HomeMy WebLinkAboutmultiple documentsJan- 09--Oi 09:46P tnpft4t-.Yuw . J t v REQUIST FOIL 3o pjRWT pWMER: MUpERT1i ADDRESS' tiClzs Q26100 Tm THz ABOVE PAY26 Cott TW- rURF05 tWA"T" MR FINAL Tot RtQmT.W2 Newsy I. TW ftm*ovsvy pow4r ■,sd lbare wW bs " tk egam"foos dutmS d* S. As rrttem by w1r d1 ".dmas of dh SIM hmrpormted carets by I S. All � 3 1 rmosh Os t. Mdy for 00, Wlt-MMMY RUSASK Al AND TIgm g . NATVM WWCR UAY Tian x'IQ�i of Y T,,XNolt y poWER RILE ST. LDCM COUWff DLDG. A ZoNu1G 2300 vaGIMA AV" FORT PIER 'Pb. (�i�4i� Z3i5i R TO TT OF " X p'OWETy"1t (fit I�o19 D WOi` F :09 W, IN CONSMI rION OF �RO'�AL OF ► �bGZ A?* A,GWM A9 "LLowat tpsaq► of gay typ% ethjr *on that p"W" by as VS14W. tq OW by aS ter"' Wd loot ip WW t ,.g RAY fNky. ' is 110, obl a jab W tad 1p tb• FA#gao iw domISN" wdWb t►arW bm sad the byF�� tpr Tow Leo Issp"etios. F,t9, > rr. Luc= COSY. AGR �piuD AM � ov in Tm OF pi AU' OUT of T195 asE Now oR IN TW �i n�� wr�uc Mu► o T1mov' �eC1"R ua ro Tl IQ POSTED o C�C�C�OMC APR 8 2001 St, Lucie Coun.y Public Works At F do Pas" TED FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM ELEVAI ION CERTIFICATE Important: Read the Instructions on pages 1- 7. SECTION fA -- PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION 7� C� 1e M. rU Y 1� I 4, P r.&J riq i r. I BUILDING STREET ADDRESS (Induding ApL. Unit, Suite, and/or; Bldg. 10-7 2 S- Inc `Epc. ev V14� Cy IF- W S IE �I l� 6-94 L t4 PROPERTY DESCRI ON (Lot and Block Numbers. Tat Parcel Numbs Lo•r Z. E_bc r_ r.• LL_.. ...la ., OR P.O. ROUTE AND BOX NO. �T 3 2l STATE F_T_ . O.M.B. No. 3067-0077 Expires July 31, 2002 For Insurance ConMny Use: PoDI,y Number z Company NAIC Number ZIP CODE 3 Y`1S BUILDING USE (e.g.. Residential. Non.reside 1. Addition. Aooesliory. eta Use Comments section if necessary.) rcS t rivv TI � � LATITUDEILONGITUOE (OPTIONAL) HORIZONTAL ( - Or - SOAV or # . LI NAD 1927 LI DATUM: SOURCE: LI GPS (Type): J NAD 199 L_I uses Quad Map I —I Other SECTION B - FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP (FIRM) INFORMATION 81. NFIP COMMUNITYPAME b COMMUNITY NUMBER L. AI(q%1cO>Z O, ZD ZS'S COUNTY NAME Uj <_ I r B3. STATE B4. MAP AND PAN L BS. SUFFIX 86. FIRM INDEX NUMBER 87. FIRM PANEL B8. FLOOD 89. BASE FLOOD ELEVATION(S) DATE Z0 I 2gS- 031.3 (0 3d cn EFFECTTIV ISED DATE ZONE(S) (Zone AO, use of }boding) I 310. Indicate the source of ttig ease Flood Ebva (BFE) data oraseRnood deoth entered In B9_ 1-1 FIB Profile W FIRM L_1 Community POIrml1w L-1 Other (Describe): - .. . B11. Indicate the elevation datum used for fhe BFE In B9: NGVD 1929 L,I NAVD 1988 L-1 Other (Describe): 812 Is the building located in a Coastal Bailer Resources S i m (CBRS) area or Otherwise Protected Area (OPA)? �J Yes., o Designation Date: . _a SECTION C - BUILDING C1. Building elevations are based on: L-lConstruction Dr_V •A new Elevation Certificate will be required when cons C2. Building Diagram Number,_ (Select the building dh pages 6 and 7. If no diagram accurately represents the C3. Elevations -Zones AI-A30, AE, AH, A (with BFE), VE, I Complete Items C304 below according to the building Oil Me datum used for the BFE In Section B, convert the dg calculation. Use the space provided or the Comments a Datum CornrersiorVCo MrIents Elevation reference mark used.--- O a) Top of bottom Iloor (inducting basement or enclose O b) Top of next higher floor• ' O c) Bottom of lowest horizontal structural member (V zc O d) Attached garage (top of slab) O e) Lowest elevation of machinery and/or equipment servicing the building O 0 Lowest adjacent grade (LAG) O g) Highest adjacent grade (HAG) O h) No. of permanent openings (flood vents) within 1 IL O 1) Total area of an permanent openings (flood verb) In TION INFORMATION (SURVEY REQUIRED) is- L4Building Under Construction' LIFinished Construction lion of the building is complete. m most similar to the building for which this certificate is being completed - see Iding, provide a sketch or photograph.) /30, V (with BFE), AR, ARIA, ARIAE, AR/A1-A30, AR/AH, AR/AO am spedfled'in Item C2. State the datum used. If the datum is different from to that used for the BFE Show field measurements and datum conversion of Section D or Section G, as appropriate, to document the datum conversion. Is the elevation reference mark used appear on the FIRM? �_I Yes � o fL(m) o 1 only) _ Vrn) o _ R(m) 2 UJ y fL(m) .� fL(m) x F. y fL(m) ve adjacent grade i sq. In. (sq. cm) - SECTION D - SURVEYOR, ENGINEER, OR ARCHITECT CERTIFICATION r rm cerimcation is to oe signed and sealed by a land surveyor, engineer, or architect authorized by law to certify elevation information. I certify that the Information in Sections A, B, and C on this certilPcate represents my best efforts to interpret the data available. I undahtand that any false statement may be punishable by fine or imprisonment under 18 U.S. Code Section 1001. CERTIFIFR S NA►IF FESSIONAL FFMA Fewm Al 11 Al In Qo CFF 17F\/F CinF: r.r1NTIN11ATION CODE ......, 0t :1-N Al I PWFVIrl11C =111TInklc IMPORTANT: In these spaces- copy the corresponding Information from Section A- For Im r,uiLniNG pt.- STREET ADDRESS (IncludUg AUnk Suite. and/or SW9. No.) OR P.O. ROUTE AND BOX NO- Pdicy SECTION D - SURVE'Y01 Copy both sides of this Elevation Certificate for (1) LP CODE I COMPVV Rk OR ARCHITECT CERTIFICATION (CONTINUED) official, (2) insurance agent/company, and (3) building owner. .. . If SECTION E - BUILDING ELEVATION INFORMATION (SURVEY NOT REQUIRED) FOR ZONE AO and ZONE A (WITHOUT BFE) For Zone AO and Zone A (without BFE), complete Maim E1 through E3. ff the Elevation Certificate is intended for use as supporting kVarmation for a LOMA or LOMRA SeCdDn C must tie completed. • i El. Building Diagram Number (Select the building diagram most similar to the building for which this certificate is being completed — see pages 6 and 7. If no diagram accurately represents ttie building- provide a sketch or photograph.) EL The top of the,boMm floor (4tduding basement or enclosure) of the building is I--I—I fL(m) I,_L--Iin.(cm) I —I above or below (check one) the highest adjacent grade. i E3. For Zone AO only. If no flood depth number is avaiiable- Is the top of the bottom floor elevated in accordance with the communiVs floodplain management ordinance? u Yes Li No 1_1 Unknown. The local official must certify this information in Section G. SECTION F - PROPERTY OWNER (OR OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE) CERTIFICATION ' The property owner or owner's authorized representative who Completes Sections A. B, and E for Zone A (without a FEMA4ssued or community -issued BFE) or Zone AO must sign here. Check here if attachments SECTION G '- COMMUNITY INFORMATION (OPTIONAL) The local official who is authorized by law or ordinance to administer the community's floodplain management ordinance can complete Sec)ons A. B. C (or E), and G of this 1levation Certificate. Compiete the applicable item(s) and sign below. Seddon G1. (_J The information In .O was taken from other documentation that has been signed and:embossed by a licensed surveyor. engineer, .or aichited who is authorized by state or local law b certify elevation information. (Indicate the source and date of the elevatfort chit in the, Comments "below.) G2. (_j A comrn6nity ofTaal.wmpleted Section E for a building located in Zone A (without a FEMA issued or community -issued BFE) or Zone AO. G3. u The following inCc>rrnatian (Items G4-Gg) is provided for community floodplain management purposes. ISSUED WE This permit hag been -issued for. L—I New Construction 1--I Substantial Improvement GI3. Elevation'of as-tiuiR lowest floor (including basement) of the building is: . — R(m) Datum: G9. SFE or (in Zone AO) depth of flooding at the building site is: __ • — fL(m) Datum: -- i I_I Check here if attachments RFPI Af :FC Al I pRFmra LC mrnrwn, c�A February 2, 2001 John C. PROFESS 10410 S. Oce Jcnsen Bea St. Lucie County Building & Zoning 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft. Pierce, FL 34950 Re: Permit # 20100560- 10725 S. 0 Veber, N.L. AL ENGINEER 'Drive, Sub GOS Florida 34957 To Whom It May Concern, This is to inform you that the Polystee' construction for the above mentioned property contains #4 rebar �iorizontally run through every other course which meets the criteria. t_;. weuer, rx. A VERO BEACH (561) 567-6167 C I _' A.M. ENGINEERING AND TESTING, INC. 3504 INDUSTRIAL 33rd STREET FORT PIERCE . FLORIDA' 34946 FORT PIERCE (561) 461-7508I STUART (561) 283-7711 FT. PIERCE 1-800-233-9011 CLIENT: Don Stein Construction CONTRACTOR: Client SITE: Hess Express Kitterman Road & U.S.1 Column Pad Footings Report /7 FE; of OF SOIL IN PLACE TM D2922 r Date: 11/9/00 Permit #20100560 DENSITY TEST DATE MOISTURE -DENSITY RELATIONSHIP IN PLACE DRY PERCENT TEST MAX. NO. TESTED LOCATION ELEVATION NO. DRY WT. DENSITY COMPACTION 118 11/9/00 Map Location 1 0 - 1 ' 101 116.7 114.4. 98.0 119 Map Location 2 0 - 1 ' 115.0 98.5 120 Map Location 3 0 - 1 ' 114.7 98.3 121 Map Location 4 0 - 1" 115.3 98.8 122 Map Location 5 0 - 1 ' 115.5 99.0 123 Map Location 6 0 - 1 ' 114.9 98.5 124 Map Location 7 0 - 1 ' 115.6 99.1 125 Map Location 8 0 - 1 ' 115.9 99.3 126 Map Location 9 0 - 1 ' 114.6 98.2 127 Map Location 10 0 - 1 ' 114.8 98.4 128 Map Location 11 0 - 1 ' 114.5 98.1 129 Map Location 12 0 - 1 ' 115.0 98.5 130 Map Location 13 0 - 1 ' 114.7 98.3 ALL ELEVATIONS BELOW FOQTING GRADE E Copies: Client - 2 John H. Ward & Son's Contractors, Inc. - 1 SLC Bldg. Dept. — 1 Respectfully submitted, A.M. ENGINEERING AND 'TESTING, INC. RICHARD BOYETTE, P.E. F-L Reg. No. 42485 OFFICE: 450 S. OLD DIXIE HIGHWAY. SUITE 2 GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING FLO)UDA 33458 1-888-339-7645 FAX: (561) 745- 0981 FOUNDATION INVESTIGATIONS CONCRETE. SOIL AND ASPHALT TESTING A.M. ENGINEERI G AND _TESTING, I1VC, 3504 III umiAL 33PD FORT PIERCE, FLORIDA 34* FT. PIERCE $61-4617508 VERO BEACH 561-W-6 67 STUART S61-283.7711 FAX 5614614880 80603A011 N of 0 0 O 0 O 3 0 0 0 0 o O O 7 5 y 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ol 0 0 0 H E55 uS I ;� 11► rtvp-mR,j V.D GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING FOUNDATION INVESTIGATIONS CONCRETE, SOIL AND ASPHALT TESTING ` -!W ENGINEEIZ� 3504 INDUSTRIAL 33rd VERO BEACH (561) 567-6167 FORT PIERCE (561) 461-75M G AND TESTING, INC. T . FORT PIERCE ' FLORIDA • 34946 STUART (561) 283-7711 FT. PIERCE 1-80D-233-9011 Report of DENS OF SOIL IN PLACE AITM D2922 : Premier Construction : Client : Lot 231 Holiday Out Foundation Fill L EC I County PubliccWWorris Date: 12/11/00 Permit#: 20100560 DENSITY TEST DATE MOISTURE -DENSITY RELATIONSHIP IN PLACE DRY PERCENT TEST MAX. NO. TESTED LOCATION ELEVATION NO. DRY WT. DENSITY COMPACTION 1702 12/11/00 N.E. Corner 0 - 1 ' 1702 105.7 103.4 97.8 Center 0 - 1 ' 103.0 97.4 S.W. Corner 0-1 ' 103.5 97.9 ALL ELEVATIONS BELOW SLAB GRADE Copies: Client - 2 Respectfully submitted, A.M. ENGINEERING AND TESTING, INC. RICHARD BOYET,FF, P.E. FL,Reg. No. 42485 JUPITER OFFICE: 450 S.I OLD DIXIE HIGHI AY. SUITE 2 UCU I tUMNIUAL FLORIDA 33458 1-888-339-7645 FAX: (561) 745- 0981 FOUNDATION INVESTIGATIONS CONCRETE. SOIL, AND ASPHALT TESTING i A.M. ENGINEERI G AND TESTING, INC. 1 I t 3504 INDUSTRIAL 33RD STRI a FORT PIERCE, FLORIDA 34946 • VERO BEACH (561) 567-6I67 FORT PIERCE (661) 461-7598 STUART (561) 283-7711 FT. PIERCE 1- MOISTURE CLIENT: Premier Construction CONTRACTOR: Client SITE: Lot 231 Holiday Out Foundation Fill P.C.F. Dry Weight Report Of ISITY RELATIONSHIP I'M D-1557 101 10 12 14 r Mo re % of Dq Weight 16 DATE: 12/ 11 /00 Test No. Test Method Sample Location op 'mum cure % Max. Dry Density- P.C.F. Soil Description 1702 A Composite3.0 rl� 105.7 Brown and gray fine sand JUPITER OFFICE: 450 S. OLD DIXIE Respdctfully submitted, A.M. ENGINEERING AND TESTING, INC. Richard Boyette; P.R.,-A-keg. No. 42485 SUITE 2 JUPIT A FLORIDA, 33458 I-8881-339-7645 FAX: (54 GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING INVEsnGATIONS CONCRETE, SOIL AND ASPHALT TESTING r -a x� �� s � �� r ���� � � i� '— S o�' �-�- C �1.9 �. � 1—�^ � � W 3 Gam« w� �l t ��_ /t ////��jj /e �i —� � c: ��� _ �� � � �j � /) � c � / � s f� � r G i N {_ l I boc STATUS NO r 4 w 0 ST. LUCIE COUNTY CHECKLIST SUMMARY L*20100 60*PLAN.BL BUILDING DIVISION CHECKLIST DATE OP ID DESCRIPTION % COMMENTS 11/16/00 BLD15 3. Building Department Review Complete COMMENT 12/4/00 - NE D MAKE,MODEL & BTU'S OF A/H - EVERYTHING ELSE CORRECTND. 11/16/00 1. PLANS REJECTED - STORAGE AREA HEIGHT IS FULLY ENCLOSED AT 7 FT. CODE REQUIRES OPEN STORAGE AREA WHERE HEIGHT EXCEEDS 5 FT. CALLED JACK JEWELL AND TOLD HIM TO EITHE OPEN THE WALLS, OR PROVIDE FILL TO RAISE FLOOR OF STO�AGE AREA SO THAT HEIGHT OF ROOM IS LESS THAN 5 FT. RAY WAZNY %V ` 0 ♦ . H LIDAY OUT HVAC LOAD ANALYSIS for A^ ResIMMIAt, Xe k111AC L0,0e wile 4,q— c,{ A -yc) 5 ssc Prepared By: Van Corbin Jr. Dodd Enterprises Inc. 497 River Prado Ft. Pierce, FL 34946 561-464-0970 10/16/2000 Component Area Sen. Lat. Sen. Total Description Quan Loss Gain Gain Gain 1C Window Clear Glass Metal Frame 184 4,674 0 7,872 7,872 IOG Door Wood Panel 42 310 0 534 534 13C Part R-11 + 1/2" GypsumgW.5) 197 194 0 337 337 16G Ceiling R 30 Insulation 1,107 804 0 1,463 1,463 19I Floor Over Basement/Encl Crawl Carpet + R-19 1,151 608 0 0 0 12P PolySteel 952 398 0 499 499 Subtotals for structure: 3,633 6,988 0 10,705 10,705 Active People: 4 0 920 1,200 2,120 Inactive People: 0 0 0 0 0 Appliances: 0 0 300 1,500 1,800 Lighting: 0 0 0 Ductwork: 0 849 0 1,409 1,409 Infiltration: Winter CFM: 61.3, Summer CFM: 30.7 226 1,483 967 675 1,642 Ventilation: Winter CFM: 0.0, Summer CFM: 50.0 0 0 -1,577 1,100 2,676 Sensible Gain Total: 16,589 Temperature Swing Multiplier: X1.00 Building Load Totals: 9,320 3,764 16,589 20,352 Total Building Supply CFM: 704 Square feet of room area: 1,151 Total heating required with outside air: 9,320 Total sensible gain: 16;589 Total latent gain: 3;764 Total cooling required with outside air: 2%352 CFM per square foot: 0.612 Square feet per ton: 624.465 9.320 MBH 82 % 18 % 1.696 Tons (based on sensible + latent) 1.843 Tons (based on 75% sensible capacity) Calculations are based on 7th edition of ACCA M" J. All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads. Monday, October 16, 2000 Room Length: Room Width: Area: Ceiling Height: Volume: Number of Registers: Runout Air: Runout Duct Size: Runout Air Velocity: Design Loss: Actual Loss: Item 13.3 Feet 13.8 Feet 183.5 Square Feet 8.0 Feet 1,468.0 Cubic Feet 1 56 CFM 4 Inches 644 Feet/Minute 0.100 In.wg/100 Ft. 0.466 In.wg/100 Ft. Description N -WALL-12P 13.8 X 8 E -WALL-12P 13.3 X 8 N-GLAS-1C 1-P 0-5 S-4 100%S N-GLAS-IC 1 P 0-4 S-4 100%S UP-CEIL-16G LIGHT 13.3 X 13.8 FLOOR 19I 13.8 X 13.3 Subtotals for structure: Infiltration: Winter: 7.9, Summer: 3.9: Ductwork - Active People: 230 lat/per, 300 sen/per: Inactive People: 150 lat/per, 250 sen/per: Appliances: Sensible Gain Total: Temperature Swing Room Totals: Sy em Number: Zo a Number: Su ly Air: R 'red Vent. Air: AI Winter Ventilation Air: % of Supply: A+al Summer Ventilation Air: OX f Supply: A Winter Infiltration Air: A Summer Infiltration Air: 1 1 56 CFM 0 CFM 0 CFM 0 % 4 CFM 7 % 8 CFM alloc. 4 CFM alloc. Area -U- Htg entity Value . HTM 81 0.019 0.4 106 0.019 0.4 16 1.155 25.4 13 1.155 25.4 184 0.033 0.7 184 0.048 0.5 584 29 6.552 0.100 0 0 Sen. Clg Latent Sen. Loss HTM Gain Gain 34 0.5 0 42 44 0.5 0 56 407 24.0 0 384 330 24.0 0 312 134 1.3 0 243 97 0.0 0 0 1046 0 1037 190 3.000 124 87 124 0.100 0 112 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1236 X1.00 1,360 124 1,236 Monday, October 16, 2000 Room Length: 12.6 Feet Sy em Number: 1 Room Width: 11.6 Feet Zo a Number: 1 Area: 146.2 Square Feet Su ply Air: 106 CFM Ceiling Height: 8.0 Feet R . ed Vent. Air: 0 CFM Volume: 1,169.0 Cubic Feet A 1 Winter Ventilation Air: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 1 % f Supply: 0 % Runout Air: 106 CFM Ac Summer Ventilation Air: 8 CFM Runout Duct Size: 6 Inches % f Supply: 7 % Runout Air Velocity: 539 Feet/Minute Ac ual Winter Infiltration Air: 3 CFM allot. Design Loss: 0.100 In.wg/100 Ft. Ac ual Summer Infiltration Air: 1 CFM alloc. Actual Loss: 0.186 In.wg/100 Ft. Item Area U- Htg Sen. Clg Latent Sen. Description Quantity Value HTM Loss HTM Gain Gain E -WALL-12P 11.4 X 8 81 0.019 0.4 34 0.5 0 42 E-GLAS-IC 1 P 0-4 S-4 0%S 10 1.155 25.4 254 65.0 0 650 UP-CEIL-16G LIGHT 12.6 X 11.6 146 0.033 0.7 106 1.3 0 193 FLOOR 19I 11.6 X 12.6 146 0.048 0.5 77 0.0 0 0 Subtotals for structure: 383 471 0 885 Infiltration: Winter: 2.7, Summer: 1* 10 6.600 66 3.000 43 30 Ductwork: 0.100 54 0.100 0 212 Active People: 2301at/per, 300 sen/per: 0 0 0 Inactive People: 150 lat/per, 250 sen/per: 0 0 0 Appliances: 0 1,200 Lighting: 0 Sensible Gain Total: 2327 Temperature Swing Multiplier: X1.00 Room Totals: 591 43 2,327 Monday, October 16, 2000 Room Length: 21.3 Feet System Number: 1 Room Width: 22.0 Feet Zo,_{re Number: 1 Area: 468.6 Square Feet SuFly Air: 389 CFM Ceiling Height: 8.0 Feet Re ed Vent. Air: 0 CFM Volume: 3,749.0 Cubic Feet A al Winter Ventilation Air: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 2 % If Supply: 0 % Runout Air: 194 CFM Summer Ventilation Air: 28 CFM Runout Duct Size: 9 Inches % f Supply: 7 % Runout Air Velocity: 544 Feet/Minute Actual Winter Infiltration Air: 31 CFM alloc. Design Loss: 0.100 In.wg/100 Ft. A Summer Infiltration Air: 16 CFM alloc. Actual Loss: 0.109 In.wg/100 Ft. Item Area -U- Htg Sen. Clg Latent Sen. Description Quantity Value HTM Loss HTM Gain Gain E -WALL-12P 20.4 X 8 137 0.019 0.4 57 0.5 0 72 S -WALL-12P 16 X 8 85 0.019 0.4 36 0.5 0 45 SW-WALL-12P 22 X 8 142 0.019 0.4 59 0.5 0 74 SW-WALL-12P 4.9 X 8 26 0.019 0.4 11 0.5 0 14 E-GLAS-1C 1 P 0-3 S-4 0%S 13 1.155 25.4 330 65.0 0 845 E-GLAS-IC 1-P 0-3 S-4 0%S 13 1.155 25.4 330 65.0 0 845 S-GLAS-IC 1-P 0-1 S-4 1000/oS 13 1.155 25.4 330 24.0 0 312 S-GLAS-1C 1 P 0-1 S-4 100%S 17 1.155 25.4 432 24.0 0 408 S-GLAS-IC 1-P 0-1 S-4 100%S 13 1.155 25.4 330 24.0 0 312 SW-GLAS-IC 1 P 0-1 S-4 0%S 17 1.155 25.4 432 57.0 0 969 SW-GLAS-IC 1-P 0-1 S-4 0%S 17 1.155 25.4 432 57.0 0 969 SW-GLAS-IC 1-P 0-1 S-4 0%S 13 1.155 25.4 330 57.0 0 741 UP-CE1L-16G LIGHT 21.3 X 22 469 0.033 0.7 340 1.3 0 619 FLOOR 19122 X 21.3 469 0.048 0.5 248 0.0 0 0 Subtotals for structure: 1,444 3697 0 6225 Infiltration: Winter: 31.5, Summer: 15.7: 116 6.560 761 2.983 496 346 Ductwork: 0.100 446 0.100 0 777 Active People: 230 lat/per, 300 sen/per: 4 920 1,200 Inactive People: 150 lat/per, 250 sen/per: 0 0 0 Appliances: 0 0 Lighting: 0 Sensible Gain Total: 8548 Temperature Swing Multiplier: X1.00 Room Totals: 4,904 1,416 8,548 Monday, October 16, 2000 Room Length: Room Width: Area: Ceiling Height: Volume: Number of Registers: Runout Air: Runout Duct Size: Runout Air Velocity: Design Loss: Actual Loss: I Item Description 10.3 Feet 9.0 Feet 92.7 Square Feet 8.0 Feet 742.0 Cubic Feet 1 54 CFM 4 Inches 618 Feet/Minute 0.100 In.wg/100 Ft. 0.430 In.wg(100 Ft. SW-WALL-12P 4.1 X 8 N PART-13C 10 X 8 E -PART-13C 7.9 X 8 S -PART-13C 8 X 8 W PART-13C 4 X 8 N -DOOR IOG 3 X 7 W -DOOR-IOG 3 X 7 UP-CEIL-16G LIGHT 14 X 3.5 FLOOR 19I 9 X 10.3 Subtotals for structure: Infiltration: Winter: 11.4, Summer: 5.7: Ductwork: Active People: 230 lat/per, 300 sen/per: Inactive People: 150 lat/per, 250 sen/per: Appliances: Lighting: Sensible Gain Total: Room Totals: Sys' em Number: Zot a Number: Sul ply Air: Required Vent. Air: Actual Winter Ventilation Air: % U Supply: Actual Summer Ventilation Air: % of Supply: Ac ual Winter Infiltration Air: Ac ual Summer Infiltration Air: 1 1 54 CFM 0 CFM 0 CFM 0 % 4 CFM 7 % 11 CFM alloc. 6 CFM alloc. Area U- Htg entity Value HTM 33 0.019 0.4 59 0.090 1.0 63 0.090 1.0 64 0.090 1.0 11 0.090 1.0 21 0.670 14.7 21 0.670 14.7 49 0.033 0.7 93 0.048 0.5 414 42 6.571 0.100 0 0 Sen. Clg Latent Sen. Loss HTM Gain Gain 14 0.5 0 17 58 1.7 0 101 62 1.7 0 108 63 1.7 0 109 11 1.7 0 19 155 12.7 0 267 155 12.7 0 267 36 1.3 0 65 49 0.0 0 0 603 0 953 276 2.976 180 125 88 0.100 0 108 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1186 X1.00 967 180 1,186 Monday, October 16, 2000 Room Length: 10.8 Feet Sy , em Number: 1 Room Width: 15.0 Feet Zo a Number: 1 Area: 162.0 Square Feet S ly Air: 77 CFM Ceiling Height: 8.0 'Feet Re ed Vent. Air: 0 CFM Volume: 1,296.0 Cubic Feet A Winter Ventilation Air: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 1 % f Supply: 0 % Runout Air: 77 CFM Actual Summer Ventilation Air: 5 CFM Runout Duct Size: 5 Inches % 4 Supply: 7 % Runout Air Velocity: 563 Feet/Minute A+al Winter Infiltration Air: 8 CFM alloc. Design Loss: 0.100 In.wg/100 Ft. Actual Summer Infiltration Air: 4 CFM alloc. Actual Loss: 0.262 In.wg/100 Ft. Item Area -U- Htg Sen. Clg Latent Sen. Description Quantity Value MM Loss HIM Gain Gain SW-WALL-12P 17.2 X 8 125 0.019 0.4 52 0.5 0 66 N -WALL-12P 12.2 X 8 82 0.019 0.4 34 0.5 0 43 SW-GLAS-1C 1-P 0-1 S-4 0%S 13 1.155 25.4 330 57.0 0 741 N-GLAS-IC 1-P 0-5 S-4100%S 16 1.155 25.4 407 24.0 0 384 UP-CE1L-16G LIGHT 10.8 X 15 162 0.033 0.7 118 1.3 0 214 FLOOR-19115 X 10.9 162 0.048 0.5 86 0.0 0 0 Subtotals for structure: 560 1027 0 1448 Infiltration: Winter: 7.9, Summer: 3.9: 29 6.552 190 3.000 124 87 Ductwork: 0.100 122 0.100 0 154 Active People: 230 lat/per, 300 sen/per: 0 0 0 Inactive People: 1501at/per, 250 sen/per: 0 0 0 Appliances: 0 0 Lighting: 0 Sensible Gain Total: 1689 Temperature Swing Multiplier: X1.00 Room Totals: 1,339 124 1,689 Monday, October 16, 2000 Room Length: 5.5 Feet System Number: 1 Room Width: 6.5 Feet Zor Number: 1 Area: 35.8 Square Feet Supply Air: 4 CFM Ceiling Height: 8.0 Feet Required Vent. Air: 0 CFM Volume: 286.0 Cubic Feet Actual Winter Ventilation Air: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 1 % of Supply: 0 % Runout Air: 4 CFM Actual Summer Ventilation Air: 0 CFM Runout Duct Size: 0 Inches % of Supply: 7 % Runout Air Velocity: 0* Feet/Minute A+al Winter Infiltration Air: 0 CFM alloc. Design Loss: 0.100 In.wg/100 Ft. Actual Summer Infiltration Air: 0 CFM alloc. Actual Loss: 0.000 In.wg/100 Ft. *Runout velocity constraints were not met due to duct 'schedule limitations. Item Area U- Htg Sen. Clg Latent Sen. Description Quantity Value HTM Loss HTM Gain Gain N -WALL-12P 6.7 X 8 54 0.019 0.4 23 0.5 0 28 UP-CEIL-16G LIGHT 5.5 X 6.5 36 0.033 0.7 26 1.3 0 48 FLOOR 19I 6.5 X 5.5 36 0.048 0.5 19 0.0 0 0 Subtotals for structure: 126 68 0 76 Infiltration: Winter: 0.0, Summer: 0.0: 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0 Ductwork: 0.100 7 0.100 0 8 Active People: 230 lat/per, 300 sen/per: 0 0 0 Inactive People: 150 lat/per, 250 sen/per: 0 0 0 Appliances: 0 0 Lighting: 0 Sensible Gain Total: 84 Temperature Swing Multiplier: X1.00 Room Totals: 75 0 84 Monday, October 16, 2000 Room Length: 9.4 Feet Sys�em Number: 1 Room Width: 6.5 Feet Zo a Number: 1 Area: 61.1 Square Feet Su; Air: 19 CFM Ceiling Height: 8.0 Feet Requued Vent. Air: 0 CFM Volume: 489.0 Cubic Feet Actal Winter Ventilation Air: 0 CFM Number of Registers: 1 % of Supply: 0 % Runout Air: 19 CFM Actual Summer Ventilation Air: 1 CFM Runout Duct Size: 4 Inches % of Supply: 7 % Runout Air Velocity: 218* Feet/Minute Actual Winter Infiltration Air. 0 CFM alloc. Design Loss: 0.100 In.wg/100 Ft. Actual Summer Infiltration Air: 0 CFM alloc. Actual Loss: 0.056 In.wg/100 Ft. *Runout velocity constraints were not met due to duct schedule limitations. Item Area -U- Htg Sen. Clg Latent Sen. Description Quantity Value HTM Loss HTM Gain Gain UP-CEIL-16G LIGHT 9.4 X 6.5 61 0.033 0.7 44 1.3 0 81 FLOOR 19I 6.5 X 9.4 61 0.048 0.5 32 0.0 0 0 Subtotals for structure: 122 76 0 81 Infiltration: Winter: 0.0, Summer: 0.0: 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0 Ductwork: 0.100 8 0.100 0 38 Active People: 2301at/per, 300 sen/per: 0 0 0 Inactive People: 1501at/per, 250 sen/per: 0 0 0 Appliances: 300 300 Lighting: 0 Sensible Gain Total: 419 Temperature Swing Multiplier: X1.00 Room Totals: 84 300 419 Monday, October 16, 2000 L5 M O �•• � � o �7d8 RP y t3l O ►•+ �-+ � � � � O N � ��+ O� N W � 0�1 � � A� x 0 0 '+ •• t!� �O Ras o o� ►-� to t h C � 00 N CC Vi ONO ONO p1. LA0�0 DD 0�0 00 N cD ONO �O J �o r�-� �p O � W J O O O� N W z 29 W� 00004p,00 FID y A J J 00 0 o '4Q ° CN > a +�- C 0~0N PVA�OFC'N� 11 . '.FORM 600A-97 FLORIDA ENERGY EFFICIENCY CODE FOR BUILDING CONSTRUCTION Florida Department of Community Affairs Residential Whole Building Performance Method A Project Name: 321HO Builder: Premier Construction Address: 10725 S Ocean Dr # 321 Permitting Office: St Lucie County City, State: Jensen Bch, FL 34957- Permit Number: Owner: Mr $ Mrs Kapwell Jurisdiction Number: Climate Zone: Central 1. New construction or existing ew _ 12. Cooling systems 2. Single family or multi -family Single' y _ a. Central Unit 3. Number of units, if multi -family 1 4. Number of Bedrooms 1 _ b. N/A 5. Is this a worst case? No _ 6. Conditioned floor area (W) 1150 fl c. N/A 7. Glass area & type a. Clear - single pane 0 0 fl2 13. Heating systems b. Clear - double pane . 0 0 li2 _ a. Electric Heat Pump c. Tint/other SC/SHGC - single pane 184.0 W _ d. Tint/other SC/SHGC - double pane 0 10 fl2 b. N/A 8. Floor types _ a. Raised Wood, Stem Wall R=19.0,114 .8fl2 _ c. N/A b. N/A _ c. N/A 14. Hot water systems 9. Wall types _ a. Electric Resistance a. Concrete, Ext Insul, Exterior R=50.0, 95210 ft2 _ b. Concrete, Ext Insul, Exterior R=11.0, 197.0 fie _ b. N/A c. N/A d. N/A _ c. Conservation credits e. N/A (HR Heat recovery, Solar 10. Ceiling types T DHP-Dedicated heat pump) a. Under Attic R=30.0, 1107.0 fl2 _ 15. HVAC credits b. N/A _ (CF-Ceiling fan, CV -Cross ventilation, c. N/A HF-Whole house fan, 11. Ducts _ PT -Programmable Thermostat, a. Sup: Unc. Ret: Con. AH: Interior Sup. R=6.0, 9(.0 ft _ MZ-C-Multizone cooling, b. N/A MZ-H-Multizone heating) Glass/Floor Area: 0.16 Total as -built points: 11439.00 PASS Total, base points: 15427.00 I hereby certify that the plans and specifications by this calculation are in compliance with the Flo Energy Code. PREPARED BY: R. Scott Dodd DATE: I hereby certify that this building, as designed, is compliance with the Florida Energy Code. OWNER/AGENT: DATE: Cap: 22.6 kBtu/hr SEER: 10.00 Cap: 24.0 kBtu/hr _ HSPF:7.30 = Cap: 30.0 gallons EF: 0.89 CF, Review of the plans and specifications covered by this ogT Sao calculation indicates compliance,,`''% with the Florida Energy Code. Before construction is completed a this building will be inspected for compliance with Section 553.908 moonvy� Florida Statutes. vvE BUILDING OFFICIAL: DATE: (Version: FLR1 PA 2.02) • ENERGY PERF RMANCE LEVEL (EPL) DIS LAY CARD ESTIMATED ENERGY PERFORMANCE SCORE* = 86.3 The higher the score, the more efficient the home. Mr & Mrs Kapwell, 1072 S Ocean Dr# 321, Jensen Bch, FL, 34957- 1. New construction or existing New — 12. Cooling systems 2. Single family or multi -family Single family _ a. Central Unit Cap: 22.6 kBtu/hr _ 3. Number of units, if multi -family 1 — SEER.10.00 — 4. Number of Bedrooms 1 — b. N/A — 5. Is this a worst case? No — — 6. Conditioned floor area (ft) 11 io fl c. N/A — 7. Glass area &t type — — a. Clear -single pane 0 ft- 13. Heating systems b. Clear - double pane 0.0 ft2 — a. Electric Heat Pump Cap. 24.0 Wti /hr c. Tint/other SC/SHGC - single pane 1 0 ifHSPF: 7.30 — d. Tint/other SC/SHGC - double pane 0 ft2 — b. N/A S. Floor types — — a. Raised Wood, Stem Wall R=19.0, 1149.8ft2 — c. N/A — b. N/A — — c. N/A 14. Hot water systems 9. Wall types _ a. Electric Resistance Cap: 30.0 gallons — a. Concrete, Ext Insul, Exterior R=50.0, 95 0 ft2 _ EF: 0.89 b. Concrete, Ext Insul, Exterior R=11.0, 197.0 ft. — b. N/A c. N/A — — d. N/A — c. Conservation credits e. N/A (HR-Heat recovery, Solar 10. Ceiling types — DBP Dedicated heat pump) a. Under Attic R=30.0,110 0 W _ 15. HVAC credits CF. — b. N/A — (CF-Ceiling fan, CV -Cross ventilation, c. N/A HF--Whole house fan, 11. Ducts _ PT -Programmable Thermostat, a. Sup: Unc. Ret Con. AH: Interior Sup: R=6.0, .0 ft — RB-Attic radiant barrier, b. NIA I MZ-C-Multizone cooling, MZ-H-Multizone heating) I certify that this home has complied with the Florida Energy Efficiency Code For Building . Construction through the above energy saving features ��L ich will be installed (or exceeded) in this home before final inspection. Otherwise, a new Display Card will be completed based on installed Code compliant features. Builder Signature: Address of New Home: *NOTE. The home's estimated energy performance sci This is not a Building Energy Rating. If your score is ! your home may qualify for energy efficiency mortgage Contact the Energy Gauge Hotline at 4071638-1492 of information and a list of certified Raters. For informal contact the Department of CommunityAffairs at 85014 Date: City/FL Zip: re is only available through the FLARES computer program. D or greater (or 86 for a US EPAIDOE EnergyStarN designation), (EEM incentives ifyou obtain a Florida Energy Gauge Rating. see the Energy Gauge web site at www.fsec.ucfedu for on about Florida's Energy Efficiency Code For Building Construction, 37-1824. ige® (Version: FLRIPA 2.02) FORM 60OA-97 SUMME Residential Whole Bui CALCULATIONS ng Performance Method A - Details I ADDRESS: 10725 S Ocean Dr # 321, Jenseo Bch, FL, 34957- PERMIT #: I BASE AS -BUILT GLASS TYPES .18 X Conditioned X BSPM = Points Overhang Floor Area Type/SC Ornt Len . Hgt Area X SPM X SOF = Points .18 1160.0 42.08 8710.0 Si�gle , Tint N 1.0 11.6 16.0 22.93 0.99 364.8 Si gle, Tint N 0.2 8.7 13.0 22.93 1.00 297.7 Single, Tint E 0.2 7.7 10.0 49.89 1.00 498.0 Single, Tint E 0.2 9.7 13.0 49.89 1.00 647.8 SillinIgle, Tint _E 02 9.7 13D 49.89 1.00 647.8 81Iigle, Tint S 1.0 9.7 13.0 37.29 0.99 480.0 Si igle, Tint S 1 D 9.7 17.0 37.29 0.99 627.7 Single, Tint S 1.0 9.7 13.0 37.29 0.99 480.0 Single, Tint SW I D 9.7 17.0 44.31 1.00 751.6 Single, Tint SW I D 9.7 17.0 44.31 1.00 751.6 Single, Tint SW 1-0 _9.7 . 130 44.31 1m 574.7 Single, Tint SW 1.0 9.7 13.0 44.31 1.0D 574.7 Single, Tint N 1 D 11.6 16.0 22.93 0.99 364.8 As -Built Total: 1 184.0 7060.9 WALL TYPES Area X BSPM = Points T� pe R-Value Area X SPM = Points Adajcent 0.0 0.0 0.0 Cpncrete, Ext Insul, Exterior 50.0 952.0 0.00 0.0 Exterior 1149.0 1.90 2183.1 Concrete, Ext Insul, Exterior 11.0 197.0 0.00 0.0 Base Total: 1149.0 2183.1 -Built Total: 1149.0 0.0 DOOR TYPES Area X BSPM = Points Type Area X SPM = Points Adjacent 0.0 0.00 0.0 edor Insulated �erior 42D 4.80 201.6 Exterior 84.0 4.80 403.2 Insulated 42.0 4.80 201.6 Base Total:84.0 403.2 As -Built Total: 84.0 403.2 CEILING TYPES Area X BSPM = Points Type R-Value Area X SPM = Points Under Attic 1105.9 0.60 663.5 InderAttic 30.0 1107.0 0.60 664.2 Base Total: 1106.9 663.5 / s-Built Total: 1107.0 664.2 FLOOR TYPES Area X BSPM = Points Type R Value Area X SPM = Points Slab 0.0(p) 0.0 0:0 Raised Wood, Stem Wall 19.0 1149.8 -1.80 -2069.6 Raised 1149.8 -3.43 -3943.8 Base Total: -3943.8 -Built Total: -2069.6 INFILTRATION Area X BSPM = Points Area X SPM = Points 1150.0 14.31 - 16456.5 115D.0 14.31 164565 ' EnergyGauge® DCA Form 60OA-97 EnerM Gauge®/ResFREEW FLR1 PA 2.02 FORM 60OA-97 SUMMER CALCULATIONS Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details ADDRESS: 10725 S Ocean Dr # 321, Jensen Bch, FL, 34957- PERMIT #: BASE AS -BUILT Summer Base Points: 24472.6 Simmer As -Built Points: 22516.2 Total Summer X System = Cooling Total 'X -Cap X Duct X System X Credit = Cooling Points Multiplier Points Component Ratio Multiplier Multiplier Multiplier Points 122515.2 1.000 0.971 0.341 0.9w 7081.7 24472.6 0.3577 8753.8 , 22515.2 1.00 0.971 0.341 0.950 7081.7 EnergyGaugeTM' DCA Form 60OA-97 EnergyGauge®/ResFREE'97 FLR1 PA 2.02 FORM 60OA-9.7 ' WINTER CALCULATIONS Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details ADDRESS: 10725 S Ocean Dr # 321, Jensen Bch, FL, 34957- PERMIT #: I BASE AS -BUILT GLASS TYPES X Conditioned X BWPM = Points Overhang .18 Floor Area Type/SC Ornt Len Hgt Area X WPM X WOF = Points .18 1150.0 4.79 991A Single, Tint N 1.0 11.6 16.0 12.59 1.00 201.1 Single, Tint N 0.2 8.7 13.0 12.59 1.00 163.6 Si Tint E 0.2 7.7 10.0 10.54 1.00 105.5 Single, Tint E 0.2 9.7 13.0 10.54 1.00 137.1 Single, Tint E 0.2 9.7 13.0 10.54 1.00 137.1 Single, Tint S 1.0, 9.7 13.0 8.59 1.00 111.1 Single, Tint S 1.0 9.7 17.0 8.59 1.00 145.3 Single, Tint S 1.0 9.7 13.0 8.59 1.00 111.1 Single, Tint SW 1.0 9.7 17.0 9.88 1.00 168.4 Siingle, Tint SW 1.0 9.7 17.0 9.88 1.00 168A Single, Tint SW 1.0 9.7 13.0 9.88 1.00 128.8 Single, Tint SW 1.0 9.7 13.0 9.88 1.00 128.8 Single, Tint N 1.0 11.6 16D 12.59 1.00 201.1 -Built Total: 184.0 1907.3 WALL TYPES Area X BWPM Points Type R-Value Area X WPM = Points Adajcent 0.0 0.0 0.0 Concrete, Ext Insul, Exterior 50.0 952D 0.80 761.6 Exterior 1149.0 2.00 2298D Concrete, Ext Insul, Exterior 11 D 197.0 0.80 157.6 Base Total: 1149.0 2298.0 A s-BuIlt Total: 1149.0 919.2 DOOR TYPES Area X BWPM = Points 'Type Area X . WPM = Points Adjacent 0.0 0.00 0.0 Ex erior Insulated 42.0 5.10 214.2 Exterior 84.0 5.10 428.4 Exterior Insulated 42.0 5.10 214.2 Base Total: 84.0 428A As -Built Total: 84.0 428A CEILING TYPESArea X BWPM = Points Type R-Value Area X WPM = Points Under Attic 1105.9 0.60 663.5 Attic 30.0 1107.0 0.60 664.2Base Total: 1105.9 663.5-Built ;der Total: 1107.0 664.2 FLOOR TYPES Area XBWPM =Points Type R-Value Area X WPM = Points Slab 0.0(p) 0.0 0.0 Raised Wood, Stem Wall 19.0 1149.8 0.30 3449 Raised 1149.8 -0.20 -230.0 Base Total: -230.0 As -Built Total: 344.9 INFILTRATION Area X BWPM = Points Area X WPM = Points 1150.0 -0.28 _=D 1150.0 -0.28 -=.a EnergyGauge® DCA Form 60OA-97 Ener Gauge®/ResFREE'97 FLR1 PA 2.02 FORM 60OA-97 ' ' WINTE CALCULATIONS Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details I ADDRESS:10725 S Ocean Dr # 321, Jensen Bch, FL, 34957- PERMIT #: BASE AS -BUILT Winter Base Points: 3829.4 1 Winter As -Built Points: 3942.0 Total Winter X System = Heating Total X Cap X Duct X System X Credit = Heating Points Multiplier Points Component Ratio Multiplier Multiplier Multiplier Points 3942.0 1.000 0.989 0AW 1.000 1822.0 3829.4 1.0730 4109.0 3942.0 1.00 0.989 0.468 1.000 1822.0 EnergyGaugeTm DCA Form 60OA-97 EnergyGaSgeVResFREE'97 FLRI PA 2.02 FORM 60OA-97 _ WATER HEATING & CODE COMPLIANCE STATUS Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details ADDRESS: 10725 S Ocean Dr # 321, Jensen Bch, FL, 34957- PERMIT #: BASE I AS -BUILT WATER HEATING Number of X Multiplier = Total Tank EF Number of X Tank X Multiplier X Credit = Total Bedrooms Vqlume Bedrooms Ratio Multiplier 1 2564.00 2564.0 30.0 0.89 1 1.00 2M5.19 1.00 2M5.2 AsI Built Total: 2535.2 CODE COS PLIANCE STATUS BASE AS -BUILT Cooling + Heating + Hot Water = Points Points Points Total Points Cooling + Heating + Hot Water = Total Points Points Points Points 8753.8 4109.0 2564.0 15426.8 7081.7 1822.0 2535.2 11438.9 EnergyGaugeTm DCA Form 6MA-97 FORM 60OA-97 • Code Compliance Checklist Residential Whole BuildNng Performance Method A - Details I ADDRESS:10725 S Ocean Dr # 321, Jenseiii Bch, FL, 34957- PERMIT #: GA-21 INFILTRATION REDUCTION COMPLIANiCE CHECKLIST COMPONENTS SECTION REQUIREMENTS FOR EACH PRACTICE CHECK Exterior Windows & Doors .606.1.ABC.1.1 Maximum,.3 cfm/s .ft. window aream .5 cfm/s .ft. door area. Exterior & Adjacent Walls 6D6.1 ABC.1.2.1 Caulk, gasket, weatherstrip or seal between: windowstdoors & frames, surrounding waH; foundation & wall sole or sill plate; joints between exterior wall panels at comers; utility penetrations; between wall panels & top/bottom plates; between walls and floor. EXCEPTION: Frame walls where a continuous infiltration barrier is installed that extends from and is sealed to the foundation to the top plate. Floors 6D6.1.ABC.1.2.2 Penetrations/openings >1 Z' sealed unless backed by truss or joint members. EXCEPTION: Frame floors where a continuous infiltration barrier is installed that is sealed to the etar netrations and seams. Ceilings 606.1.ABC.1.2.3 Between walls & ceilings; penetrations of ceiling plane of top floor, around shafts, chases, soffits, chimneys, cabinets sealed to continuous air barrier, gaps in gyp board & top plate; attic acceJls. EXCEPTION: Frame ceilings where a continuous infiltration barrier is installed that is sealed at the perimeter, at penetrations and seams. Recessed Lighting Fixtures 606.1.ABC.1.2.4 Type IC rated with no penetrations, sealed; or Type IC or non -IC rated, installed inside a sealed box with 1/2" clearance & 3' from insulation; or Type IC rated with < 2.0 cfm from condition�d space, tested. Multi -story Houses 6D6.1.ABC.1.2.5 Air barrier on perimeter of floor ca ' between floors. Additional Infiltration refits 606.1.ABC.1.3 Exhaust tans vented to outdoors, dampers; combustion space heaters comply with NFPA, have comTbustion air. cA o2d2 r► ruco nocorroioTnic Rec®ci Inca. ArI ..o+ ha mat nr avraarlarl by all rasirt anr_Pc_I COMPONENTS SECTION REQUIREMENTS CHECK Water Heaters 612.1 Comply with efficiency requirements in Table 6-12. Switch or clearly marked circuit breaker electric or cutoff as must be provided. External or built-in heat trap required. Swimming Pools & Spas 612.1 Spas & heated pools must have covers (except solar heated). Non-commercial pools must have a pump timer. Gas spa & pool heaters must have a minimum thermal effxcienc of 78%. Shower heads 612.1 Water flog must be restricted to no more than 2.5gallons per minute at 80 PSIG. Air Distribution Systems 610.1 All ducts, fittings, mechanical equipment and plenum chambers shall be mechanically attached,, sealed, insulated, and installed in accordance with the criteria of Section 610. Duds in unconditioned attics: R-6 min. insulation. HVAC Controls 607.1 Separatereaduy accessible manual or automatic thermostat for each system. Insulation 604.1, 602.1 Ceilings -Min. R-19. Common walls -Frame R-11 or CBS R-3 both sides. Commorj ceiling & floors R-11. EnergyGaugeTm DCA Form 60DA-97 FLR1 PA 2.02 ST. LUCIE COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING & ZONING'DEPARTMENT 2300 VIRGINIA AVENUE FT. PIERCE, FL. 34982-5652 561-462-1553 DESIGN CERTIFICATION FOR WIND LOAD COMPLIANCE This Certification is to be completed by the project desigp architect or engineer. This Certification must be submitted with all applications for building permit involving the construction of new residence (single or multi -family), residential addition, any accessory structure requiring a building permit, and any nonresidential structure. This Certification shall not apply to interior renovations (provided that no structural walls, columns or other similar component is being effected) and certain other minor building permits. For further assistance, please contact the Building Inspection Office at 462-1553 or 462-21791 I OFFICE USE ONLY PROJECT NAME STREET ADDRESS uca `1 �Z..I PR NUMBER PERMIT NUMBER OCCP. TYPE " - J CST. TYPE I CERTIFY THAT, TO THE BEST OF MY KN0�� &EDGE AND BELIEF, THESE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS HAVE BEEN DESIGNED TO COMPLY NTH THE APPLICABLE STRUCTURAL PORTION OF THE BUILDING CODES CURRENTLY ADOPTED AND ENFORCED BY ST. LUCIE COUNTY: I ALSO CERTIFY THAT STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS DEPICTED ON THESE PLANS PROVIDE ADEQI ATE RESISTANCE TO THE WIND LOADS AND FORCES SPECIFIED BY CURRENT CODE PROVISIONS. 1. STANDARD BUILDING CODE 1997 EDITION _ 2. BUILDING DESIGN IS (CHECK ONE) ENCLOSE 3. BUILDING HEIGHT: S. WIND EXPOSURE CLASSIFICATION (REFER TO E 6. AVERAGE WIND VELOCITY PRESSURE ON EX' 7. PEAK WIND VELOCITY PRESSURE ON EXTERI 8. IMPORTANCEIUSE FACTOR (OBTAIN FROM BUILDI 9. LOADS: FLOOR PSF ROOF/DI 10. WERE SHEAR WALLS CONSIDERED FOR STRI explaination) 11. IS A CONTINUOUS LOAD PATH PROVIDED (CHI 12. ARE COMPONENT AND CLADDING DETAILS PI explainadon) 13. MINIMUM SOIL BEARING PRESSURE: AS WITNESSED BY MY SEAL, I HEREBY CERT IS TRUE AND CORRECT, TO THE BEST OF N NAME: —1>0A) C 0-")dr6&7�-CERTIFI DESIGN FIRM: ASCE 7-95- OTHER (SPECIFY) PARTIALLY ENCLOSED OPEN BUILDING 4. WIND SPEED USED IN BUILDING DESIGN: ___ MPH SURE TABLES IN BUILDING CODE IDENTIFIED IN LINE 01): ,IOR FACES OF STRUCTURE:. PSF FACES OF STRUCTURE: ?SF CODE): PSF SURE (CHECK ONE) YES -_ ROOFILIVE: PSF NO _- If NO, why? (attach ONE) YES a NO If NO, why? (attach explaination) 1IDED (CHECK ONE) YES NO if NO, why? (attach PSF ( THAT THE INFORMATION INCLUDED WITH THIS -CERTIFICATION KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF. ►TION NO. r�[SEAL HERE]1TE:V FORM NO: 02040 • it/C>T � SUfr'!/E'Y .sflETG".�/ OF >C�tio6� "far SC/?/•"T/4N � . or elO •�00 nr 41 t r:; :tau 1038143Z. R� �p V� ti L E'G A L DESCR I P T I O N Block B, Lot 2 at HOLIDAY OUT AT ST. LUCIE, A CONDOMINIUM, according to the Declaration of Condominj.um thereof recorded in Official R9cords Book 1.681 at Page the 1348 of. the public records of St. Lucie CoahEy, Florida. the Less and exceplVttiat ports n described as follows: Beginning at Northwesterly corner of said Lot 2, thence Easterly along t ,,Northerly line of said Lot 2 a distance of 6.00 feet; thence on a deflection angle of 76°22119" Southerly, a distance of. 34.00 feet to the Fisterly line of said Lot 1; thence Northerly along the Easterly line of said Lot 1, a distance of 35.39 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Legal description prepared by: Weathering*..on Land Surveyor's, Inc. 2 heretr certify that the sketch' and laignl description ahot,n hereon ue. F� DA a:apletad cedar syI direction and sapwrvi sien, a M is truce and correct td the best of away+ kporledye and belief end as mts the ninism technical st&rmNw& as set forth in tole 21M" adopted by the Florida Board of AOX0 Lmd agrvalmm. 5cane this /.?rp d.y a,f FED. 99� WK686 F���dM � 1.� � WEATHERINGITON LAND SURVEYORS 4075 VIROIMIA AVR. FT, ►IERCE, FLORIDA 34961'. ALLM •�=G,1 � � (407)461-8064 (407) 878-6370 nouim W O, W -od 9y I.