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___"" ......_.Jamea .R... .Croo~.....__....---....._...----__._..:_.__.._._.._._..___.._._....__................_..__.........._........_'---__......___..__
of the CObnl)' of...__._~~_~!~_~~~.~.__...,_...__.___.and Slolte of..___.~8.!!9.hu8et t_~..__.._______._.p~rl..Z._. o. lhe second pari.
WITN ESSl-:TiI. Ihat Ihe uiJ pa:l...lt.'o' Ihe r;ul part, for alld in consideration of Ihe sum of.._.._______ __:..._...... ............_............__...._........_~__
_....QIl...~.11..J'...u.4..Qtho;r...y.0J1~@J.-'__9.9Ml~~r..~.1;lQDJllllIJI. to_them...", banJ paid. the r"ctipt "hmo' is Itmhy aehowleJxtd.
h:a..Y.!. guuled, b.ugaincd. sold land transferred. and by lhese preseuts <10.-. __Kranl, bargain. ull an.1 transfer unto lhe said parl.'r._.. of the uconJ
I'arl alld..._.~J.~...._heirs and .nigns forner, aU lbal ccclain parcel of land lying and being in th( Couuty of_.!.~.!.....L~9J'..._.___._..
and State (of_..~!9:r..l~" __.._.. ._._._ _ ___lDOre parlicularly described as 'o:low.:___...._._....... ._........_.._ ._.... ________...___._.
.. . .. LO\ . 'lwt1"Y. . (U) of. .B1.ook. Two_ (2.. Lot K...B. ..Gold8lll1th~ 8. Addition to the .City of _..........._._
. .......7ort Plerae,. as.per.map fUed ..In.tho..ot!1oo.. of..the ...Q1.erk..of.. the .Ciroui t.. Qourt......_........_:___
.of. St, .. Luole . County ..':1.01'1 da. . f~at .Bo()~._? t... page..~' ._._ ..........__...__........ .. ... .... ....... _ .......... ........ ...........__.__
...... .................. ...-..... _........ ..... ....... .-..... ......._...._.. 11.00.. .4o.Q..~. $~QJ1lJl.. O~P. ......_....._..._..._.............._..__........................_......_.__......__...._.._.._. .. ._..............
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TIUS INDENTURE. }.fade lh~____.....6~!l..._...._._. ............_day o.____....~:r.ob.._..........__....__._..___... _^- D. 19d., BETWEEN
_............,. _jmy...L.. ...!ed 4.er ,.1I.140w. _e.nd..Bat.U...]).... Saleeby. ..f f o.rme. 1'17. . Hat. tie. B .....Ballardl_.and...Geo.
A. Sa~..DY her husband. . .
of lite COllnly ol_._.At.,... L.uo1e........_... ._.._............. ...and Slal~ of_.._... _...__ ...... .1Qr.lda...._...... ......._.........__.._part....1e>> o. the fiul part, and
_..____.._.__.._____.....__ _______._....__ _..u____". __0___.....___.._.. _________.._._.. .....__. ......__.___..__... _...._.______.._.__..._.___._ ._____._______.____. __......__.._ _. ____..._... __._......__...___..__...___..._....
-.-............--. .--.-....- ..--.. _.._..n_....._..____ ".. "__uh__.. -..- .....__+._._. ._.______ _..____......___.___._..__._____.__.__..._________...... ......n.!.... .__.Ohu____._h._______._.___.___..
__...____._.__....__....____._..___. .___........._._..._.......__._.__ '.nO_ ___.____.______._________ ________.______....____.._._._ _..___ .._ .._..;_____...___..
...----.--......-....-... -............ ... .....-.--..--.-.-.-----.-.-- .-------____.____.___.._______.._._.__..__.____ ._...__...._._.._n _._..h..____....._._.__
,-,.-."--,, .-...---.. .____....._..._u. n.u_..._._.._......_.____..___ _.___.._ -..______..._._____.._.___.n_.._. ___'__.u . ___.___._ .__._......._..._._....__...___.._....___
..._..__.___._.__... _____. '_._'_'._"__'h"'_'_'_.'h'.'_' _.____ ___....______.___._ .___..._..__.__....__ .___.._.____..__._._._.__.._..._._ ____..__. __...___.....__.__.._._....._.
--------......------....-.--..--.----.---.-----.---..-.__.____.________.._._..___.___..u .._.... '__"_' .h"__.U'_._"_ ___h.Uhn......._.. __....._.__.. '. .....__ .... .......__....___..__.._____..
TOGETHER with all lh( tenements. hercdilamenlS and apl'brtrnanCtS. ....ith e\"tr)" pri..ile;:e. righl. lille. intrrtst and utate. dO\nr :rr:J right ,of d.,.Hr.
rr..ersion. remainder and eaormeutlbuClO bclongmg or in :rny"ise appertaining: TO 1\.-\ \'E AXu TO IfU).lJ the ume lD fee s.mple lorC\'u.
And the said partido of lhe first pall do _ connaDt with the saill part.}t_._ of the sccouJ pau Ibal...1;.b..IilY ...fil.r.Iil._...__. b"ful!y seiud of the
~ai.J premius, that the)" arc free from all incumbrances and tha,-~!t:!J;r._~.!rood righl aD,1 lawful ~ulhoritY to sell the same; :rnd Il:e uiJ I>ut 1e" 01
the f.rst pari 010__ li~reLy lully warrant Ihe litlr to said Ian':. and ...ill dci~nd the saDIe against Ih( la..iul claims of alll'ccsons whoms""...r.
IN' WIT~ESS WHEREOF. the said partte~L of tl:e fiut P:l-rt ha.T.~... hreunto scl_~.'..~._..haDd~. and su.... the day and yur abo\e ".ittcn.
i....~. .
tr~=~::;: _::~:':='m -------1
___..,q _.1. ~ .~e..~~.er...._........ _...__......._........___(SE.\L)
__. .lJ.~..t..H' .~.~_. ~.1'_e])y___....__(SZAL)
G~ A. Saleeby. (Seal)
Ilor 1.~..
I HEREBY CERTfFY. That on Ihi'_~~~___:_...day of.._.~J:Q.b.._...__.___ ._^- D. 19l_jL beforr me
rersonally appem.1 ~ L. Tedde!j -.!I~~t1. .B.~~!~eb1_~d Geo.._..A~...~1.~~!>.Yt...l1.e.!_l11,1i!"\)~~~_.___._~.
to me known to be the pcu(,n~ drseriDed in and who executed Ih~ foregoh.3 con..e)'auce to.__.._........_..... J.~II~!~__.!!~....Q.!'2..~J!:~.r
and snrraH): ackno..ledgtd Ihe encutioll thereof to be._~!!'lr...__.fr<r act
and de~d for the usrs :rnd purpoltS therein mrntioned: and the said__.Hat.t1._L-..Sa.le.e.b~.
the wife of the said .~.Q...__.A....._s.al'.e.by .._. on a uparate ;u;1 print~ ~umination
taken "rod made by and brfore me. and srpuallly and ap:lrt from her laid husband. did acknowledge thaI she made h~rselF a puty to the said Deed of
Conycyance. for the purpose of renouncing. relinquisloillJ: an.1 eon..eyin" all her rip;bl. tille and illl~rest. whether of dowrr or of separate properly. statutory
or equitable. in :rnd ro the lands th~(ein described. all,l Ih:.t she executed s"id dred (reel)" and ..olDntarily and withoul an}" ,:onstraint. fear. apprehension
<.r compulsion of or !rom hte said husband. .
WITNESS my si/PIa~ure and'6mocial 6ral at._---'2.r't..1>.1.e.r.O.l. in the County of__-M.L.-oLu.oh_-..:_...._._.__
- "
and State of......__It-.Q.r.lde._~_tbe day and YUI last afore.aiel.
\ (B.P'Y.a;.O<<~Ulr.t;tp~:SWU~,t: 'lVU,.-.ttl.'i-1/li
STATE OF FLORID....'."t- ..
On this
'1.__. ~day c,f_~!'.~
_^- D. 19l~.~ aL__o'dock_lD.. this instrumenl wa,
C'.led for record. and being duly ackno,..ledl{~d and pro..eD, I han recor.Jid tM ume on page_~J.L_o' Boo"_~_.in lhe public r<<ords of said
loullt). . ..
.,,--............ . \" .
IN WITNESS WII~P. .OF, I blOW" :\eunlo Itr my haDd and .ffi~~d Ibe scal of lhe Circuit CO!!rt of Ihe Fifteenth Judicial Circuit of said Stale. in and
lor said County. . _
l .
( .Ct.Seal) r r P. C. Eldred .__Clcck.
./ f ~~ ,1v,-
/ \(.By -~ ~___D. C.
-~ f~
.' - ~.. .'~: <:~ ;~~~~t~l?i\~$;
. '" ~ .' ...",...,.%J~ J. .-e..~. ~.""'.,
> ~. . . ., . ~ ~ \;,-'~~'~~.~~~.i~~~~-!:!~:~~;j:=ttt,-