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(.f tbe COUDI, of..St....I.Uole. .__....._...._.____and State of-.--.--j'lOI'.l d-a..---.-.-----..---lurt.y__.. o' lbe second pari.
\\'1T~f-:SSETII.lhaltbr said paltl~.!:J.. of the finl pari, 'or and In consiJeralioh of lhe sum of...--.~EN.-roLJ..U\S . AlD- o.THER ._...._..._._._..._.__
- ._._..V ABUA.BLR..COUSIDl::R'\~I.01lS....._-__.___.__.~"", totflelll.._in hand paid, Ihe receipl "hcrrof is hereb, acknowleJ!;cd.
~~ ~.::.:.:...:... ~ ~ ~ =-
::~. '.......(~~U~r.P...dhl~-:.tlIl:ii::jl~_"'JlJid.~: ~.:;~__
THIS INDENTUR&, Uad( Ihi$.. 21Itt._. ........_..:.~................__d~, o._.Yal'Oll.. ............__...__... ...... ._......_. _____A. D. 192..1)... RET\YEl'N
____Charles.n.J...Dell,.. Br. t..-tlnd.J.lar.y- g .-.Bel1--.-....hia.-w.i.i..l---...- _._____..._ .____.. ...__....____..___._._,,___.___
of lhe CoUllty of.__._. Btwsmbla ......_.................... ..n._and Stale 01.__.... Jl'lorlda.........._.___.. ......._...... .n....... .... .._.-part-l-e~o' lhe 6rsl pari. and
'_"_"'_'__ _.~ ~....A.~.... EIl!.~.~!i!.QP........ ...._._.._____._______.__..___..___..__............_......._._. .___._.__...._....._.__..____...___._
baye.._ gunted. bargainrd. soM and Iranslernd. an~ the$C prucnl. do.__gtanl, barcaia. sell and Iran,frr unlo the said pan...y.__ of the second
pur and....h1S....___Leirs and auign, forever. all Ihal c(rtain parcrl o. land lying and being in th( Counl,. of_..5t......Lu.c.1e......_..___._..._
and Slale ol_.rlor.lda..._..._.._...~._ _more-particularly ducribeo! as follow.:-....._.. _._.._.._ ....:...._..._.. _..._...___............._.__.....
.... Lots.' Seae.nteen{ 1'1). and .E1ghteon.(ld ~ of" If'11fok:.~~-........._... ...._........... _.......
. ... ~wo .f 2.)..0 fl(. i:.. Goldam1th.~ 8.. Subdivision.. of.t he . .n.... .m...._........_..........
..... C 1 ty . of.Fort. Plerce..Flor1dn__..___...._.__._.................__.. ...._.... ...... '._. ........._.....
.._.__._.~..._.._.._._._..n_....__._....~ ..._____._ +_.___..__..n___.. ..~__ .~+_+.____u_._..~_ __._. _..u_..._ __..__.__..__._._____._n_. .. ._~.____..
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-. -..__......++. ... _..._...~_...~...._..__..._........__~.....n. '_~'U'''._ _ .n__.~ .__"u_h__"h.__...__. .___.____~ ________.__..___.._______....._ ..._ _~__..... _..~._.__.___._________...___
-.-.....---......-... -.............-......... "-"" ($2 .OO---DOO . .s tampa ..Canc~l.le.d.)...---...____._.__...___.........._. ._.._. '._.. _. ......_. ......._............ "_"_...
- -..' . . ...-.-.-. ....-..--.-......- ....-...... ...._.u_._._u_.._. -. .._.._._. n..n._.____..______h_n___....~.__u__.__u__..__._h_..hh_._._..n.'_'u_. ___h. '___~_______.n__.'__,._,~
_..___.___. n.~.__.~n_~__...___.__ - ......_._u.. _._._...~_.____+___.. __ ~__..._..__._.____.___.__________._.___.._____.._. ___..._.__ .........____.~_._~____
-.-----...-----.-- ...._--. --.--.--..-. ..- ._.-_._~........__.__..._-._---... -.--..-.--..----------.-------------.-.-.-.-----.-..----------.-.---
__._.__~.___._..+_ .._.____._._._u.._ __..__.._..+_h......_.______....~__.____._____~_______..__...__.__._______.___.._...._....~.__..__.__...~________._.'__'__
..'__"___._' ..u.__..______._~_._.._.~.. _.._.__._. _____...__~___..___ ________.._____._._. _...__.____.____._~. _.______.____.______________
. .
TOGETHER with all the t~ncmenl5" hereditamrnt. and al'pUrlenancu. with e"try pri"ilcg~. righl. titlt. inlrresl and C$\~'"". dower :an.. right of do\<tr.
..\ersion. <<mainJer and usemcnt Ih.rtto bclon!;,nl; 0: in an,....ise app~IlSlni"g: ro lIA VE ....~ll TO HOl.1) the same in fee simple lort\"~r.
....nd Ibe said rartJ.ea. of the 6rsl pari do ._._ connant with the said part..y_ o{ tb~ second part tbat_-.t-he y ..are..-..-la..lully .ti..J of lite
....... .
.ai.J premises, that th~y arc irer from :all illeum!.rallcu and tbal.tll.ey_..aaYjtood rigbt anJ lawful authority to sdt tl.e same; anJ Ihe said part lea 01
J~ WIT~ESS WHEREOF. the said part_ lea of .hr first pari h2\l'e. _ hereunto SCI-t-fle-ir _hancJ8. anJ ""as. the day and year abo\e wriUen.
.h~ first parI do__ l:trel,,. {c1ly war12nl Ibe utle 10 sa:d hlld. anJ will <leicn'" Ihe same against th~ b"lul claims of alll'u,ons "homsoc\Cr.
Siglltd. 'Cealed and Jdivcr~d in our prrscnee: I
... n Annl:e ChefEin __...._..___..__. _..__. _ __..__... '_'_'"
=--:-~..:~...~~~~~~.~ -~~ --==~~===
AS to
--Cbar.le&J.a...Be11. Sr On ._.____._..._...:..__(SEAL)
---J,[ary-Z....Ball._____ _(SEAL)
COUNTY OF_..~3-lA-
I HEREBY CERTIFY. That on thi'--..23rd__._._day~f...__.JlaZ'oh..
rcrsonally aI'PCared...--CIURLES. ..I.......BZLL.. _~t.... -D.Ud._.ld.al:3_.E._.Bcl1....n1..-'i._ll1..f e..
STATE OF-~I.(hJ-DJ....
:\. D. 192-&-_. before me
10 me known to ~ the pcuon.&describcd in and who uecuted the foregoing conwe/aneC 10_...._____. V ...A... ..Emer-son.
and seycrall, aclr.nowl~dg~d the uecbtion Iherrof to be_.t-n&ll'u.frre au
and deed for tbe lI'r' :and puri>O'u Ihereiu mentioned; and Ihe sai.
IDe trife ollhe slid .ch.ar1ea...J.._ Ball Sr.... ._-On a separate and prinle examination
I.lctn and made by and before Mr. and scvuattly and aparl from her laid husband. did ackno..I~i!lle tbat shr made buself a pari,. to the said Deed of
Connyance. lor Il:e purpose of renoun~ing. relinquishing and con"e,iog all hu right. titlr and inlrresl. \Yhelh~r of dowu or of separate property. stalutory
or equitablt. in alld 10 II". lands Iherein described. and (bat ,he Cllecuted said dud Iredy and yoluntaril, and ..itboul an, conslrainl. fcar. apprehension
<<r compulsion of or lrom her said bwband.
in tbr Count, cf_'&s"cA.~D-l}.
__the da, and yrar bSl aforelllicL
00 !!ai..__.
. _....._..._da' 111.
~17~4-c.ix. ~8$i/.. 7./72J"
. .
filed for ftcord. and being duly a<kco...l.dgcd and prowrn, I ban record(d tltc same on paae---3.6a.-.of Book..6Q
l'ouoly. . .
in 1M public records or said
· I]
..... D. 192~ at1cl_o'dock...~m.. this inllrumenl ..as
aTe hueuntu ~I my hand and ~ffind the seal d' the Circnit Courl of Ihe Fifteenth Judici"11 Circuh of said Stale. in and
"./'. --.
J. C-.KU~.d
"':" aAOtL.~191
._D. C.
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