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THIS INDENTURE. Made this .._. .th ......_............ ... .. ...dsy 0.-......-..... .... Karch........-........... .... ........ ....._...A. D. mJL BETWlmN
..._...............__...Dr.. ...J. . 1... . .1Ji111ama.. Unmarr 164..____ _......__. ...._...-........--_-..---..-... ..-....-...... ..- ............+....--......--..- .............-..
..f the Coullly 01...._.... S.t;..Luo1e................................a:ld Stale 01....._ ........._. ...... ....n QrlOa. ............._...._.~...... ... ._parl.J'n O. the 6rsl parI, and
.................._ .............."__'_."_ ,.._ ....... John. D.. OverhQ1.t.. .____.___. ....._......_._._._._....._.._..__............... .............-........._....--.._....................._.__......
~or.... ...lf2.0e.tol'.. ....h........_.. ....... ._..._......and State of.._....._..9:h~~ .........._.__....___.._.._.,._..._. .......__part ...'_'_ of the sccoad part.
WITI' F.SSP.TII. thallhe uid palt-1... of the first ('art, for :lIld in (GlIsideruion uf ti,e SUlII of..__. !ttIL.D.ol1.ars.. and.. other .,Tal uablo....
'" ..._.... oOllBiderat10D.8.............___......_ _..___.__._.__.__.1>ollus. to.. hlll.....in hand paid, Ibe r<<eipl "Iocrcof i, herehy achowleJ.:eJ.
hL."''' granted. bargained, soleI all.1 tr~nsCerrcJ. ant! by thu( pre<<nlS do..-. _.granl, bargain. sell anJ transfer unto tbe said I'arl_... of th( secund
I'ut and.........._......_hcirs aud assil(ns forever, all lhat <<f1ain palcel 0' land lying and being in the County 9f_..~:t~...:r..~9.i.!!.._....___.._...... ._.._..__
and State o{_..._fiorl.u._... ........_. ...___mOfe p:utiCblarly deacribed as 'Qllo".:_.B.'.81M.l.~g ...at.. t)le .S9.\lt)1JJ.e.8~ ...oor4.<<!.r..Of
Soot 1 on 20... 'lo'mfJhlp 36 Sou.tb.. Of. Rangft .41. h~~~. run J;}:l~~ge ..~IS.~...~n . .t.ll~. ~C?uth. ~ i.n.e.. C? f .3.~.~.~i on
20.8ome 600.fee' .to . 'he waters edg.ot....tb.'..Jndi8J1RIY.I'Ltb.1l9..nor.~l1erlY.~e~.d~.~!.ng. tl1~...~~terR
. e<lge of tho IndhnRher.."106 tett..to a~t"~!L.._ theno....e8~...~om..e_.~QQ.f.e..t...~().th.e.~.~t.1J..n~()f
Seot! on 20;.. thenoa. run South. 661. . feet .. to~e..PQlntn Qt...b,glJm~rnk"ltl1.RiprI~J1. Ri,g}:lt8 ... a11
lying InS.9~..!O!l: .2().. .~()1rIl~~J..P....~..~...~ol1..~l!. .}!~!1:6.!.~...~~~.....al.~~..~.!!g1.~~~~ .~~. .~E-~..~~~~:h.:!!l~~.........._.
corner.....ot.ea14. SeoUon1.9. ..~henoer1U1.1fIBt.1Jard_.to_ the. right. of way.. o~.tb.."lQrlda .Ra8t_..
COftllt..Ra1l.way.. thenc. run.1na lfortber1.1_ direotion.along _the. right ..of w&:3. ot .the J'lorlda....
Bast.. Coast Railway. 661.f.et. . thanQ.. run .kat .'\0. the Zaat 11n. ofaa1 dS8ot1onl~l . thence
.~~ ..!J.~~~..~~.?~~..~~.~...~~~..._~..~~.~~.o~_1.~!~_O .the .J>~!~~.!....beg!!l~!.!l8 ..~p.... ~.~~~8. ~~n~~~.~!..()!l_.~_~......
.. 1l0wnah1p ..36._. South .ofRange41 Kaat._-U4ep.t1.ng...a..26 ..foot. ..trip .on.the Soutb.c}8..of.t~-
aboTe .a.e8o~ibed prope~"t~.~.I'~i.J1g.:4911Cl.~11.!t_~i!_e1'_~Q..~:i1.~..~~Uroad _. righter .ay. .hloh.1B
~e1ngn.. .:t"e1;aine.~. "8. ~..~(),,!\._~.~tb~.JUP~:t""!l.R_~~gM.'....to..._U. strip.18 alao e.xoeptad.from..thls
_ .....__..._.__.. ___..______..._. __.~._._..._..__._______.___ ..___..__ . _ _._. .___________ _0..____ ._.____ ___ _._uoo__.__.
. ,
TOG~THER ~ilh ail th~ h:n-tm~nl~ 1'~fC'fliIA'I1,(,.,h ;'&I\tl ;;'VI'u,lcli"Qt~s. __ill. e....:.'J vri...iiC'K~. ri~!ll. .illC'. iulc.t-it and (~t.te-. d6w~r arlll rj~ht of duwcr.
Itnr>:on. rtm~.nder .and uumtnt Ibcrelo belonG"": or In anywise appcrtaiDlng: TU 11.-\ V t: AX () TU 1I01.\) th( same in lee simple iorntr.
And the said put-Z- ollhe lirst pari do.__..._ connanl wilh tht said put___ of the second p;art th~I.. .he Ie ...h.....Ja..fully stized of the
>;aid premisu, that the)' ue frte from an ip~mhrancu and that he ..haa -Kooc1 rigl.t and Ia"ful aulborily to sell lilt s~me; ..nJ the said part... '3.. 01
Ihe first p;ut do__ hen!.y fully warrant l!le title 10 said Ian':. and ..ill ddend the s.me ;against tht b..lul claims of an Vtrson, whomsocnr.
\:II WITXF.SS WIIEREOF. the .aid put. y._ 0; the hrst put h.. a..... bertllnlo sel.. his __.hand._ "od seaL. tht day and )"ur abo.. ..rillen
,. Sign:;;d ;~;'::re:in::rpruence: ..... ..h.....___._.:_.~
Jlabe~~.:~UJ1~:; ~:~ :~~~:~~~-~~~.,;1d.
Dr. J. A. WIlliams
. .c. .. .._(SEAL)
___.._.__..__.....__......_...__.. ....h...._... ........__ ._(SEAL)
- }
STATE OF__..llO.l'.14a.
COUNT\" of_l'allIl..1le&ch.
I IIEREflY CERTfFY, Tbal 00 this_~~..~._.__..__d;ay of.___Karah.._.___.
._.__A. O. 19Z....6~ before me
rcrsonally appcart.t
10 me Imown to be the pcrsoo._ described in and ..ho extcuted the foregoing conycyance to _......._._...__._____---:-..___________......
and senrall,. ad:nowledged the execntion thtreo! 10 be_.hl a. _.... ...lree act
;and deed for the usn and purposu therein mentioned; and tlot said
the wife of Ihe said_______ on a sep.arale and priv"le examinaticn
taken and made b,. and bi:for( me. and sep.arattly and ap"t from bcr said hn,band. did ac:knowledge Ihat sl,e made herself a party to tbe said Ottd of
Con\"eyallee. fe,r Ihe purpoJe of renouncing, nlinqui.hinl: an.f con...yinlf ~fJ her right. ti:le an.1 interest. ..hclher of do..-er or of sep;uate proptrty. S1~tutory
or eqbllable. in 3n he lands ll,erein ducribed. ..nd II....t she tucuted said deed fr<<l)" an,l yolunlarily and ..ithout :any conSlraint. lear. apprehtn.ion
..r ~ompu"ion or from r said blUband.
WITXESS my signalor and ollidal seal al. West ..Pal.DLBea.ch.
n.d State of._~l,~!'.!~!l.__._..._.._..__tbe day and year last aforuaid.
.in tbe CouDty o{__...fll1l!Lllu.olL.____._......._.......
__llabeLA.. ..Hunt........... _ _... .....m.... ..(SEA!.)
lfotar;rhbl1o tor '\be State of J'loricla at Large..
MY Commi88ion expires Yay 28. 1928..
On this......lZ __...._.__.___clay oL.._._.._.Kar.__...____ _A D. In..Q_~ at.~..2.6_0'dod: ~m, this lnttru~nt ..as
filed for record. and being dilly acknowledged ud 1':0"'0. I hue recorded llx lame _ page_~7___ of 8oo".....60__..;n tbe y..hlie r(cord, of said
IX WITNESS WHEREOF, I han htreUnlo <<I my hand and aliiud the seal of Ihe Circuit Coull of Ihe Filtccntb Judicial Cirnil of said Stale, in and
lor said County. ~ .
_ P.C. Bldre4 .___Clul<.
-+.i;/" 'Jn4 . 4:;: /.~Ufi-(. ...D. c.
.- -- ~.-
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