HomeMy WebLinkAboutGAS REGULATORSRECEIVED ?E-!, R222H, R222, R232A,and R232E Series ' ` �."-Gas Regulators ST. Lucie County, Permitting T1n 61 Y fl S��NNEO St ! I trip Oyu* VENT POINTED DOWN Figure 2. Regulator with Vent Pointed Down Table 1.'Relief Valve Specifications TYPE TYPICAL SETPOINT NOMINAL RELIEF VALVE START -TO -DISCHARGE MAXIMUM OUTLET PRESSURE WITH DISC REMOVED Inlet Pressure Maximum Outlet Pressure psi bar psi bar psig bar psig I bar R122H 10 0.69 16 1.10 250 17.2 Not Applicable R222H 5 0.35 9 0.62 250 17.2 Not Applicable 10 0.69 16 1.10 R222 11 in. w.c. 27 mbar 1 0.07 30 2.07 2.0 0.14 R232Atr) 11 in. w.c. 27 mbar 1 0.07 250 17.2 2.0 0.14 1123201) 2 0.14 3.5 0.24 5.0 0.35 1. For integral two -stage regulators, the second stage disc is removed - Table 2. Capacity, Connection Sizes and Vent Orientation REGULATOR APPLICATION TYPE NU CAPACITY BTUIHR PROPANE(') INLET CONNECTION OUTLET CONNECTION OUTLET PRESSURE SETTING 318 IN. FNPT SCREENED VENT STANDARD LOCATION First Stage R122H-AAJ 1,100,000 114 in. FNPT 112 in. FNPT 10 psig 10.69 bar Over Outlet( ) R222 - GK 1,700,000 112 in. FNPT 1/2 in. FNPT R222H-DGK 2,000,000 314 in. FNPT 3/4 in. FNPT 5 psig / 0.35 bar R222H-HGK 1,700,000 FPOL 1/2 in. FNPT First Stage R222H-JGK 1,875,000 FPOL 3/4 in. FNPT Over Outlet R222H-BGJ 1,800,000 1/2 in. FNPT 1/2 in. FNPT R222H-DGJ 2,000,000 3/4 in. FNPT 3/4 in. FNPT 10 psig / 0.69 bar R222H-HGJ 1,800.000 FPOL 112 in. FNPT R222H-JGJ 1,875,000 FPOL 314 in. FNPT Second Stage R222-BAF 650,000 1/2 in. FNPT 1/2 in. FNPT 11 in. w.c. / 27 mbar Over Inlet R222-BAFXA Over Outlet Integral R232A-BBF 550,000 1/4 in. FNPT 1/2 in. FNPT First Stage('): Down Second Stage: a Over Outlet R232A-HBF 1 FPOL R232A-BBFXA 550,000 1/4 in. FNPT 1/2 in. FNPT First Stage: Opposite Gauge Taps Second Stage: Opposite Gauge Taps Two -Stage R232A-HBFXA FPOL Integral Two psig Service R232E-BBH 500,000 114 in. FgPT 1/2 in. FNPT 2 psig / 0.14 bar First Stage(3): Down Second Stage: Over Outlet g R232E-HBH FPOL 1. Capacities Based on: Second Stage: 10 psig] 0.69 bar with 2 in. w.c. / 5 mbar droop. Integral Two Stage: 30 psig 12.07 bar and 2 in. w.c. / 5 mbar droop. Integral Two psig Service Regulator. 30 psig / 207 bar inlet pressure and 20 % droop. First Stage: 30 psig 12.07 bar inlet pressure and 20 % droop. 2. Also available with vent opposite gauge taps. 3. Integral First Stage Vent size: 7/16-24 UN thread for 1/4 in. OD copper tube inverted flare fitting. 3 t R606and REP. Series LP -Gas 0 Table 2. t.'BOasft GOtHt URM StZM MY VCM 0112 MUM _ APPLCOM C=IfY _ uu M pRa�rn[!EW INMT OUTIEr CoxH[�ziON CONIiEcnoN 8 vWrsVMMRD e7speo +a.:+c.i+cr �at�en�u. r liGrdkSa�! Etfi420fF ' �O.66e t 3J41nd�FttoT i 7AOOADO i y,F,y� 27mhar R6T2 CIF ' 'IA�A00 S=M Strga 7Q-itch F0+7 9r4-Jr-Jr-7 C+atdld iac'ra�s�r RM24:1; n i i.s$.oen i T ' .,,,Fear smbar R600 and HSRL Series LP -Gas Integral Two -stage Regulator =--n---'-"'_ TheTypeRwAmegreltwo Wtageregulatorcontains a non-adu�abie w stage regulainron the inlet. The second sbge pmuldas ii-inches vm 127 mbar outlet MAR 2�' 8 The second stage pofias on ha high cepadly 6rtiernal refe:fvahw consh;C5 The first slage does not have an fi*nml ieliefvahre. 'the regulatols are normally ST. Lucie County, Permitting paintedGRAYwBhaBLACK CAP. lrrfea rat TWO P919 Service Regulator The Type R632E i ft jW two prig servue regulator coldains a non-adjustable first stage regulator on the inlet. The second stage provides 2 VWg l 0.14 bar adtetPessur-_ Me qs and stmap nom t s alugh capacily internal raiW Valve n o6jVudbn_ The first stage does not have an internal relief valve The negulaiars arenorma%r painted GRAY with a WHITE CAP and Wfule2em 5 f1CKER. Installation All vents should be !rapt open to permit --- -°-� =.2otitafthe regulator. Protect vent openings against the entrance ofrain, snow. icefonnation• paint, -mud, mseet% or any otherfareign material that could plug the vent or vent tine. LP -Gas may discharge to the atmosphere through the vent An ob6truded vent which limits air or gas flow, can cause abnormally high presssuro that could vault in personal injury',or property damage. Faltursto use avert line on @!door InstWiattorrs an cause a hazardous i Flgure2 ReWala w1bVerdPtb&dDawn accumulation of gas which could result in pamRai s..r•.... Never um a type RMM. RME• R632E. or I tiS2E (poundo4o-pounds) regulamor . on low pressure (rnahes ofwater column) service because personal bdury or property damage could occur. The Types ROM and Re32E one not sullable for use as a ' first stager' regrator. General Installation instructions Before inatalattg the r hula oc - Check for damage. which uVa have occurred in ahlprnent - Check for and remove any dirt orforetgn material. vlhkh may have accumulated in the regulatorbody. rab(a L RaGeiUalva SpeeiBebllons iYHCAL5E7PWNr fJalYI2M1U3IEFVAWE STAR13"SCRA116E rWnlftM0li11PRESSUREIDNaiM=ErrDOUTLET PREMERME11=QR13l$etitaR Um tprecrwo U=lM noWetPla== bar bar Po6 bar PSW bar n7SR1 131mbna= i 27TLar 1 ° 69n2w to • lA 2. 014 r 81Id RfiJ2 so 2-4 RW R83m. 250 17Z ME- 2 r nu as eta 250 -72 5 cs� Runic 50 3A RED RGLUr 10 1 1 OSt! 20 137 1NorAreLta t r��mtvasvrte�l�Sim�Oatpe6at�:aw�0. 3 g'd Z669 oft zu Sul GaIUMPUl GARG v oI,a� �� : `' L. 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