HomeMy WebLinkAboutDRIVEWAY PERMITSGANNF-D BY DRIVEWAYPERMIT St Lucie County Permit: 07--156 phone # 305 US-2623 Owner:.Trm Palmer RECEIVED Contractor: Allied•Technologies AUG Z,$ 2W _ PERMITTING at LUds County, FL Making Address: 9545 Rangeline-Road, Ft. Piero FL Construction Address: 9545 Rangeline Road, Ft. Pierce, FL. Lot # S Block # Subdivision: PEKE- PLEASE READ TMS PERMIT THOROUGHLY This permit contains informWon, which Is applicable to the construction of your driveway and related drainage. The same information will be used by our inspectors - to, determine the acceptability of your lustallaiton. if you have any questions regarding the permit berein,.pleaee call -St. Ulcle County Draie$ge Division'ai (772) 462-2511. St. Lucie C6u4ty Drainage Division has reviewed the proposed driveway. Construction is permitted subject to provisions listed;below and attached hereto: 1. All.disturbed• right -of --way shall be sodded. .1 Any ccurb. & gutter broken .duringthe coarse of construction must be replaced or repaired and cleaned before the find iunspectaiion is passed. 3. Any asphalt broken during the course'of construction must be;cut & patched before the ffnal inspection is passed. . • Date: rl4o 7�0"7 By. -- 6P jWWAy Inspl5ctoi Date: 9-z - '7 �cnf DrainaJ6 Enganeer Board of County Commissioners, St: Lucie County, Florida a.vaa as v. vv%a:. sJF V VliaaiNLVuiii a� 1Jh i�h\ iV V V �aaf, 1 iV� a{RR 121 INSPECTIONS - INITIAL & DATE Peamit Prepour. Final: : ,page 1 If granted a permit for conskudion of the proposed driveway on County right-of-way, we qw to abide by thefollowing: 1 •&&104jue to design constraints, any driveway providing access th a one orlwo famfty dwelling, shalt rwrnally be a minimum of. six (6) t *-from the nearest side prop" tine wcihbut a etw th a cuhrert In the cese of caner its, driuewaysshail be constructed so $tier tit�r'Gtie of the &k way is a mi M= oftwenty (20) f from the paratiel-base bulcting �inQ Ei p�wg4ine), 2..AM-All construction work shah comply with.% sd* provlsfons of all Federal, States, and aotratlaws. ' • . . 3. 100 Conga( -Measures shall be'provided.dwinp construction in aw&dance with the Florida D.O.T::tnanual O' n Traft Conn and Safe Practices. 4� DIM Heat OwThe Board of County'Conwissbners and each and every member thereof from the paymed of any compernMon or damages resulting from the exerclse•of rights and pridiges herein granted = L . Cu 1n#9d ft-Culvert installation -shah be am pffshed in Wcordam with the - pmvWns ofthis pnnrlil: and" bets responWb1 tyoltheapplicant S. aomavWOfth6hmftW n the case of ah appGCWa noncompliance wnh-the requirements stated *Wn,. the Installation vd 'be promptly bbp M into compraum Inspection of the work does not relieve die applkant hm c mPencewb the permit con&bm 7. `ff9*tV JJWMp! r rirdder systems, sidewft driveway or•street side boarders, drains.from prhrahi,properia►. electric Nghting, signs, laning, other'than breakaway type. niatibax posts. panting facilities and aossw*s or anylWo tiiatwould hinderthe county maintenanceopwafts, shalt not be placedand/or corwlructed in tiie County righf4way. S; Concrete or fthjj EffiWaving a driveway whWn the County right'ok* Is allowed only when the roadway to which ttvril'join Is paved. P. OEM 41 lIMrNXIOMIN.by AMONt The app•age ro -OMMPdY repair any endo," orinjury to lt ae.breason of the ex®rcise of rights and privileges herein granted, restoring same to a oondidon equal to that which eAsted ' imrrrectie* prior to the inflMon of such damage or injury in a manner• satisfactory to to County.. 10. Tm.Lk&tiona-Atl work must be completed within sic (6) montgs from the date of Issuance or this pent A become nul and void. '11. In the j jg dwm* shall be designed 'to be perpendcular to the nvadway to which they join and be centered on the cuhrert S ttYork to be Dome -All work in the County Right -of way shall be done by.e person who holds a cerdflcate ofcompetency and Is Insured in St Lucie County. 13. pre-pornr.Inspectiort shall be cornplefed and approved by a•County : Inspector prior lO conrxeba or asphalt beurg placed in,the County rig*d way., A final insp�tioh shig be completed and approved -by a County-Im.wct twhen_ati the aonditiodt of the.permlt ar6 - ��, anaw E21 . Mg A rrArd=m bw*-Jour (X, r now is nd m*ieR W pftl0 an f - Nfbn being 14.. - �iln� ,,Areinspectldn fee w� be �equlred �a be paid at � PeiYr�ng� : - DWWon. The red tap must be brought along tD pay ftoa rd nspe ion fee , The fee 0 neeft be pald in petson atthe earns tireethe YWnVeMn re4umt ia, made. Thelees are a6 follows:: Fi *;dnvp.wMon for Ofa*oioroifl UMdollerwii�i. . Sscond relnforpwpourorfinal: fady,(40) daUm eich Ttdrii rvinsp Lion forpm-poaror",' ► (60)•dogm each 'FOP - U JS 3 Z sarmD�aeo�v ta Ac SM - 2L•a0 Aq ' � per ••s�rs�x' • _ � • 34 35 T. at 2 `S T. . aea�ows . Lw,o - xs2 Ac map - ps At TOTAL - SM Ac MEGRIM" TL - 3a77 An La - U1.01 As . sy • se3D,M IL _ 09-M AC — ---. _.mat_ .- ---- ---- - - —•yam s►aor oast . c000looaro l.0 - 40,116 Ae fuels e.1�J� : , Lo - illE! w SW - 0.50 At S 11 Ao SIP LID Ac TL - 40.88 As TL - PM Act -- — L-- --_ -- -- -- - •�— -- LD - D 1B AC _ -- - -- — �--- sw +.90 A0 LD U) _ � IVti4 n -xu ~ • AtaaooFoolver LAM] - BaU Ac IW mo 0 7Z 9NA1F • 139 Ae . - 0 7 tLn Ac . y TOTAL - 7111 As • 1024 Ac 3.1L y 10. 1i 7 u i,w yy�---•.... . � -� M 7 In - secs An �.. IL - 9DLO Ail ' 9A I Lo. t --10 _ — f7 Ac s* - �t >c TL - 2LO lr Rt wAr Ac / 01 Im I SEE SHEET 42111x N u !FEE IL ' z mp ,_- ` ------------ 11,11---- D - 3#JLR _-- - — — - �' am Jp A/�PfAWb �-�� ._ f8� • S1 - 800 Ae IL - ON Am 8 7 0 Trm,` .�— Imo' INV 1 .\VV V• VVV •V' lV •N. • . V R/W UWE • • sEE PAGE n/A -:EDGE OF TRAVELWAY PRIOR TO INITIAL* INSPECTION, SAVVC LIT EDGE ' OF PAVEMENT To s" mi nCAL DEPTH PRopb DR VEWAY- PLAN VIEW NAIL R/W. Veway DESIGN INVERT • OA, O zvcoy �k_ Brest •Property Llne: ,o% _-SECTION 1. S.urface Specifications: a. Asphaltic concrete driveway extending- Into the right-of-way or public ..easement shall consist of 1" of Type II Asphaltic Concrete centered on a 12" wider base of 4" thick compacted limerock or coqulno bode, derislty shall be 98% -of ma)dinurn as determined' by AASHTO T-180. ' 2. Right -of -Way Restoration: a.. Requirement: As good or better than caridtdon prior to construction (Includes- adjacent areas), Use sod.'as necessary. Sbd •must be placed•at or. below the edge of'pavemerit. Any sod placed above the edge of'pavament will not'be approved at the final Inspection: , b. , Drainage; Drainage .ditches. disturbed during construction 'shalt be graded In. such 9-mannerr as -to provide for restoration -of the flow.. line. The r^sAV%4%8 %% ll .. 4 ..........— & .— A —I __ 1! li. —''_ - - - . - • .. .. [*] County vAll not approve t= ` final inspection If the"placemer_ f pod partially C21 blocks the driveway cuivr._ _ The. flop of ;the sod must mate.,... is Invert'of the culvert. 3: Concrete or Asphalt Driveway Surface:. -a. Initial inspectlon: When the;driVewayls-prepared to accept -the concirete or asphalt, notify the St Wele County Drainage Division ;at (561) 462- 25.11 for inspections, allowirig at least one day for scheduling.-= ; - b. Final inspection,: Regardless -of the type ofsurface-m'atsdi [Us ' , -schedule a final inspection after all requirements. are. met and right-of-way -has been restored.. Permit # Page # •.vim va �.vv. av' a�/ �u, 1 � 1 B�wl�d'®r Itgam 0 COW" h • 1 1 t`7``��j`'�'� .4 j' 1 IArAb V 1G �_ • -ASK MAW ""14. TOP VIEW SINME PIPE • . �� tin , = i. . ID4 SECTION C23 60" C*MY'' - q-"e- �.. -.,