HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0913 " 6 .1. t;S :~=-:::::"';":.......~'tI"'m~: ::t:"~""::':""' .~ ~.~.. ~ .:-:. :-::: --~-:: . ::.=:- ~ . )tiJ~il~3):~.tl.&I<~I~~!~..AS~~~~ \.. THIS INDENTURE, Made Ibil...._....._...~~~~_...._.__...._........_da)' 01-- . ..__._ '~l)r~ry...__.._...._.._....___._..~._A. n:lil~~ BETWEEN ..._...__..___l.!n_'.!.._~U'.<m.fAp.~ _1>'-1'--..C'.. .>>.h~_'J.l.!.Q.!h....~J"-._ "U..' .~4."......Q.!. ~..JP,~~~....~.~_. .'l~~~~~!o...!f~ ~~~.r..~_ of ~~~~n~::f_--81; ..-Luol....--. .............__--&n4 Slale oL........_. l}..Ql'la.".._...._.._....._..... .._....__._....___p~rt.l.~_ ollht firsl put, and __.__....____J&8......H.....CrgQtel'._.._..__..~..--------.--~.._.__._~~_..._....__ __"'___"''''''''__'_''_' ...___...._..__._........_...._.____ of Ihe Conoly or.__._..Barnstable_ ....__..__._.and State oL__MaBa&Qhu.'e.t.tB..____.._.__._.parl ...7.. o' tit.. second part, WITNESSETH, th~1 Ihe $3id rall.1e.8 of lile fint pari, lor and in con,ideration o' the "".. 01........___._._..........._........._........_....__........._ ....h....:...__.. r: ..On.e ..D.ollar...8ntl"h.o.the r..Ya l\lAble_ho.o.nQ.l~-'.r.e.~1.9llJt l.x." 10 ._them ill hand p3id. the receipl whereof is h('(eby acknn'....."r:ed. ha.Y_4L sranted. b3rC3ine'". solei and transferred. and by the,e I'rUenls <.!o......._srant, bUllain, sell a...l tran5!(r bnto the sa;.1 1'3,,7._... of lite sewnd pau aDlL.hl.V___heirs ~nd assisn' forner, all Ihal cerlilin parcel of land l,.iull and beiDg in lite Coant)' oL__.~~.!_.].\19..t~_...___.._.___.._ and Stat( 0(...._._.....101' .lda........__.._______more particularl)' deacril>ed u 10110...:-._.__.__..._._._._..... ._...... ._....... _..._....____..__._.._ ...... Lot .1'went)'..four ... (2.4 )...Blook..fIl0. (2.LJL. .B. .. Goldem1th 'puSubd1v1e1.on _aooor41 ng.. ._._.._..... ._ .....to ..pl~t r~QOr4e<l....1nl'lf,l~~9.0)!:...Jl.Q.Lg.....(ll ~~g,..:~ .....~t .LL\lo1.t:t. ._C()Ul! ty . Plor 14f,l. ...........___..... '._... Reoord.' t ... ......._ .....................:. tl.OO..dQo..o ~ItIP'..Oe.Jh. .... ...._.....P..._............... ......_... ......_......_..... ------ _____u______..__.__.____.____..__..________________.___.____________.._.__ ._.___.__.._..._______.. _. .__..__.___...._hO..__.__. _..._...__..______________ r TOGETHER wilh all lhr lenrmrnu. hen"ilam~nu and appurt..nances, with e,.try llriwilrg~, ri!;ht, tille. intercsl and cstatr. dowrr and rillht 01 dow..r. r...~"'on. remainder and eas..mrntlh.uIO "donpn!; or tIl an}"wisc apptrtai..:nl: To IIA \'1-: A:\D TO HOJ.U the ,amr in Ire simple lorner. And the uid pilrt...11.Uof Ihe first pan do..__ connant with the said 1''''1_.7._ of th.. second p;lIltbaL1;I!~1"....l;lr.~_............Ia...lully ~eiz<d of the s~id )>renllSet, th.t tbey arc Iree frum all iJ1curnbrall~cs and Ihart.he)' .}u).:!flooJ right all,l .....ful authority to sdl Ibe urne; anJ the said paltie S 01 l' the firsl part do__ bereby fully warrant the Iltle 10 $Oid lalld, and will "elend Ihe same agaiDSI the .....tul claims 01 all persons whOlnsoucr. I~ WIT~ESS WHEREOF. tbe s..id pau .1<<!.~ of the firsl ,>aU ha..!..~.... Ilerrunto scl..their .... h.ndl.. and sulU.be "il)' and )'ur abo.e written J .Si~n:~.;;e;:;d _d:~.:~~~_i.~..~:~.~:.~e.n:e:..._..... ...... .--.........--l ~~.~~ ..~..:..~~.~t~.:~~~..=~~:~~=~:~~.._.~:.:=::.=~~.~~==_~=\ . _ __o__._..-.__.<.._._.".__u_.__ __._____..._.___."..___ __ _n ___.._._,____.. ___ n.._ .._______________._, _~_ J '_I'...J'1!.,,-~~...._.._ .... __..... ....__......_(SEAL) Della B. \Hleon" (Seal) ....__.~ ..Ca....\lIiJ1flrt ____.._..__..___.....(SEAL) Thereea Keinert (Seal) STATE of_-'l.o.r.U&.L__'___._ } COUNTY OF_~Lu.c1e. f HEREBY CERTIFY. Thai on this_._.:::.__..._____day oi.___._.~~.~!p.8...J'7.____.._A D. 192..~....bdore me rmOllally ap~md_J...._.... Ji] AoJ".l-&Ild-.1l8l.1a...JU.l.sonr-h18._iIIi~e..&nd_.l...._C.. ...\leiner.t....&...~resa ..Yaein.ert,..., hie "ue to me known to be the persOn 11._ dncribed in and who uecuttd lite fotegoing conveyance to_.......__.. Jae......lI....Jlr..o.o.k~I:_...____.___..._ allJ stnrall)' acknowledged lite ueculion thtreof to ~.._~A.~.g..... frte ad and dud lor Ihe usn and purposes therein mention..d; ""d th( said--Del..la...lIilaon..and..There.8a.....Bei.ner~.___.___..._ the ~"o' ~he said._~.4L........I.Us.Q D....Clall...J.._..c....._l.e1netl._. r.ee~e..c.tful.U...._..._on .A,,~.,,"~pd private examin.tion tilktn and made by and before me. and ~eparaltly and apart Iromthe;,.uid hbSb:>n,lj did atknowledge thai (1.eJn>ade ~party to Ihe said Dud of Con.eyanct. for the purpo'e of renounciJ1~. relinquishing an.1 ton\"e1ing alln"irrillbr. title and illtcrest. ...hetbrr of dower or of 5Cparate property. statutory or equil.Me. in and to tht lilnds Ihcrein ok'erib~d. an.1 Ihal1!t,e""cated said deed fruly aDd ,'oluntalll,. an<i without an)' eon..rainl. lur, appreben5ion <>I" compulsion oi or Ironlthcqosaid hU$:'andJ WfT:\ESj> fu7~~ and official seal at___IQr..'...f.l..J'.'~.1.. . I . -- and Slate oL_.1.1Q.l1da._...i.__._..__.__tbe day and 7e"r Ian afore.,.;o!. . i .iD lit.. Counly of..___..3j;...~y~_._____._.h_ (H.P. Seal) .. ..." -- . . ... --./. , / STATE OF FLORIDA -,,} COUNTY OF ST:1.1JCfE J. N. Durden - ..ISJij;AU }'a;eS.\Y1US.~tHPil1I.S}Ji!iOt ~ ng2~4a-~ 81;' I.arga (~t (! On thia...-.7 _.._...._._ _...__....oby - oL_._.MIlI:.....___. .... D. 19Z.~._ al___o'dock__.m.. Ibis inslru_"t was ~Ied for record. aud beiDg duly acknow:cdgcd and pr01'Cr. I hur rtcord~d the sam( 00 page_.3.l3._0' Book...6.Q___...in lb( publie records of said l'otlnty. ! I l J I .IX WITNESS \\:,IIr,:REO.. F. I haYe hcrtanwel n:y hand and affixed the suI of tbe Cireuil Court of the Fifteenth J..dicia! Cir(Uil of said Slal~, in and lor sad Collnty. J" . . "lIIf::'c;J, / '~ , P. C. Bldred _ ' C 'h .cCt.Ct.Seal) n A ' ---- fer... '.Bz ~ ';;~~__D.C. " h. ,~, ":'.~:::;.)~l!ii~t