HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0912 312\ :::~ ~".~~...... ,:.: :.~__ . .. ':;:': : J" H : ,; ~ f~I~~,,-l!t(Jr."~'lNr~~m.... b[i..~""In~ Mtl't.. m THIS INDENTURE, Made lhi'.......;!9_~~...__ ._......._......._day of___..._._......'-~~.~~17....... __........____..._..._A.. 0. I"Z..E., IUn-WEEN ____.___ y; · _~..!__~~pp ...~.I!~_~~ ie ..~~_.!!!~P..J!~.!..~.~!!......_...._.._ ._____'-____...._______._._ _.__ _..________________. of Ihe County oL_......__JU..... Luol...__.._......._....-and St&le oL.......'-J..9:rl.d......... ....____.__..._.___._........ _parl..!~J~. o. Ibe 6Ul part. and ~'.....~.."......-- __........_.___.____.___.J.. .K.. ..Kulllht. ._____..__..____.________ ....._._._.__.....__ ____:......._....._..._....__.___..__....______._..____ ,.f the County of.___~t......Jil~9~'._._.____.__and Stal( of._._.........f.~.C?:r..!.~~..____..__.__._____.f.~rl.l.__ of Ihe secol!d part. WITS f.SSETJI. Ihal lhC' uid parl..lea of the first pari, for and in eOllsideruion of the sun. 01. _____.._........._.__..._.._........ ___._............. .._.___ _..~~A. ..4.9..1.J.~~.!...~.!J:~._.~~.h!?..~....!.~!~_~].e OOnai;.de!~!JJ_%!lIan, \o..~E.!~.__.ill bao.! p&id, the rmipl "hereof is f,C'lCby uknowlC'.!l(eJ. a ha Ye_ gun led. l'llrllained. sold a.nd lrallsfened. and by tbeu presC'nls do..!t~._llranl. barsain. 5C'1I an.! Iransftr unto tl1e hid pan ..-'Z.. _ of th( s(Nod pan anJ..._._..b.1.o--heirs and &uignl lorever, all Ihal cerlain parcel o{ land Iyiog and being in the County of st. .~~o!!......_______ and State oi__._._ ,..L.Q.r..1.cJ.G....___.more parlicularly dracriLcd as follow.:___..__...._____.._..____ __...._... ._._........_.__... __.41.l..Qt. LQt ..PlY'.. CQ}...Qt .. "oneIl.. R.-~\I,l!.41:y181Qlt () f...L.()1i.."'.~~~~L( ~..1..9.1..Bl,oQIt.... ...... ...... .._..... ..... Three Q'f _Bu111ngtona.. eubd lTlelQn. Qf...pa:r~ of 8~Q.U()IlQn..e_.. o.J_'J!Q1'iIl~h.1P. ~~J:rty-:. . ... ..thre.e.. .f~3)... SO\1thot.. :range.. t N-.rtY~l!i..l!.ft._t~?) .J~a~t.. ..!,l~.t._()J~..!M~tl... JQIl,El8~ .rG~...._.. ...._.. ""'''_ ... ............ sUllcU. v1810n on reoo~ .in p1at._~.C?0~!i!!!'_~.~... ~!l. p~g.~~~._s.~.!._~~~_!.~__.~oun~l....~~).}_~...._._.._..._. . ....... _.......R.~.Q. X'lSe. . ....... .. .............. ...... ......_..._..._.._....__...__....._~_....__. ...._......_..._ ..._ _._....__._.~....._..._ ..... ..... .._.... '_'__''''''''''__''_''_'___'' ...._....._..............._._..._.._...._.............._..... .....?'! ()t)....doo. ..8_~.~.mp._~~. ......___.._..._..._.....__.. _________....____ ._.___..__.~___..............__... ._. ".-.-.-. _._._.__._..'u_._._..__.. .............. __.___.._._. - _._.._ __. ._._. ..-.........-__.__.____.____.._h__________..____._____.._.__...__.._.___.__.____" __.._._._._._ ____._.___.....___._.....________ ~ .---.-.-.-, ..-..-..... "._-."._-.. --.--....- ...-- -_.._d.__.__.__~__nh.n______.__.__.______n_._____._._...._._._ .___._.._.__________ ___.__...______.__._... ',_,._'_'4___.. ..__._._______.._..._..____.____..4..___....._.._ .__._..______... _._."_' ___ .__ __.___.____.__..__.____._._____.__... __.____.__..__..___._.___.____ __ __._ _.___..________ . :~ .._.__..4..__...4_.__._..._._....__......_.._..___...___.....________4-_ ._______._______..____________.._._____.__._.___ _..___.________4___._.4_.___.._____ .-....-----. _._n___._._n.__.____._..__.._ .__ ___.______4____ ---.-.----.-------.._..__._._______.______.___4._______....__. ____.....__.__..__....______.____...._____ ___._n_n._.__..___....____._.n__ --- -..-...._--._.... ..------------.--..-----._.__.._________._____.h._._.____..__ _.____._..._.__.._._____._4__._...___ ___._._._______4______ .-.-_.._____.. _____._____._._____..____.__..________.________ ..____.______._.__4_._____.._.._...._ _n_... _._ _'.'_U_ ._. .... _ __...___. ____..4_ ...___. h________._______ TOGETHER with all tl.~ trnemenls. hC'rcd.lamenu and 31'I'urtrnancu. will. ntry I>riyile~C'. right. tillr, intrrtsl and eSlate. .lower and rigI.I 01 do,,'C'r. .enuion. rrmaindC'r and eascm'~: Ihercto belonging or in an,.wisr ~l.perlaininil: TO 11.-\\"1-: A:\lI TO 1I0J.1I1he s:une io fee SImple iore..,,_ ,\nd the said put1.e.a.. of the fiul parI do _..'.fl. conoant with the said pari '1._._ oi thr secood pa.1 tbt.... ~~e;y ...__...___._ "'wiully sC'izcd 01 tile said p"mise.. tbat tilt)" are frce front ~1I inc',mbranccs and Ihat:t.l1Et;y.J~~!.'ood .iK"t and lawlul aUlhority to sdl the same; ami Il:e saiJ pari.. j,e.8ol j I , Illr fint pari do_li..~ heret,)" fully warraot the: title 10 said land. :lIId "m ,I~iend the: unte against Ibe la..ful cbims <>1 all persOIlS whomsoever. IN Wn':\ESS WHEREOF, the said pa'Ll.@.~ of II.e first van ha .~..._ her.unto set.._~l!~.!.!'..hanJi.. and suL!Jtbe day and )'C'ar abo,e wrinea. a l'igotd. scaled and dclinred in our presence: I Will lam Atkin . ~_~~=~.~a;:.=~;;~==-~~_-~~__:~ ~-=-:l _.~.!'_~!'.. ~DJlP.._c-..-..--...._.-L-.-._(SEAL) bY 1e R. Lampp '---------__........_.______(SEAL) STATE of_!..lo;rJ._~a . St. Luoie } COUNTY OF I HEREBY CEIHiFY, Tl.at 00 tbi.---1.Q_tb..______.._day 01.. j'e.b~____ A. D. 19z..P~ bclore mC' rer.onally appC'are:cL...._.I....Ji.a..J.ampp_and.bY1e...li..._Lal'lpp_his...:i\:.i.f8-______.____..._._.... . ..__...____. 10 me known to be the: person.._.' ':.~cribcd in and ..1.0 C'uculed !be: Imrgoing connJanc~ to ___._...1......1l... _.KD.1gh~.___..______. ~--'--- __aod snerally aelmo.ledged Ihe Uecutio~ thereol to J,r_:t;_~!.!'_....frre act and drC'd lor the usn and pnrpos.. thrreio menlioned; and the said.___~ie R_!._~~'p'______. the wife of the said___--.!!....!!.._La~}). __ on a separate and print., examination taken and made by and beforr mr. aod scparatdy and ap:"1 from her said husband. did acknowledge that.she mad~ h.,rs.,U a party to the said Dred of ConveyancC'. for Ihe purpo<< of renounting, relinqu:\hing and cOllve,ing all h.. ri!tht. litle and inltrtst. >vbrlbrr of dower or of serarate property. statutory or eqaitablC', in and to' IIle: lands ther.,;n described.' and Ihat she excc-JI<<J said dted freely and vohmtarily and ...ithO<lt any constraint. fear. apprehension c;,r compulsion of or !tom her said bosba,!d. and State 01__. in the County of_.s.~._LuUe I .__ ..._.._.the day and year last afm.,..id.. 1) S1l1~'!1 Atkin _~iieH~tlU8tl"i~r'8aql~~iaa'rat~!9B.(SEAl.l t; OD II.;' 9 .__._..__cIay ClL.___._..~,..C!!1___.______---^. D. 192 ~.~ al__o'doek--ln., lh;. inslrumcnt was I fiJrd for rrconl. and..., ing duly acknowltdged and prOYeD, I Irecorded lbr same on pagc....~1..?__of Boolc._~in lbe poblie record, of said ~oo~ ~ . . IN WITNESS WIf' EOF. I .e her~onlo set my h ~n" aIIind Ihe 5C'al or Ih~ Circuit Courl of tbe FiftcrDlh Judicial Circuit of said Slate. in and lor said Counly. . . ""t ~ ~ :t - ') 3. 1) Js2 P, C. Eldred C~~~ ~~~~~1~jk~~1~rt~~~ 7,:~~i~~~i