HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0975 v'375 I -,::.:-.:.:., .:=':::.:::-=-. ~::::~= ,......~__~.-.!_~- .J THIS INDENTURE, Wade lh~ ..-.- 3rd.......__ .-....._._......._day of........-__ .April-.-.............-..-...... ._........__..__.._.._A. D. 192&-.. BETWfo:KN I .__._._.~~. .1Y.....::S t.8s_..an.d.. G.C (lr.gla...!!...~t.fl9..,h1 S._~i!:1L__. .______ _..__.__........._....__ ..._.._....__. .____._.___..._.__...._ , -...~-~ ~r o' lhe CO"'lty oL._.___g.t......Lucie_.__ ..._....._....-and Stale of-.-.:tJ.o.r l-do..------------.---....--.. _........__parl.J. &80 of the filii parI, and . ~._.__". d. . ~lD~~J.J,.._.~.n..Q. ;;'"~l.Y!L~1.n.ijoll.__b.1.a..Jyl.fQ.___ ___.__._....__._..._._..._. .._._._......_. _._...____ ~i ' '-..' o' Ib( COUllt)' ol.._...._...3t..._Luele._..______..__._and Slate oL_2.1ux.l.tla...__________._.____part ..1es of tbe seeond part, WfT:\F.SSl-:TIf, tballhe uid pall.! ell of lhe finl part. for and in consideralion o{ the sum of.~e.ll...nol1.Q:r.s.. ~ d-c.t~or.-.go.od. add ..____ _ _lll.JJ..I!.!>l!LCulllll o.o':':ll..a.:ms.___.._ __..:..-..'i>oHars, lo..the:::'_in halld paid, ti,; rtcei:>t whereof i, herd.:v ;leknowledi:ed. ha~(._ granted. barc..incd. ,old and transferred. and by lhue prescnu 010--. _granl. barg'"", sell alld !ruder unlo lhe salol pall!e-a. of lhe second part and__t.heir__heirs and au;gns forner. alllhat e(rlain parccl of land lying and being in the Coonty oL--S.t....Luc.18.__._____.__ and State of_.norl dll.._..._.._._...._...~__._more particularly described as !oUo...:-.._..__.__......._. .._. ...... .. '" .. ......_..__._.._~..... . ...._.___ _.... .=~ot . ?cmrteel1 (H) ._.0 L BIQC~:'..('l~.eJ 1LQ: ...EQ}h:.lI.;! _SUbc.ixls1c.r. . af.per.t .o.f... ...... .......... ......_._. ....._... .....~.h.~....l~3~_ o.!.....~1:e....':'.:n:. 01:. .~.~(J . ...<3 1.....;~!>._=?5_.~.'?l!~h ..._~~.n.Se...ft.Q....~.~.~~ ~.. t3~.tJ~~IJ ::.U.€. (LJ--"..:p ;0 . .. ...Ql2.c.;:l? I;l ac ~~ 1 O. b1...0c..;~ .~ulJ.I).h: i Q~..Ll~~"'v.. : !J.':'.~ , . 'PS. ..:.itlQ\Yl1 _lJ,:... ;-lc t. recorded .in ._. ............. 3)o:.c 3~t..{kord8. of...3li .Lu~1 !.:_C.Ollfat.;.r.. _.~"1Ii.. _._. _~__..,. ..___.... ._...._. ..._.......... "'''__''_'' .........._.. .. ..__....___u._._.._.____...____.___....___... ...-.--.-..-.--.________~__.____________..__ ___.____________._______..._.___....____._.._ _ ____ __...______., ___A n.____...__._._ _______ __Hn_._,_...'.'_' ._.__.._._...___.._~___. _un._.." '.._ ._.______,_._ ____.._ _ ___.____.___..__.. __._________.___._____._. ____________-._._.___..___ ....___...._.__________._____.____ --....---.-._-- ..__n___,.___.____....._.._____ ._.U.___h._____ .....__.._____..__________..._____________._______ ______._...._..._... _"h_', .._.._._...._...._.____.....______....._ (~~ . OQ... Doc. . S tn:.lps ..(;cz:cc.:.l.c d. ) ._....._..._....__... _"'_ ._..._.................. .... ..... ..._. .......................__.....__.. -.----..---.--.----..------..-------... ----------.-----...----....---........-..-.--.-.....--------- -.----...-....-..-...-.---...... _._..._-- -.--.---.-..---------.--.----.---- -. .----.---.-....----.----.-..--....-.------.----..-________.___.____..____._____.._ . _ '_'___"___ __h._u_n_n________...____n__ TOGETHER ...itb all Ihe tenemenu. heredilamenU and appurtenancu. with e~erJ pri~ilege. righl. title, interut and ulate. dower and rillht of dower. rnersion, remainder and easemcnttherelo LtlonginJ: or in anywise appertaining: TO If A VE AXl> TU 1I0f.l> tbe >ame in fee simple lore.er. r And the said part_i.es ollbe 61$t part .10.__ covenant with tbe said p;ulicu_ oj the second vart tl"...---t.:-.6,;;-..r I; ..__bwfuliy seizeJ _ 01 the uid premises, Ihat they ale free from ;III incumbranetS and Ihat..':'l:a;.:._ hL.'.:l8>oJ righl aUtI b"lul authorily to nil the s..me; ..nJ the ..id ,,"'Ii &S... of '- Ihe 61$1 part do_ hereby fully wall ani the title 10 said laud. anJ ...ill defenJ the same acainSl the lawful claim' of all persons whomsoe\"Cr. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the said part.. i.e,'of the first p"rt baXe __ hereunto seL.~.l:J..r_.hand.S and sealS. the d"y and year abo.e wrillen ..~i.~n~~: s~~~~~~:;~;~;:e;:Qo~;!~;~::~:.__._..__..__.... ...__.! '-".--...-' -......-.--..3ea trice..' . Di t tma.&'-.-.-.-.........-_.._.. ..__._~ ~~~~~~.~~~~~~~=.~~~~===~-~=_~=..=~~~~~~~~~=~~~~=~~~====--=J --....-R .-:;.I...Ea-tf:s...._-_..- -..-- -"-"-......' ... _(SEAL) G eo;;: ;::1.6.. ~.....3.s.te.a____.n._..__..{SEAL) STATE OF___.~~'i 08- l . j COUNTY OF---S.t-l..uai.a_ I HEREBY CERTfF)'. Thai on thi,_3rQ .__..___day of-A"!-'"f'*-l.--------.A. D. 1925-. before me renonally appcare~~-3~1; ea....E.I:.!LG.eor~gi.&..ll_;.;:a tes.---1::.is._~.e..___..:.________ .__ ____...__ _ to me known to be the pcrson_ described.in and who u'OCUted Ihe loregoing conve)'anee to-.!!...;.+.....Ti.:.dal..l.-.alul.~"\!lill:.i~_'i'.~daJ..l.. and severally aclr.nowledged the exccutioD tbereof 10 be-.oi:...l.ht-i;tree act and deed for the lUeS ud purposes lberein mentioned; a..d the s.ud Cec.J;~..u__~~9 the wife of the said Rt....ll~ -';;8 tes ___on" separate and printe examination takeD and made by a!td before me. and 5Cpar....ly and aparl from I,,,.. said hbsband. did acknowledge tbat she made herself" party to tbe said Deed of Conveyance. for the parpose of leoouncinR, relinquisbing and con~eying all htr rigbt. title and interest. ....hether of dower or of separate properly. slatulory or cqbitable, in a1.d 10 lbe Ianols therein described. and Ihal she exccuted said deed freely and yolnntanly and.. ;thout any constr.unl. lear, apprellension c.r compulsion of or frilm ber said husband. r WITNESS 011. ,~gnat~.1I1rd~iaI sui aL___....2.t .2ier~ e anI! Stale oLJlor~a _.._~the day and year lau aforesaid.. \. Y'\.::}\l. S~ - ~ - - - -- - - .-- -. - STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF sr. Ll!CIE' '3t. Luei e --'---- ;a the CounlJ of _-E.ci:&:1r....flati.L&"J_..;... -__._.__._..(SEAL) !:o.t~ry:~ublic--. .....y.r.rn'.l~ll Oct. o. 1'J~7 .' !i On tbia__..6i1L___-.:...__day oL........Ap.r iL A. D. 192.5._, at._.__o'dock_..JU., this instrumenl was ~~ filed for recurd, aDd beiag daly aclr.nowledged and proyen, I hayc recorded lite same oa pa~1..5..-_0' BOGk..---LO.__.....ib tbe public records of said County. /(..:i ;;~bs WHEREOF. I baY< hereuuto SCI rliY hand and<flJixed Ihe teal of the Cireuil Courl of the Fifteentb Judieid Circuit of said State. in.and lor said County, Q ~-$J ~q. '4 .l.> vO ~q; ct. Ct. ~eal P. C. ildreo Clerk. ~r~"c .~, ~~fJ~~~Jl~~~.~, ~ , l i , j 1 > i j ~ ~ ,-- 1 1 '~ i :t < ~ ~ .. p ~ 'J B- I J 1 t. r f ~ . i i I , J , i ~ I I I 1 I I . I i ! I I I I I ~. -': <. 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