZ -co—o7, Comer action: 19132" or greater APA Plywood or wood plank. In reroofing applications add 1513r plywood where roof !S.'essl,her 291.nj" thick (min. IS/32") the attachment of the decking shall be no less than 80 annual ring shank nails@ 6"o.c. O-K-4242 Construction.- min. 25/32" APA Plywood over supports at max. 24" o.c. Tart. Barrier: Any approved fire barrier havWi a current ROA. "'Design Pressure: Panel Slot Fastener Spacing: Panel Pan fastener sing: 1 -78.5 PSFI lift, a.r_ #9 1A 9 f g, X, stet', AS A792 unp2lnted or Painted w/ ValsOar Fldropon or ASTM A653'GW 6o"kig to 1FBC 2017 6— ed M , in. 50 . ksi' de Rib: I Y-.' Panel Seam: Snap Lock j Roof Panel alp: ZMNS, Fixed, 18GA, 3 W Long �'=e,Sr-j RGSiStant Clip Fastener: (2) #12-11 Pancake Type A to penetrate min. X" thru plywood. Ccn=gaicn: 29/32" or greater APA Plywood or wood plank. In reroofing applications add 15/32" plywood add 15/32" .'WOO'd where roof is less than 19/320 thick (min.15/32") the attachment of the decking shall be no less than 80 annual ring akBarak Reft @ 6'o.r, Construction: min. 15/32" APA Plywood o%r6r supports at Max. 24" o.c. Aly 20pro%ed fire barrier having a current NOA. -86.0 PSF i 24:0 O.0 2 108-S PSF lr O.C. 2 _U&O W' Mrs_1 -5 T, 2"Ntr 't511 PON .4',giNT4 F-W 2- "z 0 I W1:111 N i --ON - � tPrIP Z& AE i M_F_UM,310S1+-24tifip­W Liuii rin. 22.7'ksj 2 . C` "rode Rib Height: 1" Panel Seam: ISO" Seam, Double Lock w/ mechanical reamer er 7ane."'. n'X UC-3 Stainless Steel Butterfly Clip Assemblyj Two -Piece Slider aip FasteneF. (2) #12-11 x V Pancake Type A to penetrate min. 3C thru plywood !99=d," a ConsSe:e ioce: 19132' or greater APA Plywood or wood plank. In reroofing applications add 15/321, Plywood where roof Es ahain zq�r thick Irvin. IS/32') the attachment of the decking shall be no less than OD annual ring shank nails LID 6"o.c. '42 COnstruction: min. 15/32" APA Plywood over supports at max. 24"o.c. SO —NOLY-C'M 3a"r3an Any approved fire barrier having a currant sine-' .5 PSF .24" O.C. 2 .0 PSF 60 O.r_ 2 nz jo 1-3-1 W A cOTWO"ning to FBC 20116 ed. VW36�&iiffi- Min. 50 ksl 'A'Ade Fernaie Rib:1" tall Male Rib: W taff'rib wl slotted strip Panel Seam: Snap Lock ALL penetrate Y Corrosion Resistant Compliant;to P e ate " min. through Plywood I" GP Pancake Type A In Pan of Panel: (2) #;O-ll x V Eclipse Head Type A 00 doversupportsatmax.24"o.c. _T �PaftlSglot Fa Min- I shall comply W/ F13C 2017 60' ed. `szgn Pressure: astener Soarinp! 0­1 9%-- ­___ - - . -5%;75 PSF 16" 1 iCIZ PSF 6 W PSF 6 X" O.C. Nat zse , AS s < i A792 unpainted or painted w/ Kaispar FI "• `a w3 'Pli'0 Hekfit.: V, �� panel Seam: S�ni +..c.: �S:•Hx'v'S': �ilJ�4 I1.Cip r�lle: yyILL �12) M-11 Pap. .lead smcaan:19132- or grvzter APA Plywood or _. aa toes 2p..�, 320 thkk igm1n.1513n attachment of fit+ `rQ%54-L HZ 9mmLn eorn• min.15/32" APA Plywood ow ft n b9: y appmved fire 9 crier h a t rrrec[t NDp RIb Halt:f: 3/8" nmjor n Coo;Vman:19/32" or grerter APA Plywood or 5K N' 6 CzNis-c ui^ mi% 1513r APA P od ota ropan or ASTM A653 WD t000nttiing tD FBC ZM7 61 ed. Mfn. SOW 7 Lock Ro'aPPanel 04= 1WOMS, Fixed, USk 3 f" Long Type A to penetrate m%. XD through pkvjmW wood PbRL in serooRrsg.appl4a"ns add 15/3r p4wood where roof decking shag be no his than 8D annual ring shank nails 0 6vo.c. r supports at max 24a D.C. SW Cory w/ FIX 2017 P ed. 24' QC. r ASM A653 M confo rn ftto F8£ 2017 6d' ed. Mint. 50 ksa Fate Barrier: W Georgia Pacific `bens Deck", or approved equal. vood plank. In reroott app orrs add 25/320 plywood where roof the dtckft shag be no Secs than 8D annual ring stank nails; @ 6"o.c. $ We Worts at tti13X. 2! &L Min. s shall comply w/RC 2017 P ed. V* pressure: FasseRer Pisttent: maser -10 S PSF I Panel Rib 12° 0X_ -156.5 PSF Pastel Rib 8" ©.G "DAMtRES ►MA S4ft=Tl'AMM Test ft M 5328) 72-0i -07 'waRmug" Wneer'no & Tewng W-1564) T349.07 =:si r�s��.at :e:a�raoasglcrs 'deSbag rirv-) 72-01BUT-03 W—:,=ugh, ru-peenng & Tesft M-1654) T107-07 -nDr e - . _°mod i sg & Tesdng ETST-5328) 7Z-0191T-07 sza a F-R.P''i Bering & Tesft (MT-1654) T232-07 . �. "o.-z `r -tJ 4L1 0 YV. CLi Y Q G -nm 72-S7J] T-ffi -W 9g?, EV-MWr€-4 & Tesft (W-16K TI58-Q7 3estkd(T3ii-5328) 72-021OT-07 . T., Sug^ rut--eemg & Taft M 1654) T233-07 Lst€spa -53ffi) 115-0172T-07 A-C &Testing (TS _1654) T130-07 TUS4 -vi5g* <4—is o darsa' �s c rrSv®leant i© i 580-06 teststdtidal�ds. _. �.. �� -pia _�Sd'St��t7�� E28FOrVC�Pr� P¢3 �� I847-13 ems! �nrinr,'Ic TAS 125.03 PJL S80-061/UL 1897-122) TAS IC0r95 TAS 110 W (UM G 155/mm S 117) TAS 125-03 JUL SS"W/UL 2897-12z) TAS 100-95 TAS 1254)3 (UL U"6'L/UL 1997121 TASKS UL 1/UL 1897-122 TAS 10136,95 TAS 225.03 OR 580 M'/UL 1997-122) TAS 300.9S TAS 125.03 (UL 580-WIUL 1897 121 TAS 100-95 TAS IW-95 -. v de; i�a :�x:cr�' o isa ;araopr"fanrs w941a cuo� Brat i larEda Buildrrag Code ��BC)20 67H ed.. see Chats 7.5 1.1 ? slope to be cotsrpllaot evM Florida Building £ode 2017 6s' ed., and per with Manufacturer's installation reference. _. :zd=;-s are compliant with State of Florida product 8Wp 1 ai per Rule 62G2". QM*RU= MethW: 1 D .e_r zg erWysis for "project spCaic approval by fops autharWs w/jurisdiction is WWAFed by other registered engineers. ='r d cS sM at'm is root p� of this acceptance. Shear diaphragm values are ouWe th& report. Ling in c ornpiiance w/FBC 2017 6th ed., Chapter 22 Steel, Chapter 23 Wood.and Chapter 16 3t;=tural loading. 71 7" s =@ : does not impity warranty, installation, reeomm.ended product use outside of lhls report. Fs V 1ndepwWersm: Poe, dcw na2'hawe, Rat wi88 acgarire a fimncta interest In any caartpanx ntankrfacturing .o or dis#ribuft produM �, P.E. Is soot o � .Oasapaaty, r RdS*W or d� r ' ng Products under report. o o. 4�Q4 ?s e STATE OF A:�` L S/OhA E -,�P �eettttutt►��� a ATLANTIC METAL 11 OF VERO BEACH, INC. 6d Crimp 24GA or 26GA Mine Thru Fastened over Plywood — INSTALLATION DETAILS 5 x..0RINP —D Si�s�7 s iGi a�� ���'1I �SYd 12- O.:+. M- LN FIELD j n" 0.C. PERRVIE i :1, R go y , A j • � ( 4 �8S .o s��v 9 II � �jy.♦ .W�'�'ViJOw♦'W Ewa... ♦r.[ v '1, # ,a a. tock I�ic i. Ci`il.:l 1' b�V� �-a Cue1`��C Note A-M Radiff 0.05 �' � ' 12KO.V 95 Y m3' 24' c v + t g a •^1 C�rt%�P rdb Pd,lQ. stwole i i ATLANTIC METAL II OF VERO BEACH, INC. 5V Crimp 24GA or 26GA Min. Thru Fastened over Plywood — INSTALLATION DETAILS TYPWA . DETA&S OE N Si PANEL i RAW b �ML ROW Ck I 5pg.ASs. TRHMAD BRFE3M.£' R h S We RUMPOIAMEM ISOMETRIC VIEW OF RIDGE OVER WOOD DECK I ATLANTIC METAL If OF VERO BEACH, INC. 5V Crimp 24GA or 26GA Min. Thru Fastened over Plywood — INSTALLATION DETAILS r NA: c vi%A- w 5M.1 � r- 5- i 5 1 h .r,u r. ne...,......� WAS-0. (" i /8"Xi 9U i' a -•I CRIMP PAN. 3'�E3S; �1 d ATLANTIC METAL II OF VERO BEACH, INC. 6V Crimp 240A or 26GA Min. Thru Fastened over Plywood — INSTALLATION DETAILS IT 4 �" ".v_ •_i.-:K �i:T� ky: fi� �ti fit', �I arAc:. p�c '0&&ti"`c aroma Zs aA24NM ¢has. ME& �-. 10 IF Max 74 ,abgi''s 3� lei �%tT a�•aa81QfT�4.... 1.PER F ,1 J ati� T::ine t+�b� fiLZS"s,-iNv^ I0 Raj FAS7C1i R 0 W"LL PArc-L l&Y C-I-MERS%