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__~~:.. . J.(48,M &1'
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THIS INDENT~RE, )lade lhis..__...__..... .I?~~.._.._..... ._.. ._day 0'...-....-...... Marah . ...__...... ..... ..._._.._.__A. D. 191_ 6... nETWEF.N
_.... .............Jt~...4.!..Kl.1~!.~...q~...~.J~!..~nl'-;r t.. hU . ~lt.. _.._._......__.....u...._.. u...._.. .... ...._....__ .._...____.......__...___.__.__
of the County o.___...~1!.t........Lu.Qlt. _...... _...._..__._. and Slate of_...__........llOr1.4a ..._....._..... .._.__.._.,....... ___..PUI.iU_ or Ihe filii parI. and
_...................__...._il . ...Ohr.1atenaen.
I,f llle CObllly of___..._.B'.. Luoie. .:_.__ _._._and Stale o.___..___:r1.0z..1A.....--:-_____.._....._..__._rart._.-7 -' o' Ihe lerond (art,
WITNF.SSF.TJr. lhatthe said rarl.1 eo. of the filSl part. 'or and in tOlUi4!eratlOn 01 Ihe lum of_...._..._.._._._.._................ ...... ,''''.n..'", _.._...._ ........._.___..
_. 9.l!'...~~..~r._...~L9.:t.h.Q~._!~.:!..Y...._~1~L.99.g,~.1,.~!t.r...~.!Qna..llEillJh. 10..thGIIL....in ball.1 paid. the ",uipl whereof is hmby acknowle.llled,
1t:1_"!t grab ted, bargained, 10101 and tranderred. alld by Ih(se pre'enlS 010__ _.grant. baraain. ,ell and transfer unto Ihe sa;.) par I.. y_... o( Ihe second
p~rt ant! __. .~.~~_...hcirs and anito, 'orner. all Ihal C(l lain parcel of 'and I,.ing anJ beiog in Ihc Connly of__$.l.t. _J.,v,.9..1t...__.____..__.__._
and Slate of..__.').Qr..l~~....._......._.___._more rUlicularly ducribed as i..llo.s;___......_ _...__._... __ ... ._._....... _...__. ...._.__.._..._.. ...._._.._._...
.......... .Lot 'l'went1-:tour.u._l24Lof.Blook....!'Bn..ot..O. .l. K11ler.ls plat of .Ktot 1ft..m..
. of. Bwtof BEt' .ot . Seation 9. . fownah1.pu36. SOllth~..Bange. 40u Eaat,...s8 reoorded.1n ._um
..J:lla 1i.Boot 4, . page. 60.. reoord... Qt. St.. .Luo1eOounty. .florida..... . ._..._. _.. _ _._.....__...............__
.. ..... '''_' ......_......... .. . . . t. ~ d~.. _ ..~~P..~~_.__......__._... ____.....__. ..._...... .. _'''_ ................ ................._ ...... . ._.._.._.. .._ .._...___.....
TOGETHER witb all the t~ntmeot5. hereditaments and appurtenaneC5, ..ilh enry pri.ilegr. right. litlr, intrresl and est:>tr, dower and right ol -.;owtr.
re\USlon. rcma.nder anJ easemcotlbrnto bclunK.n,> 01 in ab,.".>c ap~rtaininr.: TO 1I.\\'E A:SU Tu BOLU the same io fre siml'le lorenr.
Aod the said pan_1<<UI. 0: Ihe 6nt ('art do__ CO\enanl witb Ibe said ('ULY__ or the second pullhal_ tbey. are.___._la..luJly seiltd of 1.lt
.aid premises, Ib~t thty arc free (wm all incumbrances and that.~ll.~:l._.~V~.od rigllt and 'a"ful authurity to sell the same; and tht ui.1 p"L1." ol
lhe first pari 010___ hueb)' lully ...arraol Ihe tilk I~ sai.1 land. an.! ..ill deleod Ihe $201e again.. Ihe b..fal claims {.f all ~rsons ..hom5oc~er.
IX WITXESS WHEREOF, the sai'! P~rl~""!' o{ Ihe but pau ba...!.~ benunto seLJhe!r _hand.! and scaL..l"'e day and yur aLon "rillell.
Signed. scaled and dcliTtred in our presence: \
J. },{. DB y 18 on Jr...._... _....... ""'_".... .. ....____... ..._... (
.___w:o~_~_gs:~~:~_: -=-=_~_-~- =~_ . ..]
_'__'_"'_". C. ..l. . K11.ler . ..... .......... ._...m__....._(SE.\L)
STATE OF__..1!.Q~..~~-L-
St.. Lucie.
. }
I HEREBY CERTIFY;lb,,1 on thi,__~~_J!.___daY of_ ~r.Qh.__....____._.. A. D.'9U.. bclure me
personally appeared C -*-..A..__Kin~!'....'lJIIL.A nnA E...-Xll.l.e.r._. b1.s...Kife. ____.. _...__..____ .._.._...._.
10 me Icoown 10 be the ptlson4_ described in and who excculed Ihe forcgoiag eonycyancc to.___....~!.._.~ll..!' !.~.!!~..~~.!!
and seycrally acknowledged Ihe execution thertof to br the ~_...rree aU
~nd deed for the uses and PUIf'OSCI thereio mentioned; aDd the said.
the wife o( the said_.~. .l. Killer. on a upuate and private examination
taken and nude by and before me. and Kl'aratdy aud apart from hrr ",id husband. did ackno.ledge that she made berself a parly to Ibe said Deed of
Con~e,.ance. (or tbe purposc ol reo/)l.lncing. rdinqulSlung an.1 cou~eying all her rigbl. title and int~rrsl. ..hether of .lown Dr of sel'arate property_ Slatutol}"
Qr cquilable. ill and to Ihe lands therein dueribed. aDd Ihal she executed said deed fruly and YOIU"lari',. and ..ilbo"t any constrainl. fear, ap,'rehension
lor compulsion of or from her' band.
JJ1!_......t.UOl e
WITl\ESS my si
and Stat~ 0'--_ ~
.___tbe day and year Iasl a{oresaid.
__ ,,_ _ ~ii8CKmmU8!~Iii:!1;jliOio!1~iigtl- e.t"-L!ltt~L)
On .;lhia___1 __.____.__day QL___~.._____~\. D. 19Z.D... aL_o'dock.-m, lhis ""uument was
filed for record. a.nd bcinlr duly admow'edccd and proynt., I han recorded thr same 011 patre_~.n_of Book._...60.__.in Ihe public ncords of said
l'ounti. .
:REOF, I han- hereuolo ..I my ball" and ai!ixed th( seal of th( Circuit Court of Ihe Fiflccnth Judicial Circuit of said State, in and
P. C. Ildre4
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