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l'HIS INDENTURE, Made Ihi$......_..86th.____.__........_...__day o.--..-........~..-............_...-..-.-.-.---.\. D. 19l..6_. BETWEEN
--- ---- ..-- C ..-Jl~.uAJ14U8onu.aD4u..1le1Da..L...J.n4er.Qn...h1A..U.. ..__._..._..._._.......____.._.._.___..__.__
of Ihe Counly o'.._._s-t._ Lucl._._...__.... _......._.._and SlUe of_...._. ..-..-.Plor.l.4I...._____.....__...._____._pan..1.C. o'lhe filii part. and
-.-.........--..-. ...._.___...._......._ J. C... _.00...._..._.__._..... .._.__..____... ___..____.___ __.__.........__...._..... ______ .___....___ .___..._.__._..
o. lhe Count)" oL_.___..~~_" .J.~~~.~. --.-.......____._.and Slalc uf-.----__nor.14a...-_..__.._.___parI7___ of the second part.
WIT!\ F.SSF.TIf, thai the S:lid 1'10"1,,.. o' Ihe lir" part. for anJ in eon.ider21ion 0' Ih( 'um (\r... ._..,..,p.....~~...~~/19.0._..___=_._\)() U... a..r. j
--._-_._.&Il.4.othlr._Yalua:bl....j).o.DB."j,~...~1.qmL__IoW...., 10~~~~__in Land rsi.I, Ihe recC'ipt "hcrrof i. heretoy ad:nowledged.
b3' .,. granted. bugained, sold an" Iranlfernd, InJ L,. the,c presellts 010.-. _granl. bargain. scll an" transfer unto the hid part ."9-..... 0' the second
I'arl an"..._.hl8._--"eirs and usigns 'orever, all that c(rlaib ('areel of land lyinK and being in lhe C?unty of.____ .st~_ .!tU<!.~~____._....
and Stale of.._:.__._ .fi.or14a ...--...-..-__mort particululy described as (0110'""1:_____..__..____......... ............ ..... ...._.__._.__.. ...._.__..____
---.......-.-.-.............. .---..-..-..... ..... ..._._n.n._-~..__.._u__.~_._...._._.._......_._..__._ ...._..._...._.._..___._.___n.._._~__._._ .....__._.... ..__ ____... .....__.. ...._..._n._...._........~____
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- -.---..- .-....-..-.--.....- _no. ... --...... -..--.----. -...._._ -__... _..._.... .._ _... .. _._..___..____.._.___.. .h._.____.._.._.______...__.__.__...________..__._. _.~.____ ..__ "_'___.__"__'_,
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TOGETHER with all the tE'r.t'm.,.nt~ h~",I'i'...m"I1'~ an.] i!1-'rl!ft~~a!!!~!. ~-i!h eye:)"' ~:+::!~~:'. ::~h:. :i~k. ~..:i:r,;t _oJ ~it.U. '~u"tt .Iud rignt oi do\\"~r.
rneuion, remainJer and ~as~mentlber~to belon!;",.; or III any...'se ap~rlaini"g: TO If:\ \"E AX IJ TU 1101.1> the nnle in fe~ siml>l~ forner.
,\nd the said pa.lea_ of tbe firs! part do_.__ co\"coant with thc said parL7_ of th( secQnd I>au tbal1;h'7.d~"'.d_...._.Ja"'f"lIy ,~iud of the
....iJ premisco. that thc}' arc fre~ from a!1 ineumbranc<s and tbat...~b,!l1.._~_.,~d ri"ht "D.I la"ful autbority to sell the same; and thc uid par~.!f!I... of
Ihe first part 010_ hcre!.)' iully warrant Ih~ title to) sai,i bnd. and ",ill dcfclld thc same ag"inst the law(ul cLlim, of all p~rsODS whom_\"e..
IX WfT~ESS WHEREOF. lhe said par; 1.el. of the first part ha:Y~ __ b~nunto set.~~e1:~__band.! and ualB. Ihe <lay and ,.~ar al.o\"e wrillen.
.: z:~:;~::::':m ~.:=:=~--~==-=l
'I. D. ~~9..1!!".!~1__.______.___._. .
MrS. W. P. KoCoralo .'
~... lira. G:- ..-- Plals': . ...------...-.---------..--..
STATE of_Y.l.o.r14B
_C..Jl. _.A.P~lU'.~Q~._..__.._... ....-..__.._(SEAL)
COUSTY OF___8.t....LllO.1...
I HF.REBY CERTIFY, That on thi,.~.~~!!,._._.._._.:.__._day of__ .'.!t_~.______A. D. 19ZL brfore me
personally appcared.._Q....JI.L..A.R~..d'-on_.~!J,8nR!.tn' B._...J1dl!~.I!Q.l!.._ ~~.... ~.:f..~L.___.____.:.......__....._____..... .
--} .
to me known 10 be Ih" ~r50n""'n dcscribed in and wbo uecuted Ihe longoing connyanu to._____ J... c~ _~J? !.....
and se~erally aeltnowlcdg~d the execution Ihereof t') be.th.t.ll'.-....:_fre~ act
and dud for tb( bSes and purposes th~rein rn.<ntion~d; ;an.1 t1~ said------.L.a..B.la...1l......A.a.IIIIO.D.
the wife of th~ said .C.Il.-An4eraoD. . __on a scl'arate and prinle examination
tak~n and ",:ade .by and brforc m~. an.! ~f>arald,. and aput from her said busband. did llCkDo...l~dge th:rl sh~ made h~uelf a parly to the said DHd of
Connyance, for the pnrpole of renouncing, rclinqci.'ung and coun,.iDg aU h. r right. litle and iutercst. wh~ther 01 dower or of separate property. statutory
01 equilaM~. in :and 10 the lan.u Ihucin described. an.1 that she e~ecDled said d~~d Ircel,. and ~olunl"ril)' 2nd without any eO"'lraint. fear. appr~hension
c,r compulsion of or from her said husband.
and Sta.
ture and official seal al__'2r_'_1?.1~.J:O..
.in lite Count,. of__St. _Lu4le
-'-(Hitl.r:tuiff~-!.7JIY "CO'lUii8'o10D-'e~n~},
. .. 'eb. 12th;-192'. - n_.. .
0" thi______l..Q --...-.-... -.. ._._da,. of___lIAr.....___.______:.-A. D. 19l_~ al1.Q...lJt'clocLA.!.m., ,hi_ in_trumenl was
f..led (or reec,rd. and being duly acItQo,,"l~dg~d and proven, I haY( recorded the same on pall:C_~ao__of Oook.---.6.L.in the puhlie recor.ls of sa,d
louoly. .
'01', f bne bereunto.u, m,. ha~n:J "ffi~ed the seal..,r ll:~ Circuil Court 01 the Fifl<<nth Judicial Circuit of said Slat~, in and
P. o. Bl6l'j ---..__....._Oerk.
!~1 ~/::i~nq~ \. 1~1;-t:;.t;,~~~__D. C.
..~. .:'.~~GI~~~~~