HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRODUCT APPROVAL ROOFING UNDERLAYMENTBCls - Horne i I WgIn' ! usdr, eqist Product Appe val USER' Public User ST Product Approval Menu > Product or FL # Application Type Code Version Application Status Comments ArchlVed Product Manufacturer Address/Phone/Email Authorized Signature Tech n..l.ca. I Representative Address/Phone/Small Quality. Assur6nce,Reprei Address/Phone%Ernaif Category Subcategory Compliance Method OCANNED Hot Topics. Submit Sur arge -Stats&Facts Publications Staff IS j FBCIS ff I Ad slte*ap Unks J R 2 3 1018 'County, Permitting !on Search > Application List > - Applh;4II;!9rf Detall FL9777-k9- AeVigion 2014 Approved Qwens�Corrilrigl One -Owens : q i *00 Parkway . Toledo, OH 43659 (740 404=70'29. g . f,e corn Greg Keeler grqg.keelergowenscomlhg.c'om 1111no EM Onderlayrnebts. Evaluation Report frorn.a Florida Registered Architect or a License! F PWds§loqal Engineer tv6Weidin Report - HardcbPV IkEice[Vdd Florida Engineer or Archite& Name, who'developed the'Zachafy R,, Pribst Evaluation' Report Florida Ucense PE-74021- Quality Assurance Entity :tj L l=LC Quality Assurince Contract Explration'Date 12/ �3 " ' -'J' Validated By "Locke Howoo. 4.: Valid6tidh Ch&kIlst HardtopyReceived Certificate or Independence FL9777 R9 cpr otk14002.6a'FBC 2614 Evaluation Repo' Weathei Non-HVHZ:PfNAL.- . nd . I Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard,) -Standard, Year ASTM,61010 2009 A�STM D 226- 2006 20051. TA$'103� 1995 UC1897 2004 Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Sections from the Code Product Approval Method Dat6 SOrbitted Qate'Uldated. Date Pending FBC Approval Date' Approved Summarwof Products MOOPO A Qptibn D 04/i2j2ft'7 94/1 W;01.7 FL # Mod 1, Number -or Name Description 771-.1 Weaiihee"i dck:G Wqpthqrpr9ofing Underlay ; rn I en t Limits .of ApproveOldruse IwHV14 Iwo Approved fuse butside.H HZ: Yes IPF'RION., V ImOact'Rd9jAant, NJA- Design Pressure AjA' Other: See fbf1iMitsdfuse. ;nstolkw". instructions IFL'9777: R911 'OCR140026 6a FBC -2014 Evaluation Repor Weatho' tk� rio , Non,_ tWHZFINAL.ybV_ Verthied'Ay:.2achary R. Prlegt74021 Created 4yjndep p.Oeiit Third Party:: Yes o0luationAe Pqrts FL977T R9 "r1rR14001.6a FBC-1014 Evaluation' Renn i,WOatherjbdk 'N6n-HVHZ FINAL.OdU by "Independent Third Party Yet 9777.2 'WeatherLock G (High Tear), 'Wdath prod 00: V000elaymgn't ;Vlmits-cif Use Approved r use- in IIIIVHZ�r N 0: Approved for use outside�HVHZ-: Yes Impact. Resilk"ni-VA., 'Oeitgn Orjess.ure-NVA Other:; !�eegvaluat(6Q1 . repo tforUrtilis bi'use, Installat ori"Instructlons FL9777R9 .11 Og;R14002,6,j FBC 2014 Evaluation kepor weatfi:41oc VHZ:FINAL-_ k. Non- I .,p f :- Verified . - ay: Zachary PriestIPE 74021. Created by Independent Third Yes y RepOrts FL9777 R9 AE OCRI4002,'6a-FBC2014-Evaluatlon Revo Party:Created .by Inde.Qendent fhlird ' Yet 19777.3' Wpfztherlock MAT Wa . drph16fling- q4aer.fp Limits Of Use I Installation xwfkt ' Tactions Approved fog use in_'HVHIZ:Y6s outside Approved for use"bide H.VHZ,. No, impact Resistant N/A Design Pressure, N/A bt aigm.repo "forlimits. 6070,; s4�' dv6lu '1-of use. s 'rL9777-A4 II br_11140026b EBC-2014 Evaluation Repo W&ifhiH66k- HWIZ-.pAf r" A a y . ., Rrjest,74021 'Cremt6d'4VJhd6p� deiitThird Part y: a ItIon !tqO. lot" FL .'kg AF bCR14007.6b FBC..'.2014 Evaluation Regc I ?c 9 k WVI� Created Third Party- Yes 01771.4-W, dathOrjqck.M AT W-iie ofing..Undedayrifc. rp!q Limits of, Use Approved fouse in RVAI: No r' A00rdved foruseoutside HVHZ.- Yet Impact Resistant N/A Design OressurO:, N/A See evaluation rep f other pet for limits use. trut Installation Ins u Wo "s FL%7.7 fR§, lt''bitkl4b*,0,7:., 6';I"FBC 90I4_,EVaIuatlon Reppl �� Weatherlock Non H YELFINALRd Verified 1­1 On 7 1 4 .. 07', 'Created i by Indepqn0Oftt,,Th_jrd Party-: Yes lRyaluoilon Reports, 'FL97I7'R9' AE -bCiI44662-6gi FBC 2014 EvWtMtj6h Repo wegtfie&ckN6nw' HZ,'FINAL.Rd Createtl y Independent Third, Party: Yes 9177ji$; WeatherLock Metal TW ILIM.O.of Use, APOkAred ftr use In F11 H No. Approved, . ' , - ".. , , . y - z for use 90"Ide 1111Y.H.7v Yes impact kResistant:nt. N/A, i Diislignpressure: NYA Otheri See evaluation report for limits of use. A on It liatl -ins "Inst Jrwictions R9 11, OCRT4fIrVX1F;;i FAC,. - FL§7772014 Evaluation Reodf Weaffierldck N6h H A , '' ByZachary I PlEr74 ORI Created by Independent Third "Party; •Yes Ei Reports FL9 7 Ae CRj4002,6aiFBC '.aO4 _Evaluation __ VA ;[W6iherlQrkWon-,HvK2t FiNAL.i2d Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 9777.-6 ----Jveathi; erLock Metal Weatherproofing aymm.. Limits of Use Approved for Use in..HVAZ.- Yes .Approved for use oLlitsidg, HVHZ: No Idstaillaition InslirmMons. iC077 R9 Ti OCWWWA FBtM14 Evaluation kepo; Moatheelock HVH ImOct Res4stant:VA, I Design pressure; NIA: Q06'e".See evaluation report for limits of Use.: , Veit d l3Y,.:Zacha'ry' Ri, PHest- PE-74:011 ird. Party:hljrd 1 Created : by Indoodoh, t Th EVad"it"O Reports; Yes 'dk1:4662.616 FBC EM77 R9,.AE.,Q -2014 Evaluation Reg 'Weathercock -:HVH'Z.pdf 'Created by"Independent I Third Party: Yes 9777.7 Weathe.rLockSpeciaity Tile . . & Metal I I I Limits of Use prpyqq for use it H ..VjjZ; No Approved for use outside-HVIlIZ: Yes Impact Resistant: WA P019" "-, Pressure : + P/- fos I Other: See, eOj(i6f1b.H report for limits of use. 106011.6tibn -InstrupWiDow -R9 6111(2'2014 Eval Uation QAnnr. '-VH;0:1N;ALjddf 'Verified Ow. 1 za-chary:k,, *Ie4 -14621 Created by IndependentThirdParty: "Yes Evaluatioh Roapbrb; fL0777 Rq-Ais. 6,rh 14- 00-2.6a FBC 2014 EvMbation Reno Weathercock NowHVHZ-FINAL .-odf Independent ,Thlrd'Party: Yes TheState of Florida Is an one, fne emails prov addresk 0( se;'Oov Eig flout Contact -Us 2601 Blair Stone Road` Tallahassee , &3.23- qpqg_-a 4§ Pi employer. ,CoDvrIoht2OO 2013 wt6w'PI60 Statement AlIc records. If you do not.want your 'e-;hiai-illaddress released lrfres 'pog§q to a pubk d 0 'S 0 :he qfJlIqe by phone or by traditional mail. If yoti havearty clu6st6s, please contact 850.48 �:brsfjartt to SqO. dohe 1, 2012, licensees licensed under'6aptqi4ss, F,S, mutt:proWde the DOpSitjnint­'15 44 e�' W ress If thL-, official cotnmunlcation With -th6licensee A6W&O email addresses are publicrecard. If,V Wftfi:aw email address which can ,beoaodq;ayjii461i to (he pqbIle. Tq Oe oVI do. not wl�h,td supply a F tqimirid.jfypu.are�a: lmnsee,6nderc.ha,otgr4s t OdYttAOPrbvj3l*OpW-, Credit Card CREEI TECHNICAL S,ER;V EVALUATION REPORT Manufacturer: OWENS _11 Owens (0110) 43; Manufacturing Location: 'Brentwood, NH Houston,." .Quality Assurance:iTX U41LC PUA91 OP -, - 29,824 CQffi#qPW0fAu -No. tholizO 11520;Elinlu Drwe Tampa, F 364 44C J. FLORIDA WILDING ZODE 57,EDITION .(2qj 4Y ROOFING AND ASPHALT LLO IsgUed April 12, 2611. Category ,Roofgg S00000-9ty.: Underl" aympnts CddiD'S6,6tic_ns*. 15043.1,1501.24 1501,2.8 160.2. A.Z I$ 'A 1,SQ7,A, 15075 3 . 1501,54.12� 16-07.7.3,1507-7-3.2 PropqrtleM: Physical properties REFERENCES. Entity Report No. Standard I ydbe PRI 'Construction _Mateilals1O6h -as (TST6_49' NEI-039- OU,I ASTM D:1979 ?PPRPR :T 90(sT§T0640), NEI-4ZD�OJREV2 ASTVIJ1970 2009Pki,consleddabnmaterialsTethIdid.1 . .' -Construction 049'. NEN 04"2-01 T PRI Materiels Technologies z ASTUZ165i 20054 . ,-. PR onst_04 ,T Technologies -no PRI Construction Mateifals.1.0ch ij b 6049' •199 Nb-0,53-02-ol ASTM PRI nstrud!ion M pip ated Technologies 00-4- 01p s .0 Iw093 - ASTM D)1970 .2009 PRI Construction Matefials:Technologies'0 PRI Ponstru600 Materials n i 6ON4 .. 6'.16 noll -'a UL111807 2004 PRI Construction mmm-_ Otbeqo4ls Technologies5070); 0CF7252-02-11. ASTM A70,8 k&i E)Fkl Construction Materiaillig-Te no 0 es f6*649), PRI Construction Materials TO noo as T QCF252-9101 OCF ASTM D-1970 4970; 2909 PRI Const yidtbn,.MaterialsTechnologies (TSTgU 'TA$ 1,001995 PRI Construction Materials TechnTechnologies�i6T604'% OCF-29&02-02 [CC.,-, ES, AC. jpo' 2012 idb-SAd- 46 20.12 PRI Construction Matedaills'T66h6ld,b!d§1TF'0'9' 6* � OPF -997;Q241itl ASTM D 1070 2609 'Determined to be 80f4aleintA6 ASTM -P 2263,00, Type !t.ahjjI This evaluf specifically III VL 1.is. 1 Wt,'pro�-.jded for `State of Florida product hoprbvgh LLC pfod.u'dtl 4.6 of . any , I cbdhq4kbr,quaIIty assqrancp -9 o0b:not%ei)ipresi nor imply warranty,ifistgllafion .10 MaIld'. .are not CREEKi.. ....._ TECHNICAL SERVICES, LLC OVttENS CQRNING RQOFING AND ASPHALT;LLG "" .. &.Water Barriers WeathgrLock t' WeatherLot;1�0 G. is -an ASTM' 0=1970 self --adhesive undedayment constructed from. SBS:: (Bren0b6deIVH) modified asphalt; a: fiberglass mat reinforcement and surfaced with :granules. The product is supplied in �2 .sq. rolls with;ta'ominal dtt�ensions of 3=ft ii 66'74, WeatherLockQ G is permitted to: be. used with mechanically fastened asphalt shingles, wood, shakes or .shingles, and slate roofing:as, presefioed in the Ft3G. ,Exposure orl t}te roof -deck slii Il be limited to a maximum 30 days,; Weatherl-ockWmat WeatherLockO Mat is. an ASTM D 1970 self:adhesive: undedayment:consttucted from (Brentwood, NH or Houston, 77C) SBS' r' bdified :asphalt with a fiberglass mat reinforcement The .product is supplied In 1 sq rolls iwitN nominal dimensions of 3-1t x 33.3:ft.an"d 2:sq rolls:.vq nominal dimensions of 3=ft x 66:7=ft. erm . .. IrLb I Mat Is=pitted to be• used ;with nli ghanically fastened asphalt shingles, 'Exposure wood shakes or shingles, artd;slate oofing-as prescribed in the. FBC. on the roc(deck shall be limited to a maximum 30 days:. WeatherLock@ Metal Weathe&b Ik@ Metal is an ASTM t) '� 970;seif-adhesive: underlaymen. t constructed: from (Brentwood, NH) SBS ri<lodified asphalt with a; fber0lasS mat reinforcement and: plastic film surface The product is st,pp 00.[62.0 sq. roll,iwith nominal dimensions.of 3 ft x G6 Zfit, WeatherLoclk® :Metal :is permitted to. be,tpsed, wit}r ;rrleehahlcally, fastened as halt p: shingles, metal roof:panels.o��shing1"' wood shakes or sh7ndles :and slate.r000fing; as prescribed in the FBC.. Exposure on the.roof deck shall be limited to:a, maximum90 days. WeatFerLockU Vlteatlieitock@ Specialty Tile r& Metal is an ASTM t? t.tf70 self.:adhesive u.nderiayment Specialty Tale &-Metal; constructeA.d fritin $BS,jnoctied asphalt andurfacei with.a non=woven :polyestar'ifabric. (Brentwood; :NHf The, prgduci ls,'suppl ed In 214 sq rolls with nominat,kiimensrons of 3 ft x :74 3=fit. WeatherLo kbSpecialty Tile & Metaf, be used With mechanically bstened asphalt shmg(es, clay.,or concW.,roof panels or shingles, woodishakes:'or shingles, d date ofi rong as :prescnted tn,ttae FBC - Wea`iherLockfe�. Specialty, Ttle Metal is permitted to be used, with adhered clay'or concrete file roofing using either 3MT"" 2 Component Foam Roof 'Tile: Adhesive AH (6p (3M Cgmpany) br` TILE l Nb Roof Tile :=Adhesive (The Dow Chemical Company) cposure..<on the;roof deck shall beslim'ited to a'. maxim 9 tt " 'days, - The; r[taxifilum 7oof slope shall. be 6;12 when used with clay or concrete file in;5tallafions without: battens: Tile; shall be stored on battens for roof slopes greater ;than 612. Tiles: shall not be=stacked_ greater 10 tiles •perstackr <,; WeatherLoi*0 0 (High Wafath@rLopk� CY (}iig� Tear] is;a� cel f adhered, underiayment used as ed altematrye to. Tear) (Houston, 7Xj ASTIV) D 22r?r Typ@ l or Type It .roofing felt acid ASTM D f9705e1f-adhenrtg po]yner Mddifed 4itO.M... un0edayment. The underleyment.ls composed_ of SBS modified: asphalt vkh a;fiberglass matintgriaal reinfdreetmentanq is surfaced With ranules.:;"The prggluct Is sypplied with a. nominal thickness Qf 50 mils,tn 1.95sq rolls. with nominal dimensions of 3 ft x 664 WeatherLock(_p G (High Tear), Is;,permitted,to be;iused with mechanicallyfastened:asphalt shi ngles,. m7etal roofing,, slate shingles, .wood shingles and wood; sjtakes:a's prescribed in ttie FBG. iExposure on the roof deck shall bid limited td a maximum ..0 days; i I OCR140.02.6a Fl•87T7 R9 Page 2 of 4. This eyaluation.report is provided for -State of Florida product approval ug40r Rule 61G20-3 The msnufactUrer shall notify CREEK Technical Se)vices, LLC-of ahy product changes'or quality assuran• changes throughoutthe dpragQh fqr which this report is vaifd. This evatUation report does not speffcally addressed herein: express n i r imply warranty Installabn, reEommehded lase, or;other product attii44te4;(hat; are not. i I to OWENS CORNING' ROOFING AND ASPHALT LLC - + R K I Weatherl-ack� ,eif�ealini 1ce &;Water Barriers TECHNICAL SERVICES,, LL-C I PRODUCT APPLICATION i Min. Roof Slope: 212 or in aceordancean with the zFBC Application: All `underlay I ent$ .shall be installed in accordance With the FBQ Deck subst I les ;shall be clean, dry, and free from any rrregWartGes and debris, Ail' fasteners in.1 he deck shall be checked for prolffi rt and corrected prroC:to ugafgitayrrien't applicatdon. I Prior to beginning lnstalfation, the underlaymen# .shalVbe unrolled and allowed to relak-for a minimum of 3 5 _rrlrnufes. The underla�inent shall be installed with the release backer removed arntl pressed firmly into.place t ' ensure: complete contact with the deck. The underlayment hall ,be installed with the roli*l length parallel -to. the: save, starting at the save, ai5d with minimum 3 side laps'and minimum .6" end laps: staggered min. 6 ft ROO).preceding course. Additionally. if applying y16athe&b6k(6 Specialty Tile; &Metal, end laps shall be primed wiih :ASTM D Q1 primer or'sealecl with asphalt roof. cemeot:a minimum of .3-4 inches: across the width of the lap. It is' errrissibie to back nail the undedayment 12 inches on -center as needed (nails shall p be installedl:perpendicular to deck v�ith the. nail heads. flush to the ;top, surface of the underlayment)Additionally; WeatherLock® Specialty'Tile & ;Metal. shall be flack nailed when installed'on roof slopes greater Man 3 °12,,,, Min. Application 4WF .Contact the manufacturer'when installing at temperatures below1he'.minimum Temperature: eppii;adon;'tentperature: The Maximum Design Pressures shown�.4616w'were calculated using a 21 `margin of safety per FBC Secgori 15t)4.9 Underlavment.Sbstem No.1:--WeatharLlock•.Spedaltv..Tile &,Metal only Roof Deck: Min'. 15/82 I rich GDX plywood; attached to wood supports spaced a max ntut% 24' o.c: Underiayment: WeatherLock® Specialty Tile $ 'Metal: shall lii3 applied iti accordance `with manufacturer installation Instruchoria,to the. fastened deck and'backnailed along; ale selvage wltti`mmimum 12ga;, 1.-1%4'-inch.;'galvanized . ring shank roofng Halls :thtotigh optionally :prime1.d; 32ga. x 1 5/8-inch 0 Or : caps spaced .,;1,2 o.c; The, applied underlayment shall' be rollad. with a :minimum; 751b:'steel roller immediafely'following applicator: 5 Maximum Design -1:05 psf Pressure- I I I I O,CR14002.6a FL9777 R9 _ Page. $ of 4 This evaluation report is provided for State ,o'U171orida ri duct a p . ppro '61 under Rule 61 G20 3 The mantifaaturer shall notify cRgPK Technical Services, LLC ot,any product Ghanges.or quality, assurance changes throughout the durafion[for which this;attributes, report is'valid. This evaluation report does not express not it i lyrant wary, installatiop;, d er product that are not specifically addressed herein: iecommendeuse;: br;oiti I I OWE 0 CQRIVING ROOFING AND ASPHALT MCREEK UlleatherLackrs?$elf-$eating_ Ice,&'WaterBarrters: TECHNICAL SERVICES, LL,C GENERAL LIMITATIQNS;_ . _ I ....._ . f) This;evaluation:. #60 It not use in.the HVHZ, 2) Fire Classification is not within therscope of this evaluation 3) Installation of .the evaluated protluct shal).comply.with this rep�tt, the• FBC, and the manufacturer's pub shed application ,instructions.. Whers;;d screpartcies. exist: between these sources, the more.. restrictive and FBC cortipliant' installation detail shalt prevail. 4) The roof. deck shall be construcied of closely fitted plywood theathing fo„1 new or eid #ing construction... 5) The pace under the deck area hshall bd properly:ven,dated in accordance: with the..Ff31 requirements. 6) All side. -Up seams shall be mstalted to bed water from :the deck 7) The un'deriayment mdy`be used as described m,othercurrent M. product approval. documents l3) 'Design W►nd load pressures s�'all 6e determined for components and cladding In accordance With FBC' 1609', 9) The. roof deck,shalf be:designeld by others in accordance with FBC requirements to 400sW the.design wind• load pressures for components and cladding 10) Ma. xrmum 1.Design Pressures 1`or a gi�ien uriderfayment- shall meet. or :exceed the design wind loads' determined fur •the roof assembly 11.) All products listed.in this:roport (shall be manufactured under a quality assurance, program in camPliance.with. Rule'61G20-3: ComPLIAMCE STATEMENT The products evaluated herein: by Zachary 'R Priest, P.E. have demootfgto' compliance With the., Flonda'Building. Code e Edition (2014)as evidenced in the referehced documents subrnttte-. by the<ttamed .manufacturer,. P��'�i P SF2017.04.12 N6 74021 , :.* 15: 5A6 aresw.o..ormwam.a rp STATE `OFO4 Q:Q .�;i �` t C R 1 O \� Zachary R_ FHest,- PAE,'. �Sil - ONAL ` Oajariizat an No� ANE96416n, No.Q2.1 • �11,l,J1�?�, GFRTIFICATION_pF INDEPENDENCE CREEK Technical'Seryices.,LLC does not have nor.will, it'acquire, a:financial interest in any company,inaiiufacturi1) or distributing products under this evaluation , CREEK Technical Senricss, L LG is�r(ot oWn d, Qperatea;.or controlled by any-ompanyInanufacturing;dr distributing prgducts under this evaluation. Zachary R. Priest; P.E.'does not have por will acquire; a financial inter of in any.company manufacturing or i stnbufing products undeuthis-evaluation. Zachary R. Priest, P.E. does not have, nor will acqulre,'a financial interest:1n;any other, eritiiy'lnvoived iri the approval procgss of the product I i Ekmcw REPORT OCR14p02 6a .. __ _ FL9777=R9: Page 4. of'4 This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation; recommended uses or otherproduet attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. =