HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0955 ""600 I . . - ----..--..._-~- ,,-- -. - -_..'"'4'..........................~.&laJI8.'.........~~........ _~I..~,J;W1;I(:~Vu.~...~..:: :,--; THIS INDENTUI\&. Uadt lhis ._..!Cln.~h.._..._. _....__........ ._day 0'-.. ._._...... Karoh .................-.............- .... .-^- D. 19l..fi.., BETWEEN ._.._.___.._..___ .........rl ohn .lIa shinat on...___I&D.4..Jl1f..._llft \.t.h...JQ.llUp.g~.QR.........._..._..........._.._..__ .-...-..-....-......--..-- of lhe COUDty uL__..S.~.t _~~Ol...___.......__..._._._~d Stale oL.__.......n.9r.1~..L...._._......._....._....__.... .......-......~-,-_ ollhe 6nll'ilft. and r. ......-..---.-..----.--.......--.........Clu.. -0. ...)(oCar.\'..----.---.--7""-...--.---.------..-.-.....-....-...-.......- .....-....--..-'-..----.---..- ..f lilt Coanly ..L___..~.~.'L.~UOJ.. .........___...._,.and Slale oL____.'-!.~~,.~!_. .. ..__._._.....__._.....1'..1.1._... ..f the ncond pari. WITI\ESSETII. lh:U Ihe said pari..!" of Ih( 6..1 pari. for and in considtnatioD ollhe sum of.. ':an..Dollar.8ani... other..Yaluab1.Cl__..._ ... '__ ..._.._...oonsldera.t1.ona.....__.__.____.___Dollul, tu.*t.m. ..in I,and paiJ. the receipt ..btrtof is h(reby admovdedgtd. , L' ha-ye gr:lDted. b:UGailled. tolu and lran,leutcJ. and by lhcse preiCnl' do__grul. balgain, .eli aud traudtr untQ lhc uid P:UI..7... of the second pari and._..theJ.r._.bein and u..igns {orner, all thai cerlain parcel 01 land I,ing a~d being iD the CODDlY 01._____St.\_n.1;...LUQ1Q......_.___...__ and Slatt oL___..'-!9~14."._.._......._.__010re particularly dncriber! a. follo...:_..___..____......__.............._...__._.:-_ ..-......-............- .' . ... . '. ..._._. __._........ "n.. 0_'. ..._.....on...._._ ._._ ._.______..___________u_...___.._____.....____..________...._.__.._.__ ......_..._...__. ..._..... _u.... ..-..................-..-.......---.....------.. ......._._ .... Lot . 1;..nt~.one _ ( 21). ofLlnooa..2ark.. SubUl'1810n.... ot._. _.........._.._ 0.. ...-.........-....---.-.... ..... .......... . Bloot elx( ~ l...()f. . 31;.. L~91e...<:.oun..tyl_~~!~_~.~L ~e.o.~J'?.n..!.f in!........... ..... ...................._. ....... ........... ... ...._ .._~n_(9) ..towpeblp. 'll1~r1;y _',i~~.. t~pl_.~~~~~I_R8!l8~...'~..~~1_..l~.9)......._............._........__.__.......... Ba8~ .St. Luoie County Reoords. st. Luoie County~ Plorida. . . ... .......__..._...._..._................ .... t ..._ ....n......__.... _.._.___......__._.____.__...___.__.......__............ _...... _........... .. _... ..m......._.. ....__..._...... . ('1.00 Doo Stamps Canoelled.) .'__" u_. ._.....____...u...._._.... _.____....____._.......... ._...____.. "'_' .._._.._......___._._.____.______.__.___~___._._......__... -.___.__...._____......._.._ -.....--.... -,,,-,--,,-"'-'--"-" r TOGETHER ...ith all the tenements. hered;lamtnU an.1 al'parlenances, ,,'ilh every pri~ilegt. right. title. interest and CSl>.tt. dO\'fCr and right of dower. t..<rsion. tern:ainder and eaocmenttbertlo bclor.bll1!,; or in anywise appertainiDg: TO It\\'1:: ASH TO 1I01.l> the Sllme in fte simple fore..r. And lhc said parl__1.o" of lbe fiut put 010.._ c"..naDt witb the said part_.L_ oi Iht second parlth:at__.t!~ey.. ~r.tl........Ia..full)' sciltd of the .aid premises. that Ihty arc frce from all incumbrancu and tbat1;hey-.~y.,ood light aD.1 lawful aUlhority to sell Ihe same; and the said part.~. of L Ihe first part 010_ Ilereb)' fully w:arrant the lille to uid land. and wi!! dciend lhe same again$lthe lawful claim. of all persons .11Omsoc,.tr. I~ \"ITNESS WHEREOf. the said part .lea of the first part ha.Ye._ hereunto sct..1;.hell._baDd.Sand 'tal S lhe day and )ear abo~e ..-ril!eD ....._....~i:~~~~ =~.~.~..:~..~:.liw.~re~..i:.:U:._~~.tsc~ce :_.__._ ..._.. _..__._...... \ B. P. Holden _ ( _::.~.~:.:~~~_:~~~:~~~~~..~-~=~~~..~~~~ ~~.~=~~----.~~~=~~~. .._-~ John Washington ._...._.......(SEAL) Mattie Washington . ..__.___...__.....____..._(SEAL) COUNTY OF. PLORlIa SlIl(fJJ!.c;IB l j STATE OF I: I HEREBY CERTIFY. That on lhis TeXl~h__._day of_____llAr_oh.__ ____A. D. 19l..~ bdore me ~r~oDally al>pe~red.._~l1IL.W~Ih1D&1On.JlJ1Q._:.1fe..._KalliJLWi.e.h.ll\gtJ)Il.---.------- .-- .-.:....----.--. 10 me known to be the person 11._.. described in and ..ho cxecut~d Ihe foregoing cODnyanee lo_..a.l..~.a....C..._ltc.CaJ'1;l___._..___.__. and severally acknowledg~d the executioD therwf !'l bc__.\l1el:r.__.Iree act and detd for the USt:S :and purJ>OSC' therein mtntiOned; and thesaid.._Va..t~.1-.._~"'~.QD_.""__---,--------,---,, tbe wife of tbe said ..J.ohn.. .aAht ngt.on..... on a Mparate and private examination taken alld made by and before file. and scpuatt.!y and ap:arl from her said hu,band. did ackn.,."ledge that sbe made herself a party to the said Dttd of Conwe,-ance. for th( purpose of renouncing. reliDquishing :and convry:ng all her' riRht.titlt and "'ICIest. ...bethcr of dower or o{ sepu'!te property, statutory or ~quitable. in and to the lanJ. thertin dc:seribecJ. and that she execut~d said "eed freely and voluntaril) and without any con.traint. fear. apprehension r..r compulsion of or from her said b.uLand. WIT:\ESS my ,ignature and oflicial ."al al 'ort Pieroe -iD the COUDty oL_..!S_81nt~!101e :aDd Stale oi_ ,1l0tar1 fllbl1o_ Jiy COlllllllBslon ___J~~', .J:!Q~4.n._..u_ ......____......__.__(SEAL) tor the State .Qt.l1orida .t Large. expire, December 7, 1927. I f n i ; ~ I !' L~ I I . , l c. On Ihia_ l' ___""'-:"_day of_~roh .A. D. 19z...P.., a& .l..~._o'c1ock.~m.. Ibis instn.mtnt was fikd for r~cord. and being doly :acknow:ed~d nd prona, I ban rccordtd lbe same on page...~PR--of 8?ok._...6!l__in lb( Ilbblic: record. of uld ('ounl)". IS WITNESS WUI-:REOF. I hue ItertlJnlo set my hand and allixe~ suI of the Circuit Courl of the Fihtenlh Judicial Circuit of said State. in and lor said Coullty. ()'1J -- . . ~O ~ 'lJ~ ~ .~ ~. q z&O. ~d~.. /(1; . /,Hn. - ',' ;:?...~-;;;:-/:L;;-(.. .. / ~ /j . C D.C Clerk. i. . - ; .'.~ ;~ -:"},:r~~ , ... . _. . :-.1\. ~~...~'-'" .~.... ..' 4. _ ....f."".;.:. ~Jo-:'- "s~';~':""-l" <: ~<(.-~4: