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. __ ~ _ _.........-.___.:....~lo.t.iit'5~i::t'tH~~~~Amt;.:.::'
THIS INDl>tnURE. Made lhis........10'l)_ .... _ .......... .... . ._d~y 01--. "-"_' . .. ... ............ .lIaroh... p,_'" _.........._.A. D. 1921)..... BHTWEEN
__..____Samuo.l.J.. _Kunhlnger _and..1l.114r14 ..9... KUllta1Ugtr.. h1.....1.fe..____......._._...._. _. ____......_.............____
o' the COUll!' 0._._....l:1t..... Luole .... ....... ........._........and Stale 01_. ... ... .........norlda.........._.........___.. ...........__J>~11..18Jl o' lhe 6rsl p!lrl. and
. ........__.._..... ......__..__ __... ... J;lO.,~!'~...~...._.~!!l~~].....~!l~.. ~~1l.I.l.... ...~lll.~l]..J1~!L~~1.tt. ......... __........._......._... _........._....._.___.__
t.f Ihe Counly 0'-......_. .8 t _...LV-ole.. ..._......__...__._......and Stale of_........____ nor1.da.._____._. ...-__._.......____vud.eB.. ollhe second pari.
Wn~ESSHTII. lhu IlIe ..aid palll$8.. ollhe 6ul pUl,lor lInd in eon,iduation ollhe sun' 01 ..ftJ.l,. .J>.Qll~' ..eJl~ O.tltQf...Yllltl1l.ablt..._Q.Qn-
-. ~._.._...__8!.~.~!.!l~~_!.~.~.~..........__.______________1>oIlars,lo.~~.!.~...in h:in.1 paid. lb( receil't \\bertof is here"y acknowledged,
ha..Y... granteJ, barg~i"ed, 101,) acd lrandcrred. and by tbeu presrnll 010_. _glaut, bargain, .ell and trantler unto lbe sa;.1 part 1.eB. of Ib( ncond
pari sn.! ..t.b.lr.__heirs ~nd auigus lore\(r, all lh31 cerlai!! par(c1 o. land lying alld beiug in the Co:rnt). of_..St e. L.uo1.e .._._.._..._.___._
lInd Stale of_____..'l.orlda "._n' _....____t..lore particularl)" dmribcd as folJuw,:__.qO~.4tIlOJllg .~t.~. poin.'\ ..()Il..j;b~.S'Q~lon
lin..bet.dn Seotion8 band 23. .inTownBhlp 35 South of Rang.u40 Reat 889.2.feet.South.of
theSa.ction oorn~r. fromlleid poin~.rvn Scn,l.tb,. 62 u~eJlt.tut.h~no....dl1eea8t uto. the.ateJ:'8 of. the
I.ndlan. Rl:ver; the~o.. ~ or~h".Bterly . -.l,0~g.Jl1.9...~ t;8..~age ..l9...~ . P9i.n~ . 4ueu~lI~ . Qt.. th'u.lI~arting
point, thanoe West to the point of beginning. Exoepting therefrom the right of.sy of the
plod de- E8iit" C08etRaUway"Companl' befiiif 50U' teet 'o'ii"eltIier' -id4e'ot" tlie"oeiiter'lln:e' of uearl
Rail.81....aiel tract uoont-alning -one acre, llo.fto.rul.88...-.]b(oepUngbow.....r. ..\'t'8ot..-c1e.4ed-.to
noriele. Ea8t'~Oa-8t.Ry. Co. ..by. deeel 1'600r4&cl..ln..>>.e"..BoO(M..page. 642, ..~I\.ur.uo-le.. County -_.. .
Record.. ..u'lo68th.r. .i th riparian righta..(-th18..dc..l4 -g.1.Yenaub~eot .to aoertain. mortgage ..gi ven
toB.my B. Burroughs &n4.1fo by Samuel.T..lIunt.1nger -&n4K11dre4 S.Bunt.lng.r..:for $2000.00
4a teel.)(aro.h -, ....1924, ..r.oo.rclecl Kar ..8,..J.924.....lIt8.' BooJt.J. 9,...pago .'0. st. Luo-l"'-.VoWlty..Reoor.cl8. )
...---..-.....-.---.--.-._._..___..... "_"__' n__' .-... ...__.__....n____...._.__..._________._._..___..______ .'.____0 .._..._.______.. __..___...__ _..__.._....._.._..__.__.___.....__
.-._____.__..__._... ...________h~.~. .._._.__.....___.... .___. _.__...____. ..._.._.____.____..____ _._._ _._______...___.._ _____ .. .___.__..__. ..__.._____...__ .. ______.._.__....._....__._.._
--...............-....-. ..... ._l_~6_~_~~_.~.~c:_~~~:p~..~!.~_~~.!:!~~.____.._._____........n__._..__________...._ _ ._.n ....__..._._.__..__.._____..
TOGETHER with all 'h( t~n~m~nll. hereditaments and appurtenancu. ,..ith n,ry l>ri~ilege, ri"ht. lit!~, inleresl and estate, do,,'er and right of dower,
rneu;on. renuindu and ..uemellt ,bereto wlon".nl/: or in anywise apl>crtaiuing: TO IL\\"I-: .-\XI) TO 1101.1) the same in fee simVIc fornu.
And Ihe said p~r1-1,e." of the first pari do __ _ cunnant wllh ,be said part."~.II. ollbe second ,'art tbal_ ..1;l1ey. 81.'e.... _.b", Cully seized of I:.e
.aid premisrs. Ibal tbey are free from all illcum!"an'e~ and that.. th~y. .~Uvd right anJ la..iul authority to ,ell Ibe same; an.) tbe .3id p:otlle.~ 01
Ibe first pUl 010......_._. bueby iull)' ......ranl the title to uid l:on,). and ...ill dci~nd the saDIe :og.inu Ihe b..ful d:oims 01 all persons ..110"'5",,\<r.
IX WITXESS WHEREOF, the $aid pa"le.8 of Ib~ first ,':ort ba_..Ye. hueulIlo 'et_..~b.t1J.' .hand..S:on.! sule the day and )"ur aoo\e ...rimn
_.._...~i.gnr~..:~I.~:.an.d.~e.liYCr"~in=~ ~r.e~~n~~: .._.....__... _nn__ ...._.__~
....Lo'q..~te. ~. .Jo1;t1.tlg~~ .m_....___.._... ......... ...___'
~~...~flllc~.~.:~l~~~a~ ~.::___...~..-~~~~~~=~===..=____~=~.)
_._..SSJI.lV"l.. .J.. .R"l1.lllainger .._....._.._..._(SE.\L)
_W:J.~~~..~.,.._R~~~Jp.ge~ ~._..._..._ ._(SEAL)
STATE OF_p!'c?!,i<!~
1 HEREBY CERT)FY. Thai on this_ll\h____.._._.day of.
__~:i\. D. 19Z.ti..... before me
I'crsonally :appcare~....I._ Bunt.&1nger._and .JUJ.4r.e4.uS ...1Iuntling.r.....h1a...1.f. ..__._......._.. _._.__.__............__... .
to me known to be the pcuonB._ d..scrib(d in and who execut..d the foregoing conn,.ance to-..._.Iloward .J ..-.~4al..l...and...&...eJ..yJlu~; _
-.....-,."P~__.._.._________.___and l.nerally uknowl..dged the execution thereof to be...thelr.__free act
:ond deed for Ihe tltrS and pu:poscs therein mentiot!ed; :ond the 'aid____I(1~dr~ S ...._Hunt~!.~~8r__.____ __. __..-::..._.______
the wife of the nid________SBlil.U8~_.J..._llunta.1ngeJ' ...____.___~.._____on a scparate and printe u:omination
laken and made by alld before ,..... and sel>:orattly and apart from ber said hClband. did acknowledge th:ot sl'e made bersrll a party to th~ s:oid Deed of
Conn,ancc. for the purpose of renOl:neinll'. relinqu;~hing an<l co:tre,.ing all I" r rixhl. tid~ and interest. whether of do\nr or of separate property. stat"tory
or equilable. in and to the bnJ~ tberein ducrib~.I" an.1 Ihat ,lte execuled ui<l dred heely and ~oluntarily ano) without any constraint. feu, apprehension
(,r compulsion of or from her said h~band.
my signatnre aDd official seal at _..POl't.Pl.e1'Oe.___.____.in the County ol___St..._Luol....____..._.._..........
..-.' ~.~.._____.._._.___Ih~ day and y~ar hit aforuaid..
Prano~ Ballowes.
BOt8;';y Publio'surtt-Or "PlO"Y'lu;" Ky' 'COmmlifelon(SEAL)
. expires Oat. 26th. 1925.n..
On this---1~..__._.... .__.._.._day oL.._llar ..___.____------.:__A. D. 192._.6.. aL'-.02o'dock~...-m. tbi5 instrument was
61ed for rrco><:I. and being duly a~k~Ow!edg..d and pronD. I hat( recorded 1M 'atlle on pag~.!...__of Book. e()_.in the pllbl~ records or said
County. . . ..=\7 .
I:': WITNESS WlIl::kEOF, I ban berrabto SCI my hand an.) :~"..d the ,,,,,,lor lilt" Circ..il Courl of Ibe fifteenth Judicia! CircUlt of said Stale. in and
lor said <hunty. g' .
iJ. .
D. C.
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~f. C. Bl4r.n. __--,--
1/... /'.J I ~ -'-.
/ nj'..-./ ~/J .t/ "(;1:.1(-- :--.cl'.::c..d.Z/ I_
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