HomeMy WebLinkAbout0712-0376SGANE BY St Luclec ST LUCIE COUNTY FIRE DISTRICT Office of the Fire Marshal Plan Review 5160 N.W. Milner Drive Telephone: 772.621.3322 Port Saint Lucie, FL 34983 I FAX: 772.621.3604 THE FLORIDA FIRE PREVENTION CODE, 2004 EDITION IS CURRENTLY ENFORCED. The Code is based on NFPA 1 and NFPA 101, 2003 Florida Specific edition. Jurisdiction: SLC FMO Permit #: B-08-368 Project Name: Associates Infectious Diseases Building Permit #: 0712-0376 Address: 356 E. Midway Road j Contractor John Jacobs Construction one # 772.519.0798 Contractor's Address: 4701 Oleander Ave i Fort Pierce State: FL Zi Code: 34982 Architect/Engineer: St. Lucie Design Associates Phone # 772.466.1000 1 Occupancy Type: Business ;R AS Permit: Construction Type: VB FA Permit: Square feet: 2450 FFP Permit: Number of stories: 1 Access Box: Occupant Load: Access Key Switch: NOTE 1. All revisions, including th%24 ctrI is copy must be received prior to permitting. 2. The Fire Marshal requires - o6r notice on all inspections. 3. The respective Building Department shall schedule all final inspections through the Fire Marshal's Office. 4. Failed inspections require payment, of fee prior to rescheduling of further inspections. 5. Penetrations through rated assemblies shall be of proper UL design. Design criteria shall be submitted with the construction plans. 6. Fire alarm panels shall be located indoors within a controlled environment. 7. Plans and construction are subject to corrections in the field to maintain code compliance. An electronic version of the construction plans on a CD is required. The file format shall be .pdf only. TheiCD shall contain a sheet index file. Files shall be separated by discipline. Files names shall match construction documents sheet numbers. Required Revisions w r -1. Maximum dead-end corridor length in an unsprinklered business occupancy is 20 feet. Plans indicate a ,minimum of 39 feet. Air handler number 1 must be relocated and the exit door indicated shall remain functional. Please revise accordingly. 2. Automatic fan shutdown for the HVAC system is required. 3. Revise all plan sheets as necessary to depict changes. Tony ;j Digitally cn=Tonyed nt Tony Liento DN: cn=Tony Liento, o=Saint Lucie County Fire District, you=Office of the Fire Marshal, L n t �` " "email=aliento@slcfd.org, c=US Date: 2008.09.05 10:45:06-04'00' I � Page 1 Fenell9c9s r UG LINE @ 10 PSI Gal ASMEE y Rated Underground Propane Tank ti n 4 � ' AMW ki T SHUTOFF. --► 2°d stage Regulator r GAS RISER NO SCALE I ' 4103 BANDY BLVD. FORT PIERCE, FL 34981 772-465-8282 FAX 772-468-3409 LOT 34 LOT 35 '•k STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH i ONSITE SEWAGE TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION PERMIT FOR: OS,TDS Repair APPLICANT: JOHN JACOBS PERMIT #: 56-SF-661464 APPLICATION #: AP611610 DATE PAID: 11 /30/2007 FEE PAID: $190.00 RECEIPT #: 56-PID-668407 DOCUMENT #: PR512670 PROPERTY ADDRESS: 356 E MIDWAY FORT PIERCE, FL 34982 LOT: 28 BLOCK: SUBDIVISION:' i PROPERTY ID #: [SECTION, TOWNSHIP RANGE, PARCEL NUMBER] [OR TAX ID NUMBRRA SYSTEM MUST BE CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH SPECI - STANDARDS OF SECTION 381.0065, F.S.; AND CHAPTER 64E-6, F.A.C. DEPARTMENT PRO F SYSTEM DOES NOT GUARANTEE SATISFACTORY PERFORMANCE FOR ANY SPECIFIC PERIOD O ANY CHANGE IN MATERIAL FACTS, WH?rH SERVED AS A BASIS FOR ISSUANCE OF THIS PERMIT, IRE THE APPLICANT TO MODIFY THE PERMIT APPLICATION. SUCH MODIFICATIONS MAY ISSUANCE OF THIS PERMIT DOES NOT EXEMPT 7 STATE, OR LOCAL PERMITTING REQUIRED FOR DEVELO SYSTEM DESIGN AND SPECIFICATIONS T [ 1,200 ] GALLONS / GPD _ A [ ] GALLONS / GPD _ N [ ] GALLONS GREASE INTE K [ 750 ] GALLONS DOSING TANK T IS PERMIT BEING MADE NULL AND VOID. '.CANT FROM COMPLIANCE WITH OTHER FEDERAL, PROPERTY. CAPACITY CAPACITY PTOR CAPACITY [MAXIMUM CAPACITY SINGLE TANK:1250 GALLONS] PACITY [I30.00 ]GALLONS @[ 6 ]DOSES PER 24 HRS #Pumps [ D [ 775'] SQUARE FEET SYSTEM R [ ] SQUARE FEET SYSTEM A TYPE SYSTEM: [ ] STANDARD [X] FILLED [] MOUND [ ] I CONFIGURATION: —" TRENCH �x - N F LOCATION OF BENCHMARK: c/I Mlway; Rd/ center of prop I ELEVATION OF PROPOSED SYSTEM SITE [ 0.00 ][INCHES/ FT][ ABOVE/ BELOW] BENCHMARK/REFERENCE POINT E BOTTOM OF DRAINFIELD TO BE [ 6.00 ][INCHES/ FT ][ABOVE BELOW BENCHMARK/REFERENCE POINT L D FILL REQUIRED: [ ] INCHESI EXCAVATION REQUIRED: [ 84.001 INCHES F'reconstruction meeting with bWIder, septic tank contractor and health department personnel required. Dual alternating pumps and p I?r*'bdx„required. T Audio/visual alarm and pumps required to be functional at time of inspection. Hr Access to grade required on all ports. E Must apply for and obtain an annual operating permit prior to final. If subjected to vehicular, weight bean" rings and manhole covers will be required. RI SPECIFICATIONS BY: James C Duncan , TITLE: APPROVED BY: DATE ISSUED: TITLE: 2 ] St. Lucie CHD EXPIRATION DATE: 03/02/2008 DH 4016, 10/97 (Previous Editions May, Be Used) Page 1 of 3 i v 1.1.4 AP611610 SE525347 APPLICATION FOR: -[ ] New System •[ JJ,"' Repair APPLICANT: AGENT: f MAILING ADDRESS: STATE OF FLORI DEPARTMENT OF ONSITE SEWAGE APPLICATION FO 761 A . PERNIT NO. j EALTH DATE PAID: / �J d ISPOSAL SYSTEM. FEE PAID: f6pp.Vf) CONSTRUCTION PERMIT RECEIPT f: Ling System [ ] Holding Tank [ ] Innovative ionaent [ ] .Temporary [ ] TELEPHONE: TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT•OI APPLICANT'S AUTHORIZED BY A PERSON -LICENSED PURSUANT TO 489.103(3)(a) OR 48 PROPERTY INFORMATION LOT: 0 BLOCK: PROPERTY ID SION: .YSTENS ]LUST BE CONSTRUCTED L091DA STATUTES. Xr r� C•.. `n PLATTED: ONO ZONING: I/N OR EQUIVALENT: [ Y /.N ] PROPERY SIZE: rl ACRES WATERS PLY: [ ] PRIVATE PUBLIC [ ]<=2000GPD [ ]>2000GPD IS SEWER AVAILABLE AS PER 381.0065, FS? [ Y CN) DISTANCE TO SEWER: FT PROPERTY ADDRESS: DIRECTIONS TO PROPERTY: 4 BUILDING INFORMATION Unit Type of No Establii;hme;t , 1 2 3 4 _[ ] Floor/Equi m Drains SIGNATUREi DH 4015, 10/97�7)44-001-4015-1 - age 1 revio Stock Number: ,ell I ] RESIDENTIAL [UI/C600iRCIAL No. of Building Coamercial/Institutional System Design Bedrooms Area Sqft Table 1, Chapter 648-6, FAC l i I - I'. ( :) Other (Specify) DATE: .� Q s editions may be used) . page 1 of 3 I c STATE STATE OF FLORIDAI DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH ONSITE SEWAGE TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL SYSTEM SITE EVALUATION AND SYSTEM SPECIFICATION `•.�ry�f U'E� APPLICANT: JOHN JACOBS CONTRACTOR / AGENT • LOT : 28 SUBDIVISION: All ID#: BLOCK: APPLICATION # AP611610 PERMIT # 56-SF-661454 DOCUMENT # SE525347 TO BE COMPLETED BY ENGINEER, HEALTH (DEPARTMENT EMPLOYEE, OR OTHER QUALIFIED PERSON. ENGINEERS MUST PROVIDE REGISTRATION NUMBER AND SIGN AND SEAL EACH PAGE OF SUBMITTAL. COMPLETE ALL ITEMS. PROPERTY SIZE CONFORMS TO SITE PLAN: [X]YES [ ]NO NET USABLE AREA AVAILABLE: 1.68 ACRES TOTAL ESTIMATED SEWAGE FLOW: 620 GALLONS PER DAY [ RESIDENCES-TABLEI / OTHER -TABLE 2 ] AUTHORIZED SEWAGE FLOW: 4200.01 GALLONS PER DAY [ 1 0 GPD/ACRE OR 2500 GPD/ACRE ] UNOBSTRUCTED AREA AVAILABLE: �000.00 SQFT UNOBST REQUIRED: 1772.00 SQFT BENCHMARK/REFERENCE POINT LOCATION: C/I MIWay Rd/ Center Of p ELE OF PROPOSED SYSTEM SITE [ INCHES FT ] [ VE / BELOW ] BENCHMARK/REFERENCE POINT a%TION THE MINIMUM SETBACK WHICH CAN BE MAINTAINED FROM THE ROPO D SYSTEM TO THE FOLLOWING FEATURES SURFACE WATER: 75 FT I DITC /S 15 FT NORMALLY WET: [ ]YES [X]NO WELLS: PUBLIC: FT LIMITED U FT PRIVATE: FT NON -POTABLE: 50 FT BUILDING FOUNDATIONS: 10 FT RO LINES: 10 FT POTABLE WATER LINES: 10 FT SITE SUBJECT TO FREQUENT FLOODING? I v ]YES [X]NO 10 YEAR FLOODING? [ ]YES [X]NO] 10 YEAR FLOOD ELEVATION FOR SITE: FT [ MSL / NGVD ] SITE ELEVATION: FT [ MSL./ NGVD SOTT, PRnVTT.E. TNFORMATTON SITE 1 I SOIL PROFILE INFORMATION SITE 2 USDA SOIL SERIES: Munsell #/Color Texture I. I Depth 1 OYR 4/1 Fine Sand I 0 To 12 1 OYR 6/1 Fine Sand j 12. To 30 1 OYR 2/1 Hardpan 30 To 36 1 OYR 5/4 Loamy Sand ! 36 To 48 REFUSAL Refusal ( 48 To 72 USDA SOIL SERIES: Munsell #/Color Texture Depth 1 OYR 511 Fine Sand 0 To 12 1OYR 6/1 Fine Sand 12 To 30 1 OYR 211 Hardpan 30 To 36 1 OYR 211 Refusal 36 To 72 OBSERVED WATER TABLE: 36.00 INCHES [ ABOVE / BELOW ] EXISTING GRADE TYPE: [ PERCHED APPARENT ] ESTIMATED WET SEASON WATER TABLE ELEVATION: 18 INCHES [ ABOVE / BELOW ] EXISTING GRADE HIGH WATER TABLE VEGETATION: [I ]YES EX ]NO MOTTLING: [ ]YES [X]NO DEPTH: INCHES SOIL TEXTURE/LOADING RATE FOR SYSTEM SIZING: Fine Sand DEPTH OF EXCAVATION: INCHES DRAINFIELD CONFIGURATION: [ ] TRENCH [X ] BED [ ] OTHER (SPECIFY) r REMARKS/ADDITIONAL CRITERIA t SITE EVALUATED BY.: DH 4015, 09/2006 {Previous Editions May Be Used) AP611610 EID661454 DATE: 11/20/2007 Page 3 of 4, v 1.0.2 Florida Energy Efficiency Code For Building Construction ' Florida Department of Community Affairs EnergyG.Tuge FLA/COM 2004 v3.00 -- Form 40OA-2004 Method A: Whole. Building Performance Method for Commercial Buildings `r Effective December 8, 2006 PROJECT SUMMARY 11 Short Desc: MIDWAY Owner: Addressl: 356 MIDWAY Address2: Description: MIDWAY ASSOCIATES City: FT. PIERCE State: FL Zip: 0 Type: Healthcare -Clinic Class: Renovation to existing Jurisdiction: FORT PIERCE, ST LUCIE COUNTY, FL (661100) Cond Area: 2435 SF Cond & UnCond Area: 2435 SF No of Storeys: 1 Area entered from Plans 0 SF Permit No: 0 Max Tonnage 3.5 If different, write in: 7/30/2008 EnergyGauge FLA/COM 2004 v3.00 1 0 Compliance Summary Component Design Criteria Result Gross Energy Use 1,361.6 1,516.3 PASSES LIGHTING CONTROLS PASSES EXTERNAL LIGHTING None Entered HVAC SYSTEM PASSES PLANT None Entered WATER HEATING SYSTElom. S None Entered PIPING SYSTEMS None Entered Met all required compliance Check List? Yes/No/NA RTANT NOTE: with this Comnl 7/30/2008 input report of this design building must. be submitted -e Report. EnergyGauge FLA/COM 2004 v3.00 2 CERTIFICATIONS I hereby certify that the plans and Specificafons covered by this calculation are in compliance with the Florida Energy Code �� Prepared Bv: Building Official: - Date: , - I - Date: I certify that this building is in compliance with the Florida Energy Efficiency Code Owner Agent: Date: If Required by Florida law, I hereby I certify (*) that the system design is in compliance with the FLorida Energy Efficiency Code Architect: Reg No: Electrical Designer: I Reg No: Lighting Designer: Reg No: � Mechanical Designer: f / R@g No: JULH(e Plumbing Designer: No: (*) Signature is required where! Florida Law requires de i n be p med by registered design professionals. Typed names and registration numbers 'Way e e here all relevant information is contained on signed/sealed plans. 7/30/2008 EnergyGauge FLA/COM 2004 v3.00 3 External Lighting Compliance Description Category Allowance Area or Length ELPA CLP (W/Unit) or No. of Units (W) (W) (Sgft or ft) None Project: MIDWAY Title: MIDWAY ASSOCIATES Type: Healthcare -Clinic (WEA File: DAYTONABEACH.TMY) Lighting I Controls Compliance Acronym Ashrae Description Area No. of Design Min Compli- ID I (sq.ft) Tasks CP CP ance Pr0Zo1Sp1 16 Office - Open Plan 2,435 1 1 1 PASSES PASSES 7/30/2008 EnergyGauge FLA/COM 2004 v3.00 M Project: MIDWAY Title: MIDWAY ASSOCIATES Type: Healthcare -Clinic (WEA File: DAYTONABEACH.TMY) System Report Compliance PrOSyl System 1 Constant Volume Air Cooled No. of Units Split System < 65000 Btu/hr 1 Component Category Capacity Design Eff Design IPLV Comp- Eff Criteria IPLV Criteria liance Cooling System Air Cooled < 65000 Btu/h 13.00 13.00 8.00 PASSES Cooling Capacity Heating System Electric Furnace 1.00 1.00 PASSES Air Handling Air Handler (Supply) - 0.80 0.90 PASSES System -Supply Constant Volume PrOSy2 System 2 Constant Volume Air Cooled No. of Units Split System < 65000 Btu/hr 1 Component Category Capacity Design Eff Design 11PLV Comp- Eff Criteria IPLV Criteria liance Cooling System Air Cooled < 65000 Btu/h 13.00 8.00 PASSES Cooling Capacity Heating System Electric Furnai�ce 0 .00 PASSES Air Handling Air Handler (Supply) - 0 .90 PASSES System -Supply Constant Vol e PASSES 1 Plant Compliance Description Installed Size Design Min Design Min Category Comp No Eff Eff IPLV IPLV liance None 7/30/2008 1 EnergyGauge FLA/COM 2004 v3.00 f Water Heater Compliance Description Type Design 'Min Design Max Comp Category Eff Eff Loss Loss liance None Piping System Compliance Category Pipe Dia Is Operating Ins Cond Ins Req Ins Compliance [inches] Runout? Temp [Btu-in/hr Thick [in] Thick [in] [F] .SF.F] None Project: MIDWAY Title: MIDWAY ASSOCIATES Type: Healthcare -Clinic (WEA File: DAYTONABEACH.TMY) Other Required CAN n Category Section Requirement (, ite N/AumAx if not applicable) Check Infiltration System Ventilation ADS T & B Motors Lighting O & M Roof/Ceil Report 406.1 407.1 409.1 410.1 410.1 414.1 415.1 102.1 404.1 101 I Infiltra i n fterilWe been met L - ing has been performed e ' ion criteria have been met uct sizing and Design have been performed Testing and Balancing will be performed Motor efficiency criteria have been met Lighting criteria have been met Operation/maintenance manual will be provided to owner R-19 for Roof Deck with supply plenums beneath it Input Report Print -Out from EnergyGauge F1aCom attached? ❑ 7/30/2008 EnergyGauge FLA/COM 2004 v3.00 EnergyGauge FLAXOM 2004 v3.00 INPUT DATA REPORT ----Project Name: MIDWAY 00 Project Title: MIDWAY ASSOCIATES Address: 356 MIDWAY RD. State: FL Zip: 0 Owner: Project Information Orientation: North Building Type: Healthcare -Clinic Building Classification: Renovation to existing building No.of Storeys: 1 GrossArea: 2435 SF Zone No Acronym Description Type Area [sf] Multiplier Total Area [sf] 1 OFFICE Zone 1 CONDITIONED 2435.3 1 2435.3 ❑ Spaces No Acronym Description Type Depth [ft] Width Height Multi IN [ft] plier Total Area [sf] Total Volume [cf] 7/30/2008 EnergyGauge FLA/COM 2004 v3.00 1 done: OFFICE 1 PrOZo1So1 Zo0Sp1 Office - Open Plan 34.30 71.00 9.00 1 2435.3 21917.7 [ Lighting No Type Category No. of Watts per Power Control Type No.of Luminaires Luminaire [W] Ctrl pts i Zone: OFFICE In Space: Pr0Zo1Sp1 1 Suspended Fluorescent General Lighting 20 120 2400 Manual On/Off 1 Walls -- --- --�-- No Description Type W' = ffec) Multi Area DirectionConductance Heat Dens. R-Value If [ftj plier [sf] [Btu/hr. sf. F] Capacity [lb/cf] [h.sf.F/Btu] [Btu/sf.F] In Zone: OFFICE VA 10 1 PrOZo 1 Wal 4" Brick 71.00 8. 1 568.0 North 0.2180 17.695 80.01 4.6 ❑ /8"CMU/3/4"ISO BTWN24" oc/.5" Gyp 2 PrOZo1Wa2 4" Brick 34.30 8.0 , 274.4 East 0.2180 17.695 80.01 4.6 ❑ /8"CMU/3/4"IS0 BTWN24" oc/.5" Gyp 3 PrOZo1Wa3 4" Brick 71.00 8.00 1 ® 568.0 South 0.2180 17.695 80.01 4.6 ❑ /8"CMU/3/4"ISO �® BTWN24" oc/.5" Gyp 4 PrOZo 1 Wa4 4" Brick 34.30 8.00 1 274.4 West 0.2180 17.695 80.01 4.6 ❑ /8"CMU/3/4"ISO BTWN24" oc/.5" Gyp 7/30/2008 EnergyGauge FLA/COM 2004 v3.00 2 Windows No Description Type Shaded U SHGC Vis.Tra W H (Effec) Multi Total Area [Btu/hr sf F] IN [ft] plier [sf] In Zone: In Wall: Doors No Description Type Shaded? Width H (Effec) Multi Area Cond. Dens. Heat Cap. R-Value _ ft] [ft] plier—[sf]—[-Btu/hr.-sf-F]-[lb/cf]-[-Btu/sf. F]—[h.sf.FBtu]-_-__ _ In Zone: In Wall: ED Roofs No Description Type Width H (E ec) Multi Area Tilt Cond. Heat Cap Dens. R-Value IN [f plier [sf] [deg] [Btu/hr. SE F] [Btu/sf. F] [lb/cf] [h.sf.F/Btu] In Zone: OFFICE 1 PrOZo1Rfl Shngl/1/2"WD 71.00 2435.3 0.00 0.0320 1.50 8.22 31.2 ❑ Deck/WD Truss/9" Batt/Gyp Brd Skylights No Description Type U SHGC Vis.Trans W H (Effec) Multiplier Area Total Area [Btu/hr sf F] IN [ft] [sf] [sf] In Zone: In Roof: 11 El 7/30/2008 EnergyGauge FLA/COM 2004 v3.00 3 Floors No Description Type Width H (Effec) Multi Area Cond. Heat Cap. Dens. R-Value [ft] [ft] plier [sf] [Btu/hr. sf. F] [Btu/sf. F] [lb/cf] [h.sf.F/Btu] In Zone: OFFICE 1 PrOZo1F11 1 ft. soil, concrete 71.00 34.30 1 2435.3 0.1745 54.00 108.00 5.73 El floor, carpet and rubber pad Systems PrOSyl System 1 Constant Volume Air Cooled Split System < 65000 Btu/hr No. Of Units 1 Component Category Capacity Efficiency IPLV 1 2 3 Cooling System (Air Cooled < 65000 Btu/h oling Capacity) Heating System (Electric Furnace) Air Handling System -Supply (Air Handler (Supply) - Constant Volume) 42.00 13.00 8.00 34000.00 1.00 1400.00 0.80 El ❑ PrOSy2 System 2 Constant Volume Air Cooled Split stem < 65000 Btu/hr No. Of Units 1 Component Category ty Efficiency IPLV 1 2 3 Cooling System (Air Cooled < 65000 Btu/h Cooling Capacity) Heating System (Electric Furnace) Air Handling System -Supply (Air Handler (Supply) - Constant Volume) 13.00 8.00 3 1.00 1400.00 0.80 ❑ Plant Equipment Category Size Inst.No Eff. IPLV 7/30/2008 EnergyGauge FLA/COM 2004 v3.00 4 ' a Water Heaters W-Heater Description Capacit]Cap.Unit I/P Rt. Efficiency Loss qJ EA -Lighting Description Category No. of Watts per Area/Len/No. of units Luminaires Luminaire [sf/ft/No] Control Type Wattage [W] Piping No Type ktingraInsulation erature Conductivity [F] [ Btu-in/h.sf.F] Nomonal pipe Diameter [in] Insulation Is Runout? Thickness [in] ation Used ed :A7- Name Glass Type No. of Glass SHGC VLT Panes Conductanc [Btu/h.sf.F] 7/30/2008 EnergyGauge FLA/COM 2004 v3.00 5 Materials Used Mat No Acronym Description Only R-Value RValue Thickness Conductivity Density SpecificHeat Used [h.sf.F/Btu] [ft] [Btu/h.ft.Fl [lb/cf] [Btu/lb.F] 187 Mat1187 GYP OR PLAS No 0.4533 0.0417 0.0920 50.00 0.2000 ❑ BOARD,1/21N 178 Mat1178 CARPET W/RUBBER PAD Yes 1.2300 ❑ 265 Mat1265 Soil, 1 ft No 2.0000 1.0000 0.5000 100.00 0.2000 ❑ 48 Mat148 6 in. Heavyweight concrete No 0.5000 0.5000 1.0000 140.00 0.2000 ❑ -105-Matll-05 _ CONC BLK HW 8]N, No 1.1002 0.6667 0.6060 69.00 0.2000 ❑ 269 Mat1269 .75" ISO BTWN24" oc No 2.2321 0.0625 0.0280 4.19 0.3000 ❑__ 86 Mat186 BRICK, COMMON, 4II�� No 0.8012 0.3333 0.4160 120.00 0.2000 ❑ 12 Mat112 3 in. Insulation No 10.0000 0.2500 0.0250 2.00 0.2000 El 23 Mat123 6 in. Insulation o rV? 20.0000 0.5000 0.0250 5.70 0.2000 ❑ 81 Mat18l ASPHALT -ROOFING, 0.1500 ❑ ROLL 244 Mat1244 PLYWOOD, 1/21N No 0.6318 0.0417 0.0660 34.00 0.2900 ❑ �§OAruets Used No Name Simpl assless Conductance Heat Capacity Density RValue Construe 'p' truct [Btu/h.sLF] [Btu/sf.F] [lb/cf] [h.sLFBtu] 1013 4" Brick /8"CMU/3/4"ISO BTWN24" oc/.5" No 0 0.22 17.70 80.01 4.6 ❑ Gyp Layer Material Material Thickness Framing No. [ft] Factor 1 86 BRICK, COMMON, 41N 0.3333 0.000 ❑ 2 105 CONC BLK HW, 81N, HOLLOW 0.6667 0.000 ❑ 3 269 .75" ISO BTWN24" oc 0.0625 0.000 ❑ 4 187 GYP OR PLAS BOARD,1/21N 0.0417 0.000 ❑ 7/30/2008 EnergyGauge FLA/COM 2004 v3.00 No Name Simple Massless Conductance Heat Capacity Density RValue Construct Construct [Btu/h.sf.F] [Btu/sf.F] [lb/cf] [h.sf.F/Btu] 1038 Shngl/1/2"WD Deck/WD Truss/9" Batt/Gyp No Brd Layer Material Material No. 1 81 ASPHALT -ROOFING, ROLL 2 244 PLYWOOD, 1/2IN 3 12 - 3 in. - Insulation-----. 4 23 6 in. Insulation 5 187 GYP OR PLAS BOARD.1/2D No 0.03 1.50 8.22 31.2 ❑ Thickness Framing [ft] Factor 0.000 ❑ 0.0417 0.000 ❑ 0.2500 0.000 ❑ 0.5000 0:000 ❑ 0.0417 0.000 I-1~ No 1057 1 ft. soil, concrete floor, carpet and rubber padi�k 0.17 54.00 108.00 5.7 ❑ Layer Material Material Thickness Framing No. [ft] Factor 1 265 Soil, 1 ft 2.0000 0.000 ❑ 2 48 6 in. Heavyweight concrete 0.5000 0.000 ❑ 3 178 CARPET W/RUBBER PAD 0 0.000 ❑ 7/30/2008 EnergyGauge FLA/COM 2004 v3.00 7 Right -Suite Commercial Short Form AM For: MIDWAY ASSOCIATES 356 MIDWAY RD., FT. P Outside db (OF) Outside RH (%) Outside wb (OF) Daily range (OF) Moisture dill. (gr/lb) Heating Make Model Type Efficiency / HSPF Heating Input Heating Output Humidifier Leaving Air Temp Actual Heating Fan FLORIDA, Htg Clgl Htg Clg 42 90 Inside db (OF) 70 75 - 60 Inside RH (%) - 50 - 78 Inside wb (OF) - 63 - 15 Design TD (OF) 28 15 - 61 uipment Cooling Equipment Make TRANE Model 2TTR3042 Type 0.0 COP / EER / SEER 13.0 0.0 MBtuh Sensible Cooling 30525 MBtuh 0.0 MBtuh Latent Cooling 10433 MBtuh 0.0 gpd Total Cooling 40958 MBtuh 70.0 OF Leaving Air Temp 55.0 OF 1400 cfm Actual Cooling Fan 1400 cfm Equipment Location System Type QO.% Fan Motor Heat Type D WTH Fan & Motor Combined Efficiency . Static Pressure Across �� 0.0 in H2O Tlz NAME Area I ftz Heat Loss e i e . Gain Latent Gain Htg cfm Clg cfm Time HALLWAY 140 12447 3156 850 598 140 Jul 1600 RESTROOM 2 48 276 1065 425 14 48 Jul 1600 REST 35 681 1097 504 39 41 Jul 1600 LAB 102 1477 3151 1837 90 135 Jul 1600 RESTROOM 48 276 898 109 14 40 Jul 1600 IV ROOM 433 5682 11048 1587 359 524 Jul 1600 EXAM 3 104 909 2208 1237 54 101 Jul 1600 EXAM 4 ! 117 1022 2397 1237 61 110 Jul 1600 EXAM 5 117 1022 2397 1237 61 110 Jul 1600 EXAM 6 117 1761 3108 1412 110 151 Jul 1600 Ah1 1261 25555 30525 10433 1400 1400 Jul 1600 wrjghtsoft Right -Suite Commercial 5.8.13 RSC51450 C:1Program FilesUdghtsoft HVAMMIDWAY ASSOCIATES-REVISION.rsc i I i I i I 2008-Oct-30 08:52:46 Page 2 Right -Suite Commercial Short Form ahu 2 For: MIDWAY ASSOCIATES 356 MIDWAY RD., FT. P Htg C Outside db (OF) 42 9 Outside RH (%) - 5 Outside wb (OF) - 7 Daily range (OF) - 1 Moisture diff. (gr/lb) - 6 Heating Equipme Make Model Type Efficiency / HSPF Heating Input Heating Output Humidifier Leaving Air Temp Actual Heating Fan FLORIDA, 0.0 0.0 MBtuh 0.0 MBtuh 0.0 gpd 70.0 OF 1400 cfm Equipment Location System Type Fan Motor Heat Type Fan & Motor Combined E Static Pressure AcroX, Htg Clg Inside db (OF) 70 75 Inside RH (%) - 50 Inside wb (OF) - 63 Design TD (OF) 28 15 Cooling Equipment Make TRANE Model 2TTR3042 Type COP / EER / SEER 13.0 Sensible Cooling 30686 MBtuh Latent Cooling 10263 MBtuh Total Cooling 19 40949 MBtuh Leaving Air Temp 55.0 OF Actual Coolinc,Faio 1400 cfm 0.0 % 0.0 in H2O NAME 1 63 13 63 J Are ft. � Heat Loss Sensible Gain Latent Gain Htg cfm Clg cfm Time RECEPTION/OFFICE 167 2594 4799 1200 106 223 Jul 1500 Spacel9 �� 95 1379 2035 637 54 88 Jul 1500 OFFICE 54 577 1212 637 22 47 Jul 1500 LAUNDRY 63 8906 2133 425 329 97 Jul 1500 STAFF ROOM 130 1397 3602 1200 56 167 Jul 1500 REST. 28 350 693 637 14 26 Jul 1500 HALL 65 568 1251 784 21 49 Jul 1500 EXAM 1 i 117 1022 2089 440 38 103 Jul 1500 WAITING 244 11713 9137 2812 444 432 Jul 1500 EXAM 2 ! 117 9648 2288 855 302 104 Jul 1500 1150 HALL. 92 402 447 7 u 0 - I I I i wrightsoft Right -Suite Commercial 5.8.13 RSC61450 2008-Oct-30 08:52:46 C:1Program Files\Wrightsoft HVACIMIDWAY ASSOCIATES-REVISION.rsc Page 3 r ahu 2 1171 1 38556 1 30686 1 10263 1 1400 1400 Jul 1500 wnghtsoft Right -Suite Commercial 5.8.13 RSC51450 2008-Oct-30 08:52:46 CAProgram Files\Wrightsoft HVACUIDWAY ASSOCIATES-REVISION.rsc Page 4 a Right -Suite Commercial Load Summary ti* AM i For: MIDWAY ASSOCIATES,' 356 MIDWAY RD., FT. PIERCE, FLORIDA, Zone: -Ah1 1. DESIGN CONDITIONS at Jul 1600 Peak load at Jul 1600 Inside: 75 OF Outside: 90 OF TD: 15 OF RK 50I% Moisture: 61.5 gr/lb Mult: 1.0 Ins.wb 63 OF Sensible Latent 2. SOLAR RADIATION THROUGH GLASS 1801 - 3. TRANSMISSION GAINS Sensible 6763 - Walls: 3068 - - Glass: 703 - - Doors: 136 - - Partitions: 0 - - Floors: 1 0 - - Roofs/Ceilings: 2856 - - Return Air Ceiling: 0 4. INTERNAL HEAT GAIN Sensible 5675 1750 Occupants: 2750 17 - - Lights: f 12925 - - Motors:l - - 40 Appliances: 0 0 5. INFILTRATION: ide Ir m: 119 1910 5073 6. SUBTOTAL: Spaa 26149 6823 7. SUPPLY DUCT 1989 - 8. SUBTOTAL: Bldg mp nd supply duct 28138 - Actual cfm: 1400 at Supply TD: 20 9. VENTILATION: Make-up air c pm: 85 1359 3610 10. RETURN AIR LOAD: Lighting & roof (net) 0 - 11. RETURN DUCT 1028 - 12. TOTALi LOADS ON EQUIPMENT 30525 10433 __—_---�_�_____—__—___—_---�-------------._______- T ��._ __-_-_.HEAT.____.ING LOAD 13. DESIGN CONDITIONS Mult: 1.0 Inside: 70 OF Outside: 42 OF TD: 28 OF 14. TRANSMISSION LOSSES 8754 Walls: 3419 - Glass: 1436 - Doors: 263 - Partitions: 0 - Floors: 2576 - Roofs/Ceilings: 1059 - Return Air Roof: 0 - 15. INFILTRATION: Outside air cfm: 296 9105 ' 16. SUBTOTAL: Building components 17859 17. SUPPLY DUCT: 3021 18. VENTILATION: Make-up air cfm: 0 0 19. HUMIDIFICATION 3349 20. RETURN DUCT 1326 21. TOTAL HEATING LOAD ON EQUIPMENT 25555 • wnghtSCA Right -Suite Commercial 5.8.13 RSC51450 2008-Oct-30 08:52:46 CAProgram Files\Wrightsoli HVACNIDWAY ASSOCIATES-REVISION.rsc Page 1 Right -Suite Commercial Load Summary ahu 2 Project• • For: MIDWAY ASSOCIATES ' . 356 MIDWAY RD., FT. PIERCE, FLORIDA, (-Zone:. ahu 2 COO_LING_LOAD_-________ �._ 1. DESIGN CONDITIONS at Jul 1500 Peak load at Jul 1500 Inside: 75 °F Outside: 90 OF TD: 15 OF RK 50 % Moisture: 61.5 gr/lb Mult: 1.0 Ins.wb 63 OF Sensible Latent 2. SOLAR RADIA ION THROUGH GLASS 2720 - 3. TRANSMISSIOi GAINS Sensible 7935 - Walls: 2708 - - Glass: 1877 - - Doors: 557 - - Partitions: 0 - - Floors: 0 - - Roofs/Ceilings: 2793 - Return Air,Ceiling: 0 4. INTERNAL HEAT GAIN Sensible Latent 16306 2800 Occupants: 4400 28 - - Lights: I 11906 - - - Motors: 0 - - - Appliances: 0 5. INFILTRATION: Outside air cfm: 671 1729 6. SUBTOTAL: Space load 27632 4529 7. SUPPLY DUCT 829 - 8. SUBTOTAL: Bldg c an p ly duct 28461 - Actual cfm: + 0 a p ly TD: 20 - - 9. VENTILATION: 1 " it c m: 135 2225 5734 10. RETURN AIR LOAD: Li tmg & roof (net) 0 - 11. RETURN DUCT 0 - 12. TOTAL LOADS ON EQUIPMENT 30686 10263 HEATING LOAD- 13. DESIGN CONDITIONS Mult: 1.0 Inside: ! 70 OF Outside: 42 OF TD: 28 OF 14. TRANSMISSION LOSSES 11414 Walls: 2941 - Glass: 3834 - Doors: 1075 - Partitions: 0 - Floors: 2580 - Roofs/Ceilings: 984 - Return Air Roof- 0 - 15. INFILTRATION: Outside air cfm: 679 20884 16. SUBTOTAL: Building components 32298 17. SUPPLY DUCT: 969 18. VENTILATION: Make-up air cfm: 0 0 19. HUMIDIFICATION 5289 20. RETURN DUCT 0 21. TOTAL HEATING LOAD ON EQUIPMENT 38556 wrjg htsoft Right -Suite Commercial 5.8.13 RSC51450 2008-Oct-30 08:52:46 CAProgram Files\Wrightsoft HVACWIIDWAY ASSOCIATES-REVISION.rsc Page 2