HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUILDING SYSTEMSJob : S4JO148A CLASSIC TRUSS NUCOR BUILDING SYSTEMS Date: 03-19-04. Page- 2 DESIGNFrame; F01A FRAME LINE 2-12 W/ FUTURE GIRTS By : BZEIGLER File: F01A SUMMARY REPORTI width � _'_—___--- __-__- -______-____-_-_--__-__-_—_______-___—___ m/c Fl� \ ou 0.3750 s.00 | Web/ o�o� ,,.00 | wo �n / 8.0 0.5000 ,,.00 / _-_-__-_-____________-_ _-_—___-__—_—_-_________-_—_-___-__-_-__- Deflections Frame weight (lbs) o,o � m ^` ~ �'� ~� cwWIND CASE 2 TO LEFT Maximum m^ ~ o.� ~ m zvo Maximum v, ~ '^.m ~ a/ oo o mm z' Max. Live u, ~ az, ~ zx 441 o mm 1. H NUCOR BUILDING SYSTEMS -Job # S4J0148A • Job Name: CLASSIC TRUSS .�,Fxame E02 FRAME LINE 13 Date 3/11/04 Designer: BZEIGLER File En ------------------------------ 7---------- F R A M E D E S C R I P T I O N ----------------------------------------- Frame type ' : EMG . �� (!o��i0T( Frame width 122.00 Ft. Bay width 12.50 Ft. LEFT RIGHT Dim to ridge 61.00 Ft. 61.00 Ft. Roof slope 1.00/12-1.00/12 Eave height 16.67 Ft. 16.67 Ft. Girt offset 8.00 In. 8.00 In. Typ. Girt spacing 5.00 Ft. Purlin offset 8.00 In. 8.00 In. Typ. Purlin spacing: 5.00 Ft. Col. spacing 17.3333,28.6667,30.0000,28I.6667,17.3333 Supports / Spring -Constants _ COL01 - Bottom H COL02 - Bottom V H COL03 - Bottom V H COL04 - Bottom V H COL05 - Bottom V H COL06 - Top H Bottom H Column Bracing: I WP1 Girt Brace N N N Flange Brace 0 0 0 Location (ft): 7.5 12.5 16.0 WP2 Girt Brace N N N Flange Brace 0 0 0 Location (ft): 7.5 12.5 17.4 WP3 Girt Brace N N N N Flange Brace 0 0 0 0 Location (ft): 7.5 12.5, 17.5 19 8 WP4 Girt Brace N N N N Flange Brace : 0 0 0 0 Location (ft): 7.5 12.5 17.5 19.8 WP5 Girt Brace N N N Flange Brace : 0 0 0 Location (ft): 7.5 12.5 17.4 \f WP6 Girt Brace N N N \_ Flange Brace 0 0 0 % . Location (ft): 7.5 12.5 16.0 Other Braces: Column Left Brace Right Brace Location (ft): ----------------------------------------- t1A, O A D I N G COND I T IONS ---------- ------------------ ------------� Building Code. & Year FLBC - 2001 1986/1996 MBMA occupancy class 1/2 L 0 A D S '(Psf) Roof Dead load 2.50 Roof Coll load 5.00 Roof Live load . 20.00 I_ Roof Snow load 0.00 Floor dead load : 0.00 Floor live load : 0.00 Ground Snow load: 0.:00 Ce = 0.90 j Seismic zone 0 i Wind speed 130:00 Mph Exp. .B I I Wind pressure 25.76 Psf Building is Open Wind pressure coefficients • C1 C2 C3 C4 W1R 0.750 -0.500 -0.500 011750 W1L -0.750 -0.500 -0.500 0 750 „ W2R 0.750 -0.200 -0.600 -01750 W2L -0.750 -0.600 -0.200 0�750 W5B -0.750 -0.500 -0.500 -0.�750 Wind Loads for Endwall Column Pressure Suction Column Id (PSF) (PSF) COL01 21.52 -26.68 COL02 19.54 -22.27 COL03 19.10 -21.82 COL04 19.10 -21.82 COL05 19.54 -22.27 COL06 21.52 -26.68 Wind Loads for Endwall Rafter Interior Zone Pressure 10.00 10.00 Suction 10.00 -33.34 Pressure 100.00 10.00 Suction 100.00 -33.34 Edge Zone Pressure 10.00 10.00 Suction 10.00 -48.50 Pressure 100.00 10.00 Suction 100.00 -45.47 Tributary Widths Panel Trib. Width (ft) WP1 1.00 WP2 1.00 WP3 1.00 WP4 1.00 WP5 1.00 WP6 1.00 RP1 12.50 RP2 12.50 ----------------------------------------- P R O G R A M- A P P L I E D L O A D S ----------------------------------------- Load On Start End Start End Case Panel Load Load Loc Loc Rif Rif Ft. Ft. RDL RP1 -0.031 -0.031 0.000 161.000 RDL RP2 -0.0.31 -0.031 61.000 122.000 COL RP1 -0.062 -0.062 0.000 161.000 COL RP2 -0.062 -0.062 61.000 122.000 RLL RP1 -0.250 -0.250 0.000 161.000 RLR RP2 -0.250 -0.250 61.000 122.000 ` W1R RP1 -0.161 -0.161 0.000 161.000 - R W12L RP2 -0.161 -0.161 61.000 122.000 RP1 -0.161 -0.161 0.000 161.000 -.kL RP2 -0.161 -0.161 61.000 122.000 11,12R RP1 -0.064 -0.064. 0.000 I61000 .� yW2R RP2 -0.193 -0-193 '61:000 122..000 " W21, RP1 -6.193 -0.193 0.000 !61.000 W21, RP2 -0.064 -0.064 61.000 122.000 W5B WP1 0.201 0.201 0.000 16.778 W5B WP2 0.436 0.436 0.000 18.111 W5B WP3 0.560 0.560 0.000 20.500 W5B WP4 0.560 0..560 0.000 1 20.500 W5B WP5 0.436 0.436 0.000 118.111 W5B WP6 0.201 0.201 .0.000 16.778 W5B RP1 -0.417 -0.417 0.00,0 61.000 W5B RP2 -0.417 -0.417 61.000 1�22.000 W5F WP1 -0.249 -0.249 10.000 16.778 W5F WP2 -0.497 -0.497. 0.000 18.1-11 W5F WP3 -0.640 -0.640 0.000 20.500 W5F WP4 -0.640 =0.640 0.000 26.500 W5F WP5 -0.497 -0.497 0.000 18.111 W5F WP6 -0.249 "0.249 0.000 16.7.78, 2 I I W5F RP1 -0.417 -0.417 0.000 61.000 W5F RP2 -0.417 -0.417 61.000 1122.000 Load On Hor. Vert. Moment Loc Case Mem Kips Kips K-Ft. Ft.. W1R SPAN1 2.229 0.000 0.000 1.333 W1R SPAN6 2.229 0.000, 0.000 120.667 W1L -SPAN1 -2.229 0.000 0.000 1.333 W1L SPAN6 -2.229 0.000 0.000 120.667. W2R SPAN1 2.229 0.000 0.000 1.333 W2R SPAN6 2.229 0.000 0.000 120.667 W2L SPAN1 -2.229 0.000 0.000 1.333 W2L SPAN6 -2.229 0.000 0.000 120.667 ----------------------------------------- L 0 A D C O M B I N A T I O N S ----------------------------------------- ASR Cases 1) 1.00 SW + RDL + COL + RLL + RLR 2) 1.00 0.60SW + 0.60RDL + W1L 3) 1.00 0.60SW + 0.60RDL + W2L 4) 1.00 0.60SW + 0.60RDL + W1R 5) 1.00 0.60SW + 0.60RDL + W2R 6) 1.00 SW + RDL + COL + 0.75RLL + 0.75RLR + 0.75W1L 7) 1.00 SW-`+ RDL + COL + 0.75RLL + 0.75RLR + 0.75W2L 8) 1.00 SW + RDL + COL + 0.75RLL + 0.75RLR + 0.75W1R 9) 1.00 SW + RDL + COL + 0.75RLL + 0.75RLR + 0.75W2R 10) 1.00 0.60SW + 0.60RDL + W5B i 11) 1.00 0.60SW + 0.60RDL + W5F 12) 1.00 SW + RDL + COL + 0.75RLL + 0.75RLR + 0.75W5B 13) 1.00 SW + RDL + COL + 0.75RLL + 0.75RLR + 0.75W5F i I � i ! I ' I i I i I I I I I i 'I I 1 I i I, I ' I I i � I I I' f I � l �a Job : S4J0148A CLASSIC TRUSS NUCOR BUILDING SYSTEMS Frame: E02 FRAME LINE 13 *** DESIGN SUMMARY REPORT r:r --------- ----------- -------------------------- --------- L______---------------_--- 'built Up Rafter - RAF01 ' T/L B/R _ T/L B/R Flange Flange Web Load Axial Axial Moment , Bend Bend Section Mat'l Mat'l Mat'l Comb Lac Kips Ratio Ft -kip .Ratio Ratio ----------------------------------------- ________________________________________ 1 F6.25 F6.25 W175 1 7 0.5 0.00 -58..1 0.33 0.38 2 .F6.25 F6.25 W175 1 9 -0.5 0.01 -54.7 0.35 0.43 Chkpt 1 7 8 ' 11 Depth 28.50 28.50 28.50 Section I 1 1 2 1 ------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------- width thick Fy I width thick Fy ---------------=--------------------------------------- ------------------------- T/L Flq 6.0 0.2500 55.00 6.0 0.2500 55.00 Web I 0.1750 55.00 0.1750 55.00 B/R Flg I 6.0 0.2500 55.00 6.0 0.2500 55.00 -------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ Built Up Rafter - RAF02 T/L B/R T/L B/R Flange Flange Web Load Axial Axial Moment Bend Bend Section Mat'l Mat'l Mat'l Comb Lac Kips Ratio Ft -kip Ratio Ratio ----------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- 1 F6.25 F6.25 W175 1 12 -0.4 0.01 I -23.3 0.13 0.18 2 F6.25 F6.25 W175 11 19 4.4 0.02 22.7 0.15 0.13 Chkpt 12 18 19 23 Depth 20.50 28.50 28.50 Section 1 1 1 2 1 width thick Fy I width thick Fy -------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ T/L } 6.0.250055.00B/R F6.0 0.2500 55.00I� --------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ i Built Up Rafter - RAF03 I T/L B/R T/L B/R Flange Flange Web Load Axial Axial Moment Bend Bend Section Mat'l Mat'l ,Hat'l Comb Lac Kips Ratio IFt-kip Ratio Ratio --------------------------------------------------------- ________________________ 1 F6.25 F6.25 W175 10 28 0.1 0.00 25.0. 4 0.17 14 2 F6.25 F6.25 W175 1 35 -0.4 0.01 -22.6 0.13 0.17 I Chkpt 24 28 29 35 Depth 28.50 28.50 28.50 section 1 1 1 2 1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I width thickFy I width thick Fy ---------- -Web 0.1750 55.00 0.1750 55.00 B/R Flg 6.0 0.2500 55.00 6.0 0.2500 55.00 Built Up Rafter - RAF04 T/L B/R T/L B/R Flange Flange Web Load Axial Axial .Moment Bend Bend Section Mat'l Mat'l Mat'l Comb Lac Kips Ratio Ft -kip Ratio Ratio- -'------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 F6.25 F6.25 W175 11 39 5.8 0.02 61.3 0.41 0.35 2 F6.25 F6.25 W175 11 40 4.7 0.02 61.3 0.41 0.35 Chkpt 36 39 40 46 Depth 28.50 28.50 28i50 -', Section 1 2 / ____________________________________________ / -------_--I width thick- Fy I width thick Fy -I ----------------------------------- --------------------- T/L Flg 6.0 0.2500 55.00 I 6.0 0.2500 55.00 1 Web 0.1750 55.00 II 0.1750 55.00 00 B/R Flg 6.0 0.2555.00 6.0 0.2500 55.00 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- Wide Flange Members Shipping Mat'l Load Axial Ax al Moment Bend ' "------------------------------------ r- Ft -kip Ratio CGS gth _-- Code _ ID Comb Lac Kips Ra -----------------i--- FY p O O1 WF818 W 8x 18 50.0 11 48a 0.0 0.00 -3.1, 0.08 �CO).02 WF818 W Bx 18 50.0 11 54a 13.3 0.Q1 -14.8 0.39 Cy1L03 WF824 W Bx 24 50.0 11 60a 9.8 0.05 -23.9 0.46 C L04 WF824 W 8x 24 50.0 11 66a 8.9 0.64 -23.9 0.46 ~U L05 WF818 W Bx 18 50.0 11 72a 13.8 0.69 -14.8 0.39 COL06 WF818 W ex 18 50.0 11 77a 0.0 0.00 -3.1 0.08 Frame Weight (lbs) 4911 Deflections (in): 10 yr Wind dx = -0.08 = H/1254 LONG. WIND 1 TO FRONT Maximum dx -0'. 10 H/1032 0.60SW+0.60RDL+WSF Maximum dy = 0.61 = L/ 313 @-MOD 5, O.60SW+0.60RDL+W5FI Max. Live dy -0.38 = L/ 0 @ MOD 0, SW+RDL+COL+RLL+RLR E/W'col dx = 0.50 L/ 418 @ COL03,, 0.60SW+0.60RDL+W5FI Date: 03-17-04 Page; By BZEIGLER File: E02 ---------------------------------------------- Max - . ------------- SHEAR ------------ Unity Load Force Shear Flow (k/in) Check ._________________________________________________ Comb Lac Rips Ratio T/L B/R 0.38 11 6b 6.41 0.40 0.16 0.16 0.44 11 9a -6.98 0.40 0.17 0.17 -------------------------------------------------- Max _____________ SHEAR _----_-_______ Unity Load Force Shear Flow (k/in) Check Comb Lac Kips Ratio T/L B/R -------------------------------------------------- 0.18 11 13a -4.76 0.29 0.11' 0.11 0.15 10 20a -5.29 0.33 0.13 0.13 .------------------------------------------------- Max ------------- SHEAR -------------- Unity Load Force Shear Flow (k/in Check Comb Lac Kips Ratio T/L B/R) ._________________________________________________ 0.17 10 27b 5.50 0.34 0.13 0.13 0.18 10 30a -5.05 0.31 0.12 0.12 -------------------------------------------------- Max _____________ SHEAR -------- Unity Load Force Shear Flow (k/in) Check -------------------------------------------------- Comb Lac Kips Ratio T/L B/R 0 41 11 38b 6.96 0.40 0.16 0.16 0.41 11 4 1 a -6.96 0.43 0.16 0.16 Max -Ratio Load Shear Shear Comb Lac Kips-- Ratio --------------- 0.09 11 -___ 50b --------------------- 1.36 0.04 0.76 11 56b 3.58 0.10 0.66 11 62b 4.01 0.10 ' 0.66 • ' 11 68b 4.61 0.10 0.76 11 74b 3.58 0.10 0.09 11 79b 1.36 0.04 r4uC0FR BUILDING SYSTEMS GROUP A DIVISION OF NUCOR CORPORATION Brace .Input: 0 Rod O Cable Allow. Stress Factor, SF: Bay Width,1 : Module. Width, b ': Wind Pressure, W : Add'I Point Load, P No. of Brace Modules, n Use Clevis Connections Building Geometry: Building Width: Distance To, Ridge: . Eave Height Left: . Eave Height Right: Roof Slope Left: Roof Slope Right: Mean Roof Height.: ENDWALL I TIE: BACK -ROOF BRACE Version: v2.1, Date: 3/19/2002 0.0000 ft. >1 Design Results: Min. Web Thickness.c 0.132 t in. Brace Elongation c 0.212 in. Frame Lateral Drift c 0.163 in. • Thickness controled by punching shear at hillside. t Thickness controled by web tensile fracture. I P(LA . Proj. No.: 54JO148A Engineer: BDZ Date: 3/17/04 2 —300 3.71 kips Bay Width, I 4.45 kips i NUCOR BUILDING SYSTEMS Job # S4J0148A Job Name: CLASSIC TRUSS Frame E02A FRAME LINE 13 W/ FUTURE GIRTS Date 3/11/04 Designer: BZEIGLER ' File E02A • ----------------------------------------- F R A' M E D E S C R I P T I O .N ----------------------------------------- Frame type : EMG Frame width : 122.00 Ft. Bay width : 12.50 Ft. LEFT RIGHT Dim to ridge 61.00 Ft.' 61.00 Ft. Roof slope 1.00/12-1..00/12 Eave height 16.67 Ft. 16.67 Ft. Girt offset 8.00 In. 8.00 In. Typ. Girt spacing 5.00 Ft. Purlin offset : 8.00 In. 8.00 In. Typ..Purlin spacing: 5.00 Ft. I Col. spacing 17.3333,28.6667,.30.0000,28.6667,17.3333 Supports / Spring Constants -: COL01 - Bottom H COL02 - Bottom V H COL03 - Bottom V H I COL04 - Bottom V H COL05 - Bottom V H COL06 - Top H Bottom H Column Bracing: WP1 Girt Brace Y Y N Flange Brace 2 2 0 Location (ft): 7.5 12.5 16.0 WP2 Girt Brace Y Y N Flange Brace 2 2 0 Location (ft): 7.5 12.5 17.4 WP3 Girt Brace Y Y N N Flange Brace 2 2 0 0 Location (ft): 7.5 12.5 17.5 19.8 WP4 Girt Brace Y Y N N Flange Brace 2 2 0 0 Location (ft): 7.5 12.5 17.5 19.8 WP5 Girt Brace Y Y N Flange Brace 2 2 0 Location (ft): 7.5 12.5 17.4 WP6 Girt Brace Y Y N Flange Brace 2 2 0 Location (ft): 7.5 12.5 16.0 Other Braces: I Column Left Brace Right Brace Location (ft): -,----------------------------------------- ,IL 0 A D I N G C 0 N D I T I O N S Building Code & Year a FLBC - 2001 1986/1996 MBMA occupancy class : 1/2 L 0 A D S (Psf) I Roof Dead load 2.50 Roof Coll load 5.00 Roof Live load 20.00 Roof Snow load 0.00 Floor dead load 0.00 Floor live load a 0.00 Ground Snow load: 0.00 Ce = 0.90 i Seismic zone 0 I . Wind speed 136.00 Mph Exp..: B i Wind pressure 25.76 Psf Building is Enclosed Wind pressure coefficients Cl C2 C3 C4 W1R 0.790 -0.890 -0.350 -0.250 . W1L -0.250 -0.350 -0.890 0.790 W2R 0.430 -1.250 -0.710 -0.610 W2L -0.610 -0.710. -1.250 0.�(!30 W5B -0.300 -0.890 -0.350 -0.300 W5F -0.300 -0.350 -0.890 -0.300 W6B -0.660 -1.250 -0.710 -0.660 W6F -0.660 -0.710 -1.250 -0.660 Wind Loads for Endwall Column Pressure Suction Column Id (PSF) (PSF) COL01 31.65 -41.48 COL02 24.99 -27.72 COL03 24.55 -27.28 COL04 24.55 -27.28 COL05 25.00, -27.72 COL06 31.65 -41.48 Wind Loads for Endwall Rafter Interior Zone Pressure 10.00 14.55 Suction 10.00 -38.80 Pressure 100.00 11.52 Suction 100.00 -38.80 Edge Zone Pressure 10.00 14.55 Suction 10.00 -53.95 Pressure 100.00 11.52 Suction 100.00 -50.92 Tributary -Widths Panel Trib. Width (ft) WP1 1.00 WP2 22.33 WP3 29.33 WP4 29.33 WP5 22.33 WP6 1.00 RP1 12.50 RP2 12.50 - -- - - - - P R O G R A M- -------------------------- A P P L I E D L O A D S ------------------------------------------ Load On Start End Start End Case Panel Load Load Loc Loc Klf Klf Ft. F. RDL RP1 -0.031 -0.031 0.000 61'.000 RDL RP2 -0.031 -0.031 61.000 1221.000 COL RP1 -0.062 -0.062 0.000 61I.000 COL RP2 -0.062 -0.062 61.000 122.000 RLL RP1 -0.250 -0.250 0.000 611.000 �. ?RLR RP2 -0.250 -0.250 61.000 121.000 W1R RP1 -0.287 -0.287 0.000 61�.000 W1R RP2. -0.113 -0.113 61.000 122L000 W1L RP1 -0.113 -0.113 0.000 61.000 W1L RP2 -0.287 -0.287 61.000 122!000 W2R RP1 -0.403 -0.403 0.000 611000 W2R RP2 -0.229 -0.229 61.000 122.000 W2L RP1 -0.229 .-0.229 0.000 61!000 W2L RP2 -0.403 -0.403 61.000 122,000 W5B WP1 0.032 0.032 0.000 16780 W5B WP2 0.558 0.558 0.000 18!111 W5B WP3 0.720 0:720 0.000 20j500 W5B WP4 0.720 0.720 0.000 20.1,500 W5B WP5 0.558 0.558 0.000 18 111 W5B WP6 0.032 0.032 0.000 16:I780 W5B RP1 -0.485 -0.485 0.000 61.000 W5B RP2 -0.485 -0.485 61.000 122.000 W5F WP1 -0.041 .-0.041 0.000 16.1780 W5F WP2 -0.619 -0.619 0.000 18.1111 W5F WP3 -0.800 -0.800 6.000 20.500 W5F WP4 -0.800 -0.800 W5F WP5 -0.619 -0.619 W5F WP6 -0.041 -0.041 W5F RP1 -0.485 -0.485 W5F RP2 -0.485 -0.485 W6B WP1 0.032 0.032 W6B WP2 0.558 0.558 W6B WP3 0.720 0.720 W6B WP4 0.720 0.720 W6B WP5 0.558 0.558 W6B WP6 0.032 0.032 W6B RP1 -0.485 -0.485 W6B RP2 -0.485 -0.485 W6F WP1 -0.041 -0.041 W6F WP2 -0.619 -0.619 W6F WP3 -0.800 -0.800 W6F WP4 -0.800 -0.800 W6F WP5 -0.619 -0.619 W6F WP6 -0.041 -0.041 W6F RP1 -0.485 -0.485 W6F RP2 -0.485 -0.485 Load On Hor. Vert. Case Mem Kips Kips W1R SPAN1 1.613 0.000 W1R SPAN6 0.510 0.000 W1L SPANI -0.510 0.000 W1L SPAN6 -1.613 0.000 W2R SPAN1 0.878 0.000 W2R SPAN6 1.245 0.000 W2L SPAN1 -1.246 0.000 W2L SPAN6 -0.878 0.000 -------------------------------- L 0 A D C O M B I N A T I O N S -------------------------------- ASR Cases 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 61.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 61.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 61.000 Moment K-Ft. 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 20.500 10.111 16.780 61.000 122.000 10.780 18.111 20.500 20.500 18.111 16.780 61.000 122.000 1C.780 18.111 2g.500 2 .500 10.111 16.780 61.000 122.000 1.333 126.667 11.333 120'.667 11.333 1201 667 1.333 120,.667 1) 1.00 SW + RDL + COL + RLL + RLR 2), 1.00 0.60SW•1- 0.60RDL + W1L 3) 1.00 0.60SW + 0.60RDL + W2L 4) 1.00 0.60SW + 0.60RDL + W1R 5) 1.00 0.60SW + 0.60RDL + W2R 6) 1.00 SW + RDL + COL + 0.75RLL + 0.75RLR 7) 1.00 SW + RDL + COL + 0.75RLL + 0.75RLR 8) 1.00 SW + RDL + COL + 0.75RLL + 0.75RLR 9) 1.00 SW + RDL + COL + 0.75RLL + 0.75RLR 10) 1.00 0.60SW + 0.60RDL + W5B 11) 1.00 0.60SW + 0.60RDL + W6B 12) 1.00 0.60SW + 0.60RDL + W5F 13) 1.00 0.60SW + 0.60RDL + W6F 14) 1.00 SW + RDL + COL + 0.75RLL + 0.75RLR 15) 1.00 SW + RDL + COL + 0.75RLL + 0.75RLR 16) 1.00 SW + RDL + COL + 0.75RLL + 0.75RLR 17) 1.00 SW + RDL + COL + 0.75RLL + 0.75RLR 0.75W1L 0.75W2L 0.75W1R 0.75W2R 0.75W5B 0.75W6B 0.75W5F 0.75W6F Job : S4J0148A CLASSIC TRUSS Frame: E02A FRAME LINE 13 W/ FUTURE GIRTH •.. DESIGN SUMMARY REPORT •*' BUILDING SYSTEMS Date: 03-17-04 By : BZEIGLER Built Up Rafter - RAF01 T/L B/R T/L B/R Flange Flange Web Load Axial Axial�.-ent Bend Bend Section Mat'l Mat'l Mat'l Comb Loc Rips Ratio Fi-kip Ratio Ratio •---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 F6.25 F6.25 W175 12 7 0.1 0.00 66.9 . 0.44 0.38 2 F6.25 F6.25 W175 12 8 1.4 0.01 66.9 0.44 0.38 Chkpt 1 7 8 11 Depth 28.50 28.50 28.50 Section 1 1 1 2 1 ---------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------- width thick Fy I width thick Fy ---------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ T/L Fig I 6.0 0.2500 55.00 I 6.0 0.2500 55.00 Web I 0.1750 55.00 IJ 0.1750 55.00 B/R Fig 6.0 0.2500 55.00 6.0 0.2500 55.00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------' Built Up Rafter - RAF02 T/L B/R T/L B/R Flange Flange Web Load Axial Axial loment Bend Bend Section Mat'l Hat-1 Mat'l Comb Loa Rips Ratio Fi-kip Ratio Ratio __________________________________________________________________________________ 1 F625 F6.25 W175 1 12 -0.4 0.01 -23.3 0.13 0.18 2 F6..25 F6.25 W175 12 19 5.3 0.02 26.8 0.18 0.15 Chkpt 12 - 18 19 23 Depth 28.50 28.50 28.50 Section 1 1 1 2 1 __________________________________________________________________________________ width thick Fy I width thick Fy ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- T/L Fig 6.0 0.2500 55.00 6.0 0.2500 55.00 Web 0.1750 55.00 0.1750 55.00 500 B/R Fig 6.0 0.255.00 6.0 0.2500 55.00 - Built Up Rafter - RAF03 T/L B/R T/L B/R Flange Flange Web Load Axial Axial Moment Bend Bend Section Nat'l Mat'l Mat'l Comb Loc Kips Ratio Ft -kip Ratio Ratio ----------------------------------------------------------- _______________________ 1 F6.25 F6.25 W175 10 28 -0.2 0.00 30.3 0.20 0.17 2 F6.25 F6.25 W175 10 , 29 -3.8 0.02 27.2 0.18 0.15 Chkpt 24 28 29 35 Depth 28.50 28.50 28.50 Section I I 1 2 1 ------------------------------------'--------------------------------------------' ----------I width thick--- Fy I width thick Fy ------------------------- T/L Fig I 6.0 0.2500 55.00 I 6.0 0.2500 55.00 Web l 0.1750 55.00 II 0.1750 55.00 B/R Fig 6.0 0.2500 55.00 6.0 0.2500 55.00 Built Up Rafter - RAF04 T/L B/R T/L B/R Flange Flange Web Load Axial Axial Moment Bend Bend section Mat'l Mat'l Mat'l Comb Loc Kips Ratio Fi-kip Ratio Ratio ---------------------------------------------------------- �----------------------- 1 F6.25 F6.25 W175 12 39 7.2 0.03 73.0 0.48 0.41 2 F6.25 F6.25 W175 12 40 5.8 0.02 73.0 0.49 0.41 Chkpt 36 39 40 46 Depth 28.50 28.50 28.50 Section 1 2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- width thick Fy i width thick Fy ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Web 0.1750 55.00 0.1750 55.00 B/R Fig 6.0 0.2500 55.00 6.0 0.2500 55.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------I Wide Flange Members ks Page: 1 File: E02A Max ------------- I SHEAR -------------- Unity Load Force Shear Flow (k/in Check Comb Loc Rips Ratio T/L B/R -------------------------------------------------- 0.44 12 6b 7.57 0.47 0.17 0.17 0.44 12 9a -8.23 0.47 0.19 0.19 Max_____________ SHEAR -------------- Unity Load Force Shear Flow (k/in) Check Comb Loc Kips Ratio T/L B/R __________________________________________________ 018 12 13a -5.61 0.35 0.13 0.13 0..18 __________________________________________________ -------------------------------------------------- 10 20a -6.23 0.38 0.14 0.14 -------------------------------------------------- Max ------------- SHEAR -------------- Unity Load Force Shear Flow (k/in) Check Comb Loc Kips Ratio T/L B/R ----------------------------------- 0.20 10 27b 6.52 _______________ 0.40 0.15 0.15 0.20 10 30a -5.96 0.37 0.14 0.14 -------------------------------------------------- Max ------------- SHEAR -------------- Unity Load Force Shear Flow (k/in) Check Comb Loc Kips Ratio T/L B/R -------------------------------------------------- 0.48 12 38b 8.23 0.47 0.19 0.19 0.48 12 41a -8.24 0.51 0.19 0.19 .. Shipping Mat'l Load Axial Axial Moment Bend Max Length Code ID Fy Comb Loc Kips Ratio Ft -kip Ratio Ratio -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- P COL01 WF818 W ex 18 50.0 12 411 0.0 0.00 -1.1 0.01 0.01 COL02 WF818 W a 18 50.0 12 54a 15.7 0.10 -18.5 0.49 0.59 COL03 WF924 W 8x 24 50:0 12 6 0 a 11.6 0.05 -29.90.57 0.63 COL04 WF824 W 8x 24 50.0 12 66a 10.5 0.05 -29.9 0.57 0.62 COL05 WF818 W a 18 50.0 12 72a 16.4 0.10 -18.5 0.49 0.59 COL06 WF818 W Bx 18. 50.0 12 77b 0.0 0.00 -0.5 0.01 0.01 Frame Weight (lbs) = 4911 Deflections (in): 10 yr Wind dx -0.10 = H/1062 LONG. WIND 1 TO FRONT Maximum dx = -0.12 = H/ 861 0.60SW+0.60RDL+WSF' Maximum dy = 0.73 = L/ 261 @ MOD 5, 0.60SW+0.60RDL+W5F1 Max. Live dy = -0.38 = L/ 0 @ MOD 0, SW+RDL+COL+RLL+RLW E/W col dx = 0.63 = L/ 334 @ COL03, 0.60SW+0..60RDL+W5F', --------------------------------------------- Load Shear Shear Comb Loc Kips Ratio --------------------------------------------- 12 50b 0.23 0.01 12- 56b 4.46 0.12 .12 62b 5.02 0.13 12 68b 5.02 0.13 12 74b 4.46 0.12 12 79b 0.23 0.01 NUCOR BUILDING SYSTEMS Job # S4J0148A . Job Name: CLASSIC TRUSS Frame FO1 FRAME LINE 2-12 Date 3/11/04 Designer: BZEIGLER File : FO1 -------------------------------- F R A M E D E S C R I P T I O N -------------------------------- Frame type : RCG Frame width : 90.00 Ft. Bay width : 25.00 Ft. LEFT RIGHT Dim to ridge 45.00 Ft. 45.00 Ft. Roof slope 1.00/12-1.00/12 Eave height 18.00 Ft. 18.00 Ft. Girt offset 8.00 In. 8.00 In. Typ. Girt spacing s 5.00 Ft. Purlin offset 8.00 In. 8.00 In. TyE. Purlin spacing: 5.00 Ft. Col. spacing 90.0000 Supports / Spring Constants COLO1 - Bottom V H COL02 - Bottom V H Column Bracing: WP1 Girt Brace N N N Flange Brace 0 0 0 Location (ft): 7.5 12.5 15.2 WP2 Girt Brace N N N Flange Brace 0 0 0 Location (ft): 7.5 12.5 15.2 Other Braces: Column Left Brace Right Brace Location (ft): ------------- - L O A D I N G C O N D I T I ----------------------------------------- - O N S -- Building Code & Year : FLBC - 2001 1986/1996 MBMA occupancy class : 1/2 L 0 A D S (Psf) Roof Dead load 2.50 Roof Coll load 5.00 Roof Live load 12.00 Roof Snow load 0.00 Floor dead load : 0.00 Floor live load : 0.00 Ground Snow load: 0.00 Ce = 0.90 Seismic zone 0 Wind speed : 130.00 Mph Exp. : B I r Wind pressure 25.76 P.sf Building is Open Wind pressure coefficients Cl C2 C3 C4I I W1R 0.750 -0.500 -0.500 -0.756 W1L -0.750 -0.500 -0.500 0.750 W2R 0.750 -0.200 -0.600 -0.756 W2L -0.750 -0.600 -0.200 0.756 W5B -0.750-0..500 -0.500 -0.756 Tributary widths Panel Trib. Width (ft) . WP1 ' 1.00 I WP2 1.00 RP1 25.00 RP2 1 25.00 ----------------------------- P R O G R A M- A P P L I E D Load On Start End Case Panel Load Load r Klf Klf RDL RP1 -0.062 -0.062 RDL RP2 -0.062 -0.062 COL RP1 -0.125 -0.125 COL RP2 -0.125 -0.125 RLL RP1 -0.300 -0300 RLR RP2 -0.300 -0..300 WiR WP1 0.019 0.019 W1R WP2 0.019 0.019 W1R RP1 -0.322 -0.322 W1R RP2 -0.322 -0.322 W1L WP1 -0.019 -0.019 WU WP2 -0.019 -0.019 WU RP1 -0.322 -0.322 W1L RP2 -0.322 -0.322 W2R WPi 0.019 0.019 W2R WP2 0.019 0.019 W2R RP1 _-0.129 -0.129 W2R RP2 -0.386 -0.386 W2L WP1 -0.019 -0.019 W2L WP2 -0.019 -0.019 W2L RP1 -0.386 -0.386 W2L RP2 -0.129 -0.129 W5B WP1 -0.019 -0.019 W5B WP2 0.019 0.019 W5B RP1 -0.322 -0.322 W5B RP2 -0.322 -0.322 ----------------------- U S E R- A P P L I E D ----------------------- Load On Hor. Case Mem Kips RDL COL01 0.000 RDL COL02 0.000 COL COLO1 0.000 COL COL02 0.000 RLL COL01 0.000 RLR COL02 0.000 W1R COL01 0.000 W1R COL02 0.000 W1R SPAN1 4.580 W1L COLO1 0.000 W1L COL02 0.000 W1L SPAN1 -4.580 W2R COL01 0.000 W2R COL02 0.000 W2R SPAN1 4.580 W2L COL01 0.000 _ W2L COL02 0.000 W2L SPAN1 -4.580 L O A D S Start Loc Ft. 0.000 45.000 0.000 45.000 0.000 45.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 45.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 45.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 45.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 45.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 45.000 L O A D S Vert. Kips -2.100 -2.100 -2.000 -2.000 -8.000 -8.000 14.100 14.100 0.000 14.100 14.100 0.000 14.100 14.100 0.000 14.100 14.100 0.000 -------------------------------- L O A D C O M B I N A T I O N S Moment K-Ft. 26.950 -26.950 19.633 -19.633 78.633 -78.633 -138.950 138.950 -0.000 -138.950 138.950 0.000 -138.950 138.950 -0.000 -138.950 138.950 0.000 45'.000 90.000 45.000 90.000 45''.000 .000 N.000 18.000 45'.000 90.000 1� 000 1 .000 4 .000 90.000 18.000 18.000 41.000 90.000 18.000 18.000 45.000 90.000 18.000 18.000 45.000 90.000 17I.000 17.000 1J7J.000 17�.000 17.000 17.000 7.000 17.000 5.000 17.000 17.000 30.000 17.000 17,.000 5.000 17.000 17.000 36.000 Special Load # C-1 C-8 C-2 C-9 C-3 C-10 C-4 C-11 C-15 C-5 C-12 C-17 C-6 C-13 C-16 C-7 C-14 C-18 ASR Cases 1) 1.00 SW + RDL + COL + RLL + RLR 2) 1.00 0.60SW + 0.60RDL + W1L 3) 1.00 0.60SW + 0.60RDL + W2L 4) 1.00 0.60SW + 0.60RDL + W1R 5) 1.00 0.60SW + 0.60RDL + W2R 6) 1.00 SW + RDL + COL + 0.75RLL + 0.75RLR�+ 0.75W1L 7) 1.00 SW + RDL + COL + 0.75RLL + 0.75RLRI+ 0.75W2L 8) 1.00 SW + RDL + COL + 0.75RLL + 0.75RLRi+ 0.75W1R 9) 1.00 SW + RDL + COL + 0.75RLL + 0.75RLRI+ 0.75W2R 10) 1.00 0.60SW + 0.60RDL + W5B 11) 1.00 SW + RDL + COL + 0.75RLL + 0.75RLR + 0.75W5B Description Canopy Canopy Canopy Canopy Canopy Canopy Canopy Canopy Tie -Back Canopy Canopy Tie -Back Canopy Canopy Tie -Back Canopy Canopy Tie -Back Oam CP4.l0'PI4 L.'-'Azt>S b� 0 Job : S4J0148A CLASSIC TRUSS NUCOR BUILDING SYSTEMS Date: 03-17-04 Page: 7 Frame: FO1 FRAME LINE 2-12 By : BZEIGLER File: FO1 •.. DESIGN SUMMARY REPORT •t• ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 'Bu_ilt Up Rafter - RAFO1 T/L B/R T/L B/R Max ------------- SHEAR . -------------- Flange Flange Web Load Axial Axial Moment Bend Bend Unity Load . Force Shear Flow (k/in) Section Mat'l Mat'l Mat'l Comb Lac Kips Ratio Ft -kip Ratio Ratio Check Comb Lac Kips Ratio T/L B/R ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1 F6.38 F6.38 W200 1 1 -16.3 0.06 -300.3 0.89 0.96 1.D0 1 4a 17.66 0.02 0.43 0.43 Chkpt 1 6 Depth 36.75 24.75 Section I 1 --------------------------------------------------- -------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ width thick Fy T/L Flg 6.0 0.3750 55.00 Web 0.2000 55..00 B/R Flg 6.0 0.3750 55.00 ------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Built Up Rafter - RAF02 T/I. B/R T/L B/R Max ------------- SHEAR -------------- Flange Flange Web Load Axial Axial Moment Bend Bend Unity Load Force Shear Flow (k/in) Section Mat'l Mat'l Mat'l Comb Lac Kips Ratio Ft�kip Ratio Ratio Check Comb Lac Kips Ratio T/L B/R ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1 F625 F6.25 W175 5 7 1.3 0.01 93.3 0.74 0.65 0.74 1 7 13.42 0.71 0.41 0.41 2 F6..25 F6.25 W150 1 16 -14.0 0.10 91.9 0.78 0.67 0.85 1 13 5.82 0.49 0.17 0.17 Chkpt 7 12 13 17 Depth 24.50 - 24.50 24.50 section 1 1 1 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ width thick Fy I width thick Fy T/L Flg 6.0 0.2500 55.00 6.0 0.2500 55.00 Web 0.1750 55.00 0.1500 55.00 B/R Flg 6.0 0.2500 55.00 6.0 0.2500 55.00 r Built Up Rafter - RAF03 T/L B/R T/L B/R Max ------------- SHEAR -------------- Flange Flange Web Load Axial Axial Moment Bend Bend Unity Load Force Shear Flow (k/in) Section Mat'l Mat'l Mat'l Comb Lac Kips Ratio Ft -kip Ratio Ratio Check Comb Lac Kips Ratio T/L B/R __________________________________________________________J___-____________________________________________ _______--_--_-__________- 1 F5.25 F5.25 W125 1 19 -14.0 0.13 92.2 0.89 0.80 0.97 1 22 5.83 0.84 0.17 0.17 2 F5.25 F5.25 W175 9 27 -11.4 0.21 -66.5 0.52 0.85 0.96 1 27 -13.40 0.71 0.39 0.39 Chkpt 18 22 23 27 Depth 24.5'0 '• 24.50 24.50 section 1 1 1 2 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ width thick Fy I width thick Fy I I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ T/L Flg 5.0 0.2500 55.00 I 5.0 0.2500 55.00 Web 0.1250 55.00 II 0.1750 55.00 B/R Flg _ 5.0 0.2500 55.00 5.0 0.2500 55.00 --- ---- ---- -- Built Up Rafter - RAF04 T/L B/R T/L B/R Max ------------- SHEAR -------------- Flange Flange Web Load Axial Axial Moment Bend Bend Unity Load Force Shear Flow (k/in) Section Mat'l Mat'l Mat'l Comb Lac Kips Ratio Ft -kip Ratio Ratio Check Comb Lac Kips Ratio T/L B/R1 _____________________________________________________________-_-_________-_____________-_--___-____-_______-____________-__________ 1 F6.38 F6.38 W200 1 32 -16.3 0.06 i300.4 0.89 0.96 1.00 1 30b -17.65 0.82 0.43 0.43 Chkpt 28 32 Depth 24.75 36.75 Section I 1 width thick Fy ---------------------------------------------------- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- T/L Flg 6.0 0.3750 55.00 �. Web 0.2000 55.00 B/R Flg 6.0 0.3750 55.00 Built Up Column - COLO1 T/L B/R T/L B/R Max ------------- SHEAR -------------- Flange Flange Web Load Axial Axial Moment Bend Bend Unity Load Force Shear Flow (k/in) Section Mat'l Mat'l Mat'l Comb Lac Kips Ratio F't-kip Ratio Ratio Check Comb Lac Kips Ratio T/L B/R ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1 F8.50 F8.38 W200 1 37 -35.8 0.24 1-182.5 0.46 0.68 0.82 1 37 -12.57 0.55 0.70 0.63 I Chkpt 33 37 Depth 16.88 30.B9 Section 1 1 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ width thick Fy I I T/L Flg 8.0 0.5000 55.00 Web 1 0.2000 55.00 B/R F1g 8.0 0.3750 55.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Built Up Column - COL02 T/L B/R T/L B/R Max ------------- SHEAR -------------- Flange Flange Web Load Axial Axial ,Moment Bend Bend Unity Load Force Shear Flow (k/in) Section Mat'l Mat'l Mat'l Comb Loa Kips Ratio Ft -kip Ratio Ratio Check Comb Lac Kips Ratio T/L B/R --------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1' F8.38 F8.50 W200 1 42 -35.8 0.24 182.6 0.6B 0.46 '0.82 1 42 12.57 0.55 0.63 0.7D Job : S4J0148A CLASSIC TRUSS 1; Frame FO1 FRAME LINE 2-12 — DESIGN SUMMARY REPORT •t• -------------------------------------------------- Chkpt 38 42 _________ Depth 16.08 30.88 Section I 1 ------------------------------------------------------------ width thick Fy --------------------------------------- T/L Flg I 8.0 0.3750 55.00 -------------------- Web 0200D 1, 00 I . Ij B/R Flg 8.0 ---------------------------------------------------------"' 0..5000 55.00 Frame Weight (lbs) = 3414 Deflections (in): 10 yr Wind dx = 1.07 = N/ 164 WIND CASE 2 TO RIG. Maximum dx = 1.39 = N/ 126 O.60SW+0.60RDL+W2R Maximum dy = -3.96 = L/ 262 @ MOD 1, SW+RDL+COL+RLL+RLR Max. Live dy = -2.31 L/ 448 @ MOD 1, SW+RDL+COL+RLL+RLR BUILDING SYSTEMS _r_______________________ Date: 03-17-04 Page: 2 By : BZEIGLER File: FO1 .__________- _________________ NUCOR BUILDING SYSTEMS Job # : S4J0148A Job Name: CLASSIC TRUSS Frame : F01A FRAME LINE 2-12 W/ FUTURE GIRTS Date : 3/11/04 Designer: BZEIGLER File F01A -------------------------------- F R A M E D E S C R I P T I O N -------------------------------- Frame type : RCG Frame width 90.00 Ft. Bay width 25.00 Ft. LEFT RIGHT Dim to ridge 45.00 Ft. 45.00 Ft. Roof slope 1.00/12 -1.00/12 Eave height 18.00 Ft. 18.00 Ft. Girt offset 8.00 In. 8.00 In. Typ. Purlin offset 8.00 In. 8.00 In. Typ, Col. spacing 90.0000 Supports / Spring Constants COL01 - Bottom V H COL02 - Bottom V H Column Bracing: WP1 Girt Brace Y Y N Flange Brace 1 2 0 Location (ft): 7.5 12.5 15.2 WP2 Girt Brace Y Y N Flange Brace 1 2 0 Location (ft): 7.5 12.5 15.2 Other Braces: Column Left Brace Right Brace Location (ft): ----------------------------------------- L O A D I N G C O N D I T ----------------------------------------- I O N S Building Code & Year : FLBC - 2001 1986/1996 MBMA occupancy class : 1/2 L O A D S (Psf) Roof Dead load 2.50 Roof Coll load 5.00 Roof Live load 12.00 Roof Snow load 0.00 Floor dead load 0.00 Floor live load 0.00 Ground Snow load: 0.00 Ce = 0.90 Seismic zone 0 ' Wind speed : 130.00 Mph Exp. : B Wind pressure 25.76 Psf Building is. Enclosed Wind pressure coefficients • Cl C2 C3 C4 W1R 0.580 -0.510 -0.190 -0.110 , W1L -0.110 -0.190 -0.510 0.580 W2R 0.220 -0.870 -0.550 -0.470 W2L -0.470 -0.550 -0.870 0.220 W5B -0.270 -0.510 -0.190 -0.270 W5F -0.270 -0.190 -0.510 -0.270 W6B -0.630 '-0.870 -0.550 -0.630 W6F -0.630 -0.550 -0.870 -0.630 Tributary Widths Panel Trib. Width (ft) Girt spacing 5.00 Ft. Purlin spacing: 5.00 Ft. WP1 2500 WP2 25..00 RP1 25.00 RP2 25.00 ---------------- =---------------- -------- P R O G R A M- A P P L I E D L 0 A D S ------------------- ---------------------- ' Load On Start End Start Case Panel Load Load Loc Klf Klf Ft. RDL RP1 -0.062 -0.062 0.000 RDL RP2 -0.062 -0.062 45.000 COL RP1 -0.125 -0.125 0.000 COL RP2 -0.125 -0.125 45.000 RLL RP1 -0.300 -0.300 0.000 RLR RP2 -0.300 -0.300 45.000 W1R WP1 0.374 0.374 0.000 W1R WP2 0.071 0.071 0.000 W1R RP1 -0.328 -0.328 0.000 W1R RP2 -0.122 -0.122 45.000 W1L WP1 -0.071 -0.071 0.0.00 W1L WP2 -0.374 -0.374 0.000 W1L RP1 -0.122 -0.122 0.000 W1L RP2 _-0.328 -0.328 45.000 W2R WP1 0.142 0.142 0.000 W2R WP2 0.303 0.303 0.000 W2R RP1 -0.560 -0.560 0.000 W2R RP2 -0.354 -0.354 45.000 W2L WP1 -0.303 -0.303 0.000 W2L WP2 -0.142 -0.142 0.000 W2L RP1 -0.354 -0.354 0.000 W2L RP2 -0.560 -0.560 45.000 W5B WP1 -0.174 -0.174 0.000 W5B WP2 0.174 0.174 0.000 W5B RP1 -0.328 -0.328 0.000 W5B RP2 -0.122 -0.122 45.000 W5F WP1 -0.174 -0.174 0.000 W5F WP2 0.174 0.174 0.000 W5F RP1 -0.122 -0.122 0.000 W5F RP2 -0.328 -0.328 45.000 W6B WP1 -0.406 -0.406 0.000 W6B WP2 0.406 0.406 0.000 W6B RP1 -0.560 -0.560 0.000 W6B RP2 -0.354 -0.354 45.000 W6F WP1 -0.406 -0.406 0.000 W6F WP2 0.406 0.406 0.000 W6F RP1 -0.354 -0.354 0.000 W6F RP2 -0.560 -0.560 45.000 ----------------------------------------- U S E R- A P P L I E D L 0 A D S ----------------------------------------- Load On Hor. Vert. Moment Case Mem Kips Kips K-Ft. RDL COLO1 0.000 -2.100 27.125 RDL COL02 0.000 -2.100-27.125 COL COL01 0.000 -2.000 19.800 COL COL02 0.000 -2.000-19.800 RLL COL01 0.000 -8.000 79.300 RLR COL02 0.000 -8.000-79.300 W1R COL01 0.000 14.100-140.125 W1R COL02 0.000 14.100 140.125 W1R SPAN1 4.580 0.000 -0.000 W1L COL01 0.000 14.100-140.125 W1L COL02 0.000 14.100 140.125 W1L SPAN1 -4.580 0.000 0.000 W2R COL01 0.000 14.100-140.125 W2R COL02 0.000 14.100 140.125 W2R SPAN1 4.580 0.000 -0.000 • W2L COL01 0.000 14.100-140.125 W2L COL02 0.000 14.100 140.125 W2L SPAN1 -4.580 0.000 0.000 ----------------------------------------- L O A DC O M B I N A T I O N S ----------------------------------------- ASR Cases 1) 1.00 SW + RDL + COL + RLL + RLR 2) 1.00 0.60SW + 0.60RDL + W1L 3) 1.00 0.60SW + 0.60RDL + W2L 4) 1.00 0.60SW + 0.60RDL + W1R 5) 1.00 0.60SW + 0.60RDL + W2R Ft. 45L000 90L000 451 000 90r000 451.000 90,.000 18.000 1E 000 45.000 90.000 18.000 18.000 45.000 90.000 18.000 18.000 45.000 90.000 18.000 18.000 45.000 90j.000 18.000 18'.000 451.000 90.000 18.000 16.000 45.000 90.000 18.000 18.000 45.000 90.000 18.000 18.000 45.000 90.000 I L Ic Ft. 17.000 17I.000 17,.000 17,.000 17.000 17.000 17.000 17,.000 5:000 17.000 17.000 36.000 17.000 17.000 5.000 17.000 17.000 30.000 Special Load # Description C-1 Canopy C-8 Canopy C-2 Canopy C-9 Canopy C-3 Canopy C-10 Canopy C-4 Canopy C-11 Canopy C-15 Tie -Back C-5 Canopy C-12 Canopy C-17 Tie -Back C-6 Canopy C-13 Canopy C-16 Tie -Back C-7 Canopy C-14 Canopy C-18 Tie -Back 6) 1.00 SW + RDL + COL + 0.75RLL + 0.75RLR 7) 1.00 SW + RDL + COL + 0.75RLL + 0.75RLR 8) 1.00 SW + RDL + COL + 0.75RLL + 0.75RLR 9p 1.00 SW + RDL + COL +,0.75RLL + 0.75RLR . 10) 1.00 0.60SW + 0.60RDL + W5B 11) 1.00 0.60SW + 0.60RDL + W6B 12) 1.00 0.60SW + 0.60RDL +.W5F 13) 1.00 0.60SW + 0.60RDL + W6F 14) 1.00 SW + RDL + COL + 0.75RLL + 0.75RLR ' 15) 1.00 SW + RDL + COL + 0.75RLL+ 0.75RLR 16) 1.00 SW + RDL + COL + 0.75RLL + 0.75RLR 17) 1.00 SW + RDL +'COL + 0.75RLL + 0.75RLR 0.75W1L 0.75W2L 0.75W1R 0.75W2R 0.75W5B 0.75W6B 0.75W5F 0.75W6F Job : S4JO148A CLASSIC TRUSS NdCOR BUILDING SYSTEMS Frame: FOIA FRAME LINE 2-12 W/ FUTURE GIRTS *** DESIGN SUMMARY REPORT *** _________________________________________________________________________________ Built Up Rafter - RAF01 T/L. B/R T/L B/R Flange Flange Web Load Axial Axial Moment Bend Bend Section Mat'l Mat'l Mat'l Comb Lee Kips Ratio Ft lkip Ratio Ratio ------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------- 1 1 F6.38 F6.38 W200 1 1 -16.2 0.06 -300.5 0.89 0.96 Chkpt 1 6 Depth 36.75 24.75 Section 1 1 1 Date: 03-17-04 Page: v By : BZEIGLER File: FOlA 'Max _____________ SHEAR ______________ Unity Load Force Shear Flow (k/in) Check Comb Lee Kips Ratio T/L B/R -_--______________________________________________ 1.00 1 4a 17.67 0.82 0.43. 0.43 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ width thick Fy T/L Flg 6.0 0.3750 55.00 Web 0.2000 55.00 B/R Flg 6.0 0.3750 55.00 Built Up Rafter - RAF02 T/L B/R T/L B/R Max ---- SHEAR. -------------- Flange Flange Web Load Axial Axial Moment Bend Bend Unity Load Force Shear Flow (k/in) Section Mat'l Mat'l Mat'l Comb Lee Kips Ratio Ft skip Ratio Ratio Check Comb Lee Kips Ratio T/L B/R ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 F6.25 F6.25 W175 1 7 -15.0 0.16 -61.8 0.43 0.52 0.62 1 7 13.42 0.71 0.41 0.41 2 F6.25 F6.25 W150 1 16 -14.0 0.10 '91.9 0.78 0.67 0.85 1 13 5.02 0.49 0.18 O.1B Chkpt 7 12 13 17 Depth 24.50 _ 24.50 24.50 Section 1 1 1 2 1 . ` ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ width thick Fy I width thick Fy I I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ T/L Flg 6.0 0.2500 55.00 I 6.0 0.2500 55.00 Web 0.1750 55.00 Il 0.1500 55.00 5.00 B/R Flg 6.0 0.2500 56.0 0.2500 55.00 Built Up Rafter - RAF03 T/L B/R T/L B/R Max ------------- SHEAR -------------- Flange Flange Web Load Axial Axial Moment Bend Bend Unity Load Force Shear Flow (k/in) Section Mat'l Mat'l Mat'l Comb Lee Kips Ratio Ft -kip Ratio Ratio Check Comb Loc Kips Ratio T/L B/R 1 F5.25 F5.25 W125 1 19 -14.0 0.13 I92.3 0.89 0.80 0.97 1 22 -5.83 0.84 0.18 0.18 2 F5.25 F5.25 W175 1 27 -15.0 0.28 -62.0 0.49 0.72 0.92 1 27 -13.41 0.71 0.39 0.39 Chkpt 18 22 23 27 Depth 24.50 24.50 24.50 Section 1 1 2 1 ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------=---- -----__-_-I width thick--- Fy I width thick Fy T/L Flg I 5.0 0.2500 55.00 I 5.0 0.2500 55.00 Web 1 0.1250 55.00 II 0.1750 55.00 500 B/R Flg 5.0 0.255.00 5.0 0.2500 55.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Built Up Rafter - RAF04 T/L B/R T/L B/R Max ------------- SHEAR -------------- Flange Flange Web Load Axial Axial Moment Bend Bend Unity Load Force Shear Flow (k/in) Section Mat'l Mat'l Mat'l Comb Lee Kips Ratio Ft1kip Ratio Ratio Check Comb Lee Kips Ratio T/L B/R 1 F6.38 F6.38 W200 1 32 -16.2 0.06 -300.6 0.89 0.96 1.00 1 30b -17.66 0.82 0.43 0.43 Chkpt 28 32 Depth 24.75 36.75 Section 1 1 1 width thick Fy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ T/L Flg 6.0 0.3751 11.10 Web 0.2000 55.00 B/R Flg----_ 6.0- 0.3750 55.00 ------- Built Up Column - COLOI T/L B/R T/L B/R Max ------------- SHEAR ----------- Flange Flange Flange Web Load Axial Axial Moment Bend Bend Unity Load Force Shear Flow (k/in) Section Mat'l Mat'l Mat'l Comb .Loc Kips Ratio Ft=kip Ratio Ratio Check Comb Lee Kips Ratio T/L B/R ----------------------------------------------------------- ________________________________________________________________________ 1 F8.50 F8.38 W200 13 37 15.3 0.04 227.2 0.58 0.67 0.70 13 37 18.28 0.80 0.79 0.72 Chkpt 33 37 Depth 16.88 30.88 Section 1 1 -----------------------------------------------------------'--------------------------------------------- width- thick- Fy T/L Flg B.0 0.5000 55.00 . Web 0.2000 55.00 B/R Flg 8.0 0.3750 55.00 Built Up Column - COL02 T/L B/R T/L B/R Max ------------- SHEAR -------------- Flange Flange Web Load Axial Axial Moment Bend Bend Unity Load Force Shear Flow (k/in) Section Mat'l Mat'l Mat'l Comb Lee Kips Ratio FtLkip Ratio Ratio Check Comb Lee Kips Ratio T/L B/R ------------------------------------------------`---------- L ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 F8.38 F8.50 W200 11 42 15.4. 0.04 =225.5 0.66 0.58 0.70 11 42 -18.16 0.80 , 0.71 0.78 Job : S4J0148A CLASSIC TRUSS NUCOR BUILDING SYSTEMS Frame: F01A FRAME LINE 2-12 W/ FUTURE GIRTS — DESIGN SUMMARY REPORT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- �Chkpt 38 42 Depth 16.88 30.88 . section I 1 Date: 03-17-04 Page: By HZEIGLER File: FOlA ------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- width thick Fy T/L Flg 8.0 0.3750 55.00 Web 0.2000 55.00 B/R Flg 8.0 0.5000 55.00 ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ Frame Weight (lbs) = 3414 Deflections (in). 10 yr Wind dx = 0.69 H/ 252 WIND CASE 2 TO AIGBT Maximum dx = 0.89 = H/ 196 0.60SW+0.60RDL+W2R Maximum dy = -3.95 = L/ 262 @ MOD 1, SW+RDL+COL+RLL+RLR Max. Live dy = -2.31 = L/ 448 @ MOD 1, SW+RDL+COL+RLL+RLR NUCOR BUILDING SYSTEMS Job # : S4J0148A Job Name: CLASSIC TRUSS ` Frame F02 LEAN TO Date : 3/11/04 Designer: BZEIGLER File F02 Y - - ----- ----- - - - -- - - - ---- -- --- --- F R A M E D E S C R I P T I O N -------------------------------- Frame type : LCS Frame width 18.67 Ft. Bay width 13.83 Ft. LEFT RIGHT Dim to ridge 18.67 Ft.' 0.00 Ft. Roof slope 1.00/12 0.00/12 Eave height 16.44 Ft. 18.00 Ft. Girt offset 8.00 In. 8.00 In. Typ, Purlin offset 8.00 In. 8.00 In. Typ. Col. spacing 18.6667 Supports / Spring Constants COL01 - Bottom V H COL02 - Top H Bottom V H Column Bracing: WP1 Girt Brace N N Flange Brace 0 0 Location (ft): 7.5 12.5 Other Braces: Column Left Brace Right Brace Location (ft): ----------------------------------------- L O A D I N G C O N D I T I O N S ----------------------------------------- Building Code & Year : FLBC - 2001 1986/1996 MBMA occupancy class : 1/2 L 0 A D S (Psf) I Roof Dead load 2.50 Roof Coll load 5.00 Roof Live load 20.00 Roof Snow load 0.00 Floor dead load 0.00 Floor live load : 0.00 Ground Snow load: 0.00 Ce = 0.90 Seismic zone 0 Wind speed 130.00 Mph Exp. : B Wind pressure 25.76 Psf Building is Open _ Wind pressure coefficients + C1 C2 C3 C4 W1R 0.750 -0.500 -0.500 -0.750 W1L -0.750 -0.500 -0.500 0.756 W2R 0.750 -0.200 -0.600 -0.756 W2L -0.750 -0.600 -0.200 0.750 W5B -0.750 -0.500 -0.500 -0.756 1 Tributary Widths Panel Trib. Width (ft) WP1 13.83 RP1 13.83 ----------------------------------------- P R O G R A M- A P P L I E D L 0 A D S ----=------------------------------------ iGirt spacing 5.00 Ft. j Purlin spacing: 3.50 Ft. Load On Start End Start End Case Panel Load Load Loc Loc Klf Klf Ft. Ft. RDL RP1 -0.035 -0.035 0.000 18.667 COL RP1 -0.069 -0.069 0.000 18.667 RLL RP1 -0.277 -0.277 0.000 186167 wiltWP1 0.267 0.267 0.000 16:4143 W1R RP1 -0.178 -0.178 0.000 18.6'67 W1L WP1 -0.267 -0.267 0.000 16.!43 W1L RP1 -0.178 -0.178 0.000 18.�67 W2R WP1 0.267 0.267 0.000 16.J43 W2R RP1 -0.071 -0.071 0.000 18.667 W2L WP1 -0.267 -0.267 0.000 16.443 W2L RP1 -0.214 -0.214 0.000 18.667 W5B WP1 -0.267 -0.267 0.000 16.443 W5B RP1 -0.178 -0.178 0.000 18.667 L O A D C 0 M B I N A T I 0 N S ASR Cases 1) 1.00 SW + RDL + COL + RLL 2) 1.00 0.60SW + 0.60RDL + W1L 3) 1.00 0.60SW_+ 0.60RDL + W2L 4) 1.00 0.60SW + 0.60RDL + W1R 5) 1.00 0.60SW + 0.60RDL + W2R 6) 1.00 SW + RDL + COL + 0.75RLL + 0.75W1L 7) 1.00 SW + RDL + COL + 0.75RLL + 0.75W2L 8) 1.00 SW + RDL + COL + 0.75RLL + 0.75W1R 9) 1.00 SW + RDL + COL + 0.75RLL + 0.75W2R 10) 1.00 0.60SW + 0.60RDL + W5B 11) 1.00 SW + RDL + COL + 0.75RLL + 0.75W5B I MAI Job S4J0148A CLASSIC TRUSS NUCOR BUILDING SYSTEMS Frame: F02 LEAN TO - DESIGN SUMMARY REPORT I -------------------------------------------------------------------------------. -Built Up Rafter - RAFO1 T/L B/R T/L B/R Flange Flange Web Load Axial Axial Moment Bend Bend Section Mat'l Mat'l Mat'l Comb Loc Kips Ratio Ft -kip Ratio '------------- Ratio ------------------------------------------------------------ 1 F5.25 F5.25 W125 1 4 0.0 0.00 ------- �5.1 0.32 0.31 Chkpt 1 7 Depth 12.50 12.50 Section I 1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- width thick Fy -------------------------------------------------- T/L Flg 5.0 0.2500 15.10 --------------------- Web 0.1250 55.00 B/R F1g 5.0 0.2500 55.00 ------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------- Built Up Column - COLO1 I T/L B/R T/L B/R Flange Flange Web Load Axial Axial Moment Bend Bend Section Mat'l Mat'l Mat'l Comb Loc Kips Ratio Ft -kip Ratio Ratio --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 F5.25 F5.25 W125 4 10 1.2 0.01 1 7.6 0.54 , 0.15 Chkpt 8 12 Depth 12.50 12.50 Section :-1 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- width thick Fy --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- T/L F1g l 5.0 0.2500 55.00 b 0.1250 55:00 weR II Flg 5.0 0 B/.2500 55.00 ------------------------- ----------------------------------------- Built Up Column - COL02 Date: 03-17-04 By : BZEIGLER Page: 11 `- File: F02 max ------------- SHEAR -------------- Unity Load Force Shear Flow (k/in) Check Comb Loc Kips Ratio T/L B/R .------------------------------------------------- 0.32 1 7 -3.40 0.24 0.23 0.23 Max ------------- SHEAR -------------- Unity Load Force Shear Flow (k/in) Check Comb Loc Kips Ratio T/L B/R -------------------------------------------------- 0.54 4 llb -1.86 0.13 0.13 0.13 T/L B/R T/L B/R Max ------------- SHEAR -------------- Flange Flange Web Load Axial Axial oment Bend Bend Unity Load Force Shear Flow (k/in) Section Mat'l Mat'l Hat'l Comb Loc Kips Ratio Ft -kip Ratio Ratio Check Comb Loc Kips Ratio T/L B/R ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 F5.25 F5.25 W125 1 13 -3.4 0.03 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.03 1 14 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Chkpt 13 14 I Depth 12.50 12.50 section 11 1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------- width thick Fy j ----------------------- --------------------------------------------------------- T/L F1g l 5.0 0.2500 55.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Web 0.1250 55.00 II B/R F1g 5.0 0.2500 55.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Frame Weight (lbs) 466 I Deflections (in): I Maximum dy = -0.25 = L/ 828 @ MOD 1, SW+RDL+COL+RLL Max. Live dy = -0.18 = L/1181 @ HOD 1, SW+RDL+COL+RLL Lean -To Connection Des Frame(s) at Line(s) 3-4 Lean-to Rafter to Column Attachment Max. Compression Load:j 5 kips Max. Tension Load: 5 kips Lean -To Rafter Properties: Total Depth, (d) = 12.00 in. Flange. Width, (bf) = 5.00 in. Flange Thickness, (tf) = 0.250 in. Web Thickness, (tw) = 0.125 in. Yield Stress, (Fyr) = 55 ksi Unbraced Length, (1) = 42 in. Bearing. Length, (N) = 12.00 in. Dist. to End of Rafter = 8.00 in. ,. Lean-to Rafter to Main Column Attachment Max. Vertical Load: 5 kips Main Frame Properties: Column FI. Thickness, (in) = gn Sheets.xls N Lean -To Connection' Design Details, Frome(s) at Line(s)' 3-4 Lean -To Rafter to Main Column . Lean -To Rafter to Column Attachment Chec�s Attachment Checks (1) AISC Section K1.2 - Local Flange Bending (1) Check of Bolt Shear Capacity: - Pbf = 8.33 kips Diameter: 0.625" tf > 0.1393 in. (K1-1) OK Type: A325 Shear Strength: 21 ksi (2) AISC Section K1.3 - Local Web Yielding Quantity: 4 R = 5.00 kips Total Allowable Shear: 26 kips k = 0.4375 in. Ratio: 0.194 OK. .66FY = 36 ksi R/(tw(tfb+2tpi+5k) = 3.33 ksi (K1-2) OK (Z) Check of Bolt Bearing Capacity: /(tw(tfb+tpi+2.5k) = 3.33 ksi (K1-3) OK Column Fl. Thickness: 0.50" Plate Thickness: 0.375" (3) AISC Section K1.4 - Web Crippling Bolt Diameter: 0.625" Rauowabie = 22.79 kips (K1-4) OK Fu,plate: 65 ksi Rauowabie = 11.48 kips (K1-5) OK No. of Holes: 4 Total Bearing Capacity: 73 kips (4) AISC Section K1.5 - Sidesway Web Buckling Ratio: 0.068 OK do = 12.0000 in. (dc/two)/(I/bfc) = 1 1.4285714 _ (3) Check of Epl to Raf Web and FI Weld: Rauowabie = Not Required (K1-6) Fillet Weld Leg: 0.1875" Rauowabie = Not Required (K1-7) 'OK OK Weld Yield Strength: 70 ksi Total Length of Weld: 16.00" (5) AISC Section K1.7 - Allowable Shear Stress Weld Strength: 45 kips Web Depth, (h) = 11.50 in. { Ratio: 0.112 OK h/tw = 92.0000 in. a/h = 1.0000 in. kv = 9.3400 (8) Stiffener Geometry For Design C" = 0.8511 Stf Width, (w_stiff) = 3.00 in. OK F„_Column = 16.20 ksi Stf Thickness,. (t_stiff) = 0.25 in. twmin = 0.0257 in. (C-E6-2) OK Yield Stress of Stf, -(Fy_stiff) = 55 ksi Stf Area, (A -stiff) = 1.89"in.A2 (6) AISC Section K1 8 - Stiff. Reg For Conc. Loads Required Stf Area, (A_req) = 0.12 in.A2 Ast = 0.12 in.A2 (K1-9) N.G. Stf Length, (1-stiff) = 11.5000 in. Stf Moment of Inertia, (1-stiff) = 4.50 in.A4 r Stf Effective Length, (KI) = 8.63 in. Stf Radius of Gyration, (r_stiff) = 1.5428 (7) AISC Section E2 - Allowable Stress KI/r = 5.5906 Qs = 1 AISC Equation (E2-1) = 32.55 ksi Cc = 102.0193 AISC Equation (E2-2) = ######## kc = 1.00 Allowable Axial Stress, (Fa) = 32.55 ksi Actual Axial Stress, (fa) = 2.64 ksi Stiffener Ratio = 0.08 NBP Light Gage Analysis - Mac PPC Version 5.240 11/10/03 AISI Spec Year = 19 Input File: POI Summary Report for project name: CLASSIC TRUSS / BZEIGLI ---Span--- Des. Des. Brc. Supp. Lt. Rt. No Length Sect. Grp. 7 Type Lt Rt Lap Lap (in) (in) 1 24.00 08Z105 1 No Top .1 2 ----- 15.00 x comb 2 25.00 OBZ086 2 NO Top 2 3 28.50 15.00 x comb 3 25.00 08ZO86 3 No Top 3 4 15.00 15.00 x comb 4 25.00 OBZ071 4 No Top 4 5 21.75 21.75 x comb 5 25.00 08ZO86 5 No Top 5 6 15.00 15.00 x comb 6 25.00 08ZO76 6 No Top 6 7 15.00 15.00 x comb 7 25.00 08ZO86 7 NO Top 7 8 15.00 15.00 x comb B 25.00 OBZ086 8 No Top 8 9 15.00 15.00 x comb 9 25.00 08ZO86 9 NO Top 9 10 15.00 15.00 x comb 10 25.00 08ZO86 10 No Top 10 11 15.00 15.00 x comb 11 25.00 OBZ086 11 NO Top 11 12 15.00 28.50 x comb 12 24.00 08Z105 12 No Top 12 13 15.00 x comb Max x span comb PURLINS Max. -- Max. Computed Forces --- ----- Maximum Computed Load Ratios - Displ. Axial Shear Moment Moment Ten. Comp. Shear Mom. T&M PeM V&M I(in) --P--(kip, ft) pos_14 neg_M -T----- P----- V----- M------------------- -1.698 0.00 2.03 7.68 -9.20 0.00 0.00 0.15 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.76 i40.6 0.0 280.0 128.9 268.0 0.0 0.0 273.0 128.9 128.9 128.9 128.9 0 6 5 6 0 0 6 5 5 5 5 -1.476 0.00' 1.92 7.47 -9.20 0.00 0.00 0.23 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.80 150.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 285.0 285.0 285.0 285.0 2B5.0 41 0 6 2 6 0 0 7 7 7 7 7 -1.721 0.00 1.09 6.39 -8.51 0.00 0.00 0.24 0.77 0.77 0.77 0.80 150.0 0.0 0.0 300.0 '300.0 0.0 0.0 15.0 150.0 150.0 150.0 285.0 5' 0 7 2 8 0 0 7 5 5 5 8 -1.8L 0.00 1.88 6.39 -8.52 0.00 0.00 0.40 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.93 150.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 300.0 0.0 0.0 21.8 150.0 150.0 150.0 278.2 41 0 8 2 9 0 0 8 4 4 4 9 -1.741 0.00 1.90 6.37 -8.57 0.00 0.00 0.24 0.78 0.78 0.78 0.80 150.0 0.0 300.0 150.0 300.0 0.0 0.0 285.0 150.0 150.0 150.0 285.0 51 0 10 5 10 0 0 10 5 5 5 10 -1.812 0.00 1.88 6.32 -8.57 0.00 0.00 0.34 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.96 150.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 41 0 10 2 10 0 0 10 10 10 10 10 -1.699 0.00 1.89 6.32 -8.60 0.00 0.00 0.24 0.77 0.77 0.77 0.81 150.0 0.0 300.0 300.0 300.0 0.0 0.0 285.0 285.0 285.0 285.0 285.0 51, 0 12 2 12 0 0 12 12 12 12 12 1 -1.670 0.00 1.89 6.32 -B.60 0.00 0.00 0.24 0.77 0.77 0.77 0.81 150.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 41 0 12 2 12 0 0 12 12 12 12 12 -1.657 0.00 1.89 6.40 -8.50 0.00 0.00 0.24 0.77 0.77 0.77 0.81 150.0 0.0 300.0 300.0 300.0 0.0 0.0 285.0 285.0 285.0 285.0 285.0 5 0 14 2 14 0 0 14 14 14 14 14 -1.677 0.00 1.89 6.40 -8.58 0.00 0.00 0.24 0.77 0.77 0.77 0.80 150.0- 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 4 0 14 2 14 0 0 14 14 14 14 14 -1.464 0.00 1.92 7.47 -9.20 0.00 0.00 0.23 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.79 15 .0 0.0 300.0 300.0 300.0 0.0 0.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 5 0 16 2 16 0 0 15 15 15 15 15 -1.694 0.00 2.03 7.67 -9.20 0.00 0.00 0.15 0.76 0.76. 0.76 0.76 147.4 0.0 0.0 159.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 15.0 159.1 159.1 159.1 159.1 4 0 16 4 16 0 0 16 4 4 4 4 Maximum Values on All Spans Diapl. Axial Shear Moment Moment Ten. Comp. Shear Mom. T&H PaM V&M -1.8172 0.00 2.03 7.68 -9.20 0.00 0.00 0.40 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.96 150.0 0.0 288.0 128.9 288.0 0.0 0.0 21.8 150.0 150.0 150.0 15.0 40 1 1 1 0 0 4 4 4 4 6 4 0 6 5 6 0 0 8 4 4 4 10 Support Connection Codes: Support No.--==___ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 WC WC WC WC WC WC WC WC WC WC WC WC WC Vertical Reactions: (kips) - --= ---------== (negative reaction for gravity loads) LoadSupport No. Comb. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 -1.30 -3.79 -3.35 -3.46 -3.43 -3.44 -3.44 -3.44 2 1.14 3.34 2.96 3.05 3.03 3.03 3.03 3.03 3 0.77 2.24 1.98 2.04 2.03 2.03 2.03 2.03 4 -0.20 -2.50 -2.07 -2.23 -2.18 -2.10 -2.20 -2.17 5 -1.45 -2.32 -2.20 -2.17 -2.18 -2.20 -2.17 -2.20 6 -1.27 -3.95 -2.10 -0.80 -0.97 -0.93 -0.94 -0.94 7 -0.25 -2.22 '-3.76 -2.13 -0.79 -0.98 -0.93 -0.94 8 -0.38 -0.88 -2.13 -3.76 -2.16 -0.77 -0.98 -0.93 9 -0.35 -1.08 -0.74 -2.17 -3.76 -2.14 -0.79 -0.98 10 -0.36 -1.02 -0.96 -0.80 -2.12 -3.78 -2.15 -0.77 11 -0.35 -1.04 '-0.90 -0.99 -0.78 -2.15 -3.76 -2.15 12 -0.35 -1.03 -0.92 -0.93 -0.98 -0.79 -2.13 -3.78 13 -0.35 -1.03 -0.91 -0.95 -0.93 -0.18 -0.79 -214 14 -0.35 -1.03 -0.91 -0.94 -0.94 -0.93 -0.98 -0.. 7B 15 -0.35 -1.03 -0.91 -0.94 -0.94 -0.94 -0.93 ! -0.9B 16 -0.35 -1.03 -0.91 -0.94 -0.94 -0.94-0.94-0.93 Load Cases. Purlin spacing 5.00 o.c. Building Code: IBC/ASCE 7-98 Codes General Loads: Load Case Uniform Load (psf) Load Case Name 1 2.5 Dead Load 1 2 20.0 Live Load 3 -35.3 Wind Load 4 -20.6 Edge Zone Wind Load 5 5.0 Collateral Load 6 0.0 Snow Load 7 20.0 Pattern LL, Bay 11 8 20.0 Pattern LL, Bay 2 9 20.0 Pattern LL, Bay )3 10 20.0 Pattern LL, Bay .4 11 20.0 Pattern LL, Bay' 15 12 20.0 Pattern LL, Bay 1I6 13 20.0 Pattern LL, Bay 17 14 20.0 Pattern LL, Bay B 15 20.0 Pattern LL, Bay 19 16 20.0 Pattern LL, Bay 10 17 20.0. Pattern LL, Bay 1S le 20.0 Pattern LL, Bay 12 Linear Loads: Load Span Load start load start x end load 9 10 11 12 13 -3.43 -3.46 -3.35 -3.79 -1.30 3.03 3.05 2.96 3.34 1.14 2.02 2.04 1.98 2.24 0.77 -2.19 -2.19 -2.18 -2.33 -1.45 -2.18 -2.21 -2.09 -2.50 -0.20 -0.94 -0.94 -0.91 -1.03 -0.35 -0.94 -0.94 -0.91 -1.03 -0.35 -0.94 -0.94 -0.91 -1.03 -0.35 -0.92 -0.95 -0.91 -1.03 -0.35 -0.98 -0.93 -0.92 -1.03 -0.35 -0.78 -0.99 -0.90 -1.04 -0.35 -2.14 -0.79 -0.96 -1.02 -0.36 -3.77 :2 is -0.76 -1.07 -0.35 -2.14 -3.7B -2.12 -0.88 -0.38 -0.78 -2 is -3.74 -2.23 -D.25 -0.98 -0.79 -2.10 -3.95 -1.27 end x Case No. Type (lb/£t) Of 1 1 Shear 1250 .50 00 1 2 Shear 12. 0.00 1 3 Shear 12.50 0.00 1 4 Shear 12.50 0.00 1 5 Shear 12.50 0.00 1 6. Shear 12 .so 000 • 1 7 Shear 12.50 0..00 1 8 Shear 12.50 0.00 1 9 Shear 12.50 0.00 1 10 Shear 12.50 0.00 1 11 Shear 12.50 0.00 1: 12 Shear 12.50 0.00 2 1 Shear 100.00 0.00 2 2 Shear 100.00 0.00 2 3 Shear 100.00 0.00 2 4 Shear 100.00 0.00 2 5 Shear 100.00 0.00 2 6 Shear 100.00 0.00 2 7 Shear 100.00 0.00 2 8 Shear 100.00 0.00 2 9 Shear 100.00 0.00 2 10 Shear 100.00 0.00 2 11 Shear 100.00 0.00 2 12 Shear 100.00 0.00 3 1 Shear -102.90 0.00 3 2 Shear -102.90 0.00 3 3 Shear -102.90 0.00 3 4 Shear -102.90 0.00 3 5 Shear -102.90 0.00 3 6 Shear -102.90 0.00 ,3 7 Shear -102.90 0.00 3 8 Shear -102.90 0.00 3 9 Shear -102.90 0.00 3 10 Shear -102.90 000 .00 3 -.11 Shear -102.90 0. 3 12 Shear -102.90 0.00 5 1 Shear 25.00 0.00 5 2 Shear 25.00 0.00 5 3 Shear 25.00 0.00 5 4 Shear 25.00 0.00 5 5 Shear 25.00 0.00 5 6 Shear 25.00 0.00 5 7 Shear 25.00 0.00 5 8 Shear 25.00 0.00 5 9 Shear 25.00 0.00 5 10 Shear 25.00 0.00 5 11 Shear 25.00 0.00 5 12 Shear 25.00 0.00 7 1 Shear 100.00 0.00 8 2 Shear 100.00 0.00 9 3 Shear 100.00 0.00 10 4 Shear 100.00 0.00 11 5 Shear 100.00 0.00 12 6 Shear 100.00 0.00 13 7 Shear 100.00 0.00 14 8 Shear 100.00 0.00 15 9 Shear 100.00 0.00 16 10 Shear 100.00 0.00 17 11 Shear 100.00 0.00 18 12 Shear 100.00 0.00 (lb/ft) 12 so 12..50 12.50 12.50 12.50 12.50 12:50 12.50 12.50 12.50 12.50 12.50 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 -102.90 -102.90 -102.90 -102.90 -102.90 -102.90 -102.90 -102.90 -102.90 -102.90 -102.90 -102.90 25.00 2500 25..0a 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 100.00 too 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 (ft) 24.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 2500 25.:00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 24.00 24.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 24.00 24.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 24.00 24.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 24.00 24.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 24.00 vZ 1 Load Combinations: Act All. Load Case No. Load Combination Name # 7 Fac. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1 Y 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 DL + COL + LL 2 Y 1.33 1.00 0.00 1.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0�00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 DL +'1.3 WL 3 Y 1.33 1.00 0.00 0.91 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0!00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 DL + (0.7)1.3 WL 1) 4 Y 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 DL+COL+LL (Alt. Span LL, Case 5 Y 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 DL+COL+LL (Alt. Span LL, Case 2) 6 Y 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 DL+COL+SL (Adj. Span LL, Bays 1 6 2 7 Y 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 0. 2 3 OO 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 DL+COL+SL (Adj. Span LL, Hays & 3 a 8 4 Y 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 DL+COL+SL (Adj. Span LL, Bays 9 Y 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 DL+COL+SL (Adj. Span LL, Bays 4 & 5 10 Y 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 DL+COL+SL (Adj. Span LL, Bays 5 & 6 11 Y 1.00 1.00 0.00'0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 DL+COL+SL (Adj. Span LL, Bays 6 & 7 12 Y 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.00 6.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 DL+COL+SL (Adj. Span LL, Bays 7 & 8 13 Y 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 0..00 0.00 0.00 DL+COL+SL (Adj. Span LL, Bays 8 & 9 1 14 Y 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.W 0.00 DL+COL+SL 9 & 10 (Adj. Span LL, Bays 15 Y 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 DL+COL+SL (Adj. Span LL, Bays 10 & 11 16 Y 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 DL+COL+SL (Adj. Span LL, Bays 11 & 12 Deflection Limitations: The deflection limit with DEAD LOAD = L/ 120.00 The maximum deflection with DEAD LOAD = 2.50" The deflection limit without DEAD LOAD = L/ 150.00 The maximum deflection without DEAD LOAD = 2.00" Deflection limitations were applied to combinations 1,3-16 Total system weight = 1403.80 lbs. Total system cost 1213.11 dollars General Notes: . + Ends of laps are considered as brace points. • Inflection points are considered brace points except for spans with discrete -bracing. • All calculations are in accordance with the 1989 AISI Addendum j . All calculations are in accordance with the 1996 AISI Specification. Purlin Production List: Gi:,� Purlin Section Length 1 08Z105 26.38 2 OBZ086 27.50 3 08ZO86 28.06 - 4 08ZO71 27.50 5 OBZ086 28.06 6 OBZ076 27.50 7 08ZO86 27.50 8 O8ZOB6 27.50 9 OBZ086 27.50 10 OBZ086 27.50 11 0OZO86 27.50 12 OBZ105 26.38 Material Summary: Section Weight Cost Fy 08ZO71 95.84 86.95 55.0 0OZO76 102.59 91.89 55.0 OBZOB6 933.48 809.49 55.0 OBZ105 271.B8 224.78 55.0 NBP Light Gage Analysis - Mac PPC Version 5.240 11/10/03 AISI Spec Year = 1996 Input File: POls Summary Report for project name: CLASSIC TRUSS / BZEIGLER PURLINS ---Span--- Des. Des. Brc. Supp. Lt. Rt. ax. -- Max. Computed Forces --- ----- Maximum Computed Load Ratios ---- No Length Sect. Grp. 7 Type Lt Rt Lap Lap, Di pl. Axial Shear Moment Moment Ten. Comp. Shear Mom. TBM PGM V&M (in) (in) (in) --P--(kip, ft) pos_M neg-M -T----- P----- V----- M------------------- 1 24.00 0OZ105 1 Yes Top 1 2 ----- 15.01 -1.6 8 8.45 2.03 7.68 -9.20 0.00 0.47 0.15 0.76 0.76 1.00 0.76 x J40.6 35.1 288.0 128.9 288.0 0.0 35.1 273.0 128.9 128.9 117.1 128.9 comb 5 2 6 5 6 0 2 6 5 5 2 5 1 2 25.00 0OZO06 2 Yes Top 2 3 28.50 15.00-1.4j6 8.41 1.92 5.68 -9.20 0.00 0.58 0.23 0.76 0.76 0.98 0.80 x 150.0 267.0 0.0 162.0 0.0 0.0 267.0 285.0 285.0 285.0 285.0 285.0 comb 4 2 6 4 6 0 2 7 7 7 2 7 1 3 25.00 OBZ086 3 Yes Top 3 4 15.00 15.00 -1.721 7.07 1.89 6.32 -8.51 0.00 0.49 0.24 0.77 0.77 0.90 0.80 - x 150.0 210.0 0.0 150.0 300.0 0.0 210.0 15.0 150.0 150.0 150.0 285.0 comb 5 2 7 5 8 0 2 7 5 5 2 8 4 25.00 082071 4 Yes Top 4 5 21.75 21.75-1.87,2 6.06 1.88 5.86 -8.52 0.00 0.52 0.40 0.92 0.92 1.03 0.93 x 150.0 42.0 0.0 150.0 300.0 0.0 42.0 21.8 150.0 150.0 150.0 278.2 comb 41 2 8 4 9 0 2 8 4 4 2 9 5 25.00 08ZO86 5 Yes Top 5 6 15.00 15.00-1.74'1 6.94 1.90 6.37 -8.57 0.00 0.48 0.24 0.78 0.78 0.88 0.80 x 150.0 33.0 300.0 150.0 300.0 0.0 33.0 285.0 150.0 150.0 150.0 285.0 comb 5 2 10 5 10 0 2 10 5 5 2 10 6 25.00 08ZO76 6 Yes Top 6 7 15.00 15.00 -1.812 6.70 1.88 6.01 -8.57 0.00 0.53 0.34 0.90 0.90 1.00 0.96 x 150.0 0.0 0.0 150.0 0.0 0.0 210.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 comb 4 2 10 4 10 0 2 10 10 10 2 10 7 25.00 0OZO86 7 Yes Top 7 8 15.00 15.00-1.6919 8.42 1.89 6.26 -8.60 0.00 0.59 0.24 0.77 0.77 1.01 0.01 x 150.0 292.5 300.0 150.0 300.0 0.0 66.0 295.0 285.0 285.0 285.0 285.0 comb 5! 2 12 5 12 0 2 12 12 12 2 12 6 25.00 08ZO86 8 Yes Top 8 9 15.00 15.00 -1.676 8.45 1.89 6.21 -8.60 0.00 0.59 0.24 0.77 0.77 1.01 0.81 x 150.0 15.0 0.0 150.0 0.0 0.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 150.0 15.0 comb 41 2 12 4 12 0 2 12 12 12 2 12 9 25.00 OBZ086 9 Yes Top 9 10 15.00 15.00 -1.657 8.46 1.09 6.15 -8.58 0.00 0.59 0.24 0.77 0.77 1.02 0.81 x 150.0 7.5 300.0 150.0 300.0 0.0 54.0 285.0 285.0 285.0 285.0 285.0 comb 51 2 14 5 14 0 2 14 14 14 2 14 10 25.00 OSZ086 10 Yes Top 10 11 15.00 15.00-1.677I 8.48 1.89 6.20 -8.58 0.00 0.59 0.24 0.77 0.77 1.03 0.80 x 150.0 285.0 0.0 150.0 0.0 0.0 186.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 150.0 15.0 comb 4 2 14 4 14 0 2 14 14 14 2 14 11 25.00 OBZ086 11 Yes Top 11 12 15.00 28.50 -1.464 8.48 1.92 5.65 -9.20 0.00 0.59 0.23 0.76 0.76 0.99 0.79 x 150. 0_ 186.0 300.0 138.0 300.0 0.0 196.0 15.0 15.0 15.0, 15.0 15.0 comb 5 2 16 5 16 0 2 15 15 15 _ 2 15 12 24.00 OBZ105 12 Yes Top 12 13 15.00 ----- -1.694 8.48 2.03 7.67 -9.20 0.00 0.47 0.15 0.76 0.76 , 1.00 0.76 x 14 .4 264.6 0.0 159.1 0.0 0.0 264.6 15.0 159.1 159.1 170.9 159.1 comb 4 2 16 4 16 0 2 16 4 4 2 4 -- - - ====== Maximum values on All Spans = Displ. Axial Shear Moment Moment Ten. Comp. Shear Mom. T&M PGM V&H Max. -1.872 8.48 2.03 7.68 -9.20 0.00 0.59 0.40 0.92 0.92 1.03 0.96 x 150.0 264.6 288.0 12B.9 288.0 0.0 186.0 21.8 150.0 150.0 150.0 15.0 span 4 12 1 1 1 0 10 4 4 4 4 6 comb 4 2 6 5 6 0 2 8 4 4 2 10 ------------------------------- Support Connection Codes: Support No.--==___ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 WC WC WC WC WC WC WC WC WC WC WC WC WC Vertical Reactions: (kips) - --- - ----__ (negative reaction for gravity loads) Load Support No. Comb. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 -1.30 -3.79 -3.35 -3.46 -3.43 -3.44 -3.44 -3.44 -3.43 -3.46 -3.35 -3.79 -1.30 2 0.83 2.42 2.14 2.21 2.19 2 .2 0 2.20 2.20 2.19 2.21 2.14 2.42 0.83 3 0.54 1.59 1.41 1.45 1.44 1.44 1.44 1.44 1.44 1.45 1.41 1.59 0.54 4 -0.20 -2.50 -2.07 -2.23 -2.18 -2.18 -2.20 -2.17 -2.19 -2.19 -2.18 -2.33 -1.45 5 -1.45 -2.32 -2.20 -2.17 -2.18 -2.20 -2.1T -2.20 -2.18 -2.21 -2.09 -2.50 -0.20 6 -1.27 -3.95 -2.10 -0.BO -0.97 -0.93 -0.94 -0.94 -0.94 -0.94 -0.91 -1.03 -0.35 7 -0.25 -2.22 --3.76 -2.13 -0.79 -0.90 -0.93 -0.94 -0.94 -0.94 -0.91 -1.03 -0.35 8 -0.38 -0.88 -2.13 -3.76 -2.16 -0.77 -0.98 -0.93 -0.94 -0.94 -0.91 -1.03 -0.35 9 -0.35 -1.08 -0.74 -2.17 -3.76 -2.14 -0.79 -0.98 -0.92 -0.95 -0.91 -1.03 -0.35 10 -0.36 -1.02 -0.96 -0.80 -2.12 -3.78 -2.15 -0.77 -0.98 -0.93 -0.92 -1.03 -0.35 11 -0.35 -1.04 -0.90 -0.99 -0.78 -2.15 -3.76 -2.15 -0.78 -0.99 -0.90 -1.04 -0.35 12 -0.35 -1.03 -0.92 -0.93 -0.98 -0.79 -2.13 I-3.748 -2.14 -0.79 -0.96 -1.02 -00.356 13 -0.35 -1.03 -0.91 -0.95 -0.93 -0.98 -079 -21-377 -215-0.76 -107 -314 -0.35 -1.03 -0.91 -0.94 -0.94 -0.93 -0.983 I-00.78 -2.14 -3.78 -2 12 -0.28 -0.358 15 -0.35 -1.03 -0.91 -0.94 -0.94 -094 -09-9-078 -2 15 -374 -23 -0216 -0.35 -1.03 -0.91 -0.94 -0.94 -0.94 -0.94 -0.93 -0.98 -0.79 -2.10 -3.95 -1.27 • Load Cases: Purlin spacing 5.00 o.c. Building Code: IBC/ASCE 7-9B Codes ' General Loads: Load Case Uniform Load (pof) Load Case Name 1 2.5 Dead Load 1 ` 2 20.0 Live Load 3 -15.4 Wind Load 4 -15.4 Edge Zone Wind Load 5 5.0 Collateral Load 6 0.0 Snow Load 7 20.0 Pattern LL, Bay 1 8 20.0 Pattern LL, Bay 2 9 20.0 Pattern LL, Bay 3 10 20.0 Pattern LL, Bay 4 11 20.0 Pattern LL, Bay 5 12 20.0 Pattern LL, Bay 1 6 13 20.0 Pattern LL, Bay 17 14 20.0 Pattern LL, Bay 18 15 20.0 Pattern LL, Bay 19 16 20.0 Pattern LL, Bay 10 17 20.0 Pattern LL, Bay 11 18 20.0 Pattern LL, Bay 12 Linear Loads: Load Span Load start load start x an load end x t v Cale to Shear 12.,50 t) It) (12.50) 24.00 1 2 Shear 12.50 0.00 12.50 25.00 1 3 Shear 12.50 0.00 12.50 25.00 1 4 Shear 12.50 0.00 12.50 25.00 1 5 Shear 12.50 0.00 12.50 25.00 1 6 Shear 12.50 0.00 12.50 25.00 1 7 Shear 12.50 0.00 12.50 25.00 1 8 Shear 12.50 0.00 12.50 25.00 1 9 Shear 12.50 0.00 12.50 25.00 1 10 Shear 12.50 0.00 12.50 25.00 1 11 Shear 12.50 0.00 12.50 25.00 1 12 Shear 12.50 0.00 12.50 24.00 2 1 Shear 100.00 0.00 100.00 24.00 2 2 Shear 100.00 0.00 100.00 25.00 2 3 Shear 100.00 0.00 100.00 25.00 2 4 Shear 100.00 0.00 100.00 25.00 2 5 Shear 100.00 0.00 100.00 25.00 2 6 Shear 100.00 0.00 100.00 25.00 2 7 Shear 100.00 0.00 100-.00 25.00 2 8 Shear 100.00 0.00 100.00 25.00 2 9 Shear 100.00 0.00 100.00 25.00 2 10 Shear 100.00 0.00 100.00 25.00 2 11 Shear 100.00 0.00 100.00 25.00 2 12 Shear 100.00 0.00 100.00 24.00 3 1 Shear -77.20 0.00 1 -77.20 24.00 3 2 Shear -77.20 0.00 -7720 25.00 3 3 Shear -77.20 000 'I -77..20 25.00 3 4 Shear -77.20 0..00 -77.20 25.00 3 5 Shear -77.20 0.00 1 -77.20 25.00 3 6 Shear -77.20 0.00 I -77.20 25.00 3 7 Shear -77.20 0.00 -77.20 25.00 3 8 Shear -77.20 0.00 -77.20 25.00 3 9 Shear -77.20 0.00 -77.20 25.00 3 10 Shear -77.20 0.00 -77.20 25.00 3 .,11 shear -77.20 0.00 -77.20 25.00 3 12 Shear -77.20 0.00 I1 -77.20 24.00 5 1 Shear 25.00 0.00 25.00 24.00 5 2 Shear 25.00 0.00 25.00 25.00 5 3 Shear 25.00 0.00 25.00 25.00 5 4 Shear 25.00 0.00 25.00 25.00 5 5 Shear 25.00 0.00 25.00 25.00 5 6 Shear 25.00 0.01 25.00 25.00 5 7 Shear 25.00 0.00 25.00 25.OD 5 8 Shear 25.00 0.00 25.00 25.00 5 9 Shear 25.00 0.00 25.00 25. 00 5 10 Shear 25.00 0.00 1 25.00 25.00 5 11 'Shear 25.00 0.00 25.00 25.00 5 12 Shear 25.00 0.00 25.00 24.00 7 1 Shear 100.00 0.00 100.00 24.00 8 2 Shear 100.00 0.00 100.00 25.00 9 3 Shear 100.00 0.00 100.00 25.00 10 4 Shear 100.00 0.00 100.00 25.00 11 5 Shear 100.00 0.00 100.00 25.00 12 6 Shear 100.00 0.00 100.00 25.00 13•. 7 Shear 100.00 0.00 100.00 25.00 14 8 Shear 100.00 0.00 100.00 25.00 15 9 Shear 100.00 0.00 100.00 25.00 16 10 Shear 100.00 0.00 300.00 25.00 17 11 Shear 100.00 0.00 100.00 25.00 18 12 Shear 10D.00 0.00 100.00 24.00 Concentrateds Load Span p V N x ' Case No. (k) (k) (k,ft) (ft) 3 1 6.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 . 3 1 -6.50 0.00 0.00 24.00 3 2 6.47 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 2 -6.47 0.00 0.00 25.00 3 3 5.44 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 3 -5.44 0.00 0.00 25.00 3 4 4.66 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 4 -4.66 0.00 0.00 25.00 3 5 5.34 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 5 -5.34 0.00 0.00 25.00 3 6 5.15 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 6 -5.15 0.00 0.00 25.00 3 7 6.48 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 3 7 -6.48 0.00 0.00 25.00 3 8 6.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 8 -6.50 0.00 0.00 25.00 3 9 6.51 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 9 -6.51 0.00 I 0.00 25.00 3 10 6.52 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 3 '10 -6.52 0.00 0.00 25.00 3 11 6.52 0.00 I 0.00 0.00 3 11 -6.52 0.00 0.00 25.00 3 12 6.52 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 12 -6.52 0.00 0.00 24.OD Load Combinations. Act. A11. Load Case No. Load Combination Name # ? pac. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 •11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1 Y 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 DL + COL + LL 2 Y 1.33 1.00 0.00 1.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00' 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 DL + 1.3 WL „ 3 Y 1.33 1.00 0.00 0.91 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 DL + (0.7)1.3 WL 1) 4 Y 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 10.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 DL+COL+LL (Alt. Span LL, Case 5 Y 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 111.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 DL+COL+LL (Alt. Span LL, Case 2) 6 Y 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 DL+COL+SL (Adj. Span LL, Bays 1 & 2) 7 Y 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 DL+COL+SL (Adj. Span LL, Bays 2 & 3) 8 Y 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 i0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 DL+COL+SL (Adj. Span LL, Bays 3 & 4) 9 Y 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 111.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 DL+COL+SL (Adj. Span LL, Bays 4 & 5) 1 10 Y 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 DL+COL+SL (Adj. Span LL, Bays 5 & 6) 11 Y 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 DL+COL+SL (Adj. Span LL, Bays 6 & 7) 12 Y 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 DL+COL+SL (Adj. Span LL, Bays 7 & 8) 13 Y 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.00 0.00 6.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 DL+COL+SL (Adj. Span LL, Bays 0 & 9) j • 14 Y .1.00. 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 .0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 DL+COL+SL (Adj. Span LL, Bays 9 & 10) 15 Y 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 DL+COL+SL (Adj. Span LL, Bays 10 & 11) I I G MA 99 OR MAU 16 Y 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 11 6 12) K 10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 DL+COL+SL (Adj. Span LL, Bays Deflection Limitations: The deflection limit with DEAD LOAD = L/ 120.00 . The maximum deflection with DEAD LOAD = 2.50" The deflection limit without DEAD LOAD = L/ 150.00 The maximum deflection without DEAD LOAD = 2.00" Deflection limitations were applied to combinations 1,3-16 Total system weight = 1403.80 lbs. Total system cost 1213.11 dollars General Notes: + Ends of laps are considered as brace points. * Inflection points are considered brace points except for • All calculations are in accordance with the 1989 AISI Add + All calculations are in accordance with the 1996 AISI Purlin Production List: Purlin Section Length 1 08Z105 26.38 2 08ZO06 27.50 3 08ZO86 28.06 4 08ZO71 27.50 5 OBZ086 28.06 6 OBZ07-6 27.50 7 OBZ086 27.50 8 0OZO86 27.50 9 08ZO86 27.50 10 OBZ086 27.50 11 OBZ086 27.50 12 OOZ105 26.38 Material Summary: Section Weight Cost Fy OBZ071 95.84 86.95 55.0 0OZO76 102.59 91.89 55.0 0OZO86 933.48 809.49 55.0 OBZ105 271.88 224.78 55.0 is with discrete bracing. m icification. NBP Light Gage Analysis - Mac PPC Version 5.240 11/10/03 AISI Spec Year = 1996 Input File: P02 Summary Report for project name: CLASSIC TRUSS / BZEIGLER " ---Span--- Des. Des. Brc. Supp. Lt. Rt. No Length Sect. Grp. 7 Type Lt Rt Lap Lap D (in) (in) 1 25.00 08Z105 1 Yes Top 1 2 -1 x comb i Max. -1 x span comb Support Connection Codes: support Mo. 1 2 WC WC vertical Reactions: (kips) ========= (negative reaction for gravity loads) Load Support No. Comb. 1 2 1 -1.20 -1.20 2 1.06 1.06 3 0.71 0.71 - Load Cases: Purlin spacing 3.50 o.c. LEAN-TO PURLINS ax. -- Max. Computed Forces --- ----- Maximum Computed Load Ratios ---- pl. Axial Shear Moment Moment Ten. Comp. Shear Mom. TGM P&M V&M (in) --P--(kip, ft) pos_M ne4 M -T----- P----- V----- M------------------- 2 0.00 1.20 7.51 -6.62 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.75 44.0 0.0 300.0 144.0 156.0 0.0 0.0 300.0 156.0 156.0 156.0 144.0 0 1 1 2 0 0 1 2 2 2 1 Maximum Values on All Spans iispl. Axial Shear Moment Moment Ten. Comp. Shear Mom. T5M P5M VSH= ,952 0.00 1.20 7.51 -6.62 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.75 44.0 0.0 300.0 144.0 156.0 0.0 0.0 300.0 156.0 156.0 156.0 144.0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 2 0 0 1 2 2 2 1 Building Code: IBC/ASCE 7-98 Codes General Loads: Load Case Uniform Load (psf) Load Case Namel 1 2.5 Dead Load 2 20.0 Live Load 3 -35.3 Wind Load 4 -20.6 Edge Zone Wind Load 5 5.0 Collateral Loadl 6 0.0 Snow Load 7 20.0 Pattern LL, Bay 1 Linear Loads: Load Span Load start load start x end load end x Case No. Type (lb/ft) (ft) (lb/ft) (ft) 1 1 Shear 8.80 0.00 8.80 25.00 2 1 Shear 70.00 0.00 70.00 25.00 3 1 Shear -72.10 0.00 -72.10 25.00 5 1 Shear 17.50 0.00 17.50 25.00 7 1 Shear 70.00 0.00 70.00 25.00 Load Combinations: Act All. Load Case No. Load Combination Name # 7 Fac. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 Y 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 DL + COL LL 2 Y 1.33 1.00 0.00 1.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 DL + 1.3 WL 3 Y 1.33 1.00 0.00 0.91 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 DL + (0.7j,1.3 WL Deflection Limitations: The deflection limit with DEAD LOAD L/ 120.00 The maximum deflection with DEAD LOAD 2.50" The deflection limit without DEAD LOAD = L/ 150.00 The maximum deflection without DEAD LOAD = 2.00" Deflection limitations were applied to combinations 1,3 Total system weight 128.85 lbs. Total system cost = 106.53 dollars General Notes: • Ends of laps are considered as brace points. • Inflection points are considered brace points except for spans with discrete bracing. • All calculations are in accordance with the 1989 AISI Addendum All calculations are in accordance with the 1996 AISI Specification. i Purlin Production List: Purl in Section Length 1 08Z105 25.00 I Material Summary: Section Weight Cost Fy 08Z105 128.85 106.53 55.0 9 6 NBP Light Gage -Analysis - Mac PPC Version 5.240 11/10/03 AISI Spec Year = 199E Input File: P03 Summary Report for project name: CLASSIC TRUSS / BZEIGLER CANOPY PURLINS ---Span--- Des. Des. Brc. Supp. Lt. St. ax. -- Max. Computed Forces --- ----- Maximum Computed Load Ratios - No Length Sect. Grp. 7 Type Lt Rt Lap Lap Di pl. Axial Shear Moment Moment Ten. Comp. Shear Mom. TSM PaM VeM (in) (in) I(in) --P--(kip, ft) pos_H neg_M -T----- P----- V----- H------------------- 1 25.00 0 V7 Yes Top 1 2 ----- 15.00 -2.3 0 0.00 1.68 6.59 -7.70 0..00 0.00 0.381.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 x 140.7 0.0 300.0 129.0 300.0 0.0 0.0 285.0 129.0 129.0 129.0 129.0 comb i 0 6 5 6 0 0 6 5 5 5 5 2 25.00 08Z060 2 Yes Top 2 3 28.50 21.75 -1.657 0.00 1.55 6.29 -7.70 0.00 0.00 0.53 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.98 J� x 150.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 28.5 28.5 28.5 28.5 28.5 .OTC comb �j 0 6 2 6 0 0 6 5 5 5 6 3 25.00 OSZ060 3 Yes Top 3 4 21.75 21.75 -1.951 0.00 1.51 5.03 -6.78 0.00 0.00 0.53 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.97 x 150.O 0.0 300.0 150.0 300.0 0.0 0.0 278.2 150.0 150.0 150.0 278.2 .o711 comb D 8 5 s 0 D 8 5 5 5 8 4 25.00 OBZ060 4 Yes Top 4 5 21.75 28.50 -1.664 0.00 1.53 5.97 -7.36 0.00 0.00 0.53 0.86 0.86 0.86 0.97 x 150.0 0.0 300.0 300.0 300.0 0.0 0.0 21.8 150.0 150.0 150.0 21.8 // comb 4 0 9 2 9 0 0 8 4 4 4 8 5 24.00 0.;Pd71 5 Yes Top 5 6 15.00 ----- -1.987 0.00 1.63 6.11 -7.36 0.00 0.00 0.36 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96 ��� -�,w x 147.4 0.0 0.0 159.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 15.0 159.1 159.1 159.1 159.1 MAP P comb 50 9 5 9 0 0 9 5 5 5 5 I Moment----------------- -----= Maximum Values on All Spans =---------------- -- Ivl F�"l F...� Displ. Axial Shear 6.59Moment Ten. Comp. Shear Mom. T6M P&H.03 V0M /�f Max. -2:320 0.00 1.68 6.59 -7.70 0.00 0.00 0.53 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 �1���/�'77 � Ur-4(gpan 140.7 0 0.0 310.0 1i9.0 20.0 00.0 00.0 278.2 12 ,0=12 9.0 121.0 129.0 comb5,, ----- ------ 6-------5 -----= 6 --_- ----- _ -=-=-8 ----- 5 ==-=-5 ----- 5 ---- 5 ----------------------------- ----------- -- - --------- - ----------------- Support Connection Codes: Support No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 WC WC WC WC WC WC Vertical Reactions: (kips) =_ ==_ = ========= (negative reaction for gravity loads) Load Support No. Comb. 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 -1.09 -3.10 -2.68 -2.71 -3.03 -1.04 2 0.96 2.74 2.36 2.39 2.67 0.92 3 0.64 1.83 1.58 1.60 1.79 0.61 4 -0.18 -2.00 -1.69 -1.70 -1.99 -0.16 5 -1.20 -1.95 -1.71 -1.75 -1.86 -1.16 6 -1.07 -3.23 -1.66 -0.62 -0.86 -0.28 7 -0.22 -1.79 -3.00 -1.70 -0.70 -0.31 8 -0.32 -0.73 -1.70 -3.00 -1.78 -0.20 9 -0.29 -0.8B -0.61 -1.69 -3.16 -1.01 Load Cases: Purlin spacing 4.00 o.c. Building Code: IBC/ASCE 7-98 Codes General Loads: Load Case Uniform Load (psf) Load Case Name 1 2.5 Dead Load 2 20.0 Live Load 3 -35.3 Wind Load 4 -20.6 Edge Zone Wind Load 5 5.0 Collateral Load 6 0.0 Snow Load 7 20.0 Pattern LL, Bay 1 8 20.0 Pattern LL, Bay 2 9 20.0 Pattern LL, Ba1% 3 10 20.0 Pattern LL, Bay, 4 11 20.0 Pattern LL, Bayl 5 Linear Loads: Load Span Load start load start x end load end x Case No. Type (lb/ft) (ft) (lb/ft) (ft) 1 1 Shear 10.00 0.00 10.00 25.00 1 2 Shear 10.00 0.00 10.00 25.00 1 3 Shear 10.00 0.00 10.00 25.00 1 4 Shear 10.00 0.00 10.00 25.00 1 5 Shear 10.00 0.00 I 10.00 24.00 2 , 1 Shear 80.00 0.00 80.00 25.00 2 2 Shear 80.00 0.00 BO.00 25.00 2 3 Shear 80.00 0.00 80.00 25.00 2 4 Shear 80.00 0.00 80.00 25.00 2 5 Shear 80.00 0.00 90.00 24.00 3 1 Shear -82.40 0.00 -82.40 25.00 3 2 Shear -82.40 0.00 -82.40 25.00 3 3 Shear -82.40 0.00 -82.40 25.00 3 4 Shear -82.40 0.00 82.40 25.00 3 5 Shear -02.40 0.00 -82.40 24.00 5 1 Shear 20.00 NO � 20.00 25.00 5 2 Shear 20.00 0.00 20.00 25.00 5 3 Shear 20.00 0.00 I 20.00 25.00 5 4 Shear 20.00 0.00 20.00 25.00 5 5 Shear .20.00 0.00 20.00 24.00 7 1 Shear 80.00 0.00 00.00 25.00 B 2 Shear 80.00 0.00 80.00 25.00 9 3 Shear 80.00 0.00 80.00 25.00 10 4 Shear 80.00 0.00 80.00 25. 00 11 5 Shear 80.00 0.00 1 80.00 24.00 Load Combinations: Act. All. Load Case No. Load Combination Name # 2 Fac. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 111 1 Y 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 DL + COL + LL 2 Y 1.33 1.00 0.00 1.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 DL + 1.3 WL 3 Y 1.33 1.00 0.00 0.91 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0. O;O DL + (0.7)1.3 WL 4 Y 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 DL+COL+LL (Alt. Span LL,- Case 1) 5 Y 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 IAO DL+COL+LL (Alt. Span LL, Case 2) 6 Y 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.00. 0.00 0.(10 UL+COL+SL (Adj. Span LL, Bays 1 & 2) 7 Y 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 DL+COL+SL (Adj. Span LL, Bays 2 6 3) 8 Y 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 DL+COL+SL (Adj. Span LL, Bays 3 a 4) 9 Y 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.dO DL+COL+SL (Adj. Span LL, Bays 4 e 5) I. Deflection Limitations: The deflection limit with DEAD LOAD = L/ 120.00 The maximum deflection with DEAD LOAD = 2.50" The deflection limit without DEAD LOAD = L/ 150.00 The maximum deflection without DEAD LOAD = 2.00" Deflection limitations were applied to combinations 1,3-9 Total system weight = 436.94 lbs. Total system cost = 413.59 dollars ----- ------ ---- ----- ------ ---- General Notes: • Ends of laps are considered as brace points. • Inflection points are considered brace points except for • All calculations are in accordance with the 1989 AISI Add • All calculations are in accordance with the 1996 AISI Purlin Production List: ---------------- ---- Purlin Section Length 1 OBZ071 27.38 2 OBZ060 28.06 3 OBZ060 28.62 4 08Z060 28.06 5 OOZ071 26.38 Material Summary: Section Weight Cost Fy OBZ060 249.Y1 - 243.65 55.0 OOZ071 187.33 169.94 55.0 is with discrete bracing. m zcification. II I (�1 NBP Light Gage Analysis - Mac PPC Version 5.240 11/10/03 AISI Spec Year = 1996 Input File: PO4 Summary Report for project name: CLASSIC TRUSS / BZEIGLER ' ---Span--- Des. Des. Brc. Supp. Lt. Rt. I No Length Sect. Grp. 7 Type Lt Rt Lap Lap Dii (in) (in) 1 25.00 08CO60 1 Yes Top 1 2 ----- ----- -1.3 x comb Max, -1 x ] span comb M, CEE CHANNEL sx. -- Max. Computed Forces --- ----- Maximum Computed Load Ratios ---- 31. Axial Shear Moment Moment Ten. Comp. Shear Mom. TAM PAM VAN (in) --P--(kip, ft) pos_M ne4 M -T----- P----- V----- M--- =--------------- 6 0.00 0.47 2.94 -2.59 0.00 0.00 0.19 1.01 1.01- 1.01 0.61 14.0 0.0 0.0 156.0 144.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 144.0 144.0 144.0 156.0 0 1 1 2 0 0 1 2 2 2 1 ---____ --- Maximum Values on All Spans ispl. Axial Shear Moment Moment Ten. Comp. Shear Mom. TAM PAM VAN 336 0.00 0.47 2.94 -2.59 0.00 0.00 0.19 1.01 1.01 1.01 0.61 14.0 0.0 0.0 156.0 144.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 144.0 144.0 144.0 156.0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 2 0 0 1 2 2 2 1 Support Connection Codes: i Support No. 1 2 WC WC Vertical Reactions: (kips) -------- ------=== (negative reaction for gravity loads) Load Support No. Comb. 1 2 1 -0.47 -0.47 2 0.42 0.42 3 0.28 0:28 _ Load Cases: Purlin spacing 1.37 o.c. Building Code: IBC/ASCE 7-90 Codes I General Loads: Load Case Uniform Load (psf) Load Case Hamel 1 2.5 Dead Load 2 20.0 Live Load 3 -35.3 Wind Load 4 -20.6 Edge Zone Wind Load 5 5.0 Collateral Loadl 6 0.0 Snow Load 7 20.0 Pattern LL, Bayl 1 Linear Loads: Load Span Load start load start x end load end x Case NO. Type (lb/ft) (ft) l(lb/ft) (ft) 1 1 Shear 3.40 0.00 3.40 25.00 2 1 Shear 27.40 0.00 27.40 25.00 3 1 Shear -28.20 0.00 -28.20 25.00 5 1 Shear 6.90 0.00 6.90 25.00 7 1 Shear 27.40 0.00 27.40 25.00 Load Combinations: Act. All. =Load Case No. Load Combination Name # 7 Fac. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 Y 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 DL + COL + LL 2 Y 1.33 1.00 0.00 1.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 DL + 1.3 WL 3 Y 1.33 1.00 0.00 0.91 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 DL + (0.7)',1.3 WL Deflection Limitations: The deflection limit with DEAD LOAD L/ 120.00 The maximum deflection with DEAD LOAD = 2.50" The deflection limit without DEAD LOAD = L/ 150.00 The maximum deflection without DEAD LOAD = 2.00" Deflection limitations were applied to combinations 1,3 Total system weight = 73.63 lbs. I Total system cost 71.87 dollars I I General Notes: + Ends of laps are considered as brace points. • Inflection points are considered brace points except for spans with discrete bracing. • All calculations are in accordance with the 1989 AISI Addendum + All calculations are in accordance with the 1996 AISI Specification. Purlin Production List: Purlin Section Length 1 08C060 25.00 I Material Summary: Section Weight Cost Fy 08C060 73.63 71.87 55.0 Roll Force Desi n Version 2.7 (12101/03) Job Number: S4J0148A Engineer: BDZ Job Name: CLASSIC TRUSS Purlin Run: P01 Loading Purlin Layout Information Dead: 2.50 psf Eave to Ridge Distance (W): 45.00 ft No. Rows on Slope (n): 9 Collateral: 5.00 psf Purlin Depth (d): 8.00 in Spacing: 5.00 ft Live/Snow: 20.00 psf Roof Slope (s): 1.00:12 Roof Panel Type: Nucor ClassicTM Roof i Bay Layout: 12@25 1-> 12 Bays. Mid -Bay to Adjacent Frames !At Frame Lines, From Roof to Rafter ---- Bay --- Width (ft) ----------star- Purlin Thk. (in) Load, W (Ibs) --------ParWr- Roll Force (Ibs) Capacity (Ibs) ,aet-«rr- -- for Eave Beam (Ibs),, Line --- Ctr ------- Roll Force (Ibs) --rdmfr----rivffivr Resistance (Ibs) ------- Detail (B/T/W/C -------------------------- Detail Needs and Capacity (Ibs) 1 25.00 0.086 30,938 14 ±4,917 -0- 1 0.63 9 ±1,739 W Provide WC detail at all purlins. 3 25.00 0.086 30,938 14 ±4,917 -0- 2 0.87 12 ±3,478 W Provide WC detail at all purlins. 3 25.00 0.071 30,938 524 ±4,917 -0- , 3 0.81 218 ±2,924 W Provide WC detail at all purlins. 4 25.00 0.071 30,938 524 ±4,917 -0- 4 0.81 424 ±2,371 W Provide WC detail at all purlins. 5 25.00 0.071 30,938 524 ±4,917 -0- 1 5 0.81 424 ±2,371 W Provide WC detail at all purlins. 6 25.00 0.071 30,938 524 ±4,917 -0- 6 0.81 424 ±2,371 _ _ _ _ _ _W -- - - Provide -WC --detail i all urlins. 7 25.00 0.071 30,938 524 ±4,917-_-=0--' 7 -0.81- 424 ±2,371 W Provide WC detail at all purlins. _ _ 8__ 25.001- --0.07-1---- -30,938 { 524 ±4,917 -0- ' 8 0.81 424 ±2,371 W Provide WC detail at all purlins. 9 25.00 0.071 30,938 524 ±4,917 -0- 9 0.81 424 ±2,371 W Provide WC detail at all purlins. 10 25.00 0.071 30,938 524 ±4,917 -0- , 10 0.81 424 ±2,371 W Provide WC detail at all purlins. 11 25.00 0.086 30,938 14 ±4,917 -0- 11 0.81 218 ±2,924 W Provide WC detail at all purlins. 12 25.00 0.086 30,938 14 ±4,917 -0- 112 0.87 12 ±3,478 W Provide WC detail at all purlins. 13 1 13 0.63 9 ±1,739 W Provide WC detail at all purlins. 14 14 15 ' 15 16 __ ' 16 17 _ 17 18 18 19 19 20 120 1 21 Job Number: Description: Version 2.3 - 3/8/04 E: F: G: Trib.. Hnrz Ream is n• I a nnnn, r-------r —.— I I j I i I I y y { I i I Floor Elevation I A� F::ascla & Ca opy Loads, Contilnued Ver ion 2.3 - 3/8/04 :. _ .. . Job No. S4JO148A, CLASSIC TRUSS T------------------------ Loads-----------------------� � Loads ____7----------------------------- Roof Dead: 2.50 psf Building Code: IBC 2000 Roof Collateral: 5.00 psf Fascia Vert. Wu 0 plf Roof Live: 20.00 psf Horz. Beam Wt.: 24 plf Roof Snow: 0.00 psf Face Panel Weight: 0.00 psf Drift Max.: 1 0.00 sf Horz.' Wind Pressure: 0.00 sf Drift Width (Wd): 0.0000 ft ( Wind Uplift: 3 5.3 3 psf --------._--------- _ _ I Line Load: 30.00_pif j _Gutter/Aux. Load I Combinations 1 1.00 1.00 1.00 DL + COL + LL b 3 060 100 06DL+W1R 6zDL+.�N1 L:..1._........: 5 1.00 1.00 0 75� 0.75 DL + COL + 0 75(SL + W1 75 pL v 7 8 x 9 f AuxLd: 750 Ib i i COL: 125 DL: 86 pl Horizontal i Member Sign Convention:, +PA-j +��+P "" +V +V Connx. Sign Convention: Horizontal Spacer 0 © G Fascia & Canopy Loads, Report Version 2.3 - 3/8/04 Job No.: Description: Engineer: Date: S4J0148A CLASSIC TRUSS ZEIGLER 3/17/04 Comb Nd � Name 1 DL + COL + LL SL 3 0.6DL+W1R 5 DL + COL + 0.75(SL + W 1 R) 7 8' .. 9 O- Axial (P, kips) Shear<(V, kips) T�2 1: 2 Q -8 0. 14 ,1, 14. r,. 1.?. 1 4 1.:: , . Z. 9 Moment M ft-kip) -23.1 -16.0 -64.0 113.1 113.1 -103.1 -39.1 99.2 99.2 45.7 45.7 OShear;,(V, Axial (P, kips) kips) 2T 2'0 8 Q 14'1 „14 1 12 65 6 5 Moment M ft-ki -24.5 -17.3 -69.3 122.5 122.5 -111.2 -41.8 107.8 107.8 50.0 50.0 Axial (P, kips) © Shear; (V, kips) 2.1" ..9 .8.0 14'1 ...1;4 1.... ;,12 1 . 4 1. 12 9 ...1. .9 6 5 Moment M ft-kip) 23.1 16.0 64.0 -113.1 -113.1 103.1 39.1 -99.2 -99.2 -45.7 -45.7 Axial (P, kips) C Shear, (V, kips) 2 1; . 2 Q: S.Q. 14:1. 1Z1 41 12:9: 129 65 65 Moment (M. ft-kiD) 24.5 . 17.3 69.3 -122.5 ...�41 -122.5 111.2 41.8 -107.8 -107.8 -50.0 -50.0 o PGq 1 4 Bolt Flush Beam To Column Connection Job Number: S4J0148A Engineer: BDZ Date: 3/17/04 Description: Canopy Conn Moment, (M) _ 11120 ft -skips Shear, (V) _ r3121 Q kips,y J x Axial, (P) =4 kips LLOOd ❑ Forces Are In Conjunction With Wind I I I I Loaded Flanae Restrained Aaainst Rotation) I L 1 Design For 1 /4 Section Capacitv 1 Section Information: BU Section Column Total Depth, (dc) _ 15 OOQO Flange Width, (bfJ $ 40Q `in' Flange Thickness, (tfc) Web Thickness, (tWu) _ j,f d t8c:p� x d 7s itfi Fy Column, (F„c)`SSksly Unbraced Length = 90 OO�Or Min. Dist. From End Of Col. _ 0.0000 in Min. Col. Flange Thick Req'd = 0.4910 in. *** Bolt Information *** i Bolt Diameter, (Db) = 1.0000 in. ASTM Bolt Designation = A325 Min. Bolt Diameter Req'd = 0.8609 in. *** Column Stiffener Requirements *** Select Stiffener = F3.25 w, Fy Stiffener, (Fystiff) = R w'`515'ksiy4 _ II� Version 1.3 - 2/4/00 Design Results: Endplate OK (SR=0.85) Bolts OK (SR=0.86) Welds OK Section Information: J BU Section Beam Total Depth, (db) 2$0001 Flange Width, (bfb) 5 �60+OOQ Flange Thickness, (tfb) =' 0 310C Web Thickness, (twb) =C)175d Fy Beam, (F„b) =F *** Endplate Information *** Plate Width, (bpi) = H6 OQQO rn� Plate Length, (dpi) = 29.2500 in. Plate Thickness, (tpi) =f Q 6250`1n Fy Plate, (Fypi) =55s1 Min. Plate Thickness Req'd = 0.5284 in. *** Weld Information *** Flange Weld = FWD4 Web Weld = WP13 4 Bolt Flush Beam To Column Connection Job Number: S4J0148A Description: Canopy Conn Upper Stiffener Requirements: 3 in. x 0.25 in. x 14 in. Endplate Requiremient: 6 in. x 0.25 in. x 15 in. I 0.625 in. I 0.310 in. i 28.00, in. 0.500 in. 0.500 in. vcrarurl r.0 - ci•ria� Engineer: 8DZ Date: 3/17/04 29.25 in. I, 6.000 in. ,l Bolt Diameter = 1.000 in. Plate Width = 6.000 in. Plate Thickness = 0.625 in. Flange Weld = FWD4 Web Weld = WP13 Flange Width, bf = 6.000 in. Flange Thickness, tf = 0.310 in. Web Thickness, tw = 0.175 in. I Detailing Information 5 in. 8 in. 0 in. 3/17/04 "V Span and Loading Conditions Member Length. L ft. 16.0000 Unbraced Length - Major Ibx in. 192.00 Unbraced Len th - Minor Iby in. 96.00 Cbx (� Cby 1.00 Member braced against joint translation? Y Cmx 1.000 Cmy 1.000 Kx Factor Kx 2.100 Ky Factor Ky 1.000 ' Annlied Lnads X-axis Uniform Load (+ Dn) Y-axis Uniform Load (+Dn) kip/ft kip/ft kip/ft kip/ft 0.00 0.00 Axial Load (+P= C; P= T) P kip 0.00 Mx End 1 (+=Ten. on Bot) Mx End 2 (+=Ten. on Bot) Mx Interior (+ =Ten. on Bot) ft-kip ft-kip ft-kip 0.00 111.20 0.00 My End 1 (+=Ten. on Bot) My End 2 (+=Ten. on Bot) My Interior (+ =Ten. on Bot) ft-kip ft-kip ft-kip 0.00 0.00 0.00 Shear V kip 12.90 Stress Factor 1.00 � Design Results Maximum CSR O.K. Material Information 0.781 Section Built -Up (Y / N) Y If Hot -Roll, Fy = 50 Section Sizes: Enter Wideflange Section Built -Up input: Fy = 1 55 Total Depth d in. 28.000 Flange Width b in. 6.000 Flange Thickness tf in. 0313 Web Thickness tw in. 0.175 Design Section Used for Final Design: BU282 Total Depth d in. 28.000 Flange Width b in. 6.000 Flange Thickness tf in. 0313 Web Thickness tw in. 0.175 wgt 29.06 Final Design Loads Simple Span Moment Mx ft-kip 0.00 Simple Span Moment My ft-kip 0.00 Maximum Moment Mx ft-kip 111.20 Maximum Moment My ft-kip 0.00 Shear Va kip 1290 Axial Pa kip 0.00 Material Yield Flange Yield Fyf ksi Web Yield Fyw ksi Deflection Results Simple Span Deflection Qx in. Simple Span Deflection Limit I/ 55.00. 55.00 0.09 2212.13 I �i BDZ 1 3/17/04 19 Longitudinal Frame Reactions Shear = Tension ='R;2S DQf ,.r Anchor Bolt Diameter = Anchor Bolt Quantity = Net Anchor Bolt Loads Applied Shear = 49.33 Applied Tension = 60.10 A307 Bolt Anchor Bolt Check.xls Building Bracing Reactions Shear = 75,F",1' 32.23 Tensions 34,0 37.53 Wind Load (Y/N) A307 Bolt OK Upset Thread Bolt -OK Allowable Max Shear = 73.631 OK Allowable Max Tension = 147.262 OK Max Tension with Shear = 102.650 OK Fv =10 ksi Ft = 20 ksi ' Actual Area • Actual Area Combined Tension and Shear Nominal Actual Actual Allowable Allowable on A307 Bolts Without Wind Increase Diameter--Diameter-Area Shear Tension_ It = 26.0 - 1.80' fv s 20.0 0.500 0.500 0.196 11.78 23.56 T = 26.0 ' Actual Area - 1.80 ' Vs 20.0 ' Actual Area 0.625 0.625 0.307 18.41 36.82 0.750 0.750 0.442 26.51 53.01. Combined Tension and Shear 0.875 0.875 0.601 36.08 72.16 on A307 Bolts With Wind Increase 1.000 1.000 0.785 47.12 94.25 ft = (4/3) ' 26.0 -1.80 ' fv s (4/3) ' 20.0 1.125 1.125 0.994 59.64 119.28 ft = 34.7 -1.80 ' fv s 26.7 1.250 1.250 1.227 73.63 147.26 T = 34.7 ' Actual Area -1.80 ' V s 26.7 ' Actual Area Upset Thread Bolt Allowable Max Shear = 72.600 OK Fy = 36 Allowable Max Tension = 134.872 OK Fu = 58 Max Tension with Shear = 76.979 OK Fv = 0.17`Fu Ft = 0.6'Fy Ratio of • Nom. Area ` Actual Area Actual / Combined Tension and Shear Nominal Upset Rod Actual Nominal Nominal Allowable Allowable Nominal on Upset Thread Bolts Without Wind Increase Diameter Diameter Area Diameter Area Shear Tension Area ft = 27.0 - 2.19' tv s 21.6 0.500 0.4460 0.156 0.500 0.196 11.62 20.25 0.796 T = 27.0 *.Actual Area - 2.19 ' (Actual Area / Nominal Area) ' V 0.625 0.5615 0.248 0.625 0.307 18.15 32.09 0.807 s 21.6 ' Actual Area 0.750 0.6800 0.363 0.750 0.442 26.14 47.07 0.822 Combined Tension and Shear 0.875 0.7970 0.499 0.875 0.601 35.57 64.66 0.830 on Upset T read Bolts With Wind Increase 1.000 0.9060 0.645 1.000 0.785 46.46 83.55 0.621 ft = (4/3) ' 27.0 - 2.19 ' fv s (413) ' 21.6 1.125 1.0263 0.827 1.125 0.994 58.81 107.21 0.832 ft = 36.0-.?r.19' fv s 28.8 1.250 1.1511 1.041 1.250 1.227 72.60 134.87 0.848 T = 36.0 ' Actual Area - 2.19 ' (Actual Area / Nominal Area) ' V s 28.8 ' Actual Area Tucker 3/17/04 9:14 AM. 6