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'I'H18 INOENTURE. }.Ioade Ihis.. .t.l1.1.J."..J~_4.l...... . _._day OI..__.__JUY ......_..._...____._.._.__.._...._.... ..._A. D. 19l...~, JJETWEI>N
lJ..~~ J._'._..l..Og.2IL~.l.1.'_.Q.t.nf..BL-~.Qk~D......~..'.o.,~"... ~...~.~ ...'9.11' ...K.QJI.!..l . J.Q~.'Q~ ...~~".4.i..JJ~Q.~,_9.~...____
Desu\rUoo7aokeon. anc1 Bl18.~aok80D.
o' the Cooly o'-.3ab'.Luole. ...._____...__._...._....and Slale oL~..._......nor14....._.___._.............._...__...n.....__part..1.. of Ibe ficst patt, and
__...__._________.._........ S .H.....Bun"I'..__.____...___.._. ......u.______ _..___...____. ................._........._..._..._____..____..
o' the Connly of.__.~.~!P.~...J,.Ug.l.'.._._...__.....__...abd Stale ('L___.__.'!.C?tld~________u_._._.part.7- of lhe second part,
WITNESSliTII. lhat the 5;iid v:u.1.... of III( fiut 1';\11, for and in COIl,iJeulion of tbe sum of...llJ)Q ...Q01_..S.1x"t7............_..........__..___ .._._.___.
- t-----------.- --' ._._...___.____.._______I>oIlau, 10...1o.l;\!......in hlld p~iJ. the rectiI'I whUtof is hercby admowled~ed.
ha.:=...h!ttranted, bargained. sold and luns'errcd. and by these pre.ents do_ri..rant. barllain, sell &lid transfer Ubto the $:lid l'arl_Y--- of Ihe second
pari and_.b.1.a___beirs arid assigns forner, all thai certain parcel of Isnd I)'ing an'; kina in the COt.nly 01._ Sal.~!...J.uol..~.___.._...........
and State of.___...__._... .fiorldA___.._more palticubrly described u follo..:..--____ ....._.,..___....._....__ ...........___._._..........._.....___
~-- -
. ........_.BoS1M1nsln .1f..K..... COmel". 01 h.ft_J~t_8.C)...1fi.3~Q~..L~?_ ~L~:1, .~O..~. ..of ...__...... ..._ .....~... ........
...... ,. B. .1huu1..1q "..t._166. f\... 'lh~O'.Sg:g.!b~~". tl.....tlHtDO'.. ~'.~166. _'_"''''''.''''...... ......... ..._
..... n...tbenoe Bor\b. 46.4 t"t e.'oP,Qlp, ~....Q.t_.1)'gJ,~'-~lh.OQDt~.lI)JJl.g J?) :.~Qr~., .._ _""_,_", ..
. ...-::........ mor.or ..1888..._.. ~oocrdi.ng.. to.DrawlDi-JI&de .forBa t Unl .Ja.okson.Jun.._. :.._... ...____....
_ ......__._tl~~. _.~9~~LBJ "'<~...~.s... _ S~.~fth_.!.n_.~~o~.. !...!!.......______......._....__.___...___._.___...____..__ ...... _............
_...--.-.,_.~----_.__._-- --...--.-_......... ..".------ ..-- -...-.-------______.__ -___._____._________.__ .._____...._....._._....#_ ____........ ...._.._n......
. .-... ._..n___..____._.".__.___o .....__ ._. _.'_...._ _.__._ .. _u _._ . .._ _._____ _ ...___..__..._.._____._.....h__.U__._._. ._...._._........_., ___. _ ___.__._...__._....______."__ ____. .".__ ......___.__. ...._
_..._----------.-._- -- -_ ___.__-+._._._. _.n'_ ....__ ______ .__ _ _. ._._.___. ___..______u______________.... _'_.'.___' ._._._._._.____ _ _ .__h.____.~.._____....._..___.____
---------.'--...---- --..--.-.--..-.-------...---..-...-.-..------- - ....-.-.__.__.__.___________._.._____ ___'_U' .__u..____.._..._~...._____..._~_.___.__
-------.-. ____.__.____u__....._...._. ._..u________.___._____________________._.__.__.__..__u.____n.__ ..___.._._ _." .._.._....___. _..._...._._._.___._.___ ._.._._.__
--~_.___.____._.____. ...___ ._......__.u_.___..___.___...._..____..__. .u_______._.___._~_.__..__.._.____.u.._.._.~_._._._._ ..._ __._.___.._...._......__..__._____._._.___
TOGETHER ..itb all th( lebemenls.. beredilamenl! and appllrlenar.ces. ....ith enry pri.ilege. righl. till", illtuest and "'late. dower and righl of dc...er.
renuion. rcmainder and easement lbere." bclon~l/l" or 1ft anywise appertaining: TO H.-\ V E AXlJ TO HOI.I> Ihe same in fee simpl" lore,er.
And the said parl..i'I 01 the first I'}rl do._.e. co,,,nant "ilb the said part...7.-_ 01 the ~cond part Ihat.\h.e7.UY'._._ ..Ia...lully sri.ed of Ihe
-aid premises. thalll:"y arc fr<< Irom 311 incumLrancu and Ihat...~tltel.. ._.good righl and lawful aUlhority to srll the s~D1e; anJ the sail) p:>rI.....7. 01
Ihe first part d08a.... hereby lull)' warranl lhe tille 10 said land. and will defend tbe sam" agaill5l Ihe b"lul cbims of all persons ,,'homsocnr.
1:-< WIT~ESS WHEREOF. the said partles. of the first part ha _....8. hereunlo sct..__~h...1I'...hand."and seal.. lhe day and year abon ...rillen.
Signed.~.~aled .=~_d~I:Y~r~~ i~_~:.. ~~:::: _................_ _...____ ~
. .. _ r. . H.. S1bl.y .... Jf.F. .....___..__:...____._........___.._.__~
.....___~. A. I4g.oo..__.~________.__.___
.__._.u u .._.... _ _. __.._______ .__~____u_..______.u__..________h.._____._._._.______________._
___JJ~~.~l~ ..l~()k.II.~n... _....._.....__......_..._.........(SEAL)
llclfea1 .ladBon (Sea1)
. Bll~ Jackson .~. ..'- ~ -~- ~
STATE OF_n.or.t.iSa.
I HEREBY CERTIF\'. Thai on this-.Jih1r.G._____day of..__.I~___ A. D. 191_3. before me
('<rsonally appeared- Hat ti. J fM'~~JW~.1..2.V....J.01!._h.tI'..tQtQr....M.1M.O..ln.J).'...cl.__ __..___.. __.._....____.
10 me kno...n to k the per$On_ described in and ...ho executed the foregoing connyance 10__.. ~., ..a.... .B@~~.~._~
..._. ..._.._... _. ...-. _ and ,uer3l1y ackno...fedged Ihe ucecution Il:creof 10 bc_.~_.___..._.free act
and deed for the aus and purpo.u therein mentioud; and the said-.Ba.tu.......1aokAon...1a_tha ..W1.ddlw..of...f.n.....J.ack8on...deoea8ed
the wife of tbe said _._ . .on a scparat~ and prinle examination
I."en and made by aud before me. and $C1.arattly and apart from ber ...id hu.band. did acknowledge'lhal ,lIe mad( huseH a party 10 Ihe said Deed of
ConTeyance. for the purpose 01 renouncing. relinqnis!iing an.! conveying all h. r rillht. ti:le and illlere.l. ...belher of dower or of separate properly. statatory
or equilabJe. in a the lands Ihenin described. an,1 Ihat she e"',cule<1 said d."d freely an.,1 ..olantarily and ...itb()ut any cOlUtrainl. fear. apprehen,ion
'or compulsion or fro cr said hU$hand.
and official scal al ...___..Iabas8i'l_.:....-__. _iu the County ol--..S&W.....Lua1...____..__
........_..._lhe. rhT :all.! Tnr lut .f<<enid.
. ....t.'''..
". .......... T ...A
_.!.._H......S1.b1q..____. _~ _..._.....__.._.....(SEAL)
M7 oo-.1..1on expire. >>eo.ee,1926.
On this_._ll~.._ ...._.... ._.:.__4ay <>L KeY --'--_..__...____--^. D. 19~~ a~O .OQo.c1oc"._~._D).. this inslrumenl ..as
filed for r~ord. and being dnly ackno...ledg.d and plonD. I han recorded Iht !ame on page. ~_.of Bc<>k~~in lh( pub;ic record~ of said
Coumy. .
EOF, I ba\e bcrennto tel my hand an,) affixed the seal of Ibe Circuil COPrl of Ihe ..iftcenlh Judicial Circuil o. said Slale. in and
P. Blclrea_Clerk.
--rr-= ~, ....--- __..- h . I
\ / /""Z-..-r-'/./-J 1".#/ '..:.a:t...u~~:._D. c.