HomeMy WebLinkAboutLANDSCAPE RE-INSPECTION FEELe UY-0 SCANNED) CULPEPPER & TERPENING, INC layCONSULTING ENGINEERS I' LAND SURVEYORS May 17, 2010 Mr. Ken Arnold, Chief Building Official St. Lucie County Building Department 2300 Virginia Ave. Fort Pierce, Florida 34981 Job No. 06-505=WA-32 RE: Allied New Technologies — Landscape Re -inspection Fee Dear Mr. Arnold: Enclosed is a check in the amount of $200.00 for the re -inspection fee for the final inspection of the approved landscape plan for the Allied New Technologies project, the final inspection was performed this morning at 9:00 am by Yvette Alger, Environmental Resources Division. We appreciate your departments help with the final inspections and issuance of the final C.O. for the new Allied facility. Please feel free to contact me if any additional information is required. Sincerely: CULPEPPER & TERPENING, Inc. WilliamqBlazSr. Projer Cc: Mr. Jim Palmer, CEO, Allied New Technologies A LEGACY OF EXPERTISE AND EXCELLENCE 2980 SOUTH 25TH STREET I FT. PIERCE, FL 34981 1 (772) 464-3537 1 FAX: (772) 464-9497 CULPEPPEIIR TERPENING, INC CONSULTING E)JGINEERS I LAND SURVEYORS August 11, 2008 Mr. Ed DeGennaro St. Lucie County Building Department Plans Examiner 2300 Virginia Ave. Fort Pierce, Florida 34981 Job No. 06-505 RE: Allied New Technologies — Building Permit Submittal Permit Number 0802-0116 = Maim Building Dear Mr. DeGennaro: In response to our meeting and discussion regarding the final review of the above mentioned permit please accept the following revised supplemental information in response to the comments received on August 7, 2008: Comment No: 16. Door Schedule was revised, see sheet A-6.01, Doors # 13,14, 17 & 18 are three hour fire rated. IT The legend was revised to read Four Hour Fire Rated as, per notes. See revised Sheets Nos. A-1-30 & A-1.03 18. The wall around the "Cell Maintenance Room " is one hour rated not two hour Rated. See revised Sheet No. Ai 1.03, all other two hour rated walls have one and one half hour rated doors. 19. All of the NOA's have been provided. Enclosed are three copies of signed and sealed sheets no: A-1.03, A-1.30, A-1:31 & a- 6.01 for your reference and review as well as the NOA's as requested. 1 A LEGACY OF EXPERTISE AND EXCELLENCE 2980 SOUTH 25TH STREET I FT. PIERCE, FL 34981 1 (772) 464-3537 1 FAX: ('772) 464-9497 ' I Thank you for your assistance with this project and please feel free to contact me if any additional information is required. Sincerely: William Blaz Culpepper & erpening Sr. Project Manager CC: Jim Palmer, Allied New Technol 1 gies Jose Vega, VM Construction, Inc. SCANNED 47 N7 I 8tLU(njbt6Uf NCULPEPPER & TERPENING, INC �ikk 1�y 4aaa ����CONSULTING ENGINEERS I LAND SURVEYORS June 23, 2008 Via: Hand Deliver Mr. Ed DeGennaro St. Lucie County Building Department, Plans Examiner 2300 Virginia Ave. Fort Pierce, Florida 34981 RE: Allied New Technologies _ Building Permit Submittal Permit Number 0802-0116 — Main Building Dear Mr. DeGennaro: Job No. 06-505 In response to the Building Department comments of June 4, 2008 to Mr. Jose R. Vega, VM Construction, Inc. please accept the enclosed information: Comments No.13 & 14: • Sheet Number 10A & E-1.04A have been revised -to reflect the requested changes. Three signed and sealed copies of the plan are enclosed. Comments No. ,2,5,6,10,& 12: • Three sets of signed and sealed drawings for the main Building are enclosed to support the specific responses to each individual comment. Thank you for your assistance with this project and please feel free to contact me if any additional information is required. ', Weere- illiam Culpepper & Terpening I Sr. Project Manager ,I CC: Jim Palmer, Allied New Technologies Jose Vega, VM Construction, Inc. ' C:\DOCUME-1\jziegler\LOCALS-1\Temp\ELF9C\06-505 SLC Bldg, 004a, BuildingDeptResponseJune2ldoc A LEGACY OF EXPERTIISE AND EXCELLENCE 2980 SOUTH 25TH STREET I FT. PIERCE, FL 3498 1 1 (772) 464-3537 I FAX: (772) 464-9497 CULPEPPE,R & TERPENING, INC CONSULTING ENGINEERS-1 LAND SURVEYORS I May 8, 2008 VIA: HAND DELIVER Ms. Lydia Galbreath St. Lucie County Planning & Zoning Division l 2300 Virginia Avenue, j Fort Pierce, Florida 34982 RE: Allied New Technologies — Response to Comments Permit Numbers 0802-0116, 0117 & 0121 Dear Lydia: Sender's Email: bblazak c ct-eng.com Job 06-505 Please find enclosed the information that you requested by facsimile transmission on April 29, 2008, regarding the above mentioned permit numbers. Please accept the following information: Main Building: Area Tabulation: Enclosed are three signed and sealed drawings, sheets No. A-1.00 andA-1.00b providing the (Comment # 9) requested information. Water & Sewer: The approved site plan depicts water and sewer service as well as (Comment # 10) a new permitted septic ystem for the added structures. The existing buildings on currently served by an existing septic system as well. The futility provided is supplying the domestic water but does not have wastewater service available at thi time. The plans meet the force main so that when wastewater service does become available the facility .n!ill connect. The force main will be installed during construction and run from a proposed lift station location to the utility provider easement to provide for a future connection to the wastewater. The installation of the force main will allow for a future connection that will eliminate the need to excavate thru the new entrance road and also minimize disruption to the site in the future. Once municipal wastewater service becomes available the facility will have to connect that is why the force main is shown on the site plan. The only utility service being provided at this time is domestic water for whichyou have apaid receipt. Salt Storage: Enclosed are three signed and seal d drawings, sheets No. E-1.00c and E-1.01 c with the requested (Comments 4 & 8) corrections and area tabulations. 1 C:\DOCUME-1\PWILLI—ICI,OCALS-1\Temp"EkF92POVR'eS CMZ,�O al e)asl{Sr�spo� t8co��7eLptEC�tcL4E2��$. oc 2980 SOUTH 25TH STREET I FT. PIERCE, FL 3'498 1 1 (772) 464-3537 1 FAX: (772) 464-9497 The sub -contractor information is being assembled and will be provided for the existing permit that is ready for pick up (Saturator Pit # 0802- 0122) as well as the other sub -contractor information, as requested. If any additional information is required please feel free to contact me directly at 464-3537, Ext. *303. Thank you for all your help and assistance with this project. Sincerely, CULPEPPER & TERPENING, INC. r William Blazak Senior Project Manger WB:pw enclosures cc: Jun Palmer Jose Vega j C:\DOCUME-1\PWII,LI—]\LOCALS—IlTemp\ELF9D\06-505 SLC P&Z, 002a,�Galbreath, response to comments dtd 429-08.doc i CULPEPPER & TERPENING, INC CONSULTING ENGINEERS I LAND SURVEYORS Sender's Email: bblaz-.ik@ct-eng.com April 21, 2008 VIA: HAND DELIVER Ms. Lydia Galbreath St. Lucie County Planning & Zoning Division 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft. Pierce, Florida 34981 RE: Allied New Technologies — Building Permit Submittals Permit Numbers 0802-0116, 0117, 0119, 0121 & 0122 Job 06-505 u 2 3 200� 1 ..r LUOIE Cp I WORKS UN�, FL Dear Lydia: ' As we discussed, Allied New Technologies has submitted to Growth Management and received a minor revision to their major site plan that provides an "Approved Site Plan" which is consistent with the building permit submittals for the above -referenced permit numbers. j In response to your comments of February 20, 2008,. to Mr. Jose R. Vega, VM Construction, Inc. please accept the enclosed information: i MAIN BUILDING Comment Response Recorded NOC.• A recorded copy of the NOC is enclosed. Need All Subs I A list of the proposed subs will be provided when the permits are picked up. Sub Summary A summary of the Subs will be provided when the permits are picked up. Sealed Windloads Two signed and sealed originals of the windloads are enclosed. Product Approval Affidavits I Three signed and sealed originals of the product windloads are enclosed. Receipt for Utilities I A copy of the Utility DeveloperAgreement and check to the City of Port St. Lucie is enclosed; the back of the check has been copied as well verifying rece pt and deposit of the funds. Building Plans Are Not Matching A copy of the revised approved site plan package is enclosed, as well The Approved Site Plan as three separate copies of the stamped approved site plans. C:\DOCUME-11PWILLI-1tLOCAIS-1\Temp1ELF127\06-505 L P&Z 00] Gal b at1, e t. c Page I of 4 c�&z'oI�r 6iFe 13��?9-I10Ir9T"�.0 EXCELLENCE 2980 SOUTH 25TH STREET I FT. PIERCE, FL 34981 1 (772) 464-3537 1 FAX: (772) 464-9497 Concrete Pad for Equipment Does Not Match the site plan No Area Tabulation A copy of the revised approved site plan is enclosed. A copy of the enclosed revised approved site plan contains the area tabulations. Left Side Setback Not Matching i Three signed and sealed corrected sets of drawings are enclosed and the dimensions are consistent. Revised Approved Landscape Plan Three copies of the revised approved (by SLC ERD) are enclosed. The landscape plans are included in the approved site plan package as well. Building Plan and Site Plan Need j Three copies of the revised approved site plan are enclosed. To Match Septic Drainfield A copy of the revised site plan is enclosed and depicts the location of the drainfield Also enclosed is a stamped set of approved plans from the Health Department with the permit for the septic system. SALT STORAGE BUILDING Comment I Resl2onse Recorded NOC.• A recorded copy of the NOC is enclosed. Need All Subs r A list of the proposed subs will be provided when the permits are picked up. Sub Summary A summary of the Subs will be provided when the permits are picked up. Sealed Windloads Two signed and sealed originals of the windloads are enclosed. Product Approval Affidavits Size of Building Does Not Match Site Plan Three signed and sealed originals of the product windloads are enclosed. Three separate copies of the revised approved site plan are enclosed. Pages A-L 00, 5-04-1 & E-L 01 Three signed and sealed sets of corrected drawings are enclosed. Do Not Match Concrete Slab loading Area Three copies of the revised approved site plan are enclosed and depicts the area as concrete. Need Approved Landscape Plan j Three copies of the revised approved (by SLC ERD) landscape plan are enclosed. The landscape plans are also included in the approved site plan package. Building Size A copy of the revised approved site plan is enclosed and depicts the side of the proposed building consistent with building plans that have been submitted C OC ME—I\PWILLI—I\LOCALS—I\Temp\ELF127�06-505 SLC P&Z, 001a, Galbreath, response to comments.doc Page 2 of 4 SECONDARY BUILDING Comment Recorded NOC• Need All Subs Sub Summary' Sealed Windloads Product Approval Affidavits Size ofBuildingDoes Not Match Site Plan Tank Container Pad Page A-1.00 Size ofBuilding Does Not Match The Rest of The Building Pages Concrete Tank Pad Revised Approved Landscape Plans All Pages Do Not Match Response .I A recorded copy of the NOC is enclosed. A list of the proposed will be provided when the permits are picked up• A summary of the Subs will be provided when the permits are picked up. Two signed and sealed originals of the windloads are enclosed. Three signed and sealed originals of the product windloadr are I enclosed. A copy of the revised approved site plan package is enclosed as well as three separate copies of the approved site plan. A copy of the revised approved site plan is enclosed and depicts the side and location of the proposed building consistent with building plans that have been submitted. Three signed and sealed sets of corrected drawings are enclosed. The concrete tank pad is shown consistently in the revised signed and sealed drawings Three copies of the revised approved (by SLC ERD) are enclosed. The landscape plans are included in the approved site plan package as well. I' The three signed and sealed sets of corrected drawings are consistent with respect to side and dimensions. The revised approved site plan is consistent with the building plans that have been submitted There were no comments received with regard to the other two building permits, specifically, The Saturator (permit # 0802-1022) and the Tank Farm( permit # 0802-0121). Please accept the following information for these two permit submittals: SATURATOR Comment None Response Three copies of the revised approved site plans are enclosed as well as three copies of the approved landscape plan. OG b1E-1\PWILLI—I\LOCALS-1\Temp\ELF127\06-505 SLC P&Z, 001a, Galbreath, response to comments.doc Page 3 of 4 I TANK FARM I� Comment I Response None Three copier of the revised approved site plans are enclosed as well as three copies of the approved landscape plan. With the submittal of this information, please be .advised that Culpepper & Terpening will be the agent for Allied New Technologies and VM Construction, Inc. We request that any future requests for information be in writing (e- mail is acceptable) and be directed to our office, to my attention. It is our intent to coordinate any information requested by St. Lucie County so that it is received in a i!mely manner. I can be reached as follows: Office Phone: 772-464-3537 Cell Phone: 772-216-3261 Email: bblazak@ct-eng.com Thank you for your assistance with this project and please feel free to contact me if any additional information is required. Sincerely, CULPEPPER & TERPENING, INC. William Blaza Senior Project anager cc: Jun Palmer, Allied New Technologies Jose Vega, VM Construction, Inc. OC ME—I\PWILLI—I\LOCALS-1\Temp\ELF127\06-505 SLC P&Z, 001a, Galbreath, response to comments.doc Page 4 of 4 1 , CULPEPPER Si TERPENING, INC CONSULTING ENGINEERS LAND SURVEYORS May 29, 2008 VIA: HAND DELIVER Mr. Ed DeGennaro, Plans Examiner St. Lucie- County Building Department 2300 Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce, Florida 34981 RE: Allied -New Technologies — Building PermitSubmittal Permit Number 0802-0116 Sender's Email: bbla7ak(@ct-eng.com Job 06-505 Dear Mr. DeGennaro: In response to the Building Department comments of May 18, 2008 to Mr. Jose R. Vega, VM Construction, Inc. please accept the enclosed information: Comments No. 7, 8, & 12: ■ (7&8) Sheet Number 10A has been revised to show the control panel and the 'seal off location for the float controls. Three signed and sealed copies of the plan are enclosed. ■ (12) A copy of the approval letter from Growth Management is attached, dated May 12, 2008, for the 'Allied New Technologies- Minor Adjustment to a Major Site Plan SPMN 42008-1450 " Comments No.1, 2, 3 4, 5, 6, 9,10, & 11: ■ Three sets of signed and,sealed drawings for the main Building are enclosed to, support the specific responses to each individual comment. I Thank you for your assistance with this project and please feel free to contact me if•any additional information is required. Sincerely, CULPEP E & TER PENING, INC. illiam Blaza Sr. Project Manager ,cc: Jim Palmer, Allied New Technologies Jose Vega, VM Cons'truction , Inc: C:\DOCUME—I\PWILLI-1\LOCALS-1\Ternp\ELF14\06-505,S,�C $IWR16 i)el�rgnarp pppnp-JoIr mFA10LJ1 J".PE L E N C E 2198,0 SOUTH 25TH STREET, I FT. PIERCE, FL 34981 _1 (772) 464-3537 I FAX: (772) 464-9497