HomeMy WebLinkAboutWASTE BRAINE DISPOSALNNED We COURN CULPEPPER & TERPENING, INC CONSULTING + ENGINEERS I LAND SURVEYORS Sender: alct si) May 15, 2009 C&T Project No 06-505 VIA: Email (tim Rowell@_dep state.fl.us? Tim Powell, P.E. ' Wastewater Permitting Supervisor, Florida Department of Environmental Pro fcction 400 North Congress Avenue West Palm Beach, FL 33401 Ref: Allied New Technologies Waste Brine Disposal Dear Mr. Powell, The following is in response to your request for information to Jim Palmer regarding the secondary containment facilities associated with` 30,000 gallon storage tank. I The storage tank consists of a 30,000 nominal gallon vertical storage vessel. The tank is not a miring vessel in which pH neutralization is taking place but it is a dedicated storage vessel in which to hold liquid product. The 30,000 gallon liquid storage vessel is located in a 41,297 gallon secondary concrete containment structure to contain any product. The storage tank is located east of the salt storage area. The secondary containment structure provides in excess of 135% of the volume of vessel being stored. It should be noted that a typical secondary containment structure is sired to accommodate 110% of the volume of the largest vessel being contained. The proposed containment system exceeds the minimum standard. The attached exhibit, sheet 1 of 1, provides a plan view and a cross-section of the secondary containment structure. Should you have any additional questions, or comments, please feel free to contact me at (772) 464-3537, ext. *110 or via e-mail at sdoyle@ct-eng,com t ven J. I� le, ivisgon Manage' :Fl. Lic. No: 47.197 SJnsid Attachment a.) Containment Tank Exhibit, Sheet 1 of 1. Cc w/attachment: Jim Palmer, Pres., Allied New Technologies Bill Blazak, P.M., Culpepper & Terpening, Inc. A LEGACY OF EXPERTISE AND EXCELLENCE C:\D000ME-1\sdoyle\LOCALS-1\Temp\ELF46\06-505.1 fdep, 010, tim Rowell letter, supplemental info.doe 2980 SOUTH 25TH STREET I FT. PIERCE, FL 3498 1 1 (772) 464-3537 1 FAX: (772) 464-9497 TEL +6'-0" 5'-0" T.O C. CURB EL. +0' 4' C TNO CON-C. SLAB iD -i — �, N1 _ ' I Z,-0" 1 o EL. +p.-6' C. PAD 1 A1.01 o EL. +0'•0" _ �I T. o C. SLAB 2' X 3' X 1' I DEEP PIT - 31'-0" 6" HIGH CONCRETE TANK PADS (TYP.) I 8" WDE X 72" HIGH I CONCRETE RETAINING WALL 12' CONC FLOOR — \� 'o ASPHALT AREA \ eI TOP OF GRADE 1" ` 3 SECTION A1.01 0 l' 1& 32' SCALE: 118' - 1'-0' TANK VOLUME: 30,000 GALLONS CONTAINMENT AREA VOLUME: 41,297 GALLONS NOTE: TANK DESIGN AND DIMENSIONS PROVIDED BY CONVE & AVS, INC. CULPEPPER & TERPENING, INC fir.._.. CONSULTING ENGINEERS I LAND SURVEYORS it 2980 SOUTH 25th STREET FORT PIERCE, FLORJDA 34981 -' (772) 464-3537 STATE OF FLORIDA BOARD OF PROFFSSIONAL FNGINEPRS AUTHORIZATION NO.4288 NEW TECHNOLOGIES CONTAINMENT TANK EXHIBIT Sheet 1 of 1 Uhar;;a (,nm Florida .Department of uovernor Environmental protection lv Kottl,;mp tiiarjory Stoneman Douglas Building t C:ovem.�r 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard licht: l W, Cate G - l Vp ` 4ecr:tsry November 21, 2008 Via Facsimile (772) 462-1440 Daniel Scott McIntyre, Esq. St. Lucie County Attorney 2300 Virginia Ave Fort Pierce, Florida 34982 Re: Allied Universal Corporation & Allied New Technologies, Inc., 9545 and 9549 Range Line Road, Ft. Pierce, Florida 34987 Dear NMr. McIntyre: In September 2008, the Department of Envirorunental Protection ("Department") issued -in Intent to Issue with�respect to Allied Universal Corporation &.Allied New Technologies, Ins.'s ("Allied") applicationfor a permit revision with respect to an industrial wastewater closed loop recycle system. at the above -referenced facility, The Department has received a petition for a formal administrative hearing from Florida Tire and Recycling challenging the Departments proposed agency action. with respect to the permit revision. This petition has been referred to the Division of Administrative Hearings and an administrative hearing has been set for late April, 2009. A question has arisen about the extent to which Allied may begin construction on other portions, of its new bleach facility project. Rule 62-620 300(3'), F.A.C., provides a Department pernut shall be "obtained before commencement of construction or modification of the wastewater facility or activity." This rule prohibits construction Proicc!; n. Less Process y� a�,�.dep.st<i:e.fl.:rs Daniel Scott Mchityre, Fsq. Page 2 November 21, 2008 construction on other portions of the pi facility or activity." These unrelated co. the secondary building, u-id the bleach activities do not require a Department rule does not pronimt :aiueci n•om ininating ect which are unrelated to the "wastewater truction activities .include the main building, orage tank farm. These types of construction Sincerely, N. Dou�Ltls P'w'sovk, W. Douglas Beason Assistant General Counsel RESOLUTION No. 09-014 A RESOLUTION AMENDING PART D OF RESOLUTION NO. 07-135 WHICH GRANTED A MAJO,':R ADJUSTMENT APPROVAL TO AN i EXISTING MAJOR SITE PLAN KNOWN AS ALLIED NEW TECHNOLOGIES ON PROPERTY LOCATED IN ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA. WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of St. Lucie County, Florida, based on the testimony and evidence, including but not limited to the staff report, has made the following determinations: 1. On July 24, 2007, this Board approved Resolution No. 07-135, granting approval to a Major Adjustment to an existing Major Site Plan for the project known as Allied New Technologies (f/k/a Miami Tank/ChemTex), that provided for a proposed 35,300 square foot expansion to the existing chemical production facility located at the southwest corner of the intersection of Range Line Road and Glades Cut -Off Road, in unincorporated St. Lucie County, and as more particularly described in Part B below. 2. Resolution No. 07-135 included seven (7) limiting. conditions related to the implementation of the development plans for this proposed use. 3. On September 4, 2007, this Board approved Resolution No. 07-274, amending Condition Number 6 of Resolution No. 07-135 to change the timing of the execution date of this condition so that the Allied New Technologies facility may commence limited site construction in advance of certain access and related transportation facility improvements being completed and where such cited facility improvements are secured through the posting of security in a form acceptable to St, Lucie County. 4. On May 6, 2008, this Board approved Resolution No. 08-095, adding two new conditions of approval related to the sites landscaping plans and the necessity to execute a security deposit for all site landscaping prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy. 5. Part D of Resolution No. 07-135, provides a general restriction that limits the ability to obtain any local building permits or authorizations to commence development activities on the property described in Part B below until the applicant for any such permit has obtained all other necessary permits and authorizations from the appropriate Local, State, and Federal regulatory authorities. 6. Part D of Resolution No. 07-135 was intended to require that Allied New Technologies obtain all permits that are needed or necessary for the issuance of local building permits or authorizations to commence development activities. Resolution No. 09-014 January 13, 2009 Page 1 J Y 7. On September 19, 2008 The Florida Department of Environmental Protection ("FDEP") issued a Notice of Intent to Issue a permit revision to the existing industrial wastewater closed loop recycling system at the Allied Universal/Allied New Technologies, Inc. facility. Thereafter, on November 21, 2008 FDEP confirmed that Allied may proceed with construction activities, which include the main building, secondary building and bleach storage tank farm, which are unrelated to the Wastewater facility or activity, as those construction activities do not require an FDEP permit. See, FDEP November 21, 2008 letter attached hereto as Exhibit "A". 8. It is necessary to clarify the intent of Part D of Resolution No. 07-135 because an appeal has,been asserted (See, Letter dated August 27, 2008 from Harold Melville, Esq., attached hereto as Exhibit "B"); as a result, uncertainty has arisen regarding the appropriate application and/'or interpretation of this general purpose condition and an overly broad interpretation might preclude or delay development activities that are not dependent on the prior issuance of State or Federal permits or authorizations, thus creating unnecessary and unintended delay in site development activities. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of St. Lucie County, Florida: Par D of i3esol'ution_No.._07ti13_5 is hereby: gmended�to_r_ead asx.follows; D. The Major Site Plan approval granted under this Resolution is specifically conditioned to the requirement that the petitioner, Allied New Technologies, including any successors in interest, shall obtain all necessary permits and authorizations, or notices 'of intent to issue same, from the appropriate Local, State, and Federal regulatory authorities prior to the issuance of any local building permits or authorizations to commence development activities; however, the preceding sentence shall not preclude or delay the issuance of local building permits or authorizations for development activities that are not dependent on the PRIOR issuance of State or Federal permits or authorizations, or notices of intent to issue some. B. The property on which this resolution amending Part D of Resolution No. 07-135 which granted a Major Adjustment approval to a Major Site Plan is being granted is described as follows: Parcel ID #: 4201-111-0001-000/7 Resolution No. 09-014 January 13, 2009 Page 2 137 38 BEG AT NE COP, OF SEC, THIS 0 DEG 01 MIN 30 SEC W ALG E SEC LI 1907.78 FT, TH N 89 DEC, 58MIN 30 SEC W 696.98 FT, TH N 0 DEG 01 MIN 30 SEC E 1210.91 FT TO SLY R/W FEC RR, TH N 44 DEG 46MIN 36 SEC E ALG SD SLY R/W 981.47 FT M/L TO N SEC tI, TH E ALG SD N LI 6 FT M /L TO POB-LESS THAT PART OF NE 1/4 SEC1 MPDAF: BEG AT NE COR OF SEC 1, TH AUN 5 00 DEG 00 MIN 54 SEC W ALG E LI OF SEC 1400.17 FT, TH N- 89 DEG 59 MIN 06 SEC W 337.3 FT, TH N 05 DEG 21 MIN 13 SEC E 142.47 FT, TH N 44 DEC, 46 MIN 00 SEC E 130.27 FT, TH N 00 DEG,' 00 MIN 54 SEC E 937.46 FT TO SLY R/W LI FEC RR, TH RUN NELY ALG SLY R%W 329.97 FT TO E LI SEC 1, TH 5 00 DEG 09 MIN 38 SEC E ALG 51) SEC LI 5.98 FT TO POB- (17.83 AC) (OR 421-1078: 756- 2922) Parcel ID #: 4201-111-0001-010/0 0137 38 BEG AT NE COP, OF SEC, THRUN 5 00 DEG 00 MIN 54 SEC W ALGE SEC LI 1400.17 FT, TH N 89 DEG 59 MIN 06 SEC W 464.67 FT, TH N 44 DEG 46 MIN 00 SEC E 330.01 FT, TH N 00 DEG 00 MIN 54 SEC E.937.46 FT TO SLY R/W FEC RR, TH N44 DEG 46 MIN 00 SEC E ALG 5D R/W 321.47 FT M/L TO N SEC LI, THE 6 FT TO POB-LESS AS IN OR;645-1778- (7.17 AC) (OR 1021-2682: 1717-1653) CONTAINING a 55,444 SQUARE FOOT FACILITY ON 25.00 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. C. The approval of Resolution No. 09-014, amending Part D of Resolution No. 07-135, does not change or alter any other approval special conditions or requirements of Resolution Nos 07-135, 07-274 or 08-095. D. A copy of this resolution; shall be attached to the site plan drawings described in Resolution No. 07-135, which plan shall be placed on file with. the St. Lucie County Growth Management Director. E. This resolution shall be recorded in the Public Records of St. Lucie County. After motion and second, the vote on this resolution was as follows: Chairman Paula A. Lewis ' AYE Vice -Chairman Charles Grande AYE Commissioner Chris Craft AYE Commissioner Doug Coward AYE Commissioner Chris Dzadovsky AYE Resolution No. 09-014 January 13, 2009 Page 3 W. I o PASSED AND DULY ADOPTED this 13th day of January 2009, BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA By: vvz., 1,4,) zZ 44m, Chairman Approved as to Form and Aliq jw/ my A Attested b Deputy Clerk Resolution No. 09-014 January 13, 2009 Page 4 FILE CO PY