HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0945 I I 1'- I I~;..--:~:-.::-.~..._:,:;~::,:=;r~..~ 'fHo' ~:: :~ ~:: ~--_':".:.... .- TIIIR INDBNTURE, ),lacle tbi. ....1...,._. .-.___...._.._..._.....__<l.ly of______.....JJJ\U&rJ".. _..._......__...... --..__._...__A. D. 19L~... Bln'WEEN /345 ~-::..:..::-:.:: '_l~.iiy.~~-~~~'J~iWJ!!l ~ .... ...., f--: l~ .-....--.....---_...!hOM8...... J'au.l.knu-.an4.lU.t.t.1e._I'aul.kner ....h1e..-w1:te-_..an4...Alloa.. 8... 'a\\1.kner....a...14o. of Ihe Coun'Y of__.Sl....Luol....___.__.._..._ _and Slate of_...._.....__ nor! cla.___.._..__......______parl_~f the 6r1t part, and .___._.__...__._R....J .... Due. an.A..'fhomaB........Aulkn.Z....._....____.._ ______._._...._.._.._._....._____._.______.____.___ d. Ihe eoual)" of..._~_~.!...l!_g,g.~~_....__._______and Slale of l!.9..tl~______parl..!~~ of the ucobd pari. WITNF.SSETII.lbat lhe qid p;ut.l.. of the fiul pari, for ~nd ill con.ideration' of thc luna oL_.!fen...Do1lara. and.. other.__.val.uable.._ _.Q.Qnel~u"~.l..O.PQ.._._...._..___.________._ ~ !oJ;b,t.!!L_in hand paid, Ihe ,.~ceil't ",bu(of ;, I.e.eb)' :acknowled~ed. ha-ye granted. barg.lined, sold an" Iran,lerred. and by tbe!( I'rUelils do_-aranl. bargain, .dl and transfer unlo the uid pUll.8. of the sccond rarl and__'~e1r._beirs &ad assign, (orner, all lhl certain l",rccl o' land I,.ing aDd bcing in tb( Counl)" of___S~ ...L~9J.~... and Stat~ o._..._.norl.da.. .._.___.__more parlicularl, dt.cri~d u foUow.:___...___._____.._._._..:..-.._..___........_____._.... ............ ..... ...--- ....-....-.............-. . .-...-- .... ....-"..--_.-- -.. ._.._._~._-_..._-_....- .---..-..--..----.-- -..---.-..-------.....-.--..-..-......---..... -...---.....--.---.. . .-..... .....-.--.. !he lfor'hea.'. quuhr.of _.\.h.e.l{or.t~e~,1;.. q"@J'l.:r..Qt..S.~C)U.91l.1e"'~n( U. L..._..__.._..__.. .....In.Townehl:pthlrt7.th.. .( 35).. aoutho:f..Bange.. 'h1r.t7 nina..(39) .nat....less ......................... .... ............. tharlght o:f .ay. of. the Nor.1ih. ._JJt..L:Q.o1.t. .1UnJ':.J)ralnase .p'''~:trlQ~ .em ...tl1...._.._...... . .-....... ..__..._.l.I()r..~~..."nd. ea. ~t.. 'l~..~.~~.~.~e.().t....J? ~~2.... aoresJ.__~~~~..!.!.!l.i.1!8. '\11~~~1. ~~"en,~.~~...____._ ~ , . . ........._.._....igll~...91l~.. h~~e4.~.l1~...~(P..e~.. ..1Il9~~.. ~_~..!.~.~!.!_________.____._..._._......_. ...__..._._.__.__..._........_...._ ..------...---.-..--.- -..-.----..-.-..-:--..-...--.-- ..---.-....--.-.------------.---.------.-..--....-.-----...---. -_._.__.._..~----... -..-.---- "-'--.'.- ....._--. .-.-..---...--- -.-.-.....-.-----.----------..--.--.-.-.-..-..-..--.. .--.-..-..-..-.......-. -.....-. ... _ ...-.. ...-..-..- '''-'''_._''--.-.'. .-.-..-....---..........---.-- -.- -_..~--_._-_.-...--------_._...-...._.__. ...-...--......-.-..-......-..--.--.-.-...-..----- ,. ----..--.--------....-....-..--..-....--.-..-..-..-.....--.----..---.---...-..---- -. .......h_..._.___________._._.._.....__......_....._.._....__.___.__.._._._______ .-----___.__.__.__._...___....._........._____.h.___.._...._.__ ._......_...._..___.__._._.._._ __.h__....._......_....__.._...___......_...U.. .-._.....__.___....___.... -.-.--.--_.______.________._..__....._..__.n._...._.....__ 'n.. ._.......u_ .__...._..._..._____...___._ -..-.-..---.---.----...--.--..--.----...--.---.--.---. ----.---.--...-.--.----..-..---.-.-.-.--.-.-..-------..._.~-- --.--.-..-......-.-.-....-....------...-...---... -.-...-.-------- ___.._..._._ _....__....._.. ...._............ ._n r TOGETHER ....ilh all th( tentmenu. beredit:amenu and appurtenances. with Utry prhilege. right. titlr. interest and tUalt. dowu anoJ righl 01 dower. re..rs;on. rcm.lin"u and tasemtntlherelo kl.,ngUtl; or in anywise apl'ul:ainin\:: TO IIAVE A:-;U TU HUI.l> tt.t un'e in fee .i..,ple lorever. . And the s:aid partl~~L of lhe fiut par: do..._ e.,..nant with tlle $:lid part!~..IlI.. of the second part Ih,.J;11.8.1.. fll'tt......__bwfnIl1 sei;ed of thr .:a,d premise'. thll lhe1 arc Iree !~'-'IR all incunlbr:ancc. and that...~~~.1._ha~ righl and lawful authority IU'sell Ihe ume; and the ","ioJ p:arll.~.~. 01 l .he first pari 010_._ hereb,. fully warr.lnt Ihe title to said land, and will deierd the ume agailllt the b..ful c1:aim. of all ~i"$on. whomsoc,'er. iN WITNESS WHEREUF. the wd part 1.88 of Ihe fiut part ba.Y.8_ "uennlo seLthe1r.._.hand....8alld seal B the day and )"ur above w.illen ..... ~~~t:':;'~"'~'" ..~: "':":'----- -----1 ... Ethel Shal. ton ._ _. ___ __.. _... .' '._ __.. . __..... ._.__\ .... 811(..a 'a ulmer. --..----- - .----. ---- J . Ethel Shelton. .._ _.... .. _.._ _ _... _ ...._ .. "__.. __T.. .l "..le.ultner....n__.__.~.n_...__.. ...(SEAL) -..}(Ht~.t.__..J.L.l"JU..Q~l'.___.__..__._(SEAL) .A110. R. 'aulmer (Seal) ST ^ TE OF _.....ll.QJ".J.~jI COUNTY OF St. Lucie -- } I HEREBY CERTIFY. Thai on Ibis 1.t __.__da, of.. .JanUAl:'7 .___...". D. 19z1L.. bdore mt pmonally ..ppure~ma. . .Jaulmer and IIi t lli....lAw..m.er.......h1.JLw.1.fO...1Uld. .Al.10.e...H.n.laul.kD:i.":'~~. to m( kno."a 10 ~ the personS-.. ducri~d in and who exccnled the foregoing conycyancc lo_.H.._.J.a._Dame_and. Thomaa.J_hnllrner.._ ~nd ,c'<<rally adlDo.ledg~d thc execution iDercof to ~.~he1r_-,-_.free act and deed for th~ uses and puryoscs tberein mentioned; and the uid.------'l!_~j;1~. Paul.lgJ._8.r. tbe wifc of the said 'lhomaa ~.u.~aul.kner_.. on a separate and printe examination takeo and made by and before mr. and .eparald)" and apart I,om hrr uid husband. did acknowledge Ihat she made I:ersell a part1 10 the sai.} Dud of Con..e,-ancr. for the pnrp(>.c of reDouncinlf. rclinqu:\hinlt aftd co:s..eyinlf all hu right. title .lnd inltrut. ."huller of dower o. of scpar:ate property. .Ialbto,y or equilablc. in and to the land. thcrein dc,cribed. anol Ib:al .he r.teCb!eoJ said dced Ireely and yoluntarily and wilbout any conslrainl. fear. apprehension c,r compnlsion 0 her said husband. . WfTNESS m1signlll c and oflicialscal al._ZQrt..F1.el'~.. aod S~te of.___.~~!' i dl!...__.__.___the day :l.!Jd ,ear !:all aforeeaid. iD the Counly of St.._Llulh_.._.._.__ ~P. Seal. '::::-' -~ ~ .......:.. :..- ...'. -~: -.:' STATE OF FLOR OA t COUNTY OF ST. LUCfE f ...A.. c 1I0ta1'1 Publ1 0 1'or-tl~Bla~~!iQ91'-orldB-- at"La:r&6 ~..(SE^ Ll M1 Commlssion expire8 Karoh 12. 1928. '( OD IhiA.._!.1____._._._ .__lb.y of __Kar !___ ----A. D. 19Z~.. a~. 56 o'dock._~.!..m.., this iutruaxnl ...al . filed for record. and wi_c dU11 atllDowl~dRed ud p,onn. I h....e re(<)r4e4 Ole ,ame OIl pall:e~_..of BooL.60__in lhe public records of sai<l County. ~ 1 F. I ba.c hereunto sc:1 811 hand and aOiud Ihe Mal of tJ:e Cirw;1 COlIrl of Ihe Fifleenlh Judicial Circuil of said Stat(, in and ~17 .~ i} .;) ~7 --l ~ ..) ~ .., .~ ~. P.l ~ed. Ocr'" C ~ltd.-.,i ZtMf/()j;-C--/!.L~;?/.D. C. ~: ....,.:::'~~