HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0965 oUt> ....-.'"'""......~.~..~.~...._. , ....._A..._~~ __ _.":..:::::::::-=:::.:....~~,,.~~.w..~~...J~.~~S'!.__. r THIS INDENTURE, Uadc lhis ...._...ft1m.__.... ......._._....._da)' 0'..-. ......._..._..........llarGh.\...._........_..__..... :-..-^- 1>. 19l_Ji, BET\YEEN ._._......__.. . ..:Ko7t ..1... ..)lorn.. anA_' lola_C.owl.....llorzlft.....h1....w.ltt._______._...._ ...-......-........-..-....-.--.-.-.--..----.-... o' Ihe Count)' 0'-__...___. St....Luoi... ___._.......,..and Stale of__...____nor.1c1a..._.._...___..........__........___._pUl.1.1.1. o( thc 6r&1 pari, and ..._.._.....__....__._....108.. r. ..Oblllll..._____________._______.._______..........._.._.____..-....-.-----...--.---.. (.f lh( County oL__......Sar.I'O.ta. ___........._....._..and Slate of__..___ nQ.I'!~. . ___..__.___._._..part _. 'S.- of the second pari, L WI1:'; I';SSF.TII. Ihal the said l'all..18.8 o' the liut pall. fur and in consideration o! the 'uo\ of._.._.__.__._........_._..............__........._._......_............... .....-.... ... .One.dollar..!lnd .otbl r._y.81.ueb.l.... Qona.1..c1.tra.1i.12Dft>oUars. lo..:\h__.ill halld (.:ohl. the lC"ccipt \~hereof is hereh, acknowled~ed. ba..Y8_ granted. bargained, sold .bd translerreJ. and by these presents dO__._liran!, bargain. s("1I auJ transfer unto thc said p:ut.. X.- of 11.( second pall anJ_ __hia..___heira :lnd assigns fOI(ycr. .11 that cerlain parcd 01 land lying and being i~ t"e C,>unty o'-_.liSt... .Luale --..--.-- -.-.. and State ..f._._...I1.orlh...._._........-.:.._..__..more parlieularl, described u follow.:___....._o-......._.__......................... .....-...-....-..- ..............---.... Loteten (10 L~ nd. .~~!:!~~ ..f..ll. L ~.~...~ 11~ .!! ~!.o!4...!IJ!~.~! ..~~.~.~!~!~ ..~~..~~...._~.1.~!..:r.~~_().!.~.~~..._.... 1nth..offioe of. the Clen. o~ the ..Oirouit...QQurt...ot ...St.. . LUGie ...Oount;J. . 'lorlda. .-... -......... ..-.-.... ( TOGETHER with all Ihe lenements. here";I.m<nl! and app;lIt.nancu. with .....ry priyilege. rigbt. title. interest a"d ulate. dower and right of d.....er. rnC"uion. reu.aind.r and u..mcnt tbelClo belonj;IlI'; or ill any"ise'appcrtainin~: TO HAVE AS!> TO BULO the same in fee sin.ple forevcr. And Ibe said pardeB.. of the first rut 010__ CO\';l1allt with Ihe ,aid parI7..- of the seconJ pallthal....th.7._...._......._..h"full,. sri.... ollhe ,..id premisu.tbatthe,. arc fre. from aU incurubnnccs and tha,thfl;1...ba.Y.ood right and lawful authority to srli the 'ame; and Ihe said p.rlies 01 '-: Ibe first part do_ hereby I1:lIy warrant the title to said land. and will ddend the urn. against .he 1a,,'lul claim' 01 all per50RS ..bomsocnr. '1:'; WITSESS WHEREOF. tbe said part-i.. 01 Ihe (list ~Il ha.ye.... bereunto se:.th.l.r_h.nd-'anJ seal.' Ihe d.,. and y.ar .oo...e wrillell. .~ii;~;e~: a~; ~~i~e~e:.i:~U~ .p~e.~r::~.:..__.. .... .._..___.....____. ~ ........I'ranoe.l! u.Dodat..............__......__...... '''_'''_'_'' ._.._., ... ..-:..:.~ :.~~~ :==~~~.:":"=~~ ~:.. ~.._~==:~..~=~==~==.~~~~~) .._HO.1".t...J.... K0tr18 . ._..._........ .........._lSEA L) _.yiO~a..._C_O.l.oIL}Lorr18...__..__.___._lSEAL) COUNTY OF_..,.---Jlta...J~.UWs.. } . STATE OF nor14.a. 1 HEREBY CERTIFY, Tbal on thi.___~h1r4._._day of.._... Ka:mh._ ...__A. D. 192.5..., belore me . ('ersonall,. appcared .Ho7t-Z.-1Iorn.....8Ilcl.-y-1oJ.a-CO.l......~n....b1. ..w1f....~---.-._.._---_.. .---- . 10 me kcown to be the pcrsqn_a described in :and wbo e1lCcuted the foreloiog convr)'ance IO..___.__~_________.___.._.__ " their ___and seycrally acknowledged the execution Iherc..f to be__.._..............._mfree acl and deed for thc uses and pwposu therein m'rntioned; a!Jd the said..-__Y.1ol.a..J:.0JI1ea..1Ior.rt.e_________ the wife of tbe said.__.~n.B.._.llorr1a.. on a separate and printe examination lakeD and made by and before me. and scparutly alld .part Irom htr said hnsband, did acknowfcdge that sl.e made herself a party to the said Deed of Conveyance. for the purpose of renounring. rrlinquislring and con..-cying all hu right. t'lle and intereu. wheth-r of dmoer or of separ.te properly. "tatutory or (qbilablc. in and to 1M bnols thcrein de,cribed. and that sb~ e"ccuted said deed freely and yoluntarily and ..ithout any c..nstraillt. fear, apprehension c.r compulsion 01 or from ber said husballd. in the County of___S.t....-LWl1____~.-.._- and S'ale of fior14a ___.Ihe day and year bit afore.aid. ~TA:E 0'- '~Sr.:l>,. btfiU&lfa..Dtt.:o;:mnJ-6U~ 'UU:_ISEAL' COUNTY OF ST. LUC(E n i I < I II l I I , i, .. , ~ 0.. 1";'.._..__..3 ._____....__-<fay oL__...Apr11.-- "- D. 19:!.J).., aL.LI__o'dOtkL...m~ this ios!rumenl was likd for record. and being duly acknowledged and proYeD. I hue recorded the aalllC 011 page__.86.1i......._of Book.....60__..io tM pbblic record. uf said ConnlY. . fS WITNESS WIIEREOF. lor said Coant,. '<1 my "and aad affiud the suI of Ihe Circuit Court o( lhe Fift~nth Judicial Grcuil of said State. io and ~c O~ ' .Q1 t. 19~ 8V __L. O. BUrel . a;; ~~ /1~ Ocrk. ~ D. C. / / ~1~~iiltf~~r~~i . <:.:.... .~..~~::~~:~;::-~~~~~~1~~t~:1~;~~:. . .. . .;.: ..-" ';''-6~ r'Yl:~ ~~-. ~-i~.<~f:..;...;~~..-~..~:.;l::.~.~- " :...,..; i ,.'~~r.:. f#oi"j:"'~f~l..t..'. ~ . :~".. ~;.~_::~~{~~~~~~~:f~\t~:~~~i~~~~l~~