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THIS ItIDENTURt;, Made this..._J.llh..___ ..._....__ ._...._._.da,. 1)(_...... i'!Jbruar3.............. ..._....... ............_ ..... .....A. D. 191__.1), BETWEEN
B. C. Monteith and Lena Monteith his wife. of Silver Grove
-........--.....----...... ...... ................ ..__.. ...__..__.. .......00..........__,............_._.__._... ..._._....__......_.....___..____._...................._......._.........___._._____..__._..
of the CoulIty of.....___nC~.!!U).b.o.l.l._....._.___......_._..._and Stale of_.._.._..J~;~m.~~~~,..............._..._... 00._..........00.... ....._pa,t1.0.!L of Ihe 6nl part, and
R07.. Lt. nK1Dl1Q7.of. ltllumor.o.._________________.. .__......______..___.. _.."_ ._........._. ......_. ....._..............._____-=-_
of the Couhly of._..Se.1P.-~...L1,!,~.: "'- - '-'--'-,,,- ___..nd Stat_ of.-..~--.IJOrJ!!L--'-.-_----.-...___part ,___ of the .ccond parI,
\VIT~a:SSF.'III, that ,h~ hid l'arl.~OQ. of the 6,.1 pari, for and in cOllsid<:ration 01 the sum oLn~.f!~...P-~!!!rS.....~!.~~ _.~.~ll.e.~..:'t~!~..~!.~_..
- 9.Q.n~J4t.r~.tJ.QmL..__.._...._......_..,.__.._..____ __~.. t()_~E:e.!!1.._in h~nJ paid, the r<:~ei"t "htreof is h~rtl-,. acl.nowlcdRcJ,
ha-YIl'cran:td, bargaintd, sol': and translerrtd. arid bl' Ihese presents do- _.gralll, barga..., scll ..nd transfer unto tile said l'art._3.. of Ill" secolld
"art and_hl.8._..__b~irs alld assiilns forner, all that ~~rlain l'3orctl of land lying and being ill the COllnty of.._~'!.1..n1!....~uoie...____.____
and Slal~ ol.___.P l<rr.l ~."._.._..----_rnore particularly ducribed as follo..s:____.._...._._....::______ _.......__....-'__.. ......_ __....
_. -.-. ..... ..... -...---.-..---".....-- ---.. --.. .-- . ....- .--.--'--'.-.'-'--'--.'---'----..--.-.. ---". ..-....... ..-. ...-.-.......- ..--..-..-.-.-- ---.-.--...-- -..-.-.. --.... ...-....-.....-.....-..--.-. .-. ..--....
Lots lhimbers live (6) and six (6) in BlOCk Eighty Four (64)
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Town 01: .... ~ensme:r.e .t,.~~.~_~_r.~.!~g_~.C?_~_~_l!_J!.8~...~.~.._~_~_~~_!~!~!.....!.!!!~n'_"h'" .........._...__.....
........_...._h._hl. _til~. ctfige.. ofJ;~~.. c.}.~J'~h~.~._~hct....Q!!,~~i ~...c~.~!.....!.!.l...._!n.~h.~.~~....~~!.~.h..__...._.h...__..._..._..
. __'''_hh._''_. count3. on . the h31f;Jt...d83....0t_J~Jy_A...._ P..!... ;1. ~~~.L~~_~_~~rd_~_~_~~!:lg ._t.~.~...h........_.__..___...h_
__........_..___....publ1 On recorda. . of..sa.\ 4...Co~.nj;Y._Jll.r!~~ __~~9_~.._?L.~__ p~g~~~...!u.l:d...~_..h..____._.__._..._._h..h..._.._.
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---.....-..... aase BBment.IL due .at.tQ.r..t.b~!3._."-.~.~.~.!..__.___
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( .50 DOO st~p cancelled.)
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---.--.---.--.----- ..-":'._-_.~---_.------_._---~-_._----_.._-_._----------_.-~_.._._..__._._._-- - --~_..._..__.._--------.
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TOGETHER ,,'ith all th~ ten~mcnt.. hertditamenls and apl'urten..ncu. wilh nuy priyileK~, righi, lilJ~, inttrut and eSI..t~. dower an,1 righl of do"u,
rt\'trsion, r'lllaindu and eascmentlbcrtto bclon~juJ,; ur in ;u.y,.;s;: apperlaining: TO U.-\\-r: :\:\D TO HOl.l> Ih. same in !c~ simple fureHr. .
:\II-J the ...id part_l.e.a of the Iirsll'art do____. co.-cnarrl with th~ il~VirL--3- of li.~ sccond pan Ih.il~tl~y__f1.J:'~..._h.._......"'.iully "fized of I".
>aid pr<lI1is.s, Ihal th~y ar. f,tc from al\ illcumbranc<:. and thal._...t~_e3_h!:ood ri,,11l and I~...iul authorily 10 ull tl:. >:U!l~; and the said pan ~.e.s 01
rhe /irst part do__ htreb,. fully warraut Ih~ litle 10 said land, and will d.icnd the Ulnt againsl Ihe i....ful cbims ..f all persons ",homsoc.er.
IX WITS"I::SS WHEREOF, Ihe sai:) parl.tQ.~.. of Ihe 6ut p..n ha...!4i. hereuD\U set....!!!.eir ..hand.Band seale. 11.. day and yur aba.. ..rill.".
0.]... .
SilCned. .ulcd ..cd dtli..<:red in our prcs~lIce:
J08ephine.J~~r~~.~_.u '._ _...___.. h__ __ .._.._~ __h~__ _.... ___..
Y..a thle eo :.aabo ..._____ __..._._... _..__.____ ....... '_...___ _ ._
D!... C; ..J.{Ql!~~.1..~..!!_._ ...... ......_____. ........-.......(SEAL)
Lena Montei th "
- .- .......--._____..u__~._,__._._.__h___.____ ...._. _____________..._.._..._____._ ___
STATE OF YFUTUClCl______._ }
J HEREBV CERTIFY. That Oll this_n!J~h_____claY or._.M'.~~!:'!.. arL... ...--A D_192.._.6., before me
I'cuollally appearccL-.1t.!._.c.. iJgp..H_etl1 8J1d_...1en~_!J~.~~J.!Lt}!.!. o.i ~ w if~.L__~_____.. __....______.._
to me known 10 be the person~ described ill alld who execultd the foregoing cOllve)'~nce to.-_.R03...Iu.._K1nnJt.y...________.
and se<erally ukno...ledg~d th~ extcutioll Iher.of to be._th.e.lr..free act
alld dud for the uscs alld purpoStS I:'utin ,!,elltiolled; and lire said_L~ne.. .l{...9.n.~J~t~________.
the: wife of Il:e said ..B.~._C......uon.tJJtj;.h. ______ on a se"arate and printe ~xamillatioll
laken and made by and before mt, and scparattly and apart fiom h~r $;lid hbsballd, did ackno....ledge thaI sh~ made: herull a part, to Ihe said De.d of
Con.~yance, for tbe purJ>Os~ of rcnour:cing. rdinquishinK ~lId coa\'Cyinl( all hH right. ~:lle and intcrt'S1, ,,'heth., of do....er or of .tparate property. slatutory
or eq:titable, in and 10 the lallds tl,tr.in dcscribed. an,1 Ih~1 she execul.d said d~.d fred,. alld ..olunlaril,. alld withoul any conSlrainl. f~ar, apprchrnsioll
c.r compulsion of or from her said huaballd.
sigllature and official 5tal at_CQY.:1P.&~9P..,..
ill the Co""t, of_.r,:~nton
_J_OJilepllh_.H.J.1~.~S~~.._...._.. --.-.----..__.._(SEA I.)
Dotarl Publio,Kenton CO. K3.
Y1 oomm1saionexpire~ January II, 1926
\VHI~REOF, I han Ilcreunto set m, halld and affixtd the sui 0' the Circuil CO'lIt of Ihe FiflulIth J"dicial Circuit of said State, in aad
Oll thi.-.2..___.____day oL --__Jlar.oh._____^- D. 191...6, "L..~O:~lock_.A_m.. tbis instrum~nt ..as
61td for rtcuro, and being duly acknowledged alld prO\'CD, J hue rteordtd tht same on pagp 298-' _of Book~Lin the p"blic recor.\s of said
P. C. RIg
?~P'IL ~ 4~0----
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